Marketing Research For Investigation And Re-launching Of Heinz Salad Cream
Marketing Research for Investigation and Re-launching of Heinz Salad Cream
1. Focus group research was the marketing research vehicle employed to investigate and plan the re-launch of Heinz Salad Cream. What other types of research could have been used for this purpose? Justify which type of research you feel would have been most appropriate in these circumstances.
2. The Heinz Salad Cream campaign featured largely above-the-line plus high profile promotion. Suggest and justify what specific B2B retailer promotions might have been appropriate to support the B2C activity in which they engaged.
3. Young people were central to the Heinz Salad Cream campaign. Do you feel that this might have restricted their market offering, or do you feel that they did the correct thing?
4. How useful do you feel knowledge of the product life cycle was to managers when planning the re-launch of Heinz Salad Cream?
Re-launch or re-branding a product or service into the marketplace, is being considered as one of the essential aspects for an organization, which may influence the performance of an organization in both ways. In this context, it can be stated that through concentrating on the stages of product life cycle organizations may generate greater values. Similarly, selection of B2B retail as a promotional support may help an organization to engage in B2C activity in more diligent manner. Consequently, selection of suitable of marketing research tool may help organization to achieve greater success. In this regard, more precisely it can be stated that in order to ensure re-launch or re-branding of Salad Cream, Heinz will need to establish certain strategies, which may help the organization to establish a positive emotional relationship in-between consumers and product (Al-Mohammad et al. 2014).
This particular study will highlight how re-launch of Salad Cream product associated marketing research can be performed with an aim of maximizing the success of Heinz. At the same time, the study will also highlight how the organization may ensure the success of high profile promotion in case of B2B to B2C activities. Additionally, the study will also analyze how important is the knowledge of product life cycle in case of planning and re-launch of Salad Cream for Heinz.
During the re-launch of Heinz Salad Cream, the organization will need to incorporate certain change as compare to earlier launch, which may help the organization to meet the needs and requirement of the existing consumers. In this regard, more precisely it can be argued that through emphasizing towards the planning and investigation process, an organization may effectively ensure the success of product re-launch. Moreover, it can be also mentioned that the organization will need to highly emphasize towards brand awareness and implementation of marketing strategy, which may help the organization to achieve business success during the product re-launch phase (Malhotra and Dash 2013).
Primary Research Objectives
According to the view point of Toften and Hammervoll (2013), it is viewed that implication of re-branding strategy if fail, then an organization usually face enormous amount of challenges during the execution of business operations. Lack of branding may lead an organization towards confusion in case of establishment of brand image. On the other hand, failure of re-branding also may lead an organization towards loosing greater market share. In relation to this, it can be stated that incorporation of suitable re-branding strategy may help an organization to meet maximize its profitability and growth. Adoption of appropriate re-branding strategy may help an organization to enhance its competitive advantages within the competitive market position (Viio and Nordin 2015).
The re-launching of Heinz Salad Cream will be successful with primary research over the sample sized customers and the organization marketing managers. The research will include some specific aims and objectives as well. The research objectives will be to find out the potential customer demographic and as well as the overall product satisfaction analysis for identifying the key factors of product fascination over the sample population. The research will be justified with showing the method selection and as well the detailed analysis techniques (Al-Mohammad et al. 2014).
Once the research objectives are set, then the next step of the researchers will be to emphasizing on the hypotheses. The hypotheses are created for aligning the outcome of the research with the objectives. The primary research will follow a certain kind of research design as exploratory, explanatory, or descriptive. The research method will be identified with activities performed in the research. For instance, when the researchers are pointing out the key factors for customer satisfaction in Heinz Salad Cream, the design will be exploratory. Again, when the outcome is aligned with research questions then the research design will be descriptive and explanatory (Viio and Nordin 2015). In this particular research process, the researchers will mostly follow the exploratory with sample selection, interviewing, data collection, and analysis. Now the research design is set, the researchers will consider the data collection process in this context. The primary research will be performed with collecting raw data from the targeted sample population of Heinz customers. The data collection techniques will follow quantitative in this aspect collecting the responses for further analysis. The population will include the Heinz managers for qualitative analysis. The sample design will be performed with non-probabilistic sampling or snowball sampling technique as well (Malhotra and Dash 2013).
