Analysis Of A Case Study On Employee Management: Lessons Learned

Major issues in the case study

1.The problem that is being identified in the sales team of Drishti is much complex in nature and there are number of stakeholders being responsible for this situation. This is due to the reason that Arora is having some sort of faults from his side along with similar fault from the side of Jat, Bhatt and Sharma. The major fault for Arora is having wrong organizational structure along with ineffective set of communication process. According to the case study given, the territory Sales people are only entitled to report to the area sales manager. They are not having the chance of communicating with Arora or any other from the upper level management. This caused more than enough power and responsibilities on Jat, which should not be given to him. On the other hand, this also caused lack of information for Arora due to the reason that he is not involved in the internal management of different sales people. Though it is not possible for him to look after the organizational details around the country, he should have some sort of involvement in the process of internal management. If this should have been, the emerged issues should not be there. He should have solved the issue on the primary stage.

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Another major fault from the side of Arora is not giving the opportunity for the lower level employees the chance of sharing their grievances to the top level management. Being a graduate from top business school in India, he should have the knowledge about the importance of managing the employee grievances. However, this was not the case and both Bhatt and Sharma were not able to communicate their issues to the upper level management, which lead to the generation of this problem.

On the other hand the major fault of Jat is not treating equally to his subordinates and promoting favoritism in the organization. According to the discussion in the case study it is stated that Jat was having close relationships with Bhatt and this lead to having biased attitude towards him, which caused dissatisfaction for Sharma. In the case study, it is also identified that Jat tends to compare the performance of Sharma to that of Bhatt even though he knows that Bhatt had chosen a more potential territory for himself. This is not expected from designated person in the managerial position. He should be neutral in his management process without giving more value to the personal relationship over the professional one. Thus, the poor managerial skill of Jat is actually instigated the dissatisfaction among Sharma. 

Evaluation of the managerial skills of the employees involved

Bhatt is also responsible for the generation of the issue. This is due to the reason that according to the case study, he is the one who back stabbed both Jat and Sharma. He was also dissatisfied with the promotional growth in the company, which is justified. However, the strategy that was initiated by him to seek revenge on his manager is totally unethical in nature. He was the one and not Sharma who have done politics in the internal management by leading to Sharma to wrong way and by involving the labor union in the matter. Sharma is also at fault from his end due to the reason that he is matured enough and was having years of experience. Thus, it is not expected that an experienced person like him will get carried away by other’s word. Without going by the Bhatt’s word, he should directly communicate with the top level management at any way. This would helped him in communicating the issues to the top level management along with saving his impression in the organization.

2.External overview of the sales performance of Bhatt and Sharma will show that Bhatt is well ahead of Sharma in terms of the sales figure. This is due to the reason that the primary sales figure of Bhatt is much more than that of Sharma. However, evaluation of the job performance should be done keeping in mind different factors and these details will show that Sharma had also done a good job. One of the major criterions is the potentiality of the sales territory. According to the case study, Bhatt selected his job territory on his own and took the most potential area consisting of more surgeons and more loyal customers of Drishti. Thus it became easy for him to generate sales compared to Sharma. Moreover, Bhatt also had the advantage of more effective distributor network over Sharma. He selected the financially stronger distributor for him. This, it became easier for Bhatt to perform better in the market compared to Sharma.

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According to the information given in the case study, it is well evident that Jat was more biased towards Bhatt compared to Sharma. This is due to the reason that Jat benchmarked the performance of Bhatt to evaluate the performance of Sharma. He had not considered the different factors associated with the evaluation of the job performance. In addition, it is also being identified that the issue of Sharma was not well listened and considered by Jat. It is always recommended that performance evaluation should be initiated with having effective feedback system. However, in this case, it was not happened and the evaluation was done unilaterally by Jat.

Recommendations for addressing the identified gaps

3.After hearing the story from Sharma, the first should have to communicate with the other associated stakeholders, which was done. The next step for Arora should be to interact with Bhatt first personally. This is due to the reason that after the story told by Sharma, it was clear that Bhatt is the one from where the issue had started. Thus it is suggested that Arora should first initiate personal consultation with Bhatt in order to understand and identify the major issues with them and what instigated him to initiate such harsh and unethical activity. Having personal instructions between the two will enhance the comfort level among them and it will motivate Bhatt to communicate freely with Arora. From the end of Arora, he should ask Bhatt about the suitable punishment to be given. Bhatt should be given this opportunity due to the reason that it will enable him to realize the wrongs done by him and why he should not done all these. The core objective of Arora should be reduction of the negative impression among the key stakeholders rather than punishing or terminating. 

It is suggested that Arora should not terminate any one of them due to the reason that in the case study, it is stated that all of them are superior at their own field and they are also doing good job continuously especially Bhatt. The next step for Arora should be interacting with Jat in the same way and make him aware about his ineffective managerial roles. He should also be given a second chance. The last step should be conducting meeting with all of them together in order to mitigate their misunderstandings between them. They should be communicated that all of them are given second chance and it is time for them to repay this trust of the company with their performance. This policy will ensure that all of them will have positive impression about the company and will be motivated to act ethically in future.

4.In the case study, the major issue identified is the impact of the labor union on the organization. Thus, it is recommended that Arora should first restructure the entire organizational processes in order to overcome the identified gap areas and have an effective organizational structure in place. The communication process and channel should be made more effective and holistic involving the all the internal stakeholders. This will ensure that employees will directly communicate with the top level management prior to involving ant third party such as labor union. Moreover, it is also recommended that Arora should initiate a training process for all the regions involving all the stakeholders. The core objective of conducting the training program is to make aware the employees about the company policies regarding the involvement of the labor union.

The employees should be communicated about the ill impacts of having labor union in the health and care sector such as Drishti. They should be told about how involvement of politics can dilute the basic motto of their organization and how the performance can get affected. Moreover, it is also recommended to Arora that he should have an effective communication channel in place and the employees should be encouraged to use it for sharing their grievances along with maintaining their confidentiality. This will reduce the areas for the employees to involve the labor union in the organizational process. Thus, the less will be the involvement of the labor union in the organization, the less will be the long term impact of them in the organization. Arora should also be active and involved in the organizational processes rather than just depending on the hierarchy level for managing the daily activities. This will enable Arora to identify the issues in the primary stage and can solve immediately.

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