Challenges And Strategies For Performance Management And Workplace Diversity In No Name Aircraft
Human Resource Management in Organizations
One of the core resources in an organization is unquestionably human resources. It is regarded as the management structure which improves decisions related to the management of people engaged to the organization starting from employee remuneration, performance management, job analysis, team development, communication and maintaining workplace diversity. According to Armstrong and Taylor (2014), in the current competitive business setting, modern organizations must develop as knowledge-based and workforce must attain integration among teams, cultural diversity, enhance level of performance management, and identify strategic functions to increase employee engagement to increase the performance of the organization. Jackson, Schuler and Jiang (2014) have stated that rapid expansion in technology, communication network along with multiplying skills have transformed communication and diversity within and among the organisational settings. Meanwhile, Brewster, Chung and Sparrow (2016)have observed that companies which operate at global level tend to encounter issues with cultural diversity along with a significant lack of communication among teams along with headquarters and its subsidiaries. The following paper will focus on the case of ‘No Name’ Aircraft with headquarter in Australia has subsidiaries in China, Singapore and Vietnam and sell aircraft to 50 other countries across the world. Additionally, the report will evaluate areas where “No Name’ has been facing challenges and provide relevant strategies to enable the company improve performance management and gain competitive advantages in the market.
Communication has been regarded as the lifeblood of any organization and without it desired goals and objectives cannot be accomplished. However, Paillé et al. (2014) have stated that organizations and employees exhibit lack of capability to learn, implement good communication practices. It has been known that organizational ‘grapevine’ has been regarded as one of the universal and highly reliable forms of communication observed at work (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). ‘No Name’ Aircraft currently has been facing certain issues with integration of teams as employees have adopted the strategy ‘near enough is good enough’. Such a breakdown between integrated teams and across teams and management has been consequential for employees to exhibit certain resistance towards any form of change within the organization. Mathieu et al. (2014) at this juncture have stated that bad communication practices tend to cause significant amount of work challenges. Furthermore, ‘No Name’ Aircraft’s lack of support to coordinated efforts, innovation and development have led the company to experience instability between employees working in headquarter and subsidiaries. These issues have undoubtedly raised the concerns of No Name’s CEO Adam O’Meara about organizational revenues and profits.
Communication and Integration Issues in No Name Aircraft
Organizations across the world have been considering cultural diversity within organization not as a negative aspect but highly essential to facilitate organizational track for credit. However, in the view of Brewster, Chung and Sparrow (2016), maintaining proper cultural diversity within the company has several challenges specifically to manage employees with diverse cultural backgrounds. Similar to the issues of Cultural Diversity, ‘No Name’ Aircraft has been facing immense challenges to retain the diverse workforce. Though the company’s policy relies on to be considerate towards race, age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religious beliefs and other philosophy, CEO has got bothered in embracing rich value of working with diverse people. At this stage, empirical evidence has proposed that many employees and managers view diversity management as being equal in comprising equal opportunity for any individual to enter the organization. However, according to Vangen and Winchester (2014), regardless of the increasing rate of financial support along with simplifying legal provisions related to recruiting people with disabilities, opportunities to heighten employment of individuals with certain form of disabilities must be determined with utmost significance. On the other hand, reports of Greene and Kirton (2015) have stated that companies and managers who do not support recruitment of disabled individuals has been persuaded by significant lack of avenues of employing such people and unproductive problems connected with hiring them. Similarly, few HR managers of ‘No Name’ aircraft have been continuously disregarding application of people with disabilities, even when their skills and expertise align with the job role. Such an unethical approach of HR managers have raised the concerns of O’Meara as such conviction prevent them from contributing to the information flow and in trainings further resulting to reduced efficiency and performance in the market.
Implementing a successful and objective performance management process essentially enables employers to communicate demands and results to employees. Bednall, Sanders and Runhaar (2014) have stated that such effective performance management system tends to drive higher level of performance from them and aid them in mitigating challenges in improving a performance management process. However in the case of ‘No Name’, the company has been facing serious issues in conducting successful performance appraisals. Though O’Meara has noticed performance reviews being conducted by HR in Australia but there cannot be found any type of performance reviews conducted at any of the subsidiaries of ‘No Name ‘with no formal performance appraisal process in favour of emigrants. Bias and favouritism have been considered to be highly critical in the performance review process of the company. Mathieu et al. (2014) have mentioned that any form of employee favouritism tend to manipulate the objectivity of appraisal thus has been highly crucial to ensure that HR managers must disregard such forms of biasness in order to avoid inconsistencies among diverse employees that is the key element for acquiring most efficiencies from appraisal. Thus weakened performance management has been rapidly eroding employee engagement as majority of employees have been showing uncertainty regarding level of efforts and contribution they are giving to the company. Furthermore, Amin et al. (2014) have stated that as lack or unfair performance management policies tend to pose challenges for workers to develop high level of uncertainty related to the future of the company thus resulting to lower motivation and high employee attrition.
