Managing Conflict And Cultural Diversity In The Workplace: A Case Study Of Domino’s Pizza
Overview of Domino’s Pizza
Domino’s Pizza is one of the American pizza restaurant chains which was founded in the year 1960. The particular corporation is headquartered at Farms office park of Domino’s in Ann Arbor, Michigan and incorporated the different operations in Delaware. In February, the respective chain became one of the largest sellers of pizza in the entire worldwide in terms of the sales which have been successful for the overall growth. The founders of the company included James Monaghan, Tom Monaghan, and Dominick DiVarti. The number of locations in which Domino’s has its presence is in the entire world, and there has been increasing in the revenue to US$2.47 billion.
The report throws light on the overall analysis of the conflict management issues which are faced by Domino’s along with the implementation of the active and clear communication to resolve the issues efficiently. As commented by Ayoko (2016), Conflict Management is the process that limits the negative aspects of the different conflict while increasing positive aspects of the conflict. The main aim and purpose of the report are to analyze the critical objective of conflict management is to enhance group as well as learning outcomes which includes performance and effectiveness in the organizational setting.
The two peer-reviewed articles on the issues of conflict management and cultural diversity in the workplace from the Google Scholar library database. While finding the article on conflict management, I tried to analyze the key terms such as cultural diversity issues, conflict resolution and organizational interventions which helped me in narrowing down the search and appropriately selected the article.
On the other hand, the issues related to cultural diversity was found in the similar manner wherein I tried to narrow down the search for finding the problems in two organizations of various countries that provided a brief overview on the issues related to cultural diversity in the workplaces. Moreover, I felt that after analyzing the workplaces in two countries, it provided me with a brief overview on how to handle such crisis positively and improve the morale of the employees as it will help improve the workplace effectiveness.
In the workplace, it has been noticed that there are different kinds of conflicts which arise among the employees and it affects the morale of the employees in a negative manner. In Domino’s, there is conflict among employees due to the clash of the perceptions and values wherein employees care about the outcome.
Conflict Management and Communication
Firstly, the lack of acceptance and respect is the first aspect wherein the diverse culture along with beliefs among the employees at Domino’s; there can be an introduction of conflict. Due to the lack of acceptance, the conflicts turn into animosity, and it can lead to violence (Prause and Mujtaba 2017).
Secondly, there can be language and communication barrier that can create considerable difficulties in getting the message across. This can lead to miscommunication along with the loss of productivity which affected the overall morale of employees negatively (Tjosvold 2017).
For instance- As it has been seen from the peer-reviewed article, there has been colossal gender, and cultural differences between the employees working in the United States and China are different as the work attitudes and value as in the United States of America, the employees prefer traditional working style, however in China, the employees prefer the modern form of working which affects the morale of employees who shifted from the USA to China (Schilpzand, De Pater and Erez 2016).
Moreover, due to the conflict in the workplace, there can be inclusion of ethnic and cultural differences which affects the overall objective of the workplace. The issues related to ethnic, cultural as well as religious backgrounds have created major conflicts among workers which led to low productivity at Domino’s (Rahim 2017). In addition, the working style of employees from various backgrounds will have different methods of working that can be conflicting in nature.
For instance- The approaches towards teamwork as well as collaboration in America and Asia is reliable as they prefer to generate the most favorable results. However, in China and Germany, there is more emphasis provided to the individualistic approach which is the significant difference in flexibility that affects the overall effectiveness.
Due to the different issues related to cultural diversity as well as conflicts in Domino’s Pizza, there have been various negative impacts on the organization that are as follows:
There can be an increase in the turnover among the employees as there is the introduction of discrimination among different cultures and it affects the morale of the employees negatively (Ayoko 2016). People from different cultural backgrounds can have various viewpoints concerning the lifestyle along with politics, and it can lead to conflict as well as tension when these concepts are introduced in the work environment.
Moreover, there can be inclusion of the communication problem among the employees from various cultural backgrounds which can create differences in opinions of the employees, and the entire effect will be seen on the overall effectiveness of the firm, and it will lower the morale of the employees in a negative manner as well (Ayoko 2016).
