The Role Of Technology In The Recruitment Process

Defining Roles and Responsibilities

Recruitment refers to the process in which a company or an organization searches and hires the best and highly qualified applicant for a job advertisement according to Born, Hiemstra & Oostrom, (2018). However, the recruitment process goes through a certain circle which comprises of attracting and generating interest, maintaining applicant interest and lastly post offer closure. Consequently, Dipboye, (2017) says that, technology plays a crucial role in each of these processes for the recruiting team to achieve the best of their objective. In this part of the assignment, it will elaborate on the three stages of the recruitment process and also talk about how technology plays a crucial role in each step of the selection process.

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In this step of the recruitment process, the members of the human resource department of the given organization which may comprise of the hiring manager, human resource manager, and other management team sit down to define what would be the roles and responsibilities of the employee in case the person assumes the duty. Ekwoaba, Ikeije & Ufoma, (2015) argues that, the stage is like the job description stage which requires a systematic approach. When the human resource management team sit down to discuss, the first they come up with is the general job description which will include the title of the job, responsibilities of the person, reason for the position and the minimum requirements that the individual should meet to qualify for the position. Consequently, it is also necessary to evaluate the responsibilities the team has outlined to ensure that there is no conflict of interest with any other job or a department in the company. After that, the recruiting team comes up with the range of the salary that the person would earn. The earnings should depend on the experience and the roles and the responsibility that the company has given to the individual. 

Technology as a resource that make work easier and provide the best outcome assist during job analysis in various ways. The first thing is that the company can use software to perform sentiment analysis regarding the job description. During this process, the software will point out the biased language after which it proposes on the alternative in reference to Wilson, Rooshenas, Paramasivan, Elliott, Jepson, Strong & Lewis, (2018). The result of the o description will be more appealing; more candidates would apply and thus bringing the diversity of the candidates.

Generating Interest: Attracting and Maintaining Applicant Interest

In this stage, the company let people know that there is a vacancy and they need an individual to fill the position. However, before making an advertisement, the organization have to identify where can get the qualified people who can do the job according to Swider, Zimmerman & Barrick, (2015). The company can achieve it through various. One of the main ways is using the media to tell people about the situation. After advertisement people will apply.

For the company to advertise and shortlist candidates, technology plays an essential role. The first thing is that technology provides the company with various platforms to reach as many people as possible within a short time. Secondly, the technology allows interested people to apply online that means the organization will save on the cost of printed papers according to Koch, Gerber & de Klerk, (2018). Thirdly, the software can compare different types of resumes and recommend to the company the most suitable candidates for shortlisting. An example of the software is the talent discovery recruiting software.

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It is the last step of the recruiting process. It involves going through the resumes of the shortlisted candidates and carrying interviews to identify the best candidate. The human resource department in any organization do a lot of work in this stage. However, the availability of technology makes work more comfortable and faster than expected. 

Various recruiting software exist to improve this stage. A company can automate the interview process which means that the interview can take place at any time. For example, there exist chatbots that are capable of getting questions from candidates and giving appropriate answers according to El Ouirdi, El Ouirdi, Segers & Pais,  (2016). It makes it easier for the company and the candidates to know each other without physically visiting the company.

  1.    Technology solutions

Various technologies assist in different stages of recruitment. Each of the technology provides a different answer from the other. In this part of the assignment, it will identify commercially available technologies that provide a solution during the process.

  1.    Social media

It is a technology used during advertisement and getting the best profiles. There are social media platforms that the company need to pay for them to get their advertisement on those platforms. For example, radio stations, televisions and commercially available websites. However, platforms such as Linkin, Facebook, and social other applications are for free provided the organization have registered and have their account running on those sites.

Post-Offer Closure

Gupta & Baksi, (2018) says that the advertisement service providers claim to help in the recruitment process in various ways. The first service is that the platforms such as television centers claim to make the vacancy known to many people. In many cases after the company has done the job description process, they give the job specification to a television or newspaper writers according to Doverspike, Flores & VanderLeest, (2019). The company will advertise the job to as many people as people as possible both on their website and during the news presentation. Apart from that, another assistance social media claim to have is to get the most suitable candidate who has all the skills and experience.

