Ministry Placement Diary: Church Activities And Charitable Services
Tuesday 1 September 2015
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I attended the worship service at the church. The worship period lasts for three hours, and there were around 150 people. The pastor spoke on the topic of ‘Christian Unity.’ The worship service consisted of prayer and sharing testimonials. About five people shared their testimonials and explained how God has helped them to recover from their miseries. One of them said how he has managed a job. Another woman explained about her daughter’s recovery from her illness. I prayed for all of them at the end of the service.
I attended the Bible meeting with the others. The day was a heritage open day. Several people with their families visited the church. I was involved in guiding them around the church and help them to find the artifact. There were suitable activities for all ages. The money collected from the prices of the ticket donated for the charity service to help orphan children. In the evening, there was another praying session. I prayed for two hours and after the prayer, a woman came to me for advice about her family problem.
It was a busy day. I attended the worship service and prayed for two hours. Two people came to me with their relationship problem. I advised them to keep their faith in God, and he would guide them to the solution. After the praying session, the church authority arranged a musical program. Two English musicians participated in the program. They recreate the musical the masterpiece by playing around twenty musical instruments. The program lasts for three hours and end at 7 PM. Ticket money collected from the program used for the development of church and charity service.
I attended the mid-week Bible study meeting from 7 pm to 9 pm. I performed the Bible readings. The texts from the Bible, which I choose to study, were Corinthians 13 and John 13. The topic was based on the ‘Christian love and Church unity’. I made several comments during the discussion, and the pastor praised me for my contribution. After the meeting a discussion on arranging a photography exhibition and painting exhibition was performed. I have suggested some tips to make the exhibition more successful.
Today I met a couple who are facing a problem with their marriage life. I listened to their problem and spent the entire evening with them. After the interaction, they said that they found the discussion very helpful. I prayed for them and advised to meet again in two weeks. Then I attended the worship service. There were about 50 people. After the prayer, some of them explained their difficulties with marriage and how God helped them to overcome. Then an idea struck my mind that it would be better if the church can arrange some marriage course to help the couples who are facing marital problems. There was also a final meeting on the exhibition.
It was the day of a photography exhibition. I attended the Morning Prayer. After the prayer, the pastor delivered some lectures on the Christianity. Then the photography exhibition started. Several people visited the church premises and enjoyed the photographs. There were many photographers participated in the exhibition to demonstrate their photographs on the church. The photographs revealed the evolution of church through ages. I enjoyed some of the photographs regarding the foundation structure of the church. Some stalls sold some photos. The money used for the charity service.
Friday 11 September 2015
I attended the prayer and worship service. There were merely about 20 people. In the evening, a speaker visited the church and discussed on some topic. The discussion was too long and I felt the people who attend it was losing their concentration. After the worship service, a meeting was held to arrange a day for the women, in which the women will perform some charitable service. At the end of the discussion, a man approached me with his problem in working life. I advised him to believe in himself and keep his focus on work.
It was the painting exhibition day. The exhibition was arranged at the church premises. After the Morning Prayer, the exhibition started. I was in the charge of guiding the people around the premises. Several famous painters visited the exhibition. People found it very interesting to interact with the painters. I was astonished by seeing some of the paintings. The painters explained how Christianity inspired them for painting the involvement of God in daily life. There was also an arrangement for painting at the church premises. Many of the visitors took participated in painting. The day ended with interaction with church authority.
I participated in the worship service today. There was no interesting event. A few number of people attended the prayer. Two people came to me with their problems. One of them had betrayed his friend and felt guilty. I advised him that his self-realization is a positive thing, and he should inform his friend about the betrayal. Another woman approached me with her problem with husband. I advised her try to compromise with the situation. After the interaction session, a meeting was held to discuss the arrangement of woman charity service.
The church arranged a charitable service involving the woman from the society to help the orphans. I was in charge to monitor the whole process. The children from the orphanage visited the church. The women provide them with books, playing objects and clothes. There was also an arrangement of food course. In the afternoon, some of the women gathered the children and read stories from the books. I interacted with some of the children and asked them about their daily activities in the orphanage. I delivered some spiritual thoughts to them and taught them how to pray to the God.
Today I lead the church prayer meeting. The prayer lasted for 2 hours, and there was very few people attended the prayer. I read the Luke 18 and Jesus’ teaching on the need for prayer. The people took interest on the topic. After the reading, I discussed some other topics. To involve everyone, I asked them individually to lead the prayer. Three individuals approached me to clear their doubt on the need for prayer. I explained them in detail, and they understood.
I attended the worship service, and I found it very uplifting. There were about 100 people visited the church today. After the prayer, the pastor arranged a session with the visitors about the problems with the marriage life. There was several couple, who shared their view on the existence of marriage. I identified some couples facing marriage life problem. I advised them to keep their trust on each other and believe in God. However, I found it quite difficult to explain it to some couples. At the evening, we discussed the arrangements on 25th December. It was an unscheduled meeting.
Friday 25 September 2015
Today I read a chapter from New Testament ‘Matthew 5-7′ and explained the devotional thoughts in front of the people. About 80 people attended church today. During the interaction session, a man approached me who was suffering from cancer. He was worried about his family. I explained to him that death is a part of life, and God might do some justice to his family. In the evening, we arranged a meeting to discuss the Christmas planning. The pastor suggested having a special praying session on Christmas. I suggested that we should arrange some musical program in that day.