Cultural Diversity Management Challenges
Workplace diversity
Workplace diversity supports the reality that people differ in diverse ways, observable or non observable, disability, sexual orientation and cultural background. Works of Vangen and Winchester (2014) have revealed that cross-cultural and multicultural workforce has been identified as a universal thread not only in workplaces functioning in western financial systems but further in organizations at a global level. However, there can be witnessed several companies like No-Name Aircraft who have been showing reluctance in promoting disabled employees and ethnic minorities. However, studies of authors have found an extensive recognition of the value of workforce diversity. Furthermore, empirical evidence has explored that effective diversity management tend to profit through bottom line returns. However, as per Greene and Kirton (2015), despite several decades of equality legislation along with confirmed commitment towards equal opportunities, there can be seen systematic discrimination in the staffing and selection process. Thus organizations which have been lacking in proper implementation of employment policies and practices must ensuring efficient developmental chances, reduction of work-family conflict as well as employing and mentoring disadvantaged groups. Alvesson and Sveningsson (2015) have found that industries which have been highly accessible to disabled employees involve education and health services whereas the aviation sector has been recorded to employ an insignificant rate of working disabled individuals. Thus, to eliminate the perceived obstacles of participation and further raise the level of visibility of employment prospects for life success and employment within the aviation sector for disabled individuals No-Name Aircraft must partner with non-profit organizations to successfully represent disabled individuals to the aviation sector of Australia. Such exposures however can be accomplished by providing the prospects for participants to earn private navigator correspondent as well as airframe and power plant.
One of the key functions in disability management in line with more inclusive diversity management ought to be acquired by auditing that is an evaluation of company and its behaviour that has been identified as an effective diagnostic tool. Such a tool according to Dietz et al. (2014), facilitate the establishment of enterprise competence with its inadequacies and strategize directions of future development. In recent times, the most prominent audits executed at companies tend to deal with employee satisfaction, organizational culture, and quality excellence as well as performance management. The growing concern of O’Meara regarding No-Name’s HR managers’ unethical behaviour clearly has highlighted his inability of progressing about the evaluation of the organization and actions as well as strategies which would suitably fit the company’s strategy, demands and expectations of stakeholders as well as legal requisites. Drawing application from the case of No-Name Ceschi, Dorofeeva and Sartori (2014) have stated that HR managers in most of cross-cultural companies exhibit high level of incompetence in acknowledging skills and knowledge of disabled individuals. Thus, analysis of the knowledge of HR personnel regarding the statutory functioning time of individuals with disabilities revealed that substantial proportion of them have developed awareness of special rights and authorities which disabled employees have in the workplace regardless of the fact that their employer does not employ the disabled (Liu et al., 2015). Thus No-Name Aircraft by implementing designed tool would act as a source of inspiration to other nations struggling with economic performance of people with disabilities on one hand and considerable reluctance of employers to recruit them.
Performance Management Issues in No Name Aircraft
Shaout and Yousif (2014) have stated that one of the issues which several companies have been encountering is the implementation of team work vis-à-vis organizational performance without considering the structural characteristics of teams and the level of collaboration they have amongst them. Furthermore, it has been regarded as suitable to categorize teams in a highly self-regulating matrix whereby at one matrix would be positioned group of workers known as teams. However as per studies of Pro (2019), self-leading teams must be positioned whose members comprise of large range of responsibilities along with elevated level of interdependence and identify with team targets. Furthermore, it has been observed that substantial amount of researches fail to seek ways in which lack of integration, communication and collaboration tends to change team performance over time. Such immense deficit of group effort and cooperation rapidly reduces performance of the company. Evaluating the case of ‘No-Name’ it can has been identified that critical collapse of communication among teams as well as company’s headquarter office and subsidiaries has condensed its performance level and increased level of output. For instance, No-Name Aircraft necessitate small to large adaptations even after the delivery of their products to customers. However, several customers from government and non-government have been posing allegations regarding the lack of quality of the company. Thus, establishment of successful team performance link must be considered as a vital indicator of team maturity which can be highly indispensible. In addition, Ceschi, Dorofeeva and Sartori (2014) have mentioned that effective communication within team must not be considered in segregation but as a single team in an organizational system which if suitably configured can cultivate wide range of advantages by the means of communicative and collectively strengthening effects. According to Dietz et al. (2014), such mechanism primarily incorporate employee involvement policies, knowledge development programmes along with forms of sharing. Accordingly, interaction between teamwork and proper collaboration must further be evaluated in order to give companies enhanced consideration of the way collaborated and unified team performance add to enhanced organizational performance.
