Importance Of Fire Safety Measures For High-Rise Buildings In Northern Ireland
Historical perspectives of high-rise buildings in the UK
Buildings refers to any permanent or temporary structures enclosed within exterior walls and having a roof. Tall buildings refer to multi-storey buildings which are supported by lifts or elevators to make to floors accessible. Most high up buildings are called high-rise buildings. The skyscraper is a very tall high-rise building. The first high-rise buildings were constructed in the United States in the 1880s. High-rise buildings were made constructed using steel structural frames and glass exterior sheathing. Beds of solid rocks are the most desirable base for these particular high-rise buildings. They need to withstand the effect imposed by winds and potential earthquakes. High rise buildings generally include a rather limited range of buildings suited for residential apartments, hotels, and office buildings, etc. (Craighead, 2009) (Marshall 2017)
High rise buildings came into existence in Great Britain after the Second World War. Historical perspectives of high rise buildings in UK started with the Norman invasion in 1066 and the construction of the Tower of London by William the Conqueror and his successors. The first residential tower block, “The Lawn” was constructed in Harlow, Essex in 1951. For over a hundred years between 1098 and 1310 the White Tower in the Tower of London was London’s tallest structure. It was 90 feet high or 27 meters. Initially, tower blocks were welcomed because of their excellent views which made them popular living places (Harvey, 2015).
The research aims to identify the importance of taking fire safety measures in the high-rise buildings in Northern Ireland. In addition, the study focuses on the risk factors involved in the high-rise buildings and challenges faced while deploying fire safety measures.
The objectives of the research can be described as followed.
- To identify how the safety of social tenants in high rise buildings might be enhanced
- To identify the risks factors associated with high-rise buildings in Northern Ireland
- To critically analyze the importance of fire safety in high-rise buildings in Northern Ireland
- To find out the challenges faced while deploying fire safety in high-rise building
- To recommend solutions for overcoming the issues faced for deploying fire safety in high rise buildings
The first High Rise Building in Northern Ireland was constructed in 1966, the structure was named after Belfast Divis Mountain, the top of the building was used by British army as an observation post during the time of sectarian war in Northern Ireland.
( 2017)
High rise living refer to living of those people who are living in high rise buildings which have elevators to reach in destinations. There are both the advantages as well as disadvantages of high-rise living. The main advantages of high-rise living include good location benefits, security, facilities and conveniences, great view of the scenery, underground parking facilities and on-site management facilities (Smith, 2017). The main disadvantages of high-rise living are not limited to high risks of fire outbreaks, fatalities resulting from natural disasters, earthquakes threats and other security related issues.
Advantages and disadvantages of high-rise living
The Grenfell Tower fire was a devastating fire incident which started on 14th June 2017 in the 24th Storey of the Kensington building in West London. The fire was reported at 00:54 BST where 40 fire engines and more than 200 firefighters tackled the fire until 01:14 BST the next day (over 24 hours) to bring the fire under control. It affected most floors of the building and destroyed about 151 homes, both within the tower and its surrounding areas. The Grenfel tower was a residential high rise built in 1974 and contained 120 homes. Renovation of the tower was completed by Rydon Construction; including the work of a new exterior cladding, replacement windows and a communal heating system in May of 2016. Seven additional houses were created along with the remodeling of bottom four floors improving communal facilities.
According to various witnesses, the fire started on one side of the tower block before engulfing the entire block. The metropolitan police following an extensive investigation discovered that approximately 350 people were in the tower block on the night of the fire and about 255 people were rescued safely from the inferno. About 14 residents were not at the tower at that time leaving 80 people presumed to be dead and Westminster coroner Dr. Fiona Wilcox formally identified 34 victims. The police said “The fire started in Hotpoint Fridge Freezer but it wasn’t started consciously” (BBC News 2017a)
On the 15th of November 2017, Fire fighters were called in to NIHE Tower Building, Coolmoyne House in Dunmurry, the fire broke out from 9th floor where a tenant was making a toastie, this was classified as non-intentional but accidental, two people were admitted into hospital while all the residents were evacuated from the building. The quick intervention of Northern Ireland Fire fighters resulted in the fire being put out immediately. (BBC News 2017b)
Thus, with reference to these two cases aforesaid evidence the increasing issues surrounding fire and safety this may not be unrelated a growing trend of people moving from single homes into apartment at high-rises. With an ever-increasing population and growing economies, demand for high rise buildings is also on the increase (Fahy 2015). ). With this growth there are also the increase of the risk of various safety related incidents.So, it aims at discussing the enhancement of safety measures of high rise buildings in the UK (BBC News 2017b)
NIHE has over 30 high rise residential blocks spread all over Northern Ireland, following the devastating Grenfel fire incident, fire and safety concern has increased among the residents of High Rise building in Northern Ireland. Authorities have been developing several mechanisms for solving this crucial issue. (2017)
Grenfell Tower fire incident
Following the review of several studies done on fire risks and hazards, it was found that fire management techniques must be strengthened, and technical measures must be taken in order to provide adequate fire safety within high-rise buildings. Due to the rapid pace of urbanization worldwide there is no doubt that strict and enforceable safety norms for skyscrapers are vital. Fire safety measures and earthquake resistance measures should be strictly followed. Reliable fire-fighting systems should be used. Safety and evacuation measures are crucial.
