Development Of A Computer Network System For Organization

Evaluation of Current Setup

The report is prepared for the development of a computer network system for connecting the head office of the organization with its branches. A simple peer to peer network is used for the connection and sharing data and resources. The current setup of the organization is evaluated for the development of the network framework. The number of devices connected in the network is estimated for the development of IP addressing plan and a network diagram is created demonstrating the topology and devices used for the management of interconnection. A security plan is created for centrally administering the network and the performance metrics and the hardware setup is demonstrated in the report that would help to setup the system.

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For the development of the network solution it is important to gather the requirement and create a network design aligning the requirement. The users of the network is needed to be divided into groups for enabling sharing of data and resources. Privileges are needed to be managed for providing them different services and improving communication, collaboration and threat protection. According to the requirement a hardware is needed to be setup and it is needed to be installed and configured with the DNS, DHCP, HTTP and client OS setup such that a centralized user management is enabled. The number of subnets needed and the number of hosts needed to be connected per subnet is need to be identified. The services that are needed by the user for management of internal communication is also needed to be evaluated for the configuration of the server with the service and align the network following the requirement. A firewall is needed to be deployed for restricting the outside user to access the internal resources of the organization and a VPN connection is also needed to be setup between the branches for increasing the security of the network framework. 

Subnet Name

Needed Size

Allocated Size

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Dec Mask

Assignable Range


Head Office



/24 –

Branch 1



/24 –

Branch 1



/24 –

Head office – Branch 1



/30 –

Head office – Branch 2



/30 –

For the development of the network a list of the device that are needed for the development of the network. A DHCP, DNS and a RADIUS server is needed to be configured for the management of service that are needed by the users connected in the network. A router is needed to be deployed and configured such that it can help in management of service and operation. Redundant link is needed to be user for interconnecting the device and increasing the performance of the network. A proper network cabling plan is needed to be followed for interconnecting the network device with the host and configuring the server according to the requirement of the user.

Device Name

Device Type



Cisco 2811 series router

It can be used as a VPN gateway and management of delivery of data packets between the different host connected in then network.


Cisco 2960 series switch

It is used of distribution of the network and creating redundant link for ensuring that no packet are lost.


WEB Server, DNS Server, DNS Server, DHCP server

Web server hosts the company’s website

DNS server maps the Ip address with the URL

DHCP server is used for automatically assigning Ip address to the host connected in the network.  

Linksys Router

Wireless Access Point

It is used for connecting the wireless devices with the organizational network.

IP Addressing Plan

The security plan is needed for created for guiding the users to appropriately use the electronic device, internet and email. The plan created for the organization is given below:

Email Usage – the acceptable standard for receiving, sending and opening emails are needed to be covered and it also define the topics that can be discussed using email.

Password Security – the usage of the password for accessing devices, programs or accessing files are needed to be outlined and the users are needed to be educated to create secure password and time span for changing the password.

Internet Usage – The websites that are acceptable and the use of internet for shopping, banking and other personal needs are needed to be restricted (White, Fisch and Pooch 2017). A right balance for increasing the employee trust is needed to be maintained such that the misuse of internet is reduced and determine the culture and security needs best fitted for the organisation.

Software / Hardware Protocol – Any third party software or program should not be approved for installation in the PC and they should also be restricted to modify, uninstall or repair the existing the software or hardware component (Hussain, Hasan and Chughtai 2017). The password requirement for protecting files and acceptability for using hardware or software is also needed to be provided.  

Company and Employee Owned device use – It should define the restriction for utilizing devices of the company for personal usage and the employee using the personal device for professional use. The security requirement for each of the device is needed to be outlined in this section.

Incident reporting – A clear understanding is needed to be presented to the employees such that they can report any instance of identified virus, SPAM, account breach and malware to the upper management.

Social Media Usage – For increasing the productivity of the employees and preventing breaches of data a no social media policy is needed to be implemented on the devices owned by the company. The privacy and confidentiality issues is needed to be discussed in respect of company, competitor, client, employees and social media for sharing the photos of employees and company (Ballestrero et al. 2017). The flexibility of the issue is needed to be managed and risk range for the social media is also needed to be understood. 

