Methods For Personal Performance Improvement And Learning Styles
Assessment of Personal Knowledge and Competency
The assessment of personal knowledge through the assessor was helpful to improve the overall competency and work-life balance. The synchronisation of new knowledge management tool with the organisational objectives is found helpful to enhance the overall competency. SMART goals also help to understand the knowledge structure and its relationship with the organisational goal meeting perspectives. Online course module about the cross-cultural dimension model also found helpful in bridging team relationship with the leadership skills. On the other hand, the verbal communication has also improved after receiving the evaluation report from the assessor and successful conduction of varied e-learning styles. In addition, the usage of technology has reduced stress through easy time management activity and created a positive work-life balance. Bolisani et al. (2012) stated that peer review helps to improve the competency through gap analysis. Similarly, the feedback from the module guide, peers and clients are found enabler of improving the work and personal life priorities through effective planning. Finally, the weekly activities and its modification after the evaluation have helped to improve the leadership competency and personal stress management activities. The overall training session is found helpful enough to enhance personal development activities and maintaining the work-life balance through different physical and mental stress management activities.
Paired Comparison method is mainly involved in the performance measurement process. The assessment was evaluated based on the set goals and the achieved performance. This process involves the evaluation of the performance based on the set goals and reallocation of the altered tasks based on the performance gap executed by the trainee so that a comparative performance evaluation is made (Bi, 2007).
The overall performance measurement process was conducted by the following steps:
Process flow identification:
This step is considered critical by the Vocational Training Institute as it displays the tasks assigned by the trainee. Koch and Nafziger (2011) also stated that this step is the most crucial in the comparison method as it helps to evaluate the gap in the overall performance.
Identification of tasks and goal setting:
Weimann and Brosius (2017) mentioned that goal setting helps to measure accurate time length to complete any assigned task and makes the right synchronisation of personal goal with organisational objectives. Considering the fact, it was done to see the expected output from the trainee and predetermined goals are set to provide subjective goals to each participant.
Forming performance measurement:
Individual measures were identified and the assessment was taken based on the identified measures. This measurement adheres to the assessment system policy of the VTI and the clauses mentioned in the handbook of the performance measurement policy (Illathuparampil, 2017).
Performance Measurement Process
Analysing the actual performance:
The final performance is measured based on the set goals adhered within the time limit and its adherence with the quality assurance policy of the VTI.
Gap analysis:
Any gaps in the selected parameters are considered failure to meet the requirement and re-evaluation take place.
Final Measures and new actions:
Based on the gaps executed by the trainee the loopholes are prioritised and new set of goals are allotted to manage the overall personal and professional development plan.
Personal behaviour, self-awareness and personality traits identification:
Behavioural pattern and attitude along with the consciousness and social endowments are analysed to assess the self-awareness and trait of the individual trainee.
Personal development
Learning cycle of Honey and Mumford is employed to analyse whether the trainee is Activist, reflector, theorist or pragmatist.
Personal goal setting
Personal goal setting is based on five principles such as clarity, challenge, commitment, evaluation and task complexity, which is adhered to the set key performance indicators of VTI.
Verbal and written assessments are allocated to identify whether the trainee can complete the project within stipulated time span or not. In addition, work-life balance cycle is measured by the assessor to evaluate how much efficient the candidate is to finish the tasks during the course session (Lecanides-Arnott, 2016). Discuss management development opportunities and options for self
Coaching, peer feedback and simulation activities are available in the training session which is found the best possible personal and management development scheme. According to Morin (2011), coaching and peer feedback helps to create self awareness and improves the personal development activities. On the other hand, simulation directs trainees to develop the self confidence and helps to build the efficacy of handing critical problems within the mentioned time frame (Gielen and De Wever, 2015).
Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance
Usage of Time tracker is the chosen method to achieve a healthy work life balance. Time tracker helps to balance between the personal and professional time schedule. It also helps to determine the set goals with the priority (Oxtoby, 2014).
