Marketing Strategy Analysis Of Cadbury Dairy Milk: Consumer Behavior And Strategic Recommendations

Introduction to Cadbury Dairy Milk

Cadbury dairy milk refers to the brand of milk chocolate that is manufactured by the Cadbury organization. The organization is a highly well known in the global chocolate producing industry. Each and every chocolates of the dairy milk line is made with exclusive milk chocolate. In the year 2014, Dairy milk had ranked as the best selling milk chocolate bar in UK. In US, the chocolate is manufactured and distributed by the Hershey Company. The dairy milk chocolate was first launched in the year 1905. Some of the major variants bars of the mentioned line that are currently available in Australia include caramel, Fruit & Nut, Whole Nut, Dairy Milk Silk and the Turkish delight center (Hansen et al. 2017). The chief ingredients that are used for manufacturing a basic Cadbury Dairy milk chocolate includes milk, sugar, cocoa mass, butter, vegetable fat and emulsifier. According to the marketing manager of the organization, Cadbury always tries to adapt to the taste of the product to which local consumers are accustomed with. As a result of this, variation in taste can be experienced in different nations. For instance the Cadbury dairy milk bars manufactured at UK tastes slightly different from that of UK manufactured dairy milk. Due to high competition, the market of the mentioned FMCG product has started to crumble, in the following paragraphs, critical analysis of marketing strategy Cadbury dairy milk will be performed on the basis of its relevance with consumer behavior. Along with this, strategic recommendation in order to deal with the falling consumer loyalty will also be provided in this report.

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In order to understand the current marketing strategy of the Cadbury dairy milk, in the following paragraph, the 4p marketing mix of the product has been conducted.  

Dairy Milk is considered to be the biggest as well as majorly accepted brand of the World. The market position of the chocolate is among the top purchased chocolates. The first bar of the dairy milk chocolate contained higher consistency of milk. However, in the later year, he organization tried different kinds of innovation in order to diversify its products. One of the majorly popular dairy milk products was the fruit and Nut one. The fruit and nut dairy milk chocolates were followed by whole Nut. Currently, the major variants of Dairy milk available are as follows:

  • Dairy Milk
  • Dairy Milk Big Taste Triple Choc Sensation
  • Dairy Milk Big Taste Toffee Whole Nut
  • Dairy Milk Turkish
  • Dairy Milk Big Taste Oreo Crunch
  • Dairy Milk Bubbly
  • Dairy Milk with Crunchie Bits
  • Dairy Milk Freddo
  • Dairy Milk Roast Almond
  • Dairy Milk Crackle
  • Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut – made with almonds and raisins
  • Dairy Milk Caramel
  • Dairy Milk Puddles Mint
  • Dairy Milk Little Bar
  • Dairy Milk Whole Nut- made with hazelnuts
  • Dairy Milk Ritz- introduced in UK in the year 2014.

However, one of the major issues as faced by the consumers when it comes to dairy milk products is the lack of diversity in taste (Brar et al. 2018). Besides that since majority of its competitors have manufactured similar kind of product range a good number of consumers are slowly getting shifted towards the new products.

Marketing Mix of Cadbury Dairy Milk


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Being a global brand, Cadbury dairy mil chocolates are available at a good number of countries like China, Australia, France, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Italy, United Kingdom, India and Pakistan. Manufacturing of varied types of chocolates majorly take place in Poland, Ireland and France. In Australia, the product is available in majorities of the grocery stores, corner stores, convenience store, discount store and supermarket (Anderson et al. 2016). The availability of dairy milk chocolates is profound and this is considered to be the result of the intensive policy for distribution of the dairy milk products. Dairy milk has created a capable as well as efficient transportation chain.

Cadbury has several products in the market to meet expectations of its customers.  The company believes in providing the best possible product at moderate cost so that it seems affordable to every customer. This however contradicts with the finding of the previous assignment. According to the findings, the dairy milk products line is towards the costlier side. The pricing strategy of chocolates of the dairy milk range varies keeping accordance to the ingredients and hence products are pried differently. However, in order to gain competitive advantage over the consumers of the confectionary industry, the major competitors of Dairy milk namely, Nestle a Mars are founds to keep their product price lower than dairy milk chocolates (Olwande et al. 2015).

Dairy milk possess a global presence and  order to maintain it consumer loyalty the brand takes the help of a good number of promotional activities. In order to attract the attention of the consumers the commercial designed for the products are made catchy and are aired on both radio as well as television. Besides that advertisements of the products are displayed in both newspaper as well as magazines. In order to attract the attention of the local consumers, the management of the FMCG product considers promotion through celebrity as an effective tactic (Bauman et al. 2018). The intimate association of the product with milk and goodness is reflected in each and every slogan an advertisement. When it comes to online promotion, lack of online presence compared to its major competitors can be noticed easily.

The market communication mix refers to the methods that are used for promoting the organization as well as its products to the target consumers. critical analysis of the Marketing communication mix of dairy Milk has been conducted bellow.


