Web Based Platform For Marks And Spencer’s

Objectives of the Project

 1.1. Project aims and objectives

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The main aim of the project is to implement a web based platform for Marks and Spencer’s for fulfilling its orders from number of different deports around the country.

The objectives of the project include:

  • To implement web-based platform
  • To increase customer base of the organization
  • To fulfill the orders from number of various deports around the country.

 It is identified that in order to implement the web based platform for Marks and spencer, budget of around $48,160 is required for finishing the project. In addition to this, the cost that is associated with each activities of the project is listed in the below screenshot.

 The scope of the project include:

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  • Implementation of web based platform in Marks and Spencer
  • Improving customer base
  • Fulfilling orders from various deports around the country
  • Completing the entire project within 84 days

The time that is required for finishing the project is around 84 days. It is identified that the time that is required for finishing each of the project activities are reflected with the help of the screenshot that is provided below:

Identification of factors


Measurement of project quality

Analyzing project quality

Quality control

 Poor quality of materials

 The main purpose is to resolve the issues that the project is facing due to the utilization of poor quality of materials.

 The project quality is measured by testing the quality of the materials

 The quality is poor is mainly reflected by the challenges that is occurring due to poor quality of materials.

It is essential to check the quality before using it.

 Improper training

 The main purpose of the project is to give proper training facility to the workers so that they can easily work within the project.

 The training need is determined by the problems that are associated with the project.

 The training need is reflected due to the problems that the team member’s faces in developing web based platform.

Proper facility of training must be provided.



Information to be shared

Frequency of information exchange

 Location of information exchange

Purpose of communication








 Project manager

 About project objectives and goals


 Conferee hall

 The goals and objectives are communicated so that the workers can work effectively.

Email, face to face

Database administrator

About project technical issues


Branch office

The technical risks are communicated for resolving it.

Email, conference

Financial manager

About the requirement of funds

Whenever needed

Branch office

 The needs of the funds are conveyed so that the project can be implemented.








 Budget shortfall

Financial risk



Proper budget estimation after undertaking earned value analysis.

Technical issue

 Technical risk



It is quite essential to hire technical engineer who are skilled and experienced.

Improper management

 Project risk



 Experienced project managers must be hired so that the project can be effectively managed.


The resources that are used in the project include:

Materials resource: The materials resources include the hardware as well as software that is required for implementing the system.

Financial resource: it is unidentified that budget of around $48,160 is needed in the project.

Human resource: The people who are involved with the project includes:

  • Project manager
  • Project planner
  • Application manager
  • Developer
  • Database administrator
  • Coder
  • Tester
  • Quality analyst
  • Financial manager