The day began with a Morning Prayer and then the pastor read some verses of the Bible and explained it to the people. There were almost 250 people during the Morning Prayer. The day was very busy as people visited the church though out the day. The church premises decorated with flowers. I was monitoring the premises and interacting with the people and wish them. The people engaged in fun activities. In the evening, a musical session was arranged. The musicians played the musical instruments, and a group of students participated in the singing session. The concert ended at 8 pm. After the concert, a small discussion was performed about the new year celebration.
I attended the worship service at my church, and it lasted for two hours. There were about 100 people present during the worship. The pastor spoke of the divine nature of God. He read some of the verses of the Bible and explained it to the people. As the day was the beginning of New Year. Several people visited the church and asked for Gods’ blessing remains on them throughout the year. Quite a few people approached me with the variety of problem. I listened to their problem and guided them to prayer so that they can forget their miseries.
I joined the evangelism team today. Our church visited the nearby society. We formed two teams and visited the houses on the estate. We tried to introduce them to the Christianity. We also shared the gospel. The overall responses of the families were positive. However, some of the families were not welcoming us. We distributed some leaflets, which gave them the idea about the activities of the church. I found the entire activity very encouraging. However, I doubt the process of evangelism in the England.
Today the church has arranged to visit the nearby healthcare. We visited the healthcare and met the patients. They spoke about their miseries to us. We read some of the verses of the Bible and explained it to them. The explanation encouraged some of them. I explained to them that the pain is for a certain time, and they should not lose their hope. They need to put their trust in God. However, some of the patients were not very pleased by our visit. After returning from the healthcare, I attended the evening prayer.
I attended the mid-week Bible study meeting. I visited the church at 6.30 pm, and the meeting lasted for three hours. We discussed on some of the verse and explained our opinion. We mainly focus on the topic of Acts 2 and Acts 15. I made some arguments on God has no discrimination between his children. The pastor supported me on my thoughts. There was also a discussion on the arrangement of a drama activity by the children from the orphanage. I suggested training the children by visiting the orphanage twice a week. A majority of the members supported my idea. After the meeting, one of the members approached me about her problem with her son. Her son was staying outside the family and it hurts her. I suggested her to talk with her son and understand his thoughts.
Thursday 8 October 2015
The worship service consists of praise, prayers, sermon and testimonials. The worship service lasted for three hours, and about 80 people attended today. Six people approached me and shared testimonials about the way God has helped them to deal with their problems. One person reported how he had overcome his financial scarcities. Two of them explained their family member recovered from illness. Another woman is facing marriage problem with her husband. I explained to them how God has helped them to recover their condition. I suggested some of them to share their ideas with the others too. In the evening, the church has arranged a drama program by the children from the orphanage. Several people visited the church and enjoyed the drama.
This morning I attended the worship service of the church that continued for about one hour. It was a relaxed and casual worship and started around 8:30 am. About 40 people turned up in the gathering, and the event stared with the congregational singing in which everyone participated. After the prayer, a communion was offered to all like every week. Everyone participated actively in the event and expressed their spiritual views about the Lord, The Bible, religion, Christianity, etc. Like everyone, I also expressed my views about the meaning Lord’s Supper and the relevance of that to our present. Many people present at the gathering asked questions and added their views to my speech.
On this morning, I, along with my family gathered at the church at 11.00 am to attend the worship. This special worship on a Sunday morning is a celebration time, where the number of the turned up people is the maximum, and they worship altogether to explore the world of God. Like the other Sundays, the program began with the prayer songs that are most commonly sung. The chorus prayer along with the peaceful and spiritual environment of the church focused everyone’s attention on Christ. After the prayer, the pastor spoke some words that brought light to the scripture.
I attended the church service at evening. Today there was a special programme that was organized for the nursery children and other school students. There were about hundred students who appeared to attend the programme. The programme started at 5 pm and continued up to about 7 pm. We had organized some events for the children previously. The pastor started with the prayer song dedicating to Jesus Christ, and the children participated to that. Then the pastor delivered some lecture to them about their wellbeing. Then everyone from the church welfare organization delivered some speech to the children about different aspects of life, behavior, love, and respect for others, the need for education, etc. I also had to deliver a speech to them, and I gave a lecture about honesty. At the end of the program, we asked them again to gather in the church in the next week, and we decided to start some cultural activity with them from the next week.
On this evening, I along with other members of the church attended the evening worship of the church. On this day, we decided to organize a meeting for the upcoming program of 25 March, which is the Good Friday. After completing the regular worship service we, the members of church welfare committee along with some local people gathered for the meeting. We decided the events of that day and the responsibility was divided among us for the arrangements. After the religious activities of that day, we decided to involve the people in some activities. We decided to have a tree plantation programme in the community and then there will be some activities where the children and adults of the community will participate.
It was a busy day for all of us as well as the community people. All community people appeared to the church for the prayer. From 10 am, we started the activities that were decided previously. We started with the tree plantation programme. Everyone participated enthusiastically, and saplings were planted in the community. Then in the evening, a drawing competition was arranged by us for the school students. They were asked to draw on the topic “Rebirth of Christ.” We received some beautiful paintings from them. The last event was a dance drama that was performed by the members of the church on the different life events of Christ. We ended the program with the distribution of Hot Cross Buns. Everyone in the community and especially the children enjoyed the whole day.