Annotated Bibliography: Developing Research Skills For Academic Writing

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In this report, the authors aim at addressing the issue of diversity and cultural difference in an organization. Two studies were conducted by the authors to analyze the way I which organizations manage and handle diversity at workplace in Austria. The study was also aimed at identify the perspectives of diversity in an organization. In the study, an interview of 129 employees were conducted to to get an insight into the organizational approaches to diversity and the link between the perspectives and managing and employing people from diverse background. Another study was conducted where the authors first developed and tested the Diversity Perspective Questionnaire (DPQ). This research is different from the other two annotations since this is focused on the study of diversity in organizationswhereas the other two were focused on the ethics in business and emotional disturbance of students.

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In this book, the author speaks about the management of diversity and diverse culture at workplace. It introduces the readers to the concept of diversity and. According to the author, management of diversity has become the most recognized field of scientific enquiry. The author has been studying workforce diversity since long time. He was invited to conduct a study in a big, high-tech company which has its headquarter in Southern California. During the study, he has gained an insight into diversity and inclusion around the world. The book reflects the results of the research done by the author. It presents the current global situation of diversity at workplace around the world. The author presents the social and Psychological perspectives of diversity which includes the present scenario of inter-cultural communication and interpersonal relationship. The difference between the previous annotation and this annotation lies in the method of conducting the study.

In this book, the main focus of the authors is to examine the gender discrimination in response to the level of organizational commitment and the existence of diversity management and, to study the impact of diversity management practices on the organizational environment and commitment and to analyze the relationship between organizational commitment, gender, job performance and diversity management in a male dominated business culture. The study conducted by the authors was based on survey and statistical analysis which included regression and t-test in order to test the hypothesis. The study was aimed to investigate the effect of diversity management on the attitudes and behavior the employees. This annotation is different from the previous annotation since the study is based on statistical analysis and testing of hypothesis.

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During the past decade, the author has studied the rise of a movement of social policy that has moved multiculturalism from foundations and universities into the mass media, the American workplace and court. The author believes that the new diversity policies developed by the various organizations are market driven and future oriented. Based on hundreds of interviews and field research of more than six years, the author tracks the impact and development of various forms of diversity policies. In the research, he profiles major consultants by diversity machine has been powered, analyses the merits and limitations of various approaches to workforce diversity and provides several seminars, conferences and workshops. The target readers of the book are the general readers who are interested in issues of public policy, social science, and other people interested in consequences and origins of workplace diversity policy.

In this article, the author draws on a study of language ideologies and language choice in an international company in Denmark. He focuses on the social and linguistic challenges that are linked to the diversity of language among the employees in the modern business organization.  The research conducted by the author on multilingualism at work has revealed that employees may not be included in informal communication. The data gathered by the author shows that in the workplace of this modern era, employees have diverse linguistic competencies.International employees often lack skills in local languages and some local employees lack skills in corporate language. In the conclusion the author relates the process of exclusion to two ideologies if language: one is about the hierarchy of users of English and the other one is about the connection between nation and language.

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The authors of this book focus exclusively on diversity at workplace and its problems, achievements and tensions. There exists an intangible and ambiguous connection between diversity and North American Social movements, legal practices and public policy initiatives.The author states that the concept of diversity is related to difference and inclusion. In the book, the author speaks about the theoretical perspectives on diversity at workplace, methods in which workplace diversity can be studied and the dimensions of diversity at workplace. The intended audiences of this book include general public who may be interested in knowing more about diversity. This book is different from the other annotations used to address the issue of diversity since the author of this book did not conduct any research to study the diversity at workplaces.

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In this book, the authorsaimed to examine the challenging aspects of diversity. According to the author, managing diversity at workplace has many triumphs and dilemmas, and is fraught with several tensions, contradictions and conflicts. The authors of this book believe that focusing on dilemmas of diversity at workplace better prepares a manager, scholar and student for facing the turbulent challenges that exist in diverse and multicultural workplace. To target audiences of the book are the employees working an organization and the students of colleges who need to understand how diversity exists in at workplace. The authors have presented a diverse array of theoretical frameworks. The authors also intend to examine a multitude of various situations at workplace which contains problems, conflicts and concerns regarding diversity. The authors, rather commenting upon the experiences of different age, gender groups, religion, ethnicity and racial, have chosen to focus on various situations in an organization which arise from the complexity of diversity.

The research “Our Diversity Matters” by the authors is aimed at looking at the relationship between company financial performance and the level of diversity (defined as more mixed racial or ethnic composition and a greater share of women in the leadership of big companies). The research was based on leadership demographics and financial data com piled from hundreds of business executives and organizations in the United Kingdom, Latin America, The United States and Canada. Through the analysis, the authors found a statistical relationship between a better financial performance and a diverse leadership team. The research was preceded by the authors through the creation of proprietarydatabase for 366 public companies across United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Latin America. This annotation is different from the previous annotations since the research in this book contains statistical data collected from the study. Due to the statistical data, the book is highly reliable.

In this study, the focus of the author is on the concept of organizational inclusion. This concept goes beyond diversity management According to the author, several studies in public administration have mentioned the importance of inclusion but none of the studies have tested its association with performance which is beyond diversity management. The data for this study has been collected from a survey which was conducted among the public managers in Texas agencies. The author found that diversity management alone is not sufficient for improving performances at workplace. The author states that an approach is required that would promote greater inclusion of employees. The results revealed that good productivity exists when employees get the encouragement to express their opinions and their suggestions are sought.

Author of this book intends to trace then diversity management emergence in the United States in late 1980s and he explores the subsequent development in Europe. The author outlines the various evaluations if diversity management that has been suggested by equality activists as well as academics and it highlights the recent trends and issues that need to be monitored by the people concerned with ethnic and racial equality in employment. The author examines whether the management ofdiversity can be seen as a ‘soft option’ for combating discriminationand racism. The important questions have been addressed by the author which relate to diversity management development in Europe. 

Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.

Hunt, V., Layton, D., & Prince, S. (2015). Diversity matters. McKinsey & Company, 1, 15-29.

Kim, H. K., Lee, U. H., & Kim, Y. H. (2015).The effect of workplace diversity management in a highly male-dominated culture. Career Development International, 20(3), 259-272.

Konrad, A. M., Prasad, P., & Pringle, J. (Eds.).(2005). Handbook of workplace diversity.Sage.

Lønsmann, D. (2014). Linguistic diversity in the international workplace: Language ideologies and processes of exclusion.

Lynch, F. R. (2017). The diversity machine: The drive to change the white male workplace. Routledge.

Podsiadlowski, A., Gröschke, D., Kogler, M., Springer, C., & Van Der Zee, K. (2013).Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives in organizations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37(2), 159-175.

Prasad, P., Mills, A. J., Elmes, M. B., & Prasad, A. (1997). Managing the organizational melting pot: Dilemmas of workplace diversity.Sage.

Sabharwal, M. (2014). Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance. Public Personnel Management, 43(2), 197-217.  

Wrench, J. (2016). Diversity management and discrimination: Immigrants and ethnic minorities in the EU. Routledge.

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