  • Cadbury dairy milk uses advertising in order to build a long term image of the product.
  • The primary medium of mass communication used by the company is television (Bekuma, Galmessa and Fita 2018).
  • Secondary advertising medium includes magazines, radio and social media platforms.
  • Heavy offline advertisement helps the company to enhance the loyalty of the consumers.
  • However, lack of online marketing is resulting in losing competitive advantage to competitors.

Sales promotions

  • Sales promotion is used by the management of dairy milk to draw a quicker as well as stronger response from the consumers (Otchere and Okantah 2017).
  • The organization had recently launched the “Go another Cadbury” promotion in order to encourage the consumers to purchase promotionally marked Cadbury products for getting a chance to win free chocolate bars. This tactic helps the organization to enhance it sale along with reorganization.

Current Marketing Strategy of Cadbury Dairy Milk

Public relation

  • Public relation provides reorganization to a huge amount of audience along with generating a welcoming community likeness about an organization.
  • Well thought out program are coordinated by the managers of Dairy milk in order t enhance the effectiveness of the promotion mix.
  • Major events that are projected by the organization in order to establish effective public relation includes supporting students in free enterprise, food bank, royal show, Melbourne cup carnival, world’s largest annual Easter egg hunt and others (Blayney and Gehlhar 2018).

Personal Selling

  • This tool is considered to be a highly effective tool for marketing and help the marketer to build consumer preference, conviction and action.
  • However, dairy milk currently does not use any kinds of personal selling tactics in order to enhance their consumer base (Urassa and Raphael 2017).
  • The organization is committed to the strategy of growing community values across the world along with focusing on investments in the principal areas of enterprise as well as education along with environment and health and welfare. Cadbury has recognized the prosperous, educated as well as socially inclusive community along with the contribution made by the staff across the world.

Direct Marketing

  • Direct marketing includes usage of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail as well as internet for communicating directly with the consumers.
  • When it comes to Cadbury Dairy milk it involves communicating with the supermarkets for helping them to set up promotional displays or location.
  • As been discussed earlier, the organization lacks online presence. This in turn, restrict Cadbury to communicate directly with their target consumers to social media platforms as well as through email and direct mail.

From the previous discussion it can be clearly understood that that the Cadbury dairy milk a FMCG product still holds an effective position in the Chocolate manufacturing industry (Telang and Deshpande 2016). However, due to increased competition, lack of innovative ideas and online presence the consumer loyalty of the company is slowly decreasing. In order to maintain as well as enhance the consumer base and loyalty of the product, in the following paragraph a few recommendation has been suggested.

One of the major issue faced by the organization is lack of innovate ideas that can differentiate its products from the products offered to the consumers by its consumers.  Considering the fact that chocolate manufactures across the world are increasingly experimenting with different types of citrus in chocolate, Cadbury can introduce new flavors in order to gain competitive advantage. According to a recent survey, the number of chocolate products flavored with lemon has doubled over the past year globally (Spreer 2017). Another major example of innovation includes The Fair Trade Company that has launched a White organic yogurt chocolate bar with pepper as well as lemon zest. Cadbury can also follow this trend in order to develop the potentiality to cater the health conscious consumers of the world.

Another thing that needs to be taken under consideration by the management of Cadbury dairy milk is the need to diversify its products. Along with chocolates, dairy milk can expand its product range to cookies  and desserts, Ice creams . According to (), earlier chocolates are used as an ingredient in desert but with changing tastes of the consumer desserts are used as ingredients in chocolate confectionaries. Dairy milk can follow this trend. Along with this, a good number of it competitor are also introducing low calorie chocolates or chocolates made without sugar in order to cater to the health conscious consumers as well (Rao et al. 2016) . This trend can also be followed by the organization in order to extend it consumer base.

Another major recommendation that can help the company to enhance its number of consumer and prevent the fall of consumer base is to increase its online presence. According to a survey, more than 68.7 percent of the total population is present in social media platform and in future the number is supposed to increase (Benmoussa et al. 2016). Hence, dairy milk can use the social media platform as the chief tool for online promotion. Social media platforms are highly effective promotional tool since it enables the company to promote its business without a huge investment cost. Majority of the popular social media platforms enables organizations to promote their product either free o f cost or at a very reasonable price. Besides that social media platforms like Facebook and instagram will allow the management to reach to a huge mass of both local as well as global consumers within a very limited amount of time. These platforms will also enable the managers to regularly communicate with the target consumer and understand their specific requirements or expectation from the company. Regular communication will not only help the managers to understand what needs to be incorporated or replaced but will also enhance the consumer loyalty of the organization. Along with social media platforms, the organization should also promote is official site and include all the vital information in the same (Lemma et al. 2017).

Critical Analysis of the Marketing Communication Mix of Cadbury Dairy Milk

Lastly, the price strategy of dairy milk needs a minor modification. Considering the fact that that the price range is on the expensive side, the organization is losing lower middle class consumers to its competitors. In order to gain back the consumers, the organization can introduce chocolates at a lower price range (Bharucha 2016). This strategy possesses the potential to enhance the consumer base of the organization in the long run.

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