Traffic System Analysis For New Developments In Bangalore, India


Traffic system analysis

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This project report gives the outline of the preliminary project for the new developments of the household area which comprises the shops, offices, townhouses and the apartments. The main objective of this report is to report about the traffic impact assessment of the new developments. The issues of the impact of the development of the Bangalore India on the current situations of the traffic and the availability of parking in the area was accessed for the smooth transmission of the change in the land use. Many surveys and data collection occurred to forecast the requirement for the use of the new land.

  • To collect the data needed through surveys
  • To analyze the information collected to come up with the best idea of managing the new development
  • To perform the traffic signal analysis for the identification of the conflict points
  • To perform the safety assessment and makes the best recommendations


The major roads that were considered in the analysis were Lal Bagh main road, Hosur main road, Bidadi, Ramnagar, Maddur, Mandya, Bengaluru, hubballi. The survey data was analyzed and used in the traffic management and distribution of the trips for the area of new developments. The analysis of the traffic signals was performed to mention the point of the conflicts in the intersection and exit/entry of the PSK Pay and parking (Acton, 2011). The location of the conflict mentioned for right turning movement from the Lal Bagh main road to the Hosur main road. The safety assessment was done for all the points and suggestions were made to improve the conditions. The road users’ trucks, cyclists, and pedestrians were assessed with respect to the future development and the current scenario. Many recommendations were made from the impact assessment conducted by the team (Khan, 2001)

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The figure 1 above shows the south view of the hosur road and north view of the lal bagh main road

Bengaluru road is among the roads which are very busy in the city and is lined on one side with the stores for the retailers, restaurants and the food outlets (Committee, 2010). The road has many office theatres, office and buildings. It also houses a huge number of the banks and buildings. There is two metro station on Mahatma Gandhi road. Namely trinity, and the eponymous (Gunaseelan, 2000). Hosur main road serves as the arterial road in the network that runs in the direction of the north end of Brigade road and Attibele in the south end. It has the flow of the vehicles for around two thousand four hundred per hour in the peak period according to the investigation done. This road has a width of 30 meters in the average with the 4 lanes in every direction and it’s separated. The limit of the speed for the road is eighty kilometers per hour and no side parking is available at the Hubballi road (Pani, 1998).


Lal Bagh main road is a collector road that runs in the direction of the north-south and extends from the west gate road to the north to Kuvempu in the south. The flow of the vehicle is around 2000 per hour in the period of the peak according to the investigation that was done. It has the average of the 15m with 3 lanes in every direction and the speed limits 100 km per hour (Khan, 2001).  The road converts into the maddur after the intersection with the hubballi and converts to the single road in every direction and with the side road restricted parking in some location (Pani, 1998).

For the impact assessment of the traffic of the new development, the traffic generation of the new site and the traffic generation of the new development is the important factor in the procedure. The generation of the traffic for the development in the available land use area can be performed in many ways (Khan, 2001).

Land use

Measurement unit for the trip generation

Total number per area

Trip rate for the vehicle daily

Generation rate for the peak period trip

Number of the trips in the peak period

One bedroom apartment






Two bedroom apartment






Three bedroom apartment






Three bedroom apartment townhouse






Table 1 above shows the traffic generation of the Bangalore, India


Parking is the main area considered for the traffic impact analysis. To analyses the parking in the area of the study, two things were considered; the parking supply and parking demand. Shows the number of the required space for parking and the parking supply is known as the number of the spaces for the parking provided to satisfy the demand. There are many ways to determine parking demand like survey, statutory requirement and sources published (Michigan, 2005). The demand for the parking changes with the space change, season and time. There are some ways to use the generic standards for the provision parking and to get data through the collection (Pani, 1998).

Geotechnical engineering involve the design planning, operation, construction and maintenance of roads, tunnels for the effective transportation of the people. It involves the estimation of the future and current volume of the traffic on the road network. It is the branch of civil engineering that deals with the engineering behaviors of the earth materials. The project of the geotechnical engineering starts with the review of the projects requirements to know the required properties of materials. Then followed by the investigation of distribution of the fault, soil and rock and the bedrock characteristics below and on an area of interest to determine their engineering properties.  