Secondary data related to improvement of fire safety measures of the high-rise buildings in the UK and Northern Ireland is discussed. The importance of fire safety measures in the high-rise buildings, the procedure of taking measures for fire and safety is discussed in this chapter of the research. Apart from this, theories and models related to risk management is discussed this section of the study. The study also discusses the risk management strategies for fire and safety in the high-rise buildings in the UK and Northern Ireland.
In Northern Ireland, high rise buildings are faced several issues characterized by heights as well as extended vertical travel distance for egress as well as means of access that imposes challenges of fire protection (Gwynne et al. 2016). High-rise buildings are involved with greater risks of fire as per the features like great height, complicated structure as well as diverse functions. On contrary, the assertion might not be true as well as high-rise buildings are designed with particular features of fire protection. A report based on high-rise buildings fires conducted by the US National Fire Protection Organization have shown that probability of occurring fire in high-rise buildings are less than other buildings of the same property utilize that is gutted by fire. In this regard, it becomes important to analyze fire safety measures of the high-rise buildings in Northern Ireland.
Kavanagh (2016) stated that fire risk analysis of high-rise buildings is important, as it is important to measure the process. Probability as well as consequences of fire is required to quantify. Super high-rise buildings are increasing rapidly in the preset years that bring challenges to the fire protection considering the density of high building. In addition, high occupant load as well as high fire load becomes the major concern. Hence, good management of the fire safety is necessary to the lower probability. The occupants in the building escape a paramount to a particular place of safety.
Importance of fire safety measures in high-rise buildings
A fire risk evaluation of high-rise buildings needs to be organised as well as methodological review. It is required to carry on likelihood that fire could start as well as may affect on the occupants along with properties in across the premises. The aim of free risk evaluation is required to detect fire hazards and minimise the risks as low that can be reasonably predictable (Kinateder et al. 2014). In addition, it is important to decide the physical fire precautions as well as management arrangements, which are essential to ensure that safety measures of people in the premises can start. It assists manager of the buildings deciding any risks detected are acceptable or require minimising and controlling.
McConnell and Boyce (2015) stated that the challenges posed by high-rise buildings within the developed environment and components by fire-safety evaluation in order to prevent fire protection that is undergoing the development as well as recognition, which will enable buildings an designed for fire-safety. The developments are in the stage of the enhancement that can withstand high temperature of heat to an amount of degree. For an instance, quality of fire resistivity as well as properties of solid is performing at the elevated temperature enhanced through replacement of cement with a particular percentage. It happens due to the design as well as prevention of equipment is more common with the high-rise buildings compared than different building facilities (Kobayashi et al. 2016). On the other hand, a study has identified that there are eleven parametric modules towards fire safety analysis of building as well as evaluation of risks.
It has been a high concern in the building as well as construction sector. The situation for commercial building is not same as other buildings. The tragedy at Greenfell Tower in London makes it necessary to take adequate safety measures in the high-rise buildings. It is the responsibility of commercial buildings’ proprietors as well as organizations in order to minimise the risk of fire and put enough fire safety process for protecting staffs and visitors (Yan et al. 2017). Several fire safety principles are considered as the same for high-rise buildings as other buildings like as the requirement for enough fire in order to make enough compartmentation, training and need to appoint fire safety measures. On the other hand, some things make the system different as the number of different organisation share same buildings.
The safety measures can be described as followed.
- Fire-resistant construction: High-rise buildings need to be designed as well as constructed by utilizing fire-resistant materials so that fire cannot easily spread. In addition, the buildings are required to separate into several compartments in order to prevent fire from spreading to different levels.