Research Hypotheses and Design
The non-probabilistic sampling technique is fully dependent on the randomness of customers and as well the satisfactory responses. Again, the snowball-sampling technique will be helpful to identify the potential candidates for interviewing in terms of qualitative analysis. Therefore, in this aspect, to design the customer sample the non-probabilistic sampling technique will be better and to design the manager sample, the snowball-sampling technique will be suitable. The research must include constant size of sampling population whereas the customers should be 80 and managers should be at least 20 for the research. The customers will be enquired with questionnaire and the managers will be interviewed with interactive session. However, in this situation of handling several persons in the research data collection, there may be certain issues regarding the respondent handling. The ethical considerations will strictly include the data applications, controlling of misbehavior and anomaly in responses. The ethical implications will certainly maintain the influence on the research area (Viio and Nordin 2015).
Once the research hypotheses are created, the independent and dependent variables will be identified for model making. The models will incorporate the linear or multiple regression analysis. The analysis results will prove the hypotheses either positive or negative. The false hypotheses will be identified as the null hypotheses whereas the true one will be defined as alternative hypotheses. The questionnaire will first include a demographic analysis for including only the respondents between 20-30 years for the data analysis. In case of satisfaction analysis, the Likert scale of 1 to 5 may be employed to show statistically (Malhotra and Dash 2013).
After the analysis is performed, the finding will be for viewing the factors for attraction of the product requirement. For instance, the factors may be another catalyst for re-branding the product. In some cases, Toften and Hammervoll (2013) opined that the findings may be repetition, lack of genuineness and authentication as well. Again, after the primary research, the findings will demonstrate the outcome of research. Therefore, Al-Mohammad et al. (2014) claimed that the process of crosschecking among the existing findings with the conducted research outcomes will be vital. This particular analysis is identified as the secondary researching with case study analysis. Therefore, the findings will be added with validity for analysis. In most of the cases, the questionnaire of the customers includes loyalty and satisfaction queries for the company product usage.
The primary research in this circumstance will be helpful for getting overall scenario of the research within the sample population. The randomization will be quite justified with getting diverse responses for in-depth study over the area. The satisfaction may be dependent on brand value and as well with the fascination of product taste, flavor, and usage with fast food. In young generation, it is an allurement for taking fast foods with salad and the Heinz Salad Cream will not be any exception. Therefore, the targeted customers are identified as 20-30 aged persons. The customers have tendency of satisfaction rather than other age-ranged respondents. To re-launching the Heinz Salad Cream to the particular customers, campaign or advertising will be suitable to gain attraction to the product. The re-launching will include some qualitative objectives and qualitative objective. The quantitative objectives may be with achieving overall distribution to the super-market, different confectionary, and continental restaurants. The increasing of sale will be easier with the distribution performed. In the qualitative objectives, the product might include the innovation in advertising. The re-launching will need to be preferable to the new customers enticing with the product preferences (Toften and Hammervoll 2013).
Data Collection Techniques and Sample Size
The concept of B2B (Business-to-Business), can be regarded as a type of commercial deal, which usually performed in between couple of business organization in terms of exchange of products and/ or services. The exchange of products or services does not performed in between business to consumers, rather one organization sells or vends their product and/ or services to some other organization with an intention of performing the business transaction. In relation to this, it can be also argued that organizations usually rely on business transactions with an intention of promoting their products or services to some other organization, which may help an organization to establish its brand identity within the operating marketplace. However, adoption of B2B sales strategy also may help an organization to ensure the flow of supply of its existing products or services. According to the viewpoint of McNeill et al. (2013), large numbers of organizations are utilizing B2B strategy during its manufacturing processes, as organizations are purchase its essential components as well as raw materials from its suppliers, which can be also regarded as a B2B transaction.
On the other hand, the concept of B2C (Business-to-Consumer), can be defined as a typical commercial transaction, which usually performed amid the consumers and organizations. In this context, it can be also argued that B2C transaction is can be regarded as a traditional transaction mode, which usually performed by the organizations with an intention of enhancing brand recognition. Moreover, adoption of B2C strategy usually helps organizations to increase market share by maximizing overall sales turnover (Zhu et al. 2013).
