Including Previous Employees And Best Practices For Hiring And Onboarding
Benefits of Including Previous Employees in Hiring
Role |
Number of Staffs |
Employee Type |
Reasonoing |
Executive Assistant |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then one of the managers can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Production manager |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then one of the managers or the production supervisor can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Marketing manager |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then one of the managers can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Sales manager |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then one of the managers can take up that place during the time of absence. |
HR manager |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then one of the manager can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Accommodation and Hospitality Manager |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then one of the managers or the Accommodation Supervisor or the hospitality supervisor can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Production Supervisor |
3 |
2- Full-Time 1- Casual |
Two of the full-time individuals would be associated with doing alternate duties that is night and day shifts and the causal one would be replacing them in case any one of the is absent. |
Accommodation Supervisor |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then the Hospitality Supervisor can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Hospitality supervisors |
1 |
Full-Time |
One full time is enough and the reason is whenever the executive assistant is absent then the Accommodation Supervisor can take up that place during the time of absence. |
Laborer |
18 |
12-Full-Time 6-Part-Time |
Six of the labors would be doing the night shift whereas the rest six would be doing the day shifts in an alternative way and the Casual one would be taking up the place of the full timers in case of their absence. |
Marketing team |
4 |
2-Full-Time 2-Part-Time |
Two full-timers would be associated with running the main duties whereas the 2-part timers would be associated with cooperating with the Sales representatives |
Sales Representative |
4 |
3-Full-Time 2-Part-Time 1-Casual |
Three of the full-timers would be associated with running the main duties whereas the 2-part timers would be associated with cooperating with the marketing team and the casual one would be taking the place of the full-timers or part-timers in case of their absence. |
HR officer |
2 |
1-Full-Time 1-casual |
One of the full timers would be associated with cooperating with the HR manager whereas the casual one would be taking up the place of the full-timer in case of their absence. |
Accommodation Staff |
4 |
1-Full-Time 2-Part-Time 1-Casual |
One of the full-timers would be acting as the receptionist, two of the full-timers would be acting as the housekeepers whereas the casual one would be taking up the place of the others in case of their absence. |
Hospitality Staff |
6 |
3-Full-Time 3-Casual |
One of the full timer would be the chef, 2 of the full-timer would be waiters or waitress having the capability of preparing the beverages whereas the casual one would be acting as a replacement of the chef and the other two would be acting as a replacement of the waiter or waitress in case of their absence. |
Being the Executive Assistant I recommend the including of the previous office administrator as they would be having all the experiences as well as the knowledge that is required for the business.
Whereas acting as a production supervisor I would advice to include the previous wine viticulturist and the groundskeeper. Besides this I would be keeping the maintenance worker, who would be promoted to the post of Accommodation supervisor after proper training is provided. The main reason for including the old employees is that they are having a lot of knowledge and experience and would be acting as a value source for the new employees.
- the organization is looking for a dynamic sales manager who would be entirely responsible for looking into the day to day operations of the sales department. The role that is played by the sales manager is one of the key positions of the organization and is effectively associated with unleashing the potential that the professional of sales managers by making use of the business optimization so as to achieve the results as desired.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Associated with delivering Sales performance Targets
- Management and leading the team
- Delivering the budget of sales
- Driving of the strong customer partnerships along with building of sustainable relationships with the internal as well as the external stakeholders
- Setting and delivering of the sales goals so as to demonstrate the consistant growth
- Execution of a vell-defines strategy across multiple channels
- Being the campion of taking follow-up along with making sure that the team is following effectively
- Conducting of team meetings, reviewing the performances and setting of weekly or monthly goals
- Achieving the growth plans of the organization along with the vision and values of the organization.
- List of attributes that an applicant must have so as to apply includes the following
- Knowledge: Knowledge related to management of sales or is having a proven track record in management of minimum 3 years along with preferring Tertiary qualifications.
- Experience: There is a need of sales experience over phone or internet, experience of the leading sales teams along with the experience of working with numerous and different type of clients.
- Skills: The skills that are required includes strong influencing and skills of negotiation. High level of competence with the computer, emails, Microsoft Office and lastly high-level time management.
- Behavior: The applicant must be comfortable with working in a family-owned business environment where there would exist a strict KPI management along with a rigid reporting which is secondary to an entrepreneurial spirit and results in a centric approach.
- The advertising medium that is to be used have been listed below:
- Internal recruitment: This is done the business is associated with looking for filling up a vacancy from within its work force whereas the external recruitment generally refer to the looking for filling up the vacancy when the applicant is outside the business
- Internet recruitment: This is done by scouring the internet so as to locate the individuals associated with active search for jobs along with the individuals who are content in their current position.
- Recruitment agencies: This are the organizations which are associated with matching the employers with the employees and they act as a good source in large cities as well as for large corporations.
- Newspaper: Providing advertisements in the local newspaper so as to inform that a job position is vacant and individuals can come up so as to apply for that post.
- Due to the location of the organization it is suggested that it looks for the local employees. Priority is to eb provided current employees as well because of their knowledge and experience and this makes the internal recruitment the most appropriate medium.