- Fire escapes:The only way for evacuating the building at the time of fire is through stairs (Oloke 2015). It should include interior-fire stairwell shafts. In addition, the stairwell should indicate the floor level that are on as well as the nearest crossover floor. Interior fireproof stairwell expands the scopes of surviving for occupants.
Risk management strategies for fire safety in high-rise buildings
There are five steps included to conduct fire risk evaluation such as identification of hazards, scenario design fire, quantitative risk analysis, assessment of risks comparing to the acceptable criteria as well as risk management.
(Source: Oloke 2015, p.411)
It is important to identif0y fire hazard to mitigate the risks associated with it. For a fire occurrence, it is required to be a source of ignition, fuel as well as oxygen. Presence of close proximity can be the cause for risk increase. On the other hand, fire hazard in the high-rise buildings can be categorized in two types of hazard. It stands for possible sources of fuel as well as potential sources of ignition.
The United Kingdom is characterized by the tall and the high rise buildings. The fire safety in these high-rise buildings is one of the main concerns of the United Kingdom. The fire standards have to be set in a proper manner such that the high-rise buildings are kept away from any form of risks. The government of the United Kingdom should focus on the following points for the protection of the occurrence of any form of risk in the high-rise buildings:
The usage of the proper materials should be made while the building of the high rise buildings. The usage of the proper form of raw materials is needed for the increasing of the strength of the building to protect the building from any form of risk. The use of the poor form of material contributes in the production of the various problems such as the cracks in the buildings or the various other problems such as that of fire occurrence. The proper choice of the building materials forms the basis of the building. The raw materials contribute the most in maintaining the strength of the building (Oloke 2015). The ground on which the building stands is the most necessary for keeping the building safe. The use of the improper material may also contribute in the occurrence of risk during any of the natural calamity. The UK government has made it mandatory for the builders to use only those materials that are legal and are checked and verified by the government. The government officials should conduct a regular check on the different building sites for the checking of the information regarding the materials, which are used.
The protection of the fire is vital parameter that requires to be identified as the fire risk contributes largely to the occurrence of risk in the high rise buildings. In the high rise buildings there are a number of factors that contribute in the occurrence of the fire. Thus, proper safety measures should be taken so that the fire can be protected. The safety measures would include the installation of the fire protection kit in each of the floor of the building. The fire extinguisher should be installed in each of the floor of the building. The manuals containing the causes of the fire and the ways in which the fire can be protected should be distributed to all the people staying in the building. The proper risk management involves the use of the various devices and materials for the prevention of the fire. The United Kingdom government is looking forward to the installation of the fire kit in each of the high-rise buildings in the United Kingdom. Owing to several fire accidents, it has taken place in the high-rise buildings, the government is focusing on the reduction of these accidents by being more cautious and by the use of the various techniques and products.
Challenges and solutions for deploying fire safety measures in high-rise buildings
The risk management should also address the risks that are occurring due to the various natural factors in the environment. The various natural factors such as the wind loads should be protected otherwise the building may get affected. The use of the proper building material is the best solution that can be done for the protection of the wind loads for the occurrence of the risks. The wind load can often contribute in the affecting of the destruction of the structure of the building and may pose threat while the construction process. The proper extra glass protection should be given so that the wind loads does not affect the glass or the building. The ground of the building should be made strong enough so that it is not possible for the wind load to destroy the structure of the building or shatter the windowpanes of the building.
A huge segment of the present structures fire security codes are for guaranteeing against coincidental blazes. It was assumed that a room fire would set aside longer chance to flashover. There is a considerable measure of time to clear before having a particularly made fire. Regardless, both private and non-private structures would store a noteworthy considerable measure of combustibles; say up to 1135 MJm-2 as allowed in the code (Elío et al. 2017). The fire can be colossal if there is sufficient air gave, came to fruition because of breaking glass outsides in window decoration walled structures. Ensuing to the WTC-911 scene consequently various illicit fire fires, there are stresses that whether fires other than those start from setbacks should in like manner be considered. With such immense quantities of political and social issues, there will be a higher likelihood of having dread based oppressor ambush and illicit blaze fires than already. All these would give an overall made fire inside a concise traverse.
It was represented in a TV program that using lifts for takeoff in one of the fundamental five tallest structures over the universe of height in excess of 400 m wouldn’t have a total clearing time (TET) shorter than 20 minutes. Using lifts for takeoff under inadvertent blazes might be adequate as it expects venture to accomplish flashover to give an inside and out made fire. Under dread based oppressor ambush fire, for instance, in the WTC event, flashover would happen rapidly. All combustibles will be touched off to give high warmth release rate. Fire restricting improvements planned for a standard inadvertent fire with a ‘standard temperature-time’ twist will not not have the ability to surrender affirmation to the impenetrability to flame period (FRP), of say 4 hrs as in WTC. Clearly, the structures apparently crumpled inside 1.5 hrs, in light of whatever reasons still under investigation.