Many surveys were done around the proposed site of development to get the relevant data for the analysis of the current status of the traffic network and the availability of the parking. The intersection of the Hosur main road and the exit point for the PSK Pay and parking were selected for the survey of the traffic volume as the areas were affected directly by the trips of the vehicles generated from the new development (Organisation, 2010). The locations of the survey were confined to the neighboring intersection and the PSK Pay and parking because of the less availability of the time and the resources at the disposal (Khan, 2001).

Traffic generation

The surveys were all done in the period of the morning peak from 8 am to 11 am. The outflow and the inflow of the vehicles inclining the movement of the turning were performed for the Lal Bagh main road. The data were taken for the intervals of the 30 minutes from

8 am to 11 am for the accuracy and easy of the analysis. It was noted that the peak flow was assumed to be 8 am to 9 am, and the data was used for the analysis and the summery was given in the table below

Location of survey

Lal Bagh main road

Lal Bagh main road

Hosur main road

Hosur main road

Bunning exit/entryA

PSK Pay and parking exit/entryA

 PSK Pay and parking exit/entryB

exit/entr PSK Pay and parking y B

 PSK Pay and parking exit/entry C

exit/entry PSK Pay and parking C


8 am to 9 am

9am to 10am

8 am to 9 am

9am to 10am

8 am to 9 am

9am to 10am

8 am to 9 am

9 am to 10 am

8 am to 9 am

9 am to 10 am























Total flow






















Hierarchy of road

Major arterial

Major arterial

Collector road

Collector road

Entry point

Entry point

Entry point

Entry point

Entry point

Entry point












Table 2 above shows the traffic flow of the Karnataka India


To understand the existing conditions for the parking in the surrounding area of the case study, a parking occupancy survey was performed. It was mentioned that the PSK Pay and parking shop located beside the site of the case study and the parking survey was performed in the location.  Also, there is no on-street available parking for both the roads (Pani, 1998). The survey was performed on both weekends and weekdays including the additional time of the day 9 am, 1 pm and 5 pm and the collected data presented in the table below (Pani, 1998):








9 am

1 pm

5 pm

9 am

1 pm

5 pm

Number of the empty spaces







Number of the occupied spaces














Table 3 above shows the parking in the Bangalore, India

The main reason why the parking survey was conducted for the weekdays and weekend was to find the peak period of parking of the survey area. From the parking area of the survey, it is true that the peak period was around 1 pm for both weekend and weekday (Khan, 2001).

The figure 2 above is the multi-logic formulae for calculating the trips of the vehicles in Bangalore, India

The time when the survey was performed there was the holiday for the schools and some of the roads work intersection of the Lal Bagh main road and hosur main roads was being carried out that affects the data collected substantially.  The data at the period of the 8 am to 9 am was selected as the data of the peak hour for the analysis of the traffic. The traffic caused by the schools for the drop off children is the same time period (Publications, 2008). The collected data was lesser than the expected when the schools opened. also, the road work that was carried out for the safety vehicle improvements turning right from the hosur main road has the impact on the number of the vehicle flow collected during the survey more so for the outflow of the hosur main road (Pani, 1998).


The distribution of the traffic helps to evaluate the amount of the traffic flow in the roundabout which is the important part of the traffic impact analysis and was recorded below

Location of survey

Lal Bagh main road

Hosur main road

 PSK Pay and parking entry/exit A

entry/exit PSK Pay and parking B

entry/exit PSK Pay and parking C

Volume of assigned traffic peak






Data of total flow survey






Table 4 above shows the traffic system in the Bangalore India

The distribution happened according to the vehicle pattern of the movement from the collected data in the survey. Currently, the flow of the traffic in the hosur main road and the Lal Bagh main road are within the capacity and the future prediction of the traffic also falls within the capacity with specific matters noted in the turning movements’ also including the access to the site of new development. It is expected to have more traffic on the side of the city in contrast to the east side (Raza, 2004).  Since the survey performed peak time in the morning so more likely to attract the trips to the direction of the city for many reasons such as commute to the school and workplace (Khan, 2001).

