General Electric Industrial Internet Project – A Conceptual Architecture Study

Capabilities required for Industrial Internet Project

The case study on General Electric is discussed in this report. The General Electric is a multinational company based around four themes that are building, curing, moving and powering. The General Electric has proposed a new project Industrial Internet which will help them in convergence of industrial machines, data and the internet for better business growth (MIT Sloan Management Review., 2018). The purpose of this report is to present an information centric solution through a set of diagrams and explanations.

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The report structure is outlined in the form of System Context Diagram, Architecture Overview Diagram, Logical Architecture View Diagram, Component Relationship Diagram, Component Interaction Diagrams and Logical Operational Model Diagram.

A set of diagrams in the following discussions are given to get an explanation of the Industrial Project of General Electric (Giachetti, 2016). The diagrams are based on templates provided by Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture (EIA RA).

The conceptual architecture is a form of architecture which is an essential part for any organization. This architecture utilizes conceptualism and characterized by the ideas and concepts that are introduced from organization’s architecture. This design is applied to get the whole necessity of the overall scenario of the arrangements of the Industrial Internet project which is proposed (Buede and Miller, 2016). The conceptual architecture includes system context diagram and architecture overview diagram.

The system context diagram is a methodological tool to capture the gap between the business operations. The system context describes an event generated from an external system and that affects external systems or users within the organization. It provides better understanding of the organization’s standards and objectives that demonstrates the different segments of organization. The below diagram depicts the business operations to be done by General Electric for the project Industrial Internet proposed.

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The data warehouse contains the overall information about the organizations and it is the place where all data are stored and from here data can be accessed to be used further for business operations (Mario, 2010).

Human Resources (HR)

The human resources department is an important part of the organization and plays a major role in business functions (Whetzel and Wheaton, 2016). They are responsible for recruiting suitable people for particular position and they demonstrate the new workforce the goals and objectives of the company.

Supply Chain

The supply chain management is responsible for maintaining the records of suppliers and distributors and also updating the stock details timely (Christopher, 2016). This is done to maintain the stock management.

System Context Diagram


The merchandisers provide details of new products to the system and thus plan is developed for products supply and distributions (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). The merchandisers are responsible for developing plan for existing and new products.


The Finance department is responsible for revenue managements and overall revenue growth in the organization and also provides the details of the new customer to the system within the organization.


The customer is the target end of the organization and they are provided with service response against the service request from the system and this is the basic function of the system to respond to the customer in the organization.

The building blocks that are needs to shape up the General Electric project Industrial Internet is presented through architecture overview diagram. The Architecture Overview Diagram describes the most common functional capabilities that are required for business operations. The Architecture Overview Diagram is customized according the business need for various organizations. The General Electric project Industrial Internet defines the following capabilities to achieve the required goal. The first one is real-time sensing and acquisition of data from the software, Predix, develop by the General Electric (Digital, 2018). The second is real-time analytics of the data that are relevant to the development of the project. The third one is integration of predictive business analysis of future function and operation of Industrial Internet project in General Electric. The fourth one is capabilities to present the proposed project to the management and finally to the user for assessing its impact (Chang, 2016). The General Electric wants to converge its four major operations through this proposed project to access all the operations at once from anywhere at any time.

The three major parts are finance department, Human Resources department and data warehouse. The first one is finance department. This department will look upon the financial conditions of General Electric project Industrial Internet. The financial planning and the effective upgrades of the Industrial Internet project of General Electric are done by this department (Ahmad and Brosio, 2015). The cost maintenance for the requirements and development of Industrial Internet project of General Electric and improving the profit from this project are the operations which are handled by this department. The second one is Human Resource department. They organize objectives and goals for the Industrial Internet project of General Electric to present before the management and information of employees handling this project. The evaluation and analyzing of human resource and availability of appropriate human resources for this project are also presented to the management of General Electric. The third one is data warehouse (Stein and Morrison, 2014). The data warehouse is the management of transaction scheme information which includes maintenance of data history, improving the data quality and value addition to business operations.

Architecture Overview Diagram

The logical architecture provides the technical functionality to be delivered to the requirement for business view. All the principal parts and their connections with each other in a question like form are presented in the diagram. The detailed information of General Electric and its association are given in the below diagram. The engineers and the framework modelers associated with the diagram are the intended interest groups that are presented in the chart.