Fire risk evaluation of high-rise buildings
Long time taken in clearing and helper unfaltering quality even under a coincidental fire for high-rise structures should be seen. Fold of a high-rise attempting to coterminous brought structures up in thick urban regions as ‘dominos’ is a noteworthy concern. Note that the protected division isolate between tall structures isn’t resolved clearly, especially in downtown areas made a very long time earlier. Fire spread over structures, swarm improvement and control, and likelihood of onsetting a mass fire under breeze action should be fused into chance assessment (Fahy 2015). In like manner, there is a high target capacity of dread based oppressor strike for significant structures. Feasibility consider on using new fire security systems for covering the fire rapidly should be explored. Preventive measures are required, for instance, applying fitting fire guarded coatings to give a more attracted out impenetrability to flame period. The total fire prosperity thought is recommended for existing high-rise structures in thick urban domains. Programming fire-prosperity organization to control hardware courses of action in dormant building advancement and dynamic fire security system should be worked out. Clear understanding on the fire components in tall structures is critical to draft the security organization plot.
Stairway fire escape: High climb structures have inside fire disconnected stairwell shafts. Signs should be posted inside stairwells showing which floor level you are on, and perceive the nearest if certain floors are not open. In case you encounter smoke while sliding a stairwell, you would hybrid have the capacity to a substitute stairwell. Keep stairwell portals close always to ensure the prosperity of these escape stairs.
- Interior water supplies High rising structures contain an inside water supply system called a standpipe system which includes fire hose organizers on each floor for use by firefighters. Raised structures may in like manner be sprinkle red. All structures have minimized fire quenchers on each floor.
With the quick addition in monetary issues and masses in the Far East and the extending number of non-spontaneous flares, fire ‘security’ in thick urban areas (especially the progression of tremendous urban groups in China) must be pondered carefully. Colossal unintentional blazes had happened before in highrise structures, cross-harbor tunnel and in transports in Hong Kong; and in various old highrise structures and new strip malls in China.
No accidental fires reported over the world included fire related wrongdoing fires in a bank, karaoke, elderly houses and an underground railroad in Hong Kong; mental oppressor fires in the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 (WTC-911) in USA; arsonist tendencies flames in schools in Beijing; and underground rail line burning flames in South Korea and Russia. New outline features, for instance, significant course of action, high rise, bound structure and especially settled structures; the use of new materials; new style of living; in this way various people living in urban territories or ‘city social events’ would give new fire prosperity issues of concern. A couple of significant blazes were represented in tunnel, feature, strip mall and creation line in the fundamental bit of 2007 in Hong Kong. There are various high-rise structures in the Far East. Over part of the best 100 high-rise private structures on the planet are found in Hong Kong. Some of them are of stature in excess of 200 m. Those structures of more than 40 levels (around 120 m) are appreciated as high-rise (or ultra highrise) structures in Hong Kong. Super tall structures are those of height in excess of 100 m in China. Directly, structures taller than 250 m should encounter execution based diagram. Differing statures are grasped, for instance, 150 m got (known as super high rise) in Ireland and 350 m in Canada.
Enhancement of fire safety measures for high-rise buildings
A noteworthy fire happened in an old tall structure of stature just around 50 m in the midst of the substitution of the lift on 20 November 1996 (Kavanagh 2016). Besides, there are possible results to be potential focal points of dread monger attack as the WTC. Without a doubt, even under spontaneous flares, tall structures would give long takeoff time to a ‘secured place’. Further, essential quality of the tall structures under fire and effect to adjacent lifted structures upon fold are the stresses. Both uninvolved building advancements PBC and dynamic affirmation structures or fire organizations foundations FSI must be reconsidered.
Flame resistant advancement High rising structures are proposed to be more fire-safe than an ordinary single-family tolerating. Floors and rooftops are worked with flame resistant materials and are detached into fire compartments. The compartments go about as limits to contradict fire from spreading. Fire alert system is helpful in the mitigating fire. High climb structures contain a fire ready system proposed to caution tenants when impelled. Sorts of fire ready contraptions consolidate smoke locators, warm pointers and sprinkler stream switches. In case you discover a fire, in a split second start a red manual attract station near a stairwell and leave the floor. This will recognize the specific territory at the door ready board to responding firefighters. The fire alert system is not related with the Fire Services.