Now in the contemporary era, large numbers of organizations are targeting B2B retailer as a high profile promotion, with an intention of maximizing organizational profit and growth. At the same time, it can be also mentioned that through adoption B2B strategy, organizations are also intended to enhance its brand reorganization amid the consumers by establishing familiar brand image. According to the viewpoint of McNeill et al. (2013), it is identified that B2B business strategy usually helps organizations to maximize the sales volume, rather than that of business to consumers’ sales. In case of B2B business strategy the cost involvement in case of marketing and promotion is comparatively lower than that of B2C business strategy. However, based on the viewpoint of Pick (2013), it is notified that organizations usually adopt B2B strategy with an intention of minimizing the cost involvement in case of promotional activities through reducing the cost of workforce, infrastructure and advertising among others.
Ethical Considerations in Research
On the contrary, it is also viewed that in case of B2C strategy organizations usually high concentrate towards branding, marketing and promotion activities, with an intention of attracting the attention of the consumers. In this context, Ur (2013) notified that B2C strategy is comparatively less risky than that of B2B strategy. Additionally, it is also notified that B2B strategy is also comparatively much simpler than that of B2C strategy, as B2C transactions are tougher than that of business to consumer sales.
In this regard, more precisely it can be argued that in case of Heinz, the organization may deliberately use B2B retail, as it may help the organization to maximize its overall sales revenue by maximizing volume of transaction. Adoption of B2B retail marketing strategy also may help Heinz to reduce its humorous advertising cost by cut down media expenses and campaigning expenses. Based on the review of Heinz’s portfolio, it is identified that the organization usually offer salad cream, which usually may help food as well as snakes based organizations to enhance the quality of food products by turning dull food into tasty food items. In relation to this, more precisely it can be stated that through ensuring the implications of B2B strategy in more effective manner, the organization may assist its trading partners (organizations) to improve the quality as well as taste of snacks food items such as Pizza and Sandwich among others (Zhu et al. 2013).
According to the viewpoint of Ur (2013), in the contemporary era; adoption of B2B strategy has become a strategic measure for the organizations with an intention of ensuring high profile promotion. Similarly, through concentrating on B2B strategy, organizations also may increase brand recognition by reducing cost involvement towards creating advertisement and commercials. In this context, Pick (2013) argued that commercial and advertisement is being recognized as a one of the common unifying process, which usually help organizations to attract the attention of the consumers. However, in case of creating commercial and advertisement the involvement of cost is comparatively high, which usually affect the profitability of the organizations. Thus, in the contemporary era large numbers of food based organizations prefer to use B2B strategy for attracting the attention of the consumers towards the specific product. Adoption of B2B strategy may help Heinz to promote its Salad Cream amid consumers and it also may help the organization to support in case of B2C activities in more diligent manner (Ur 2013).
Data Analysis and Findings
Based on the above discussed assumptions, it can be evidently argued that B2B business strategy usually helps organizations to maximize the sales volume, rather than that of business to consumers’ sales and it also comparatively much simpler than that of B2C strategy, which usually helps the organization to support in B2C activities. Additionally, it can be also argued that B2B strategy may help Heinz to increase its brand recognition by reducing cost involvement towards creating advertisement and commercials in case of Cream Salad product (Zhu et al. 2013).
In order to critically evaluate the effectiveness of Heinz’s marketing campaign regarding Salad Cream, it can be asserted that the organization has targeted the age group of 20-30 years, as the organization has identified that young people are the suitable consumers, who can consume their Salad Cream more happily and quirky. Based on the viewpoint of Swanson et al. (2013), it is also recognized that Salad Cream is being considered as one of the most appropriate food item, which does not affect the healthy diet routine of young consumers. At the same time, it can be also asserted that young people have the tendency of consuming more pizza and sandwich, which signifies that targeting young range of consumers’ may help the organization to sale high volume Salad Cream product amid the consumers. Apart from this, it can be also claimed that through concentrating towards young consumers, the organization may enhance its profitability and growth in more diligent manner (Marland and Giasson 2013).