The Logical Architecture View Diagram given below demonstrates the effectiveness of necessities. The necessities associated with the end users requirements which results in giving the suitable idea for the overall business operations of the General Electric project Industrial Internet are depicted below. The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is used by General Electric project Industrial Internet for broadcasting and inputting all the data to comprise the business knowledge. The Enterprise Architecture (EA) department incorporates users determined requirements, plan showcasing, budget and all other data related to General Electric project Industrial Internet in the Enterprise Data Warehouse.  The basic target of the Logical Architecture View Diagram is to accomplish goals and objectives of the workforce alongside the authorized objectives of the business departments. The Human Resource department is responsible for identifying the appropriate person for enrollment and work administration to develop and execute the proposed project Industrial Internet by General electric. They are also responsible for demonstrating goals and objectives of the project to the new workforce and making connection to secure and offer purposes to General Electric (Laudon and Laudon, 2016). The financial/admin department is responsible in the improvement of financial strategies that identifies annual revenue in terms of gain and loss, cost of requirements supplied by the suppliers. They are also responsible for analyzing the key dangers in the financial strategies that exists and that are going to affect the project in future. The supply chain department deals with the development of the project, required merchandise and the process of execution of the project to finally meet the clients need. The merchandising is the way in which the merchandise and organizations deal with the supplying and distributing the services or products. The General Electric has four types of specialty units and they are building, curing, moving and powering that depicts the distinctive purposes that the organization offers.

The component model basically includes the actual parts or components that will deliver the operation and functionality shown in the logical model. It mainly consists of implementation of components, naming of the components, composition interoperability, and evolution of components, customization and deployment of components (Schwalbe, 2015). The related module, its implementation, required software and the entity components are required to support the components implementation in the diagram.

Logical Architecture View Diagram

The relationships between the components are described by the component relationship diagram. The diagram given below demonstrates the relationship between the different components of General Electric for developing Industrial Internet project. The components in the diagram can be easily looked to figure out the functionality and work process of the system by the system developer (Whittle and Myrick, 2016). The diagram is the combination of architectural overview diagram and logical view diagram that provides the overview of the components and their connection within the system. The depiction of diagram helps to develop the desired project Industrial Internet.

The component interaction diagram is an essential part for every organization and it represented as pictorial view that can be used for business purposes. The design of this diagram is done in a way that it can depict the interaction among the objects within the General Electric for developing Industrial Internet project (Peppard and Ward, 2016). The below diagram explains the messages among the factors that are in sequenced form. The diagram shows the interaction among the components to achieve the desired goal and objective.

The operational model is the next phase of component model that distributes the component onto geographically distributed nodes. The component model can be broken down into various functional and non-functional operational models to depict the geographically distributed nodes. The operational model is dealt as a conceptual model to convey the incentives to keep up with the clients need.

The Logical operational model diagram demonstrates the operational activities of business purposes in General Electric that is required to develop Industrial Internet project. The business process is described by the operational activities that are related to the desired outcome against the information gathering from the Logical Operational diagram. The diagram depicts the description of operational activities to attain the point of sales in the General Electric project Industrial Internet (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). The investment on Enterprise Data Warehouse should be done for effective business purposes.

There are three major departments that play an important role in operational activities and they are finance department, supply chain department and back office department. The finance department focuses on the beneficial budget plans for the project. The supply chain department focuses on demand planning for the status updates of the project. The back office department focuses on the promotion of business strategies for operation of the project.

The logical model given above depicts the diverse parts of an application that will be sorted and associated and facilitated. The operational activities demonstrate the various parts of the application and their connection and operation with each other. The above model shows the connection of head office and branch office through corporate WAN across the globe. The various applications within each zone are connected through LAN. The service buses are there to help in interaction between various services and applications.


The above discussions conclude that the General Electric industry should adopt the new conceptual architecture for development and execution of its proposed project Industrial Internet. The above explanations through the diagrams show that there is a need to adopt new Enterprise Architecture (EA) information system to make great impact on the development of proposed project. The architecture overview concept along with operational model describes the double effect that can be achieved by General Electric. Therefore, the diagram models in the above discussions are well presented to achieve the goal and objectives of the project.


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