Meanwhile, studies of Swanepoel, Botha and Mangonyane (2014) have emphasized on need for a contingency approach which consider that organizations and industry primarily comprise of teams with highly underpinned operations. Management tactics, competitiveness along with extensive economic situations in justifying the way teams can constructively influence organizational efficiency resulting internal contingencies to be highly taken into consideration. Meanwhile, Khanna and Sharma (2014) have claimed that management-employment association (HR policy) or the structure of the division of labour (work system) in segregation which leverage the interaction between the two.
Promoting Workplace Diversity and Inclusion
The evaluation of the case of ‘No-Name’ Aircraft has exposed that the company’s management majorly relied on the increase of performance at work to successfully attain as well as exceed organizational targets and further to ascertain maximum productivity to its customers. However, according to Amin et al. (2014), organizations operating in the competitive market comprise of performance appraisals with the supervisor providing comments on employee’s performance. In addition to this, several leading companies operating in the aviation industry of Australia have been adopting highly advanced strategy to performance management by strategically implementing a 360 degree approach or Management by Objectives (MBO). Shaout and Yousif (2014) further claimed that as performance appraisal system facilitates an employee to realize areas of strengths and weaknesses, it would successfully help employees in critical decision making processes related to career preferences.
However, as per the case study of ‘No-Name’ Aircraft, the company has been encountering several performance management challenges. Even though international performance has been integrated to a company’s global performance appraisals, No-Name has been showing immense deficit in that particular area. The case has exposed that although the corporate branch of No-Name strategically conducts performance appraisals, there cannot be identified any such action in its other branches with no formal performance appraisal process for emigrants. At this juncture, Liu et al. (2015) have stated that accomplishment or failure of performance appraisal programmes depends majorly on the viewpoint fundamental to it, its correlation with company goal along with the characteristics and skills of employees accountable for its supervision. Thus, in the view of Ceschi, Dorofeeva and Sartori (2014), performance appraisal implies to the successful evaluation of employees’ existing and past performance comparative to his or her level of performance. Meanwhile, Shaout and Yousif (2014) hold the view that performance appraisal is the systematic observation, evaluation and description of work-related behaviour whereby an employee has been critically evaluated for a specific period by crucially assessing his or her candidature.
However, as performance review systems primarily offer organizations with highly crucial information, No-Name Aircraft through successful implementation of the system in its other subsidiaries will be able to raise performance level along with overall efficiency of the company if its progresses towards sincerely recognizing and managing employees areas of shortcomings. Additionally, No-Name to increase employee engagement and motivation in its other subsidiaries must use performance management software known as IceHRM which will efficiently offers customary reviews along with 360s and enable for rapid and actionable coverage by successfully developing employee development (Pro, 2019). Thus, these factors have led authors to state that feature that can be found on most performance management software programs. Peer reviews are useful because they allow coworkers to praise other coworkers and highlight positive aspects of their performance, as well as point out where improvements can be made.
The Role of Auditing in Performance and Diversity Management
Therefore, from the above discussion it can be concluded that Human Resource Management personnel should focus on improving performance management system on the basis of employee equality and impartiality. Such successful performance management system reinforces the inference of procedural as well as distributive righteousness in order to develop higher level of satisfaction with successful performance evaluation system. Additionally employee engagement with high job satisfaction has been growing strength in the practitioner community. Thus successful performance management system primarily aids HRD experts in the future by collecting new and advanced insights into the theoretical constructs regarding employee commitment as well as establishing HR strategies on a diverse and increasing organizational involvement. Additionally as every organization comprising its own culture, organizational culture has been regarded as a vital component of business firms. Thus culture specifically in cross-cultural organizations tends to reflect the past and further modify its prospect.
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