Improving Innovation In Organization: Analysis And Action Plan

Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses

Change is among the significant parameters that have gained popularity across many organizations at the local, regional and even international levels. Moreover, the world health organization plays a crucial role in one of the most key sectors that strongly supports the condition of human health across large regions (Baumann and Kritikos 2016). Why should the world health organization open innovation? Knowledge is one of the fundamental inputs associated with innovation process. The ability of a firm to innovate fully depends on the ability of the employees to recombine some of the existing and new forms of knowledge through advanced ways to come up with adequate products and services.

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Appropriate innovation usually comes with a good number of positive outcomes thus making it much easier for a given organization to adequately evaluate some of the loopholes that might occur at an early stage (Bossle et al. 2016). Upon the evaluation of available holes as a result of good innovation strategies, the implementation of adequate and reliable recommendations will then follow thus making sure that that various operation within the organization are adequately implemented without any barrier related condition being encountered (Gassmann 2016). As far as the current state of innovation within the world health organization is concerned, the top management officials have not reached that level of recommended innovation conditions. This is mere because they have not been able to attain specific objectives within the stipulated time frame as a result of inappropriate innovation techniques. According to research, for an adequate innovation to be adequately implemented, there is the need for the top management officials of a given organization to work hand in hand with all the employees and be able to understand one another when it comes to various innovation processes. There are quite some critical drivers within the world health organization that are attached to creativity and innovation. These key drivers play a crucial role during the implementation process since they indicate what should be done to attain specific goals.

World health organization is known to be connected to quite some advantages that are associated with innovation processes, and it is as a result of these strengths that they have been able to appear at their current position. The first strength is that the organization has been ready to welcome new ideas (Street 2016). The ability to accept new ideas is one of the most fundamental steps associated with innovation development processes. Due to this, the world health organization is always ready to collect new ideas from a variety of organizations and individuals and later on be able to use them to carry out quite some innovation processes.

Key Drivers to Creativity and Innovation

On the other hand, the strength of the world health organization when it comes to its creative and innovation processes is the availability of good leadership. The excellent leadership that takes care of various organization operations is perfectly able to understand some of the importance of innovation processes thus providing one of the most conducive environments aimed towards developing different innovative techniques. The availability of resources also appears to be the strength of world health organization towards its creative and innovation process since this will help them to quickly catch up with various techniques that are required during the whole process.

A wide range of gaps is known to be attached to the organization when it comes to different types of innovation processes. These weaknesses tend to hinder the implementation of appropriate innovation techniques within the organization thus making it very difficult to attain specific objectives in the coming future (Duran, Kammerlander, Van Essen and Zellweger 2016). The first weakness is the availability of individuals who are not willing to endorse the change. Appropriate innovation starts at the individual level, and once an individual is not able to recognize some of the critical aspects of implementing innovation, then there will be a high probability of failed innovation cases. A portion of the employees within the organization is not willing to embrace change and be able to attain specific goals in real time thus making it very difficult to address the issues attached to creativity and innovation processes. Secondly, there is a lack of proper analysis of various personalities and organizations that are willing to take part in the innovation process. Due to this, the world health organization has been able to lag at some point during the implementation of various methods associated with innovation and creativity.

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Key drivers to creativity and innovation

  • The need to implement innovative techniques that can be understood by everyone- Quite some organizations like the world health organization is known to have a variety of processes that drive innovation within their boundaries of operation. The need to come up with new innovative techniques within these organizations has significantly propelled quite some innovation processes within them.
  • The need to go beyond the development of quite some products-Normally, significant innovations appear to be something even more than a specific product. Thus they tend to transform quite some services and channels within a given organization. There is a need for organizations to partner together beyond their products of manufacture and be able to innovate various issues that are likely to bring a positive change in most of their operations.
  • The welcome of new ideas- This has been a crucial primary driver towards the emergence of creativity and innovation. Any organization that is ready to welcome the implementation of quite some new ideas during various operations will be able to carry out appropriate innovation techniques. These innovations will then take the organization to higher levels by increasing their popularity and helping them to build their reputation across large regions.

About the environmental condition in which the organization is operating, there is more that needs to be done to ensure that the organization develops the potential of acting appropriately. Quite some individuals known to be located in various parts of the world are still not able to gain access to some of the services that are being offered by the world health organization. These are adverse outcomes that tend to emerge as a result of inadequate innovation techniques within the organization (van der Have and Rubalcaba 2016). As a result, this context of operation greatly influences the action plan that is likely to be developed in the coming future in that, every documentation within the action plan must be able to conform to quite some operations being carried out by the world health organization. This mainly aims towards ensuring that the required outcomes are met appropriately without any controversies being encountered.