The chapter of the research deals with research philosophy, research approach, design, data collection and analysis process. In addition, ethical consideration and limitation of the research is discussed in this section of study. Selection of right research methodology is helpful to facilitate the procedure of collecting data in-depth based on the research domain that assists the researcher analysing the collected data. Detailed discussion regarding the research method that can help for conducting the research is achieved in this chapter of the research.
Research philosophy assists the researcher getting information associated with the research topic. It also helps multiple dimensions to the conducted research. Selection of the appropriate philosophy ensures that the theories as well as concepts are adequately available to the researcher using the efficiency of the research (Taylor et al. 2015). The philosophy of the research also allows the researcher conducting the research into appropriate way. In research, four types of research philosophies are usually used for conducting the research like realism, positivism, post-positivism and interpretivism.
In the present research, post-positivism philosophy is selected for conducting the research. It helps in maintaining transparency into the research work for conducting and using the methods assists in cross checking the analysed data used for the process of data collection. Moreover, it allows the researcher conducting the research based on theoretical concepts to the practical data points.
Importance of good management of fire safety in high-rise buildings
Research approach is generally used for conducting scientific research works into the study. The research approach is followed to encounter the research purpose is known as inductive research approach (Mackey and Gass 2015). Based on the chosen approach, the researcher starts to do the particular observations generated by the theories and conclusions that are drawn from the research. The main reason behind selection of inductive approach is that the approach takes the account of the research context where research efforts are active. However, limitations for selecting the approach are generated from the theories and conclusions. Hence, small number of observations is made and reliability of the research is not ensured.
The applications of research design assists in developing framework in order to collect and analyses the data (Vaioleti 2016). Appropriate utilisation of research design methods is able to reveal the specific patterns and the data sources. The selected research design is descriptive. It is selected as it provides appropriate amount of the research. The specific study to determine knowledge and views of the participants. It is suitable for the study as it can evaluate fire safety measures in the high-rise buildings in the UK and Northern Ireland. The design is suitable for the study as it helps to assess the risks in high-rise buildings.
While doing the research, the data is accounted as one of the most important information needed for the study. The sensitive data is useful for providing insight based on the selected research topic. Application of appropriate information related to the research assets in order to deliver accurate data while maintaining the standard of the research. Primary and secondary data collection techniques are the types of data collection technique. In the present research, secondary data from the interviews are collected where six stakeholders and professionals from housing in UK and Northern Ireland took part.
The selected data source for the research is primary data collection as well as secondary data collection. Interview method is used as the process of data collection for the purpose of research. The semi-structure method needs to be used for collection of the data for the research. It is also important to select right respondents for the research. As far as the tools for data collection are concerned, the study with the semis-structured interview is helpful for the researcher. The interview is used for collecting raw data in order to explain the population as very large to observe the research.
Developments in fire safety for high-rise buildings
On the other hand, the research is used from secondary data taken from literature review, journals as well as reports of the organization. The researcher that provides context and theoretical aspects for the research collects the secondary data. The internal data is derived from the enterprise used for the fire and safety measures in high-rise buildings. However, external data sources are collected outside of the enterprise like media, academic journals as well as market researchers.
Qualitative data analysis technique is used in the research. The researcher has used qualitative data analysis technique. The particular aspects of the research is generally designed before collection of data. It has been focused on the objective measurement and analysis of collected data. The data are emphasized on the method of data analysis and make generalization of the participants selected for the research topic.
The method for sampling has been selected as non-probability sampling technique. The participants are selected based on knowledge and relationships with the investigation as well as related work experience. With the research context, the data have been collected from people and workers in high-rise buildings. Six stakeholders have been selected for the research.
The current research is subject to the ethical issues. While performing the data collection in the interview, the researcher needs consideration of distinctive concerns in order to maintain the research ethics. The participants are generally performed for the research objectives that responses for the participants for the research. There are any type of mentally and physically harassment taken place in the research and any force to the participants of the interviews. The data collected for the research are under protected of the Data collection Act 1998.
In this chapter of the research, selection of methodological tools is discussed. It helps to carry out the research in proper way. On the other hand, the researcher has tried to align the nature of the research with variables for the research techniques. In addition, the research tools are appropriate to analyse the fire and safety issues in the high-rise buildings of the UK and Northern Ireland.