Based on the review of quality and taste of Salad Cream product of Heinz, it is recognized that Salad Cream is being considered as one of the prime associated lifestyle product, which may satisfy the needs and expectations of the consumers. Simultaneously, it can be also mentioned that Salad Cream does have an advantages over mayonnaise, which may add a flavor on the food item. Apart from this, considering Salad Cream as a special item also may enhance moisture on the food items. Moreover, addition of Salad Cream on the food items may help consumers to enhance the quality as well as taste of the food items by turning the dull food into a healthy food (Swanson et al. 2013). In this context, it can be also asserted that young consumers always prefer to consume quality and healthy food items. At the same time, taste has remained as a one of the key concern for the young individuals. Thus, Heinz has particularly targeted young consumers in case of its Salad Cream items. However, it is also mentioned that the organization has conducted its promotional campaign among the young consumers with an intention of maximizing its profitability as well as growth (Tafesse and Korneliussen 2013).
Secondary Researching with Case Study Analysis
According to the viewpoint of Swanson et al. (2013), it is also revealed that young consumers also have a tendency of buying more snacks food items such as pizza and sandwich as compare to the elder age group. Apart from this, it can be also mentioned that young consumers are also consume snacks food items in a spontaneous decision making. Thus, with an intention of archiving greater market share within the operating marketplace, the organization has deliberately targeted young age group of consumers. However, it is also recognized that sometimes consumers are also prefer to consume low cost based products such as pizza and sandwich, which is being considered as a prime causes of targeting young consumers as target consumer base.
Moreover, based on the observation it is also noticed that Heinz has expensed £10 million during the re-launch of Salad Cream, with an intention of attracting the attention of its target consumers. In this regard, it is identified that during the branding and promotion of Salad Cream product, Heinz has applied radio and television advertising medium as a prime tool. At the same time, it can be also stated that the organization also has used press and posters for attracting the attention of the young consumers. Moreover, it can be also mentioned that the organization has deliberately applied specific internet sites, with an intention of promoting its brand identity amid the target consumers groups. Heinz also has utilized sponsorship deals in order to attract the attention of the consumers (Marland and Giasson 2013). Additionally, it can be mentioned that through concentrating in the promotion campaign the organization also has dedicatedly spread its brand image and product features amid the target group of consumers. However, it is also noticed that public relations and sampling campaigning strategies of the organization also has played a greater role within the organization (Willoughby 2013).
In this regard, more precisely it can be mentioned that targeting young people for the Salad Cream product can be regarded as a one of the effective strategies of Heinz. In relation to this, rationally it can be mentioned that through concentrating on young consumers’ the organization may effectively ensure its competitive position within the operating marketing place, as Salad Cream is highly used in case of pizza and sandwich kind of products, which are highly consumed by the young consumers (Tafesse and Korneliussen 2013).
According to the viewpoint of Sorli and Armijo (2013), application of product life cycle is being considered as one of the essential aspects during the planning and re-launch of existing product within the operating market place. Applications of product life cycle may influence the performance of an organization in both ways. At the same time, it can be also asserted that through emphasizing towards the product life cycle, organizations may effectively ensure their success and long term sustainability within the competitive market place. Based on the study of Yang (2013), it is also viewed that lack of attention towards product life cycle, during the planning and re-launch of existing product may lead an organization towards greater failure. In addition, it can be also stated that applications of product life cycle during the product re-launching phase may help an organization to enhance opportunity as well as prospect for the organization to archive business goals by enhancing profitability and growth.
In this context, more precisely it can be stated that during the launching of Salad Cream, the organization will need to highly emphasize towards product life cycle stages such as introduction, growth, maturity and decline, which may help Heinz to enhance its sales revenue. At the same time, it can be also mention that through concentrating on the product life cycle stages, the organization also may effectively enhance its competitive advantages within the operating market place. In relation to this, it can be also asserted that during the planning and re-launch of existing product, the organization should emphasize towards innovation and creativity, which may help Heinz to enhance its quality as well as taste of the Salad Cream. At the same time, it can be also argued that higher attention towards product life cycle stages also may help the organization to satisfy the needs and expectations of the stakeholders such as consumers, trading partners among others (González-García et al. 2012).