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
As commented by Missotten et al. (2017), the conflicts in the workplace can create substantial negative impacts on the morale of the employees and it reduces the overall efficiency of the firms. On the contrary, it has been analyzed by Leon-Perez et al. (2015), that conflict in the workplace is, and one of the negative impacts of the workplace diversity is the increased tendency of the personnel in indulging into interpersonal disputes, and the culturally diverse workforce can create different opinions, norms along with customs which can create a negative impact on the workplace effectiveness. As commented by Yi et al. (2015), diversity can have negative implications for the different aspects of and the companies can face communication difficulties, group conflict as well as racial integration.
Therefore, from the above analysis of the issues related to cultural diversity and conflicting issues in the organizations, it can be identified that there can be the inclusion of both positive and negative impacts of the cultural diversity in the workplace that can affect the overall effectiveness of the firm. The negative consequences include the unresolved conflict among employees and poor communication that affects the overall efficiency of the firms negatively. On the contrary, there are different positive impacts of the diversity and cultural differences, which includes an increase in creativity and increase in adaptability.
From the overall analysis of the diversity-related aspects in the workplace, it can be identified that effective communication is one of the significant elements which is the driving factor for success. However, due to ineffective communication, it can breed disrespect among the different people from various cultural backgrounds that affected the overall motivation among employees to perform different activities efficiently. The conflict management is essential to be conducted in organizations when the different employees are from various backgrounds and it provides the flexible approaches in managing the tasks.
To deal with the culturally diverse teams and conflicts in the workplaces, there are different recommendations which can be adopted to improve the scenario and create a positive working environment which is as follows:
Firstly, the employees need to accept the differences between one another in the organization as it will be resulting in the sharing of the different ideas along with increasing collaborative which is useful. The proper acceptance helps in fostering respect and prevents conflicts from arising (Gilin Oore, Leiter and LeBlanc 2015). The diversity training is the other aspect which will be helpful for the different employees in understanding, accepting along with respecting the differences of one another.
The discrimination along with prejudice is not required to be tolerated in the workplace. The internal policies of the company with clear objectives along with regulations are needed to be analyzed by the company which will be preventing employees from demonstrating prejudice. The cultural sensitivities diversity along with training awareness programs in the workplace can help address the issue (Ayoko 2016).
The increase in diversity in the workplace will be beneficial for the company in the long run. In fact, from the different surveys, it has been noticed that a more diverse workforce performs more than 35% above national industry medians. It is required to be checked that the organizations follow the diversity program which will help remain unbiased and provide positive results (Ayoko 2016).
Ayoko, O.B., 2016. Workplace conflict and willingness to cooperate: The importance of apology and forgiveness. International Journal of Conflict Management, 27(2), pp.172-198.
Gilin Oore, D., Leiter, M.P. and LeBlanc, D.E., 2015. Individual and organizational factors are promoting successful responses to workplace conflict. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 56(3), p.301.
Leon-Perez, J.M., Medina, F.J., Arenas, A. and Munduate, L., 2015. The relationship between interpersonal conflict and workplace bullying. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(3), pp.250-263.
Missotten, L.C., Luyckx, K., Branje, S. and Van Petegem, S., 2018. Adolescents’ conflict management styles with mothers: Longitudinal Associations with parenting and reactance. Journal of youth and adolescence, 47(2), pp.260-274.
Prause, D. and Mujtaba, B.G., 2015. Conflict management practices for diverse workplaces. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 6(3), p.13.
Rahim, M.A., 2017. Managing conflict in organizations. Routledge.
Schilpzand, P., De Pater, I.E. and Erez, A., 2016. Workplace incivility: A review of the literature and agenda for future research. Journal of Organizational behavior, 37, pp.S57-S88.
Tjosvold, D., 2017. Cross-cultural management: foundations and future. Routledge.
Yi, X., Ribbens, B., Fu, L. and Cheng, W., 2015. Variation in career and workplace attitudes by generation, gender, and culture differences in career perceptions in the United States and China. Employee Relations, 37(1), pp.66-82