Leadership And Human Resource Management: Reflections And Learning

Process of Reflective Learning

In order to maximize the efficiency of the management, leadership practices have become necessary in every field (Amar and Mullaney 2017). Developing strong human relation as well as higher level of performance, leadership plays a crucial role. Through the study, leadership aspects as well as quality of mine has been measured through the learning process. Importance of recruitment and talent management, which are needed for delivering the standard quality of performance has been discussed as per the learning process. Through the psychometric tests, different capabilities of mine have been critically discussed. Depending on the class activities, in which I have been participated, collected feedbacks have been highlighted, which has helped me to enhance my knowledge. After analyzing the entire report, depending on my ability, what type of leader I am, will be identified.

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Depending on the knowledge, which has been gathered by me during the learning process, it can be said that the leadership is something that influence the management activities as well as internal culture in an organization (D’aunno, Alexander and Jiang 2017). Depending on the cultural ibnitiati9ves adopted by the management, the employee engagement as well as human power in the workplace can be increased. During the learning process, I have also learned about the human resource theories, which are important for driving the organizations’ activities. Through the learning, I have taught about the different perspectives of leader5ship, which are important for implementing the human resource functions in the workplace.

I have also learned about different performance based activities, which can help to achieve the strategic goals in the company. Defining different contemporary theories of leadership, I have taught about the importance of group engagement for bringing higher level of performance in the workplace. During the learning process the Ulrich’s 4 roles model and 3 strategies of building HR model have been discussed. On the other hand different types of leadership such as autocratic, entrepreneurial, passive, servant and evidence based leadership and those implementations have been highlighted. Analyzing the different leadership styles, I have tried to relate those with the behavioral characteristics of mine. These leadership styles have helped me to understand in which situations these styles can be applicable. In case of analyzing the organizational culture, Sachin’s cultural has been discussed, in which I have learned about different organizational values and beliefs.   

By continuing this, I can also say that during the learning session, talent acquisition is necessary for identifying the human resource planning process in an effective manner. It is beneficial in terms of motivating the people for performing in team. Hence, it can be said that through the learning process, I have got to know about the important role of leaders for increasing group engagement in a task. On the other hand, I have also learned that through the talent management initiatives, individuals can be able to identify their own abilities, which can help to identify the gap between the actual performance and expectations of the individuals.

Talent Management and Retention

Internet and social media sites play an important role in the current learning process. Using different sources provided during the class, I have gathered some knowledge regarding the leadership theories and its implementations in the organizational contexts. I have also gathered the knowledge regarding different organizational culture after the implementation of different leadership strategies. During the class, I have gathered the information about the HR practices in   Apple, Telstra and Westconnex. In the resources, it has been identified by me that depending on the HR practices, the business growth in the workplace can be introduced in an effective manner. During the learning session, different articles, which are available on the internet have been introduced, where the information regarding the failure as well as success of HR policies have been discussed. Using the company websites, different facilities, which are being provided by the organizations have been identified by me. 

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After reviewing the articles as well as different blogs introduced by the news channels, it has been analyzed by me that internet has become an important knowledge transforming platform for the global learners. Analyzing different cultural aspects of the reviewed companies, I have analyzed, diversified working culture as well as different perspectives of the internal people are playing influential role for driving such incidents. Through the online sources, which have been provided during the class, it has become easier for me to understand the human resource activities adopted by the renowned organizations in order to sustain in the market (Schyns and Riggi 2016). Through the online sources, I have learned that in case of improving the human resource activities, the reward system and performance management initiatives are being adopted for appreciating the talent. I have analyzed that leadership theories are important for driving the organizational culture as well as performance management initiatives in the workplace. Analyzing my own capabilities, I can say that the leadership practices which have been mentioned for improving the organizational culture can be beneficial in the organizational context in future.

Depending on the case study of Blunt Brittany, the knowledge regarding the heavy competitive business environment has been gathered. Different strategic plans have been analyzed for bringing the progressive behavior in the workplace (Mihrez and Thoyib 2015). Different leadership traits and characteristics which are required for bringing the growth in the workplace have been identified. Leadership effectiveness as well as the implementation of theoretical aspects of leadership has been highlighted through the lecture. Through the lecture four important categories have been highlighted, which are important for implementing the leadership practices in the workplace.  As per the lecturer, strong work ethics, achievement and drive, power and tenacity need to be focused, in case of motivating the leadership practices in the workplace (Mihrez and Thoyib 2015).

Role of Learning in the Organization

In order to analyze different personality traits of mine, 16pf framework has been developed. Through this framework, I have got to know about the capabilities, which can be beneficial in terms of bringing the working efficiency of mine. Analyzing the score of the psychometric tests, it can be said that different trait and my ability have been clarified, which can help to implement ion my professional and personal fields (Beauregard, Basile and Thompson 2018). On the other hand, it is true through the personality tests, I have got to know about my emotional intelligence skills and situational analysis ability. Through the tests, different behavioral characteristics as well as different dimensions in my characteristics have been identified. During the learning session, both the strength and limitations of Trait approaches have been analyzed, I believe, these approaches can help to prepare me to understand the responsibility of a leader.