In this chapter of the research, data regarding fire safety measures in the high-rise buildings in the UK and Northern England is discussed. Six stakeholders related to the fire and safety measures are selected for the questionnaire. Questions are forwarded regarding the fire and safety measures in high-rise buildings. The safety plan regarding fire and safety and other measures will be helpful to gather data Simple random probability sampling technique is used for selecting the stakeholders from the survey.
- What current regulation does your organization adhere to, regarding fire and safety policy?
Commercial building’s concerns for fire safety
Some of the current regulations that the organisations are following for the safety purpose are, there are provided with enough sign languages that must be followed in the times of any accident like the fire incidents.
(Source: Fahy 2015, p.480)
It is made clear to the tenants that no one should use the lift at the time of any emergency. Proper fire detecting systems and water spilling systems are installed in the building for any case of reported fire. Hence, according to my opinion, the present regulation will be helpful to combat the fire as well as safety policy.
2.What actions have you implemented, following the Lakanal and Shirley Towers’ Coroner’s Rule 43 letters?
Some of the things that have been implemented following the Lakanal and Shirley Towers’ Coroner’s Rule 43 letters are the firstly the implementation of the thermal cameras in the floors for better assessments of the smokes and fumes. Further the implementation of the fire safety staircase are also one of the most introducing factor in the scenario. Providing wire cutter that can cut through the insulating wires to all the fireman’s one of the other such thing that is very much recommended to be done. Other than this training the rescue operators for the serious situations is also an important aspect of the team. In this perspective, it is required to implement the Housing Act 2004 that can be helpful for health and safety categories. However, it is required to design and construct as well as maintain with non-hazardous materials that can be helpful to take necessary actions to combat the situation.
- Is there any safety plan or measurement that you are putting in place for tenants as a result of Grenfell incidence, and can you provide details?
After the incident of the Grenfell, there are number of the security measures that are been taken in the building. Starting with the introduction of the thermal cameras can help in detecting smoke in a better way. Also all the surfaces that are covered for the plastic mounted trunking are removed. There have been put fire alarms in every floor, with the fire extinguisher cylinders are installed in the floors. The wiring system of the building is also changed so that the wires in the building can withstand high temperature without getting faults. The building tenets are given proper knowledge about what must be done in the situations, like not using the lift but the staircases.
(Source: Fahy 2015, p.481)
There have been provided with air vents that can push out the smoke in case of any fire, and let the fresh air come inside the building. Also the gaps between the windows are wide enough so that the air does not push the smoke inside the building. Calling the emergency service without wasting time is helping others for the purpose of the safety and others. However, it is important to take lesson from several authorities regarding the present and pat incidents so that we can mitigate the fire situation in out building. The HHSRS operating can describe the process of assessment.
4.Have there been any concerns raised by the tenants of high rise buildings aftermath the effect of Grenfell, Coolmoyne House fire incidence?
Some of the concerns that the tenants occurred are whether the building follows the international fire safety norms. The tenants also asked for the security issues that they are implemented in the building and how to use them in a proper manner. The quarries that were also like the factor if there is any issue how the elderly people in the building would be saved in case of emergency. In this perspective, the regulatory reform order 2005 becomes law. Hence, it is required to introduce the system. On the other hand, it is required to develop the process that will be helpful for non-domestic premises. In addition, it is required to share common part. Hence, high-rise buildings aftermath the effect of Grenfell, Coolmoyne House fire incidence will be helpful to mitigate the concerns.
- How are you addressing these concerns?
In order to make the people understand the safety policies and the process to use these things there was held meeting and made people understand the working of the safety options. The people were provided with the information like if there is any case of the smoke the fire sprinklers are automatically switched on and soon the floor is covered with water. Also the people can make use of the fire extinguisher in the case of the emergency.
(Source: Fahy 2015,p.479)
The people were also tout that in case of any emergency not to use the lifts and use stair case in case. Information about the air vents present in the building is also mentioned to the people. The cladding materials and the cladding test result are initially given to the people before the tenants buy the apartments in the building. The elderly people must be sent forward and the juniors at last. When the fire alarm is turned in for any floor the alarms in all the other floors of the building is switched on and the people are brought to notice. Information about in case of any false alarms were also a part of the meeting.
- What type of cladding does your high rises have?
Cladding is the process of the application of the insulating materials that the walls of a building has. In the case of this building the cladding material used is the composite materials such as mixture of woods and aluminium and cement mixtures. In between the cladding materials and the wall there is a thin layer of air and the insulating material which helps in the climate and the temperature changes are present, preventing high heats to pass thought the walls of the building.