- The Job Advertising:
- Brief outline of he key elements have been provided below:
- The Entrance (includes both verbal and non verbal components)
- Way the candidate enters the room or approaches the area of interview
- Etiquettes
- sequence of Seating
- Extra non-verbal items
- The Introduction
- When the candidate questioned to tell about themselves:
- Negative factors
Too early Handing over of the resume
Reciting of scripted re-cap of the resume
Not prepared for handling this situation
- Positive Factors
Providing the background in a relaxed way.
Providing the highlights of areas which are important for a job.
Asking of solid question to the interviewer(s) for establishing a conversational atmosphere and for developing a connection with the interviewer.
- When the interviewer is responding to a question, observations about the candidate:
- Eye contact.
- Active listening.
- Not just waiting for a chance to talk again.
- Knowing when to stop a particular conversation to move to next phase.
- The Dialogue (really conversing about the opportunity)
- No verbal listing of everything they have accomplished.
- The candidate must be associated with referencing the specific things in their resume which would make them memorable
- The candidate should not concentrate upon the career goals unless and until asked. They should be focused upon the thing that can be expected from them along with the attitude they will bring to the job.
- The candidate should keep the list of talents and accomplishments relevant to the position. Use illustrative examples.
- The Close
- The candidates must be letting the interviewer know their interest level.
- The timing of a decision and process is to be asked by the Candidate
- Sequence
- Exit etiquette
- Other non-verbal items
- Way of exiting the room or interview area
- List of questions to be asked:
- Selection criteria:
- Drafted Letter:
Successful applicant:
Unsuccessful applicant:
- Answers can be recorded by means of notes, audio recordings or by using both of this. However on of the constrain is that the respondents might feel uneasy while answering the questions when their answers are being recorded. Whereas taking of notes is seen to less threatening along with keeping the interviewer involved in the process. In case of audio recording the respondent must be kept unaware which would be helping a lot. Note taking also helps in highlighting key points, which in turn makes the production of final notes easier and quicker.
- The process of reference check on the applicant:
Identifying yourself, along with the title, organization name and inform them that you are calling about a reference for a candidate you are considering
Asking whether it the good time to talk or whether they would rather schedule a call
Make sure they understand the major consent of the applicant and that all responses will remain confidential
It is important to give a brief description of the role you are considering the applicant for, so that they can comment in context
Providing them with time so as to answer the questions along with letting them respond
- Interviewer feedback:
Necessarily it is to be made sure that no general questions are asked such as “Tell me something about yourself”. This makes the candidate confused as it is hard to give answers to general questions.
Besides this answering the long questions are also difficult and the questions might be like “Give me an example of a time you have had to address a sales rep that is consistently failing to meet their quota. How did you handle this situation and what was the outcome?”.
- Checklist for inducting personnel into the organization
Prior to your employee starting work
Ensure you have:
- told the employee before their first day where, when and who they should report to and whether they need to bring any tools or equipment
- organised building and IT access as well as any uniforms (if necessary)
- a returned, signed copy of the letter of engagement (or employment contract)
- a completed Tax file number declaration form (unless declined by employee)
- a completed Superannuation choice form
- the employee’s bank account details
- the employee’s emergency contact details
- given the employee a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement
- if a working visa is required – a copy of the employee’s passport and visa – you will need to do a visa check
On the first day (or soon after)
To ensure your employee gets off to a good start, it’s important that they feel welcomed, well-informed and equipped to do their job.
Orientation and housekeeping:
- Introduce the new employee to other staff
- Show the new employee the kitchen/meal, toilet facilities and where to store personal items (bags, jackets etc.)
Ensure you have:
- given the employee copies of relevant business policies or procedures e.g. codes of conduct and work health and safety policies or procedures.
- discussed:
- the history of the business and its role
- who the employee reports to?
- the employee’s duties and what training will be provided
- performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
- hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
- meal breaks
- the applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
- the payment method, first pay date and how payslips are distributed
- any workplace policies and procedures including:
o uniform or dress code (if any)
o procedure if the employee is sick or running late
o procedure for applying for leave
o rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
o any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
- completed a workplace health and safety induction
- Develop a brief feedback form for participants to suggest improvements to theinduction process
On or before day 1
- I received my employment offer and associated information in a timely manner:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- The information I received before my arrival helped me settle in:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- I knew where to report, who to see and felt welcomed on my arrival:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- After completing the corporate induction I gained an understanding of the company goals, values and work health and safety requirements:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- My initial work unit induction was helpful and informative:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- Local workplace health and safety requirements were explained and the WHS Checklist completed:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
First week
- My new role was effectively explained and I was able to start work without unnecessary delays
? Disagree
? Agree
? Neither Agree nor Disagree
- I knew who to ask for help and was provided with assistance and support when I required:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- I gained an understanding of the University resources and services and where to look for more information:
- Disagree
- Agree
- Neither Agree nor Disagree
- Overall, how do you rate our induction process?
- Excellent
- Very good
- Satisfactory
- Needs improvement
Suggestions for improvements (optional):