During the class, I have analyzed the case study of Blunt Brittany. During the session, it has been identified by me that that skill of emotional intelligence can be developed through self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Depending on such skills, the human resource management ability of mine can be increased as the skill of emotional intelligence can help to increase the ability of individuals for situational analysis (Judge and Zapata 2015). Therefore, the personality based test has help to measure my ability of leadership. Through the personality test, both the strength and weakness of mine have been identified. Depending on the strength and weakness of mine, it can be measured that if I will be able to sustain in my job role in right manner or not. After the personality test, if have identified that gap between job role expectations and my performance. I believe, the gaps, which has been identified by me can encourage me to improve my efficiency so that I can fulfill my responsibilities in right manner. Analyzing my productivity level through the personality test, my confidence towards achieving my goals has also been increased.

The feedback which has been collected from my previous assignment, it has been clearly mentioned that lack of potentiality has brought the dissatisfactory grade. In the previous assignment, I have discussed about the different aspects of human resource management and those implications in the case of organizational benefits. Importance of organizational culture as well as the different situational analysis skills, which are required for bringing the effective leadership practices in the workplace have been discussed. Different contemporary theories based on leadership have also been developed through the assignment. Analyzing the feedbacks collected from the professor, it has been identified that lack of understanding regarding the assignment purpose as well as lack of potentiality for understanding the numbers of ways, the minimal score has been achieved. As per the professor, lack of understanding the cultural as well as leadership perspectives, the objectives of the assignment have not been achieved. In the previous assignment, the performance management as well as rewards initiatives have been analyzed. As per the analysis of the professor, it can be said that lack of practical implementations of the performance initiatives are the major errors which have been identified in the assignment. By continuing the feedback, the professor has also mentioned that most of the cases, the performance initiatives have been discussed based on the employee perspectives. The initiatives should be developed for satisfying the perspectives of the customers for the employees. Analyzing the feedbacks, it can be said that the lack of selecting proper performance initiatives have brought the errors in score board. It cannot be denied that reference from the authentic journals can help to increase the authenticity of every assignment. In case of my previous assignment, the professor has commented that due to lack of references from the authentic journals, has brought the dissatisfactory marks to me. However, it cannot be denied that ion other fields such as cultural perspectives, understanding the leadership approaches and human resource planning, I have been appreciated with the marks.

Succession Planning and Talent Development

Depending on the 16pf framework, the psychometric test has been done. In the psychometric test, different traits of mine have been highlighted. The test has been done depending on traits such as warmth, reasoning, emotional stability, dominance, liveliness, rule-consciousness, social boldness, sensitivity, vigilance, abstractness, privateness, apprehension, openness to change, self-reliance, perfectionism and tension. Analyzing the score, it has been identified that I have been scored based on 0 to 4 grade. Analyzing the combination of different scores, it can be said that the test has helped me to examine my abilities as well as capabilities for handling the situation.

In the first trait warmth, I have scored 2.4, which indicates that I have standard capability for communicating with the people. I can easily participate in the interaction process. In case off reasoning, I have scored 2.2, that means here I have scored moderate. I have moderate level of common sense and abstract thinking capability. Emotional stability is being considered as the important skill, which is required in case of both the personal and professional growth (Parks-Leduc, Feldman and Bardi 2015). In emotional stability, I have scored, 2.3, which also indicates my moderate capability for handling the emotional situations. The power of dominance indicates the assertive nature of mine in case of dealing with the people. As per the test report, I can say that I am not highly dominant person, however, the tendency of mine is towards dominating people.

Liveliness is being considered as important taint of people that can help to understand the energetic nature of individuals (Beauregard, Basile and Thompson 2018). Here I have scored 2.7, which indicates the serious, introspective and taciturn nature of mine. In the score of Rule consciousness, moralistic, dedicated rule conscious nature of mine have been reflected. Social boldness and sensitivity are the two important traits those can help to analyze the social effects as well as confidence of individuals. In both the cases, I have scored below 2, which remarks that I am tough mined and shy, which can create challenges for me to perform the job responsibilities in right manner. These characteristics of mine can help me to organize the group of people towards achieving organizational goals.

Vigilance score of mine indicates the accepting and trusting nature of mine. Abstractedness sore of mine is 2.2 and privateness score of mine is 2, these indicate the imaginative, abstract as well as moderate involved characteristics of mine. In case of Apprehension, I have scored 1.9, it means my unworried and self-assured nature can help me to deal with the situational challenges. In Self-reliance, I have scored 3.1, which is quite high and indicates the solidary nature of mine. Following the score of Openness to change, it can be said that experimental nature of mine makes me confident towards achieving my goals. The scores of Perfectionism and tension are 2.1 and 1.8, which indicates that I am little organized and relaxed.

Performance vs. Potential


In the study, it can be concluded that through the learning process I have gathered sufficient knowledge regarding the management and leadership theories, which are important to be implemented in the workplace for improving the human resource activities. Analyzing the score, different strength and weakness of mine have been identified, which can help me to improve my performance management skills. As per my understating due to behavioral characteristics of mine such as ability for handling different situations, sensitivity and dedication towards the goal, can help to adopt the entrepreneurial leadership style in the workplace.

Reference list

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