7.All the samples of cladding in high rise buildings that was tested in England, failed with combustibility checks, this test was carried out after Grenfell Tower incident, what test has been undertaken on your high rises?
The cladding test that has been done on this building is the ACM cladding test or the Aluminium Composite Material test. The test is done under strict and extreme hazard conditions. The reports were that the material used for the cladding purpose are of superior quality and can withstand huge amount of temperature. The test is based in the ISO 1716:2010 standards. The results were that the included the Celotex specification. There were six tests that were undertaken, the last two tests that were undertaken were for the reason that there had been use of the wool ceramic in certain places and that were needed to be tested. The materials passed the test with positive results.
8.What safety precautions have you put in place for the tenants of high rises and what can they do to protect themselves from the fire?
Safety precautions that are0 put for the tenets are, the building follows the international rule of the safety hazards. There are huge number of the smoke detectors and the smoke detector and the heat sensing cameras, when the cameras detect any smoke the sprinklers automatically gets started. Apart from this the cladding material in the building is enough strong for repelling high temperatures. The gaps between the windows in order that if there is any case of fire the air does not put the smoke coming out of the building back. Apart from this there is emergency staircase which must be used by the tenants in time of any emergency.
- How would you describe the levels of communication between you and tenants?
The level of the communication and the tenants of the building is high and active. If there is any issue the tenets can call men up directly. The safety measures and the protocols of the building are regularly checked supervised by me, making the tenants confident enough for my work. The tenants are convinced enough that the safety of the building is my responsibility and the I have been doing enough for the same.
- What actions can be helpful for overcoming the risks regarding fire and safety?
Many people have different opinions regarding overcoming the risks associated with fire safety. However, some common measures like leaving building immediately, raising the alarms, informing fire services will be helpful to overcome fire and safety. However, it is important to consider and implement the right process.
- During a fire alarm evacuation, which represents your view of the information received?
As receiving information during fire alarm, evacuation is important to take effective measures for overcoming the danger. In our building, accurate information received that helps us to mitigate the issues. After getting information, it is spread among the other people so that every people are aware of the situation and mitigate the fire and safety related danger in the building. However, confused information in some situation may lead to be victimised in the situation.
- When selecting your evacuation route and exit door, what is the most accurate action you like to take?
Leaving by route entered the building is one of the best ways for the organisation is helpful. It is also helpful to exit from the dangers, the method can be helpful for the mitigating the issues. However, using the same route during evacuation can be helpful to escape from fire and safety.
(Source: Fahy 2015, p.485)
On the other hand, heading the exit route with the green as well as white sign fitted can be helpful for overcoming the issues. Moreover, using the route as directed by others is helpful for the victimised people in fire dangers.
- What is the normal escape route and exit process obstructed?
As it is important to consider that the normal escape route and exit process, it is required to try using the exit route anyway, we like to follow this process. However, if normal escape route blocks, it is required to take effective step that would be helpful for the people.
- Have you ever been inducted regarding the buildings fire safety process and equipments in the building?
Yes, there has been a meeting organised by the owners of the building regarding the fire safety process and equipment in the building in last year. However, it is important to take effective measures and organise with a short time span so that people can be aware regarding fire and safety measures.
- Do you have hose reels and fire hydrants in your building?
There are hose reels available in our building that helps during fire. However, fire hydrants are not present in the building. Keeping hose reels can be helpful to extinguish fire. It is a fire horse consisted high-pressure hose, which carries water and fire retardant to a fire to extinguish it. However, lack of putting the fire hydrant system with adequate pressure as well as flow delivered through the pipers in a building to the strategically located network of the valves for the purpose of fire-lighting purposes.
- How do far you agree that alarms and fire doors alarms in the building can be helpful to avoid big disaster causing for fire?
Alarms and fire doors for exit can be helpful to avoid big disaster. It is important to have the facilities so that people can exit through the gates. In addition, it is important to add the alarming system so that big disaster can be avoided.
- If there was a fire in your building, which are the actions taken by you?
If there is any small fire incidents happen, I try to extinguish the fire using a bucket of water. However, if we cannot handle the fire, I will take the responsibility to call the fire brigade.
- How often fire alarms be tested?
In our building, fire alarms are tested once a month. It helps to track the system in the building in regular time interval. On the other hand, it is required to take help from HSE inspectors, file resource services and fire wardens. In addition, it is important to consider all opinions from personnel and helps to prevent fire in building.
- Why is it significant to understand different classes of fire?
