The Importance Of Cultural Awareness And Cultural Intelligence
Understanding Cultural Values and Beliefs
Culture differs from one society to another it is separated by the caste, religion and gender. It is important for people to have cultural awareness so that a bond can be built between people of different culture. Understanding the cultural values and beliefs of others help in establishing easy communication. It is necessary for the growth of an individual to learn and uphold the values of other culture. A child that is born in third culture always has a large scope of knowledge that could help in attuning according to the social surrounding. For example a child from an Indian family living in America will have the greater knowledge about both the cultures when compared with children from two different cultures (Russell, 2011). Culture awareness is important in workplace so that no conflicts take place between team members (Russell, 2011). It contributes in understanding the ideas of other culture and maintains easy communication so that team work increases.
On the other hand, culture intelligence allows a person to be successful in a global environment. Cultural intelligence is important for leaders in an organisation as they allow making decisions by understanding the philosophy of other culture (Thomas, et. al, 2015). Apart from that, cultural intelligence plays an important role in daily life. It can be done by having a brief knowledge of one culture so that they can deliver effective leadership capability of other people. It is a step by step process, in which first step is ruminating about the culture, second is being motivated about the culture and then performing the behaviour accordingly. Cultural intelligence is most often referred to success of people in adjusting to some other culture for examples when I go from India to China if I am able to learn their culture easily then if have higher cultural intelligence. Apart from this cultural intelligence also deals with behaviour that is understood to be as the intelligent in different culture. For instance older people teach their new generation some cultural behaviour that makes them more respected (Brislin, Worthley & Macnab, 2006).
Cultural self-awareness develops understanding of ones values and beliefs. For example, the culture is differentiated by their customs and beliefs. The difference in beliefs has split the culture across the globe. The customs of one religion differs from individual to other. I practise Hinduism as my religion in with every individual hold each other as sisters and brothers. My religion helped in trusting the dignity and respect of other (Miriam, Alon, Raveh, Ella, Rikki, & Efrat, 2013). Practising the customs of my culture I believed that I should understand other cultures aloe so that I become self-aware of other customs too. I understood the situation of other religion so that circumstances could be understood and steps could be taken accordingly. Gaining cultural self-awareness builds regularity and novelty (Russell, 2011). It helps in knowing the uniqueness of each religion.
The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in a Global Environment
Apart from that, gaining the information about other cultures helps in developing the behaviours and capability to solve the problem in an effective way. It supports the individual to build cultural intelligent. Once the culture is upright it helps in understanding other cultures too. It helps in having easy communication between people by avoiding the chances of miscommunication (Ramsey, AbiAad, Jiang, Barakat & Drummond, 2016). There is always a need of high moral standards so that interaction can be maintained easily. The core reason of self-awareness is cultural intelligence that facilities interaction in normal life. For example there are people in different parts of the world who do not go abroad in the fear of cultural shock or say they believe that the difference might affect their well-being (Flanja, 2009).
Culture Awareness play an important role in everyday life of an individual as it helps in understanding positive values and principals of one culture. From the research it was found that there are various cultural conflicts that take place at the workplace. These issues arise due to lack of awareness about the customs and religion. Cultural intelligence helps in resolving cultural issues at workplace and even in society (Miriam, Alon, Raveh, Ella, Rikki, & Efrat, 2013). Cultural awareness becomes the base of communication especially in times when we have to interact with the person belonging to other culture. For example if a man from America when to China and he has the knowledge of Chinese language, it would be easier for him to interact with people in China. This is also necessary in terms of the fact that behaviour in one community can be inappropriate in other community (Quappe & Cantatore, 2005).
To gain cultural intelligence self-awareness is the first step. The tag of culture is added to the identity from the day we are born as it is pre decided by the family background. The culture also differs from one country to other. If considering a case the custom of china differs in many ways with the western culture. The eating habits, the talking and communication habits and the lifestyle are completely different. Thus, it is important to become aware and learn about other customs.
The self-awareness about the culture is important as they help an individual to learn about their behaviour and their concepts. It helps an individual of differ culture to easily exchange their ideas. If the culture is understood it can lead to misconception at time of understanding new things.
Cultural Self-awareness and Deeper Understanding of Individual Values and Beliefs
According to the (Ang, Rockstuhl & Tan, 2015), he states that cultural intelligence and cultural awareness are related to each other and it plays a significant role. Cultural intelligence can be built by sharing the ideas of one culture to another. It also bound them in social activities that increase the interaction among themselves. From my personal experience I can say that a have many friends from China. I faced many difficulties at the starting when we use to go out for a lunch/dinner it was difficult to decide an order. The taste and eating habits completely differ from one culture to another. Apart from that there communication habits also differ as they were very polite and patient while talking. It was my self-awareness about their culture that made things quiet easy. After a while, the awareness of my friend’s culture helps in to adjust with them easily. Before individual go outside for the purpose of study or become a volunteer, they might have not passed through the stage of stress and thus they also not need of depth of cultural intelligence to help them for their survival in the community (Magnusson, Westjohn, Semenov, Randrianasolo &Zdravkovic, 2013).
Culture intelligence can be defined as a process of analysing the behaviour and then adjusting accordingly. Cultural intelligence is necessary to adjust time after time. It can also be said that individual cultural intelligence is increased with practice, experience and positive behaviour towards lifetime learning’s (Gaia, 2015).
I believe that cultural intelligence can be built by creating self-awareness. I have added my personal experience that relates with the progress of cultural intelligence. Cultural self-awareness has a significant influence on culture intelligence. Since people need to improve their cultural intelligence if they want to improve their quality of life. Cultural self-awareness is important to know about other culture.
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