Impact Of Mobile Phone Use In The Classroom On Students’ Grades
The Relationship Between Mobile Phone Use and Lower Grades
The aim of the report is to conduct the research on use of mobile during the lectures, which lead to the lower grades. In Canada, while visiting the high school classroom these days this has been found that there is high probability that students will be found as texting, suffering the internet as well playing the games on mobile devices during the classroom. This creates the impact on grades and they receive lower grades.
In present world, the system of education is developing in Canada and mobile phone usage is allowed within the class, as this mode the helps the student to attain the knowledge. However, most of the students make use of the mobile phones at the time of lectures which is an problem as it create the direct impact on the grades of the students (Valk, Rashid & Elder, 2010). Considering the severity of the issue, the researcher has conducted the research on the problem to determine the concern so that problem steps can be taken by the administration. Social theory offers the general theories with the motive to explain the behaviour of society. The society of Canada is advance and likes to use technology due to which children make use of mobile phones that are allowed by lecturer. This has been found that about 85% of the Canadian high school students carry mobile phone that affects the students in class, as they get distracted due to it (Paquette, 2015). This is evidence that the statement is the certain with the facts and observation related to the society.
H0: There is significant relationship between use of mobile and lower grades.
The theory, which is used to develop the hypothesis, is Structural-Functional Theory as approach views society as complex and interconnected system where every part works all together (McPhee & Canary, 2016).
In the research, it is essential for the researcher to define the operational variables from the topic. The operational variable is refers to as the way you will define as well as measure the variable and how it is used for conducting the research. In the research, the topic is use of mobile phones during lectures lead to lower grades. The major variables include use of mobile phones and lower grades. The use of mobile phones is increasing in Canada during the class as students spend time in chatting, using social media as well as for other purposes (Chen & Yan, 2016). The use of mobile phone during the lectures distracts the students due to which they do not be able to concentrate on the study that leads to the lower grades. In this, it is clearly that the grades of the student are totally depended on the use of mobile phones done by the student.
- In the research, the independent variable is use of mobiles and the dependent variable is lower grades of students.
Structural-Functional Theory
In the context of the research limitation, this can be said that the research include activities that are majorly practice as the limitation are for survey which is conducted. The topic is not wide enough as there is use of laptops and other devices are increasing by the students (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2017). In addition, the geographic limitation of the research is also there as the research focuses on Canada only. The sampling for the research is based on the survey that was conducted on 50 students. The responses of the students are considered for analysing the data.
Research methodology is considered as procedure that is taken into the consideration while collecting the facts by the researcher with the motive to present the research in methodological manner.
The method of data collection is considered as one of the effective techniques which used by the researcher with the motive to access the facts that are linked with the concern of research. The primary data collection method is used by the researcher in which the data has been collected with the survey through questionnaire of 50 students.
The research tool is the tool that is majorly used by the researcher for collecting the data. In conducting the research on concern topic, the researcher has selected the self-developed questionnaire as the tool with the motive to collect the responses from different students. The guidance for the questionnaire is taken from the different studies (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2017). The method of formatting the questionnaire is multiple choices that help in accumulating and understanding the data in effective manner.
The research sampling is the process that helps the researcher to implement the selection of the respondents from the wide group of population. In this research, the probability sampling method has been selected by the researcher that majorly includes the simple random method in which the respondents are selected on random basis. The major limitation of the sampling in research is that only 50 respondents are selected as samples for conducting the research.
The researcher has found that sample by visiting the schools, college, as well as institutes. Most of the students have attained the survey according to their willingness (Ritchie, Lewis, Nicholls & Ormston, 2013). In addition, the self-administered questionnaire has been designed specifically to be gathering the data by the respondent without any of intervention of the researcher.
Nominal scales are majorly used for the labelling of the variables without any of the quantitative value. The questionnaire that is prepared as most of the multiple-choice option include the labelling of the variables without any number or value. This is clear with the questionnaire presented in the appendix section. In addition, the ordinal scale is refers to as the order of the values which is important but the differences between everyone is not really known. The scales are majorly use with the motive to present and interpret the data in the effective manner. The survey is conducted by making the effective use of the scale. In the multiple-choice question, the nominal scales are used while conducting the survey and ordinal scales are used while interpretation of the data.
Operational Variables in the Research
The data has been coded from the responses of the total 50 respondent for every question and data is sorted by scaling the every question with responses in the codded sheet.
This section of the research includes the analysis of the responses that has been interpret and evaluated to support the hypothesis. The analysis is based on the survey through questionnaire in which the entire 20 question has been selected.
Gender |
Feminine |
25 |
Masculine |
25 |
The gender include both male and female as the random responded who took the participation in the survey.
Age group
Age-group |
5-10 years |
16 |
10-15 years |
12 |
15-20 years |
11 |
Above 20 years |
11 |
This has been found in the survey that children with the age group of 5-10 years are making maximum use of mobile phones and this makes them addicted towards the use of mobile phones.
Age group
At what age you got your mobile phone |
5-10 years |
7 |
10-15 years |
14 |
15-20 years |
10 |
Above 20 years |
19 |
In the research, the topic is use of mobile phones during lectures lead to lower grades. The major variables include use of mobile phones and lower grades. The use of mobile phones is increasing in Canada during the class as students spend time in chatting, using social media as well as for other purposes. (Baran, 2014) The use of mobile phone during the lectures distracts the students due to which they do not be able to concentrate on the study that leads to the lower grades. This hypothesis is proved with the question: –
Independent variable- Do you use your mobile phone while lectures?
Dependent variable-What is your current average in school?
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.218315378 |
R Square |
0.047661604 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.027821221 |
Standard Error |
1.33568232 |
Observations |
50 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
4.285731463 |
4.285731463 |
2.402252203 |
0.12773 |
Residual |
48 |
85.63426854 |
1.784047261 |
Total |
49 |
89.92 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
Lower 95% |
Upper 95% |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
2.397795591 |
0.455372606 |
5.265568366 |
3.24459E-06 |
1.482208 |
3.313384 |
1.482208 |
3.313383565 |
X Variable 1 |
0.327655311 |
0.211401425 |
1.549920063 |
0.127729618 |
-0.0974 |
0.752706 |
-0.0974 |
0.752706357 |
The P-value in the regression analysis shows that there is possibility of 12% that the responses shared by the responded are not correct. However, on the other side this has been found that almost approx. 88% this has been found that the hypothesis is correct. Thus, the data presented is based on the survey that is conducted by researcher. Thus, this shows that independent variable has the influence on the dependend variable. This means that use of mobile phones during lectures leads to lower grades.
In the end, this can be said that all the collected data by the researcher support the hypothesis. In addition to this, there is correlation between the both the variable which is proved with the help of Annova and regression. Further, the research has been done with the help of survey through questionnaire.
Baran, E. (2014). A review of research on mobile learning in teacher education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 17-32.
Brannen, J. (2017). Mixing methods: Qualitative and quantitative research. Routledge.
Chen, Q., & Yan, Z. (2016). Does multitasking with mobile phones affect learning? A review. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 34-42.
McPhee, R. D., & Canary, H. E. (2016). Structuration theory. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, 1-15.
Paquette, D. (2015). School cellphone bans raised grades says researchers. Retrieved from:
Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C.M. & Ormston, R. eds.,(2013). Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. sage.
Ritzer, G., & Stepnisky, J. (2017). Modern sociological theory. Sage publications.
Valk, J. H., Rashid, A. T., & Elder, L. (2010). Using mobile phones to improve educational outcomes: An analysis of evidence from Asia. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 11(1), 117-140.