The main functions that social media claim to provide are telling as many people as possible about the opportunity and trying to assist the company in getting the most qualified person. These services create efficiency in that the company has a higher probability of getting the most qualified person to take the responsibilities according to Loskutova, Smail, Ajayi, Pace & Fox, (2017).

iii. Marketing claims and how the services are unique to the providers

When it comes to social media platforms such as television, the advertising role is unique to it in that it enjoys mass followers which the company may not be having. For instance, the number of people who are aware that the organization exists as compared to the television station, they are less in number. When the company is advertising the job pass through social media, the ass followers will not only be aware of the position but also the company and what it may offer in some circumstances.

  1.    Chatbots

A chatbot is another technology that is essential during the recruitment process. The technology is mainly used during the interview process.

  1.    Unique points of difference that chatbot providers claim to have a solution.

Chatbots services ensure that the candidate does not take their time traveling to the recruitment center for the interview, however, both the interviewer and the interviewee can ask and answer questions in a digital manner. They sit in their comfortable places and provide an answer to the question any one of them may raise.

  1.    How the services create efficiency and benefits across the various stage of recruitment.

The efficiency that comes with the implementation of the chatbots during the recruiting process is that the company can automatically record the interviews and use them for further consideration and making the best decision. The second issue is that during the recruitment process, the interview can be any time of the day and not specified time like the real interview according to Holm & Haahr, (2019). Apart from that, chatbots relieve the company the burden of congestion that comes in when the interviewee has to go to the company physically. Many activities of the company always come to a standstill and chatbot is the resolution to everything. 

Job Analysis Software

The services are unique to the provider in that it has reduced the cost of the recruiting process and the challenges the company may encounter to accommodate all the interviewees.

  1.    Job description analysis software

It is another type of technology that employers use to analyze the roles and responsibilities of a position before advertising the job.

  1.    The solution description analysis software brings to a company

In many cases, if a company does not analyze the roles and responsibilities of specific position before advertisement, they end up conflicting an individual with a department because of the conflicting roles. However, the job description software makes it easy because the company can outline the tasks without any conflict.

  1.    How the service create efficiency

After the job description, the company can get the salary that the person should earn considering the roles and responsibilities from the software in references to Humburg & Van der Velden, (2015). Apart from that, the functions and the duties that the software recommends guides the company on what qualifications an individual should have before applying for the position together with the experience that the organization requires. 

The job description is unique to the provider in that it can analyze the role the individual will be undertaking and giving the opportunity for the employer to check if there is an alternative way of solving the issue or another person is already working on the roles that they may want to give out again.   


Born, M. P., Hiemstra, A. M., & Oostrom, J. K. (2018). Applicants’ Role as (Pro-) Active Agents in the Recruitment and Selection Process.

Dipboye, R. L. (2017). The selection/recruitment interview: Core processes and contexts. The Blackwell handbook of personnel selection, 119-142.

Doverspike, D., Flores, C., & VanderLeest, J. (2019). Lifespan Perspectives on Personnel Selection and Recruitment. In Work Across the Lifespan (pp. 343-368). Academic Press.

Ekwoaba, J. O., Ikeije, U. U., & Ufoma, N. (2015). The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance.

El Ouirdi, M., El Ouirdi, A., Segers, J., & Pais, I. (2016). Technology adoption in employee recruitment: The case of social media in Central and Eastern Europe. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 240-249.

Gupta, A., & Baksi, A. K. (2018). Impact of Technology on Recruitment Process and Its Impact on Service Quality of HR Service Providers. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science, Kolkata-97, 26.

Holm, A. B., & Haahr, L. (2019). 11 e-Recruitment and selection. e-HRM: Digital Approaches, Directions & Applications.

Humburg, M., & Van der Velden, R. (2015). Skills and the graduate recruitment process: Evidence from two discrete choice experiments. Economics of Education Review, 49, 24-41.

Koch, T., Gerber, C., & de Klerk, J. J. (2018). The impact of social media on recruitment: Are you LinkedIn?. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(1), 1-14.

Loskutova, N. Y., Smail, C., Ajayi, K., Pace, W. D., & Fox, C. H. (2017). Recruiting primary care practices for practice-based research: a case study of a group-randomized study (TRANSLATE CKD) recruitment process. Family practice, 35(1), 111-116.

Swider, B. W., Zimmerman, R. D., & Barrick, M. R. (2015). Searching for the right fit: Development of applicant person-organization fit perceptions during the recruitment process. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(3), 880.

Wilson, C., Rooshenas, L., Paramasivan, S., Elliott, D., Jepson, M., Strong, S., … & Lewis, R. (2018). Development of a framework to improve the process of recruitment to randomised controlled trials (RCTs): the SEAR (Screened, Eligible, Approached, Randomised) framework. Trials, 19(1), 50.

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