Completion date

      Milestone 1: Completion of project planning phase

Wed 09-05-18

      Milestone 2: Completion of designing web application

Wed 13-06-18

      Milestone 3: completion of coding

Fri 06-07-18

      Milestone 4: Completion of building web content

Mon 16-07-18

      Milestone 5: Completion of user experience

Thu 26-07-18

      Milestone 6: Completion of testing phase

Thu 09-08-18

      Milestone 6: Completion of project closure phase

Fri 17-08-18

Task Name



Implementation of Web platform

84 days

Wed 25-04-18

   Project planning phase

11 days

Wed 25-04-18

      Conversation with team members

3 days

Wed 25-04-18

      Project proposal development

2 days

Mon 30-04-18

      Agreement for project

3 days

Wed 02-05-18

      Determining project stakeholders

2 days

Mon 07-05-18

      Getting approval for the project plan

1 day

Wed 09-05-18

      Milestone 1: Completion of project planning phase

0 days

Wed 09-05-18

   Design of web application

25 days

Thu 10-05-18

      Gathering ideas on project

4 days

Thu 10-05-18

      Getting review from client

3 days

Wed 16-05-18

      Revising project design

5 days

Mon 21-05-18

      Feasibility study

3 days

Mon 28-05-18

      Determining project budget

5 days

Thu 31-05-18

      Meeting for project kick off

4 days

Thu 07-06-18

      Getting approval for design

1 day

Wed 13-06-18

      Milestone 2: Completion of designing web application

0 days

Wed 13-06-18


17 days

Thu 14-06-18

      Construction of prototype

3 days

Thu 14-06-18

      Database development

5 days

Tue 19-06-18

      Validation of code

4 days

Tue 26-06-18

      Cross-browser testing

3 days

Mon 02-07-18


2 days

Thu 05-07-18

      Milestone 3: completion of coding

0 days

Fri 06-07-18

   Building web-content

6 days

Mon 09-07-18

      Navigation structure

1 day

Mon 09-07-18

      Site content pages

1 day

Tue 10-07-18

      Deployment of web server

2 days

Wed 11-07-18

      Importing file in web server

2 days

Fri 13-07-18

      Milestone 4: Completion of building web content

0 days

Mon 16-07-18

   User experience

8 days

Tue 17-07-18

      Updating website login details

2 days

Tue 17-07-18

      Updating project details

3 days

Thu 19-07-18

      Presenting display

3 days

Tue 24-07-18

      Milestone 5: Completion of user experience

0 days

Thu 26-07-18

   Testing phase

10 days

Fri 27-07-18

      Usability testing

3 days

Fri 27-07-18

      Black box testing

4 days

Wed 01-08-18

      White box testing

3 days

Tue 07-08-18

      Milestone 6: Completion of testing phase

0 days

Thu 09-08-18

   Project closure phase

7 days

Fri 10-08-18

      Risk assessment

3 days

Fri 10-08-18

      Quality management

3 days

Wed 15-08-18

       Final review

1 day

Mon 20-08-18

      Milestone 6: Completion of project closure phase

0 days

Fri 17-08-18

 It is identified that agile project methodology is mainly utilized in this project. Agile methodology is mainly used as it helps in estimating the time of the project accurately. In addition to this, with the help of agile methodology, risks as well as challenges associated with the project can also be determined (Mir & Pinnington, 2014).

 It is identified that both qualitative as well as quantitative research methods are mainly utilized in order to conduct the small scale research that is generally aims in measuring the success effect as well as impact of the M&S’s program of digital technology. The qualitative research is undertaken by reviewing number of journals as well as articles on the significance of digital technology (Lewis, 2015).  It is identified that with help of qualitative research proper information as well as technology related details are collected that are very much helpful in implementing the web based platform. The organization reviews different real projects online for getting appropriate idea about steps that are needed to be undertaken in order to implement the system.

It is identified that in order to implement web based platform, the organization needs to carry out steps including web application designing, coding, building web content, testing and more. All the important steps with appropriate details are analyzed for developing the web based platform (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015). On the other hand, quantitative research is used by undertaking surveys as well as questionnaires. With the help of quantitative research the organization can be able to know about the needs as well as demands of the project so that they can develop the web based platform as per the needs as well as requirements of the users. This is quite important to expand the customer base of the organization.

Scope of the Project

It is identified that in this project, both qualitative as well as quantitative research is undertaken in order to complete the project. The qualitative research is undertaken for getting information as well as details from online research of various real project examples in order to implement the system successfully whereas the quantitative research is undertaken for analyzing the needs as well as requirements of the project. In this project, it is analyzed that qualitative research is more reliable as well as accurate in comparison to qualitative research as the organization is getting response as per the current issues within the organization’s web based system.

 It is identified that both quantitative as well as qualitative research plays an important role in meeting the project objectives. It is identified that proper information as well as details about the procedure of web based platform is gathered with the help of qualitative research whereas the needs as well as requirements of the project are mainly reflected with the help of quantitative research (Smith, 2015). It is identified that both research are useful for achieving the goals as well as objectives. By undertaking both the research, proper knowledge about the importance of both qualitative as well as quantitative research is learnt that can be utilized in the future projects.

It is found that proper project management procedure is utilized in this project for achieving the goals as well as objectives of the project. It is identified that agile project methodology is utilized in this project in order to manage the time as well as risks that are associated with the project effectively (Kerzner, 2017). In addition to this, proper quality research is mainly undertaken in order to manage the quality of the project. It is analyzed that by using the project management process as well as quality research, proper knowledge about the various types of project management procedure is gained which can be applied in the future projects. In addition to this, the quality research that is undertaken helps in providing techniques that are needed to undertake for managing the project quality. All this techniques can be utilized in other project in order to avoid project related issues.

The project outcomes reflects that the entire project of web platform implementation for M&S’s organization is finished within 84 days by utilizing budget of around $48,160. The entire project is finished successfully for enhancing and customer base and for fulfilling the orders from various deports around the country (Hornstein, 2015).  The project manager takes appropriate decision for implementing the web based platform properly. It is found that proper decisions related with the project development, management of project as well as steps that are taken for managing the project risks are taken quite effectively by the project manager. The project manager also taken appropriate steps for managing the change within the project. It is identified that the project team members are asked to finish the project within the expected time by not compromising the quality of the project (Svejvig & Andersen, 2015).  However, the budget of the project can be enhanced if scope creep occurs within the project. Proper management plan is mainly created for the initial stage of the project for managing the resources, costs as well as time of the project effectively.

 It is identified that in order to manage the project effectively following recommendations needs to be followed:

Proper estimation: Proper estimation of budget and time is very much essential in order to avoid project related challenges.

Regular tracking of project: Proper tracking of project is necessary in order to ensure that the entire project of web platform development is on track.

Proper management: Proper management must be followed for finishing the project within the expected time and budget.

 It is identified that proper knowledge about the importance of decision making, changes in the project as well as development of project management plan  is gained which is very much helpful in managing the project effectively and for utilizing those concepts in the future projects.

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Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.

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