For the deployment of the network the first step is to identify the functional needs and deployment environment. The features and the capabilities for the deployment of the network is needed to be considered for processing applications, modules and toolkits. The components are also needed to be identified and the interaction between the component are needed to be managed in relation with security of the network devices. The capacity and performance of the workplace environment is needed to be identified for identifying the number of physical servers that are needed for performing specific function (Zeb et al. 2016). The redundancy needed for the management of operation and improving the performance of the network is also needed for mitigating the failover plan. A design is needed to be created for the deployment environment and the topology pattern is needed to be created for its deployment in the network. The methodology available for the configuration is needed to be analysed for standardizing the deployment environment. The server is needed to be configured with roles and service such that the request can be distributed across different server and expanded depending on the growth of the organization. The DHCP servers are needed to be configured according to the subnet plan and different pools are needed to be created such that the IP address are automatically assigned to the hosts connected in the network (Pirani, Simpson-Porco and Fidan 2017). A wireless access point is also needed to be deployed for supporting BYOD and improving the performance of the employees. The access point is needed to be secured with the application of encryption mechanism such that it risk of misuse of the network is eliminated and the network is secured form the illegal users.

Network Diagram and Hardware Setup

A site to site VPN connection topology is selected for the development of the network and connecting the head office with the head quarter and the two branches of the organization. It helps in creating a secured connection between the two end points and for the establishment the router is used as the VPN gateway device. With the selection of Site to Site VPN the need of VPN client software for establishing the connection is eliminated and here the hosts can send or receive TCP/IP traffic using the VPN gateway. The encapsulation and encryption of the outbound traffic is done by the VPN gateway and it is sent using the VPN tunnel. On the other end the gateway the header is stripped and the content is decrypted for relaying the packet to the targeted host. It is selected since the site to site VPN is capable of handling critical data traffic for example VOIP communication which have the requirement of good service and lower latency. Local Servers are needed to be deployed in the sites for the management of user account and groups such that risk associated with the network is eliminated. For increasing the network security the computers are needed to be installed with antivirus software such that the virus can be detected and network is secured from the external agents. 

Latency, bandwidth and throughput and responsiveness of the network is needed to be analysed for improving the network performance and eliminating the delays in the network. The network devices are needed to be configured such that there is no latency for transmitting the data packets between different location of the network. The latency may cause problem for the VOIP network since the user may face call drop and jitter and thus it is necessary to divide the network communication channel and increase the efficiency of the network (Lipton et al. 2015). Sufficient bandwidth should be available for transmitting data packet between different host connected in the network. The through put of the network is needed to be analysed for the selection of ISP and improve the network performance. The bandwidth is the measure of amount of data that is transmitted for the certain amount of time. The network responsiveness and uptime should be higher and the connection should be functional. A service level agreement is needed to be signed between the ISP for eliminating the problem. The hardware and software should also be used for monitoring the network performance and tracking the utilization of the memory and other metrices necessary for managing the network performance (Plonka and Berger 2015). There are different data points that are needed to be tracked on the network and it is needed to be documented for reducing the network error and increase the utility of the network.


Required Bandwidth


10 – 100 Kbps


< 10 Kbps

Web Browsing

64 – 100+ Kbps

Audio Streaming

96 -160 Kbps


24 – 100+ Kbps

Video Streaming

96 – 200+ Kbps

File Sharing

0 – infinity Mbps

Security Plan


From the above report it can be concluded that for the development of the network solution it is important to manage the hosts and the other network peripheral deployed in the network. For the installation of the server a separate room should be considered and the hardware are needed to be protected from accidental damage. Proper cooling and ventilation facility is needed to be arranged along with backup of the servers such that the network is secured from any disaster. The users connected with the network should have separate account and strong password that is used for using the specific resources of the organization. User management is also necessary for centralizing the management and management of roles and responsibility of the users. A design of the network is created and reason for the section of the topology is given in the report. The performance metrics and the hardware setup that is needed for the configuration of the network is also documented in the report along with the screenshot for demonstrating the steps used for configuration of the network. 

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