The analysis of the traffic signals shows that the alongside the hosur main road direction either west or east, after the development, more aspects can still criticize. Considering service level for every direction of the intersection, and the delay time including every lane give the approach to the impacts of the plan proposed. Delaying time for all directions is not expected to be seen an important difference because the direct impacts can be allowable. The city direction where the PSK Pay and parking warehouse is located after the traffic assign value more likely to have additional of two seconds of the delay time (Pani, 1998).

On the site of the hubballi road where the PSK Pay and parking should be controlled to prevent the additional capacity of the traffic. It can be implemented more signs stops and give signs way. To achieve the steady flow of the traffic also might be applied to construct reduced speed limit or the lightning of the road. It is expected to increase the flow of the traffic even though more traffic flow assigned after the development, these considerations are expected to prevent constraints in the future. Considering the lightning signs and the traffic sighs believed that will improve the safety during the times of entry and exit to the PSK Pay and parking. The last improvement can also be done to manage more traffic flow with the construction of the U turning signs alongside the hosur main road direction of the side of east (godfrwy, 2000). Traffic light signals should be made to generate the steady flow of the traffic (Pani, 1998).

Principles of geotechnical engineering in the report

PSK Pay and parking exit and entry C as shown from the assigned volume of the traffic there will be more surge after the development is completed. The back side of the development connected to the PSK Pay and parking place and if the scope report check direction of north-south carefully alongside the Lal Bagh main road has contributed 5 crashes. The entry and exit connected to the Lal Bagh main road. To remove congestions of the traffics and crashes in the signals of the traffic zones can be implemented. Signs and lighting need to manage more volume of the traffic and after the work of the road is completed the north side of the intersection, it will expand the turning of the right to the arterial road (Khan, 2001). The parking demand for the new development is determined using the data in the table above (godfrwy, 2000).

It was found that for the apartment of five stories the least requirement for the parking was 115 while 160 underground space for the parking will be given with the development, hence the apartments’ parking supply will satisfy the demand. Townhouses parking supply will also satisfy the needed parking demand because there will be 25car parks and the requirement is 23 (Acton, 2011) . The number of the spaces for the parking required for the convenience cafes and stores was 129. The real requirement amount will be lower than that because of customers of the shops and café will come from the neighboring place of office, apartment, PSK Pay and parking and townhouses (Raza, 2004). Hence the remaining spaces for the parking between the apartment and the town houses is good to satisfy the demand for the parking for the convenience cafes and the stores (Khan, 2001).

During the time for the PSK Pay and parking the customers will park in the spaces between the townhouses and the apartment and in the space of the office parking because of the lack of the space in the car pack of the PSK Pay and parking. To reduce the problem, there should be rules and regulations in the apartments and the office parking space between 12 pm to 4 pm in the weekend (Publications, 2008). The PSK Pay and parking can also get affected because of the new development during the weekdays. From the survey for the parking at the spot of the PSK Pay and parking, it was found that weekend is the period of the peak. At the weekend, many townhouses and apartments people will be at home. More visitors also will be visiting the new development at the weekend hence some of them will miss the space of the front apartment and look for the place for the parking in the PSK Pay and parking (Khan, 2001).


Figure 3 above shows the map for the roads and parking in the Bangalore, India

The movement of the truck in both roads is more given that the surrounding land use is covered with the commercial and industrial development which requires the deliveries of the bigger vehicles. The smooth movement of the vehicles in these roads were noted in the survey in the period of the morning peak (Pani, 1998). It could be safe to assume that after the investigation around 5 percent of the traffic flow were the trucks. Although some disadvantages for the trucks turning right from the hosur main road was prominent because of the uncontrolled signals affected by the works of the road in the intersection (Pani, 1998).

The zones for the loading in the PSK Pay and parking is accessed from the Lal Bagh main road which includes the trucks and has no problems so far (Organisation, 2010). After the new development, the movement will be bulge thought the access would be enough since some of the changes are made in the loading zones (Michigan, 2005). The trucks will be travelling less to reach the loading zones and will be minimally exposed to the busy areas of the development for the safety of the pedestrians and other users of the roads (Pani, 1998).