As there are some causes of fire, it causes greater damage compared to others. In addition, some are considered as less dangerous to health of person and everyone in the workplace requires a fight fire. Apart from these, certain fires can only be fought with particular fire extinguisher.
- How do far you agree that PEEP can be helpful to take effective steps regarding fire safety and measures?
In order to prevent fire, prevention, evaluation, evacuation and precaution is helpful. The committee responsible for protecting fire organise training method. On the other hand, it is important to provide effective measures that can be helpful to mitigate the issues for the organization.
From the discussion, it concludes that it is required to focus on the fire and safety issues in high-rise buildings. High-rise buildings present challenges for the users. The buildings have garnered important attention for fire safety over the years. However, the multiple floors of high-rise buildings create cumulative effect in great numbers of the persons in order to travel vertical distances on the stairs for evacuating the building. The code bodies, local, public as well as regional and federal governments. The design and ownership communities are affected by high-rise building safety.
In the UK and Northern Ireland, the committee for maintaining fire and security issues, it is required to detect the requirements as well as emerging issues within the high-rise building. NFPA, the committee for maintaining fire and safety is helpful to provide a leadership role on the issues as well as ensure the subject matter on emerging technologies. The information is developed with the help of high rise building safety advisory committee. It is based in the part of such materials from several jurisdictions. It is essential for integrating materials. For disaster occurs to be one of the common as well as destructive disasters in the world, it is required to develop effective measures for fire and safety measures.
From the above report it can be concluded that due to the fact of high rising buildings that have been growing in the UK and the Northern Ireland is prone to the fact that the safety of the social tenants in the high rise building is at asked. This is because the fire extinguishing techniques are not efficient during the processing of the making of the building. Proper usage of the materials during the making of the building acts to be the main concern of the processing of the buildings that rise super high. Another aspect that acts to be the major reason is taking the protective measures to overcome the risks that are possessed due to the lack of security in expansion of the line channel of fire. Another concern that is possessed in the making of the super high buildings is the threats regarding the overloading of the wind. This factor of natural resources acts to be a vital problem during the processing of the building.
The importance of the fire protection in the super high buildings are very high as during the processing of the building the construction site managers does not focus on the fire protection so the building that are being built in the UK and Northern Ireland. Because a huge number for super high rising building are being built the probability of destruction in the buildings due to the fact of the exaggerated risk of the fire spreading through the line of the buildings that are being built in the coarse process f the building. The methodology that is used in the processing of the securing the protection against the fire are by the method of longer egresses in accord to the time and distance. The process also ensures the fact that complicated evacuation theory is used for the maintenance of the fire protecting strategy. This aspect ensures the fact that the fire protections in the buildings are maintained with proper efficiency.
- Sprinkler system must be installed in the high-rise building in order to get the high-rise building protected from issues regarding the security from dire that has been acting as a point of concern in the newly built building in the Northern Ireland and UK. E usage of the sprinkler will ensure the fact that even in case of the fire exaggeration the sprinklers will help the high rise building tri stay protected from the fire and the affect will be reduced adversely.
- Fire resistant construction must be made in order to make the projection of the building safe. This construction proficiency leads to the fact that the building is made with materials that are fire resistant and the high-rise building stays protected from the fire. This methodology must be applied during the processing of the building construction this ensures the fact that the safety of the building prevails.
- Fire safety Plan must be used for securing the building blocks of the organization from fire. This plan must be laid during the processing of the constructing. This acts as the architectural manicure for providing security against the fire exaggeration. Pre planning the fire safety plan ensures the fact that the construction if the building is made in the proceeds by following the methodology of the architectural advancement in the field of the fire management in the construction processing.
- Fire escape plans must be made during the construction for the building as the plans are needed to be executed in the processing of the construction way provided the methodology. This adds to the efficient construction of the building that allows the tenants of the resident to escape during the time of fire. This acts to be the most efficient way of being protected from the fire exaggeration in the building.
- Automatic fire suppressing units must be installed in the buildings that will ensure the fact that the fire that will be affecting the building during the procession of the fire exaggeration. It can be overcome by using a heat sensor, which will compare the reference heat that being generated with the heat that is in the reference list of the sensor. This sensor starts the functioning of the sprinklers in order the heat of the room increases with compared to the reference list.
- Fire alarm system must be set in order to stay protected from the fire that might struck te building. This give alarm ensures the fact that the tenants of the building will be informed of the fire, which will ensure the fact that the tenants stay protected in the terms of the fire exaggeration. This ensures the factor that the tenants stay protected in the case of the extreme fire in the building that has been acting as the victimized architecture of the building.
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