In accordance with the view point of Sorli and Armijo (2013), the stages of product life cycle is being considered as one of the prime strategic techniques for the organizations, with an intention of optimizing revenue from the product. At the same time, through concentrating on the stages of product life cycle, organizations also may enhance its business competencies in case of ensuring long run within the competitive market place. In relation to this, it can be also mentioned that the knowledge of product life cycle stages may help an organization upgrade the quality of the products. In this context, it can be asserted that considering the stages of product life cycle may help Heinz to upgrade the quality of its Salad Cream items by satisfying the consumers’ needs. The knowledge of theoretical model of product life cycle may help leaders as well as managers to ensure the success of organization by effective execution of marketing or management strategies. Additionally, it can be also mentioned that application as well as analysis of product life cycle also may realm imagination amid the consumers.
According to the viewpoint of Yang (2013), it is identified that through focusing towards the stages of product life cycle, organizations may effectively enhance the overall demand of products and it also may assist operating organization by shifting effective changes on the demand. In this regard, more precisely it can be stated that the manager of Heinz should consider the stages of product life cycle, as it may help the organization to ensure the protection of intellectual property such as patents as well as trademarks in case of Salad Cream during the product introduction phase. At the same time, it can be also mentioned that through concentrating on the introduction phase of product life cycle, the organization also may effectively ensure the branding and quality level of its Salad Cream. However, it can be also argued that through focusing towards the product life cycle introduction phase, organizations may adopt suitable pricing strategy such as low cost pricing, which may help the organization to enhance its market share within the operating market place. Simultaneously, it also may help Heinz to increase its competitive advantages. Additionally, it can be also asserted that through paying high attention towards the introduction phase and by ensuring innovation and up gradation on the product, the organization also may gain acceptance amid the consumers (Yang 2013).
Consequently, it can be also mentioned that through concentrating on the product life cycle stages Heinz also may ensure its greater competitive advantages during the growth phase. In this regard, more precisely it can be stated that concentrating on the stages of product life cycle, the organization may effectively enhance its market share within the operating market place. Apart from this, it also may help organizations to establish greater brand awareness within the competitive market place. In accordance with the viewpoint of Sorli and Armijo (2013), it is viewed that through concentrating on the growth states of product life cycle, the organization may effectively ensure additional features and support in case of offering its Salad Cream, which may help Heinz to offer better service. Moreover, it can be also mentioned that paying high attention towards growth states of product life cycle may help the organization to increase the demand of its Salad Cream and it also may help Heinz to maintain its competitive position within the operating market place (Yang 2013).
At the same time, it can be also argued that the organization should pay greater attention towards maturity phase of product life cycle, which may help the organization to ensure its long term survival within the operating market by ensuring its competitive position. However, it can be also asserted that through concentrating on maturity phase of product life cycle, the organization also may differentiate its Salad Cream product from the competitors’ similar as well as supplementary goods, which may help Heinz to ensure its competitive advantages within the operating market place. In this context, incorporation of low pricing strategy may help the organization to gain greater intensive as well as encourage preference over the competitors (González-García et al. 2012).
Additionally, it can be argued that during the declining phase of product life cycle, Heinz also will need to consider greater innovation and price cutting strategy, before withdrawing the product from the market. In this regard, it can be mentioned that reducing price and implication of innovation within the product (Salad Cream) may help Heinz to ensure its sustainability within the competitive market. Finally, by withdrawing the product and by clearing remaining inventory, the organization also may ensure its good will within the operating market place, which may help Heinz to ensure its competitive position for upcoming products (Finkbeiner 2013).
Thus, based on these above mentioned assumptions, it can be evidently claimed that the manager of Heinz should have adequate knowledge about the stages of product life cycle, which may help the organization to effectively plan and re-launch its Salad Cream product.
Based on the above discussed scenario, it is notified that during the investigate, plan and re-launch of Salad Cream, Heinz may apply quantitative approach for market research, which may help the organization to identify current market scenario in more diligent manner. Simultaneously, it is also viewed that adoption of B2B retailer promotion strategy also may help the organization to execute high profile promotion and it also support in case of B2C activity in more appropriate manner. Moreover, it can be also mentioned that consider young people as a target market also help Heinz to ensure effective marketing campaign for Salad Cream product. Additionally, it can be asserted that managers also should have knowledge of product life cycle, during the planning and re-launch of Salad Cream product.
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