Question 4 Outline organization’s policies, plans and procedures
The VTI’s policies, plans and procedures are outline below:
- Completion within expected duration policy
- Course progress policy and risk intervention procedure
- Regulatoryrequirements policy and procedure
- Complaints and appeal policy and procedure
- Critical incidence policy and procedure
- Deferment, suspension and cancellation policy
- Fees and charges policy
- Refund policy and procedure
- Validation policy
- Transfer between registered providers policy and procedure
- Student support services policy and procedure
- Assessment policy
- Implementing quality assurance strategies policy
- Volume of learning policy
- Industry engagement policy
- Inform and protect learners policy
- Plagiarism – policy and procedure
- Recognition of prior learning policy and procedures
- Assessment systems policy
- Issuance of certification policy
- Regulatory requirements policy and procedure (, 2019)
Explain types of learning style/s and how they relate to the individual
The relationships between ideas are understood through visuals such as charts and graphs. Rimmer (2014) stated that theapproach makes individual clear about the whole process and the outcome.
Personal and Management Development Opportunities
A few learners prefer to hear the points rather than seeing it. This process helps the learner repeating the points again and again through the questioning sessions.
This is the best learning process, as it provides the scope to get hands-on experience from the learning cycle. Individual who needs professional and personal development might opt for this process and it builds self-awareness and self-confidence (Höffler et al. 2010).
Some learners prefer interaction with the text rather the any visual or hands on experience. This process helps the learners to present the annotated handouts of the whole presentation.
Question 6 Describe types of work methods and practices that can improve personal performance
Analytical estimate:
This method is used to fix the standard timing for jobs that are long. The work life balance can also be maintained using this work method thereby improving the overall personal performance of the trainee (Yoo, 2011).
Work sampling:
This process allows the trainer to observe the workers many times at a random pace to assess the traits of the trainee. Thus, the self assessment and awareness can be improved.
Bi, J., 2007. Similarity testing using paired comparison method. Food Quality and Preference, 18(3), pp.500-507.
Bolisani, E., Borgo, S. and Oltramari, A., 2012. Using knowledge as an object: challenges and implications. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 10(3), pp.202-205.
Gielen, M. and De Wever, B., 2015. Structuring the peer assessment process: a multilevel approach for the impact on product improvement and peer feedback quality. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(5), pp.435-449.
Höffler, T., Prechtl, H. and Nerdel, C., 2010. The influence of visual cognitive style when learning from instructional animations and static pictures. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(5), pp.479-483.
Illathuparampil, M., 2017. Goal-Oriented Ethics: Framing the Goal-Setting Concretely. Religions, 8(10), p.228.
Kim, J., 2012. A study on learners’ perceptional typology and relationships among the learner’s types, characteristics, and academic achievement in a blended e-Education environment. Computers & Education, 59(2), pp.304-315.
Koch, A. and Nafziger, J., 2011. Self-regulation through Goal Setting*. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(1), pp.212-227.
Lecanides-Arnott, M., 2016. Criticism, self-criticism, generative criticism developing self-awareness and confidence in students of design. South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(3), pp.54-67.
Morin, A., 2011. Self-Awareness Part 1: Definition, Measures, Effects, Functions, and Antecedents. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5(10), pp.807-823.
Oxtoby, K., 2014. Achieving a good work-life balance. BMJ, 3(5), p.g2260.
Rimmer, A., 2018. How do I prepare a personal development plan?. BMJ, 7(11), p.k4725., 2019. Policies and Procedures – Vocational Training Institute. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Jan. 2019].
Weimann, G. and Brosius, H., 2017. Redirecting the agenda. The Agenda Setting Journal, 1(1), pp.63-101.
Yoo, S. 2011. The relationship between strategic performance measurement techniques, measurement alignment and performance measurement system satisfaction in hotels. Korea International Accounting Review, null(40), pp.157-180.