Types Of Corruption And Strategies To Minimize Corruption In Australia

Types of Corruption in Australia

Corruption is known as one of the factor which is related with taking advantage for own use and it is the behavior which is illegal of the individual to attain the profits for their personal use. In the present era, it can be analyzed that corruption is considered as the social evil which exist in the society. If focus is given on the routine activities, it can be seen that it is increasing and impacting the overall country economy.  It is a method in which individual offer something to some other person and in return the individual finish the task which is given. Corruption is not ethical in the eye of law and also for this punishment can be given to the individual who is engaged in these operations.

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There are various types of corruption that will be explained in the paper and the home country is Australia. The discussion will be related to corruption in Australia. The strategies will be also elaborated which are necessary to be considered by the government. 

There are various types of corruption. Corruptions that exist in Australia are many. The corruptions that exist in the Australian society are Electoral fraud, slush fund and bribery.   

In Australia, Electoral Fraud falls under one of the types of corruption. It can be stated that these types of corruption takes place at the time of elections as in this the manipulation is done of the frauds. This type of corruption is done to enhance the votes of parties by impacted the other parties vote.  It can be said that fraud takes place when votes are given by the individual (Smith, 2016).  

The political parties can attain the advantage of more votes by engaging in fraudulent activities. The department of electoral commission has examined that there are 17,000 to whom the questions are asked and these activities are done to enhance the votes of the specific parties (Graycar, 2015).

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The report issued by the charitable trust has 17 MILL registrations which are considered by individuals who died and also their votes are considered as valid. The individuals who are died and there are people who have done their registration in more than one state. So, the corruption takes place when people give votes by using the ID cards of the people who are died and who have the non-citizen registration. The votes are given by the people and it is not considered as an ethical practice in the eyes of law. The name of individual who are died is considered at the time of voting and also of the people who have registered themselves in different states. This can be considered as the type of corruption that exists in Australia and it has negatively impacted the factor related to equality. It is because of the fraudulent activities that equality and justice does not take place in the society. It is important to have proper focus on fraud operations concerned with Electoral Fraud so that the party who deserve to be selected can win and also it will boost proper control on entire function (Graycar, 2017). 

Electoral Fraud

It is considered as an act in which the exchange is done of money or valuable asset, the second party also completes the assigned operations which are offered in exchange of anything. Individual provides bribe to next person so it also manages the operations. Bribery is considered as an illegal process that impacts the entire economy in a negative manner. There are Australian Jurisdictions who are focusing on bribery in the public office as it influences the attitude of individual. If emphasis is on the overall ranking of the country, then it can be stated that Australia is on 13th rank. But in the eye of law the person who is indulged in the fraudulent activities have to face punishment (Banuri and Eckel, 2015).

It can be examined that people who are indulged in operations of bribery are penalized for more than 10 years and also they are penalized by AUD 1.1, MILL. If business is indulged in the fraudulent activities then for them the penalty is of AUD 17 MILL (Fehon, 2017). It can be stated that federation in Australia that have six states and two self-governing territories. The constitution of Australia focuses on the segment where the commonwealth legislate the power and it also stops the overall residue of the states (Islam, 2014).

It can also be considered as the black money and it can be stated that it is a fund that is managed by the actions which are not legal according to the law. It was taken into consideration in the politics and also these funds are not disclosed and they are kept secure in the place where is can be difficult to find. The main emphasis is given by the higher authorities and they do not disclose the data related to fund. There are secret reserves that are created so that people does not find out the funds in an easy manner (Gottschalk  and Stanislas, 2017).  For example: It can be stated that the slush funds are created in the Australian schools. This adversely affects the entire operations of the country and also impact the growth rate. 

It is necessary to take into consideration the strategies by the government so that it can be easy to minimize the issue related to corruption. If corruption is minimized then it can be examined that economy growth can be easily done. By implementing the government policies and regulations it can be simple to minimize the issue related to the overall rate of corruption. If focus is on bribery then there are strategies that are necessary to be implemented. To minimize the rate of bribery it can be stated that the system concerned with impunity should be taken into consideration so that the person who is engaged in the fraudulent activities can be punished without any other reason. It is necessary to take into consideration an essential system of law enforcement as it can help to maintain equality and also it helps to give punishment that are doing unethical act (Perry, 2017).


It is necessary to focus on maintaining transparency of the data so that it can be easy for the public to share their views and also it can assist to minimize the overall corruption rate. Bribery rate can be minimized by considering the strategy concerned with auditing. It is essential for the government to focus on proper auditing companies so that the issue related with bribery can be resolved (Latimer, 2017).

By giving emphasis on the Electoral it can be stated that it is necessary for the government to focus on the method in which the person gives votes for the first time cannot be eligible for giving vote for the next time. This method can help in reducing the fraud in relation to the votes and justice can be maintained. The rules are created by government that voting will be completed for a specified time period and at a particular place. It is also necessary that government should take id proof of the people who are engaged in giving votes so that they cannot give vote again. Therefore, this can be considered as the best way that can help to maintain equality and also the winning team will win who deserve to be on the position. Winning position are considered by the frauds which take place by different parties. 

To control the issue of corruption, in relation to the slush fund it is important for the government to focus on maintaining the methods that can track of the dollars which are used. With the help of techniques it can be easy to stop the black money in the entire economy (Savery, 2015).


So, it can be concluded that there are various techniques that can help in minimizing the issue of corruption and also there are various types in relation to corruption. So, in the first phase of the report the discussion is made on the types of corruption like bribery, Electoral fraud and slush fund. It is important to reduce it so that corruption in the country can be reduced and it will positively impact the overall growth of the economy. With the help of less corruption equality is also the factor that can be maintained. So, it is important for the government to emphasize on considering the auditing companies and also to track the dollars so that overall process of corruption can be minimized. If focus is on the recommendations are implemented then it is simple for the country to boost the economy. By considering these strategies it can be easy to reduce the overall rate of corruption and also it will boost the activities which exist in the economy. 


Banuri, S. and Eckel, C., 2015. Cracking down on bribery. Social Choice and Welfare, 45(3), pp.579-600.

Fehon, M., 2017. Implications of the proposed amendments to Australia’s foreign bribery laws. Governance Directions, 69(6), p.334.

Gottschalk, P. and Stanislas, P. eds., 2017. Public Corruption: Regional and National Perspectives on Procurement Fraud. CRC Press.

Graycar, A., 2015. Corruption: Classification and analysis. Policy and Society, 34(2), pp.87-96.

Graycar, A., 2017. Corruption. In The Palgrave Handbook of Australian and New Zealand Criminology, Crime and Justice(pp. 251-267). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Islam, M.A., 2014. Bribery and corruption in Australian local councils. Public Money & Management, 34(6), pp.441-446.

Latimer, P., 2017. Anti-bribery laws–compliance issues in Australia. Journal of Financial Crime, 24(1), pp.4-16.

Perry, P.J., 2017. Political Corruption in Australia: A Very Wicked Place?. Routledge.

Savery, J., 2015. Voting rights and intellectual disability in Australia: an illegal and unjustified denial of rights. Sydney L. Rev., 37, p.287.

Smith, R., 2016. Confidence in paper-based and electronic voting channels: evidence from Australia. Australian Journal of Political Science, 51(1), pp.68-85.

Transparency, 2017.Corruption perception index. .[Online]. Available at https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2016 . [Accessed on 14 January 2019]

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