Action Plan

An action plan is like a creativity proposal that aims towards attaining a conducive environment where innovation techniques can be adequately implemented without the organization encountering any difficulties during the operation processes (Dodgson, Gann and Salter 2016). Creativity itself is known to be operating like a muscle; this is because it must be pushed past its comfort zone to come up with the intended outcome geared towards bringing a positive change. The following is an action plan that aims towards helping the organization to scale up the nature of its creativity and innovation;

Learning through collaboration

There is a need for the top management officials to come on board and be able to learn through various ways of collaboration with a good number of individuals together with organizations. Basic motivation from communities appears to be basic problem solving activities together with learning from other individuals

Put much focus on the Innovation techniques

To attain success, it is always appropriate to put much emphasis on something that you have the interest to give it your best. World health organization should, therefore, put much focus on quite some issues that please them together with the ones that are strictly related to the innovation path (Anderson and West 2016).  

Be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses

To adequately implement appropriate creativity and innovation techniques, world health organization should be able to assess most of their strengths and weaknesses (Christensen, Bartman and Van Bever 2016). Knowing the powers of the organization will give the top management team a rough idea on some of the areas where they should be able to focus on during the implementation process. At the same time, pinpointing the weaknesses will clearly show specific areas where problems are originating from.  

Being ready to ask for feedback from various individual

Asking for input from multiple individuals and even organizations is one of the essential techniques at this point (Adams et al. 2016). It enables people to provide their point of view regarding how they view the condition of your creativity and innovation. Through this, the organization will be able to highlight some of the areas where they need to put a lot of efforts thereby scaling up quite a number of their innovation processes (Ayob, Teasdale and Fagan 2016). The feedback obtained at the organization and individual level should be taken positively to promote adequate and reliable development strategies.

Learning through Collaboration

Get inspirations from several other organizations

This is the final stage of the action plan; World health organization should try as much as possible to obtain impulses from a good number of organizations for them to move on the right path that had been set by the other organizations (Archibald and Archibald 2016). Getting inspired by these organizations most so the ones that have correctly implemented appropriate innovation strategies will enable world health organization to know exactly what should be done to attain that rate of success (Lyytinen, Yoo and Boland Jr 2016). Moreover, it will also be exposed to quite some factors that tend to limit the whole creativity and innovation process form taking place. Appropriate implementation of this action plan aims towards bringing on board a lot of positive outcomes within the organization.  

How to evaluate and measure the successes of the proposal

The success of the project will be carried out through an appropriate and reliable implementation of quite some essential matrices. The action plan that has been adequately developed to support creativity and innovation will be able to highlight some of the metrics that will be attacked keenly.  

Key implementation issues

There are quite some key implementation issues known to be attached to the delivery of the entire creativity strategy. One of the crucial first implementation issues is the integrative concepts of innovation. Sustainable innovation is a fundamental procedure that cannot only be attained by conditions of approaches that are one-sided. There is the need to clearly have a common understanding pertaining to what is meant by the word innovation and even go as far as classifying various concepts in an orderly manner that will lead to an appropriate implementation of individual assessments together with the differentiated approaches for multiple organizations that are likely to strengthen their innovation processes along with their performance levels (Bradley,Kim and Tian 2016).

On the other hand, another key implementation issue in the delivery of the entire creativity strategy is the lack of awareness. Quite some individuals are not aware of how the whole procedure can be implemented to come up with the desired outcome (Huang et al. 2016). This is therefore likely to lead to the emergence of an adverse result within the whole organization thus affecting its performance levels across many boundaries (Goffin and Mitchell 2016). To overcome this issue, there is the need to highlight the management team, the employees together with and the targeted groups on how the entire creativity strategy is capable of operating to achieve various goals in the coming future.

Putting Focus on Innovation Techniques


Archibald, R. and Archibald, S. (2016). Leading and Managing Innovation: What Every Executive Team Must Know about Project, Program, and Portfolio Management. 5th ed. New York: Auerbach Publications.

Ayob, N., Teasdale, S. and Fagan, K. (2016). How social innovation ‘came to be’: Tracing the evolution of a contested concept. Journal of Social Policy, 45(4), pp.635-653.

Anderson, N. and West, M. (2016) Measuring climate for work group innovation: development and validation of the team climate inventory. Journal of OrganizationalBehavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 19(3), pp.235-258.

Adams, R., Jeanrenaud, S., Bessant, J., Denyer, D. and Overy, P. (2016). Sustainability?oriented innovation: a systematic review. International Journal of  Management Reviews, 18(2),  pp.180-205.

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