Pedestrian; the movement of the pedestrian in the Lal Bagh main road and hosur main road have taken from the score of the walk to show the walkability within the surrounding area. It shows the pedestrian action through arterial road or crosses the intersection in the development area (Khan, 2001).

Cyclists; the cyclist share around 4% of the traffic distribution on the roads and the survey of access and safety of the cyclists is needed in the traffic impact analysis. The Lal Bagh main road has a cyclist dedicated lane which ends at the intersection. The current speed limit of the hosur main road is dangerous for the cyclists hence the reduction on the speed warning is needed.

Risk management is the important tool for doing any work because it identifies risk and helps in reducing them. The consequences and the likelihood of the risk should be identified to evaluate the level of the risks. In the research for the traffic impact analysis, the risk assessment was performed and presented below (Gunaseelan, 2000):






Either there is no injury and if present do not cause any personal risk



Causes the injury and need the treatment of first aid



Need attention to medical



Need hospitalization since it causes serious injury



Causes permanent disability or death

Table 5 above shows the consequence category of the risk management in the Bangalore India






Repeated  many times



May happen many times



May happen some time



May happen in exceptional circumstances



Happen under the unprecedented circumstances of more likely to occur


Table 6 above shows the likelihood category of the risk management in the Bangalore India

The project observed the traffics, took photos, and collected data. Risks were identified and the ones caused by the driving cars was ignored public transport was used to the location. The identified risks were (Committee, 2010): hit by the vehicle when collecting data, robbed at the night, hit the pedestrian when taking photos, traffic noise that causes hearing problems and getting the sunburn, cold, wind, and lightning (Pani, 1998).

Document of the government of India about traffic

105 IAC 7-1-1; the Indian government of the highways is authorized to establish and determine that requirements and restrictions for the approaches of driveway to provide the highway drainage, preservation, and the safety convenience the traffic on the highways. The written permit is considered by the department and if in accordance with the regulation and requirements properly established, the permit is granted and all the work in the permits are usually performed to the satisfaction of the department.

The traffic impact assessment performed for the new development to be constructed resulted in many opinions. For the right turn movement from the Hosur main road and the Lal Bagh main road, the partially right turn controlled is recommended to be controlled fully. The increase in the flow of the traffic in future is because of the new development will results to the safety concerns on the Lal Bagh main road and hence the widening of the road and removing the island is recommended.  The sign of the warning at the location of the conflict of the vehicle and pedestrians like the entrance of the PSK Pay and parking from the Lal Bagh road and hubballi road are recommended and also increasing the signs of warming at the pedestrian crossing


For the right turn movement from the Hosur main road and the Lal Bagh main road, the partially right turn controlled is recommended to be controlled fully. The increase in the flow of the traffic in future is because of the new development will results to the safety concerns on the Lal Bagh main road and hence the widening of the road and removing the island is recommended.  The sign of the warning at the location of the conflict of the vehicle and pedestrians like the entrance of the PSK Pay and parking from the Lal Bagh road and hubballi road are recommended and also increasing the signs of warming at the pedestrian crossing.

Regulations should be maintained in the apartment s and the office spaces for the parking between 12 pm to 4 pm in the weekend. The entrance should be provided in the front of Lal Bagh road bus stop to raise the accessibility of the public transport from the new development and also the sidewalks should be made in the hosur main road.


Acton, A. (2011). Traffic analysis in India. Sidney: ScholarlyEditions.

Committee, I. N. (2010). India Transport Report. Miami: Routledge.

godfrwy, P. (2000). Transport Systems in India. Mumbai: Bhattacharya.

Gunaseelan, J. (2000). Indian Transport System. Mumbai: Mittal Publication.

Khan, M. (2001). Street Girls and Immoral Traffic in India. Melbourne: Uppal Publishing House.

Michigan, U. o. (2005). traffic in India. Perth: University of Michigan.

Organisation, W. T. (2010). Traffic Engineering & Control. Michigan: Printerhall.

Pani, N. (1998). Bengaluru, Bangalore, Bengaluru: Imaginations and Their Times. Mumbai: SAGE Publications India.

Publications, M. (2008). Transport system and technologies. New York: Mittal Publications.

Raza, M. (2004). Transport Geography of India. Miami: Concept Publishing Company.

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