Organizational Behavior Theories Impacting Employee Performance
Impact of Organizational Behavior Theories on Employee Performance
Organizational behavior is an important element that helps to improve the performance and productivity of the employees who are working in the organization. It is evaluated that leadership also plays a great role in conducting the operations of the organization. Organization behavior is a process that brings change with a motive to improve the performance of the employees and the organization (Bello, 2012).Leaders give emphasis on increasing the overall productivity of the organization by giving extra benefits to the employees. Leaders try to motivate the employees so that they can give their best towards the activities of the organization (Parris and Peachey, 2013).
It is analyzed that leaders apply many organizational behavior theories so that the productivity and performance level of the employees can be improved. If the employees are not efficient towards the activities, then it can be difficult to attain profitability. So, the report will give focus on the impact of organizational behavior theories and how managers can implement it various activities of the organization.
It is evaluated that the competition level is increasing day by day, so to compete effectively it is important to consider effective strategic policies so that performance level of the employees can be increased. By taking into consideration globalization and digitalization it is seen the competition level between different organizations is increased. It is essential for the companies to give emphasis on enhancing the productivity and performance level of the employees as it helps to attain competitive advantage in a proper manner. The managers or the leader of the organization takes into consideration many activities that are concerned with the employee’s performance like setting targets, motivation, and designing of jobs (Fiaz et al., 2017). It is evaluated that the organizational theories help to improve the efficiency and also the operations of the organization. Designing of a job is also a process of giving a task to the employees so that the relationship can be maintained with the management that gives a positive outcome. The positive outcome that can be attained is increasing the quality of products and services.
There are many theories that are used by the leaders like personality-job fit theory, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, goal setting theory, Maslow hierarchy theory (Olafsen et al., 2015).
‘Herzberg’s two-factor theory’ helps to improve the performance and productivity level of the employees. At the time of designing various jobs, this theory helps to analyze the employee’s satisfaction with their job positions (Kaur, 2013).This theory states that there are various factors in the organization that gives job satisfaction or decreases the job satisfaction of the employees. The satisfaction level of the employees can only be increased if proper motivation is given to the individuals so that the activities can be conducted with dedication. If the employees are motivated then it can easy to attain growth and it also helps to achieve high profitability (Bauman and Skitka, 2012). It is seen that motivators consist of new responsibilities, achievement, and rewards. Demotivators consist of low salary of the employees, outdated policies, as it will not be able to motivate the employees who are conducting the operations. Like if the employees are given low wages, then it can give impact on the working pattern of the employees. So, it is essential to motivate employees by giving attractive benefits.
The Role of Leadership in Encouraging Productive Performance
Leaders should also monitor the environment of the organization so that corrective steps and implementation of policies can be done so that employee’s productivity can be increased with the performance of the organization.
Herzberg’s theory is used by Google to motivate its employees who are conducting the day to day operations of the business. By taking into consideration this theory the employees feel motivated and happy because of good communication facilities. The organization allows the employees to discuss the organizational environment and also to give their views when required. When the employees of the organization give views then the direct impact is seen on the enhancement of the job satisfaction (Yusoff et al., 2013).The company gives focus on creating an effective working environment that gives assistance to the employees. Innovation approach is also considered by the employees when they are satisfied with the activities assigned to them.
Job characteristics model theory is also the theory that gives focus on five job dimensions like task significance, feedback, and task identity to ensure that the employees who are working are satisfied with their jobs. Managers should take into consideration this theory at the time of recruitment process so that the right candidate for the right job can be selected. Working condition influences the employees to work efficiently so that productivity level can be increased. There are many large companies like Microsoft, Apple who gives emphasis on the working environment that helps and supports the employees to compete in the competitive environment. Leaders can also implement the culture theory so that cultural values can be maintained and proper decisions can be taken that what is wrong and what is right.
Next is personality-job fit theory that helps the employees of the organization to attain satisfaction level from the activities. It is evaluated that there are six types of personality types like realistic, artistic, and conventional. The leaders should consider this theory at the time of different organizational processes like job designing, departmentalization so that the job requirements can be matched with the personality of the employees. If the personalities are matched with the jobs of the employees then high efficiency can be attained. There are many organizations who give training to the employees so that the performance can be maintained and also the productivity level can be enhanced. Employees are considered as an important part of the organization. It is essential to give emphasis on motivation and reward methods so that efficiency of the employees can be increased (Beynon et al., 2015).
The Importance of Job Design in Employee Performance
Motivation is one of the important elements that help to increase the employee’s productive performance and leaders can consider reward theories to give motivation to the workers. “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” is one the popular theory that gives emphasis to fulfill the needs and requirements of the employees (Hauser, 2014). This theory is divided into many parts like physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. It is seen that every employee has different requirements and leaders should give focus on motivating and fulfilling the needs of the employees, so that their efficiency can be increased (Zeb et al., 2014).The top-level management has esteem needs and it is seen that low-level staff has safety, physiological and social needs. In the process of manufacturing, there are large no of laborers who have basic physiological and social needs. In financial firms it is seen that employees have esteem needs (Truss et al., 2013).
Large firms also implement the business structure that helps in the development of the employees. The companies also offer learning opportunities so that personal development can take place. For example: Google offers free training programs to the employees so that they can gain knowledge and can also have the confidence to conduct the activities of the organization (Akhter et al., 2016).
Goal setting theory is also the motivational theory that helps the managers to encourage employees so that productive performance can be attained. There are many leaders who find difficult to set goals for their employees. If goals are not attained it can discourage the employees and can give negative impact on their performance. This theory assists the manager to set “SMART” goals so that it can be attained effectively. These goals should be communicated clearly so that employees can accept the challenges and can complete the activities within the time. Proper management should be maintained by the companies so that the organizational goals and objectives can be accomplished.
Feedback is also the process that helps the managers to evaluate the goals of the organization. The feedback is also given by the employees and it is the responsibility of the company to consider the feedback. If the goals are complex then managers should give focus on assigning to the employees who are capable enough to conduct the activities efficiently. The activities that are complex can reduce the motivational level of the employees and also the productivity level. So, it is important for the leaders to set according to the specific standards.
Leaders can take into consideration many organizational behavior theories to enhance the productivity and performance level of the employees. Motivation is a key element that is used by the managers so that the employees can improve their performance and also the productivity level in an effective manner. It is important for the managers to take proper care at the time of performing the business functions so that proper direction can be given to the employees of the organization. Leaders also set “SMART “goals so that performance level can be enhanced by the employees who are working in the organization.
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