Observation And Interpretation Of Child’s Behavior: Lilu


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Describe about the Early Childhood Education and Child Care?

Child’s name: Lilu



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Observation 1: In the given scenario Lilu is shown trying to solve a puzzle. Here Lilu wishes to make a tower. She starts making a tower and also calculates along with the act. Lilu later could not find box no. 2 and seemed anxious. It seemed to Lilu that the box may be lost Observation 2: Lilu concentrates on drawing puppets at her home. While she talks she also talks with her partner beside her.

Observation 3: Lilu walks and also talks with her dad. She is very happy meeting her friends. She asks Mary whether she is allowed to wave at her parents.  

Observation 4: Lilu shows her cognitive nature as she is seen involved in thinking and creative work. She also shows her physical strength as she spins with the help of twisted rods, she moves here and there very quickly

Interpretation, including developmental skills, concepts and dispositions/links to theory:

Lilu shows anxiety as she could not find puzzle number 2. This shows that Lilu is a conscious child and is worried about finishing the task that she has been assigned. This puzzle solving case can be linked to the cognitive stages of development for a child (Riddall-Leech, 2009). As Lilu keeps on trying to solve the puzzle, she is now no more worried about making a tower but she is more careful about finishing the entire thing with perfection (Wakelyn, 2011).

When the cognitive stages theory is applied to the case of Lilu it could be observed that she has crossed the sensorimotor stage where they work mostly with the help of sense organs and also preoperational stage where they struggle to learn and acknowledge the theory that has been involved (Riddall-Leech, 2009). She is operating in the concrete operational stage where she can apply logic and is being able to channelize her actions according to her own observations (Riddall-Leech, 2009).

Lilu is socially very active and also seemed to be a very obedient child.

Lilu showed that she is very active physically.

Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links:





Possible future planning:

In future Lilu should be given lessons on numerical and good education. In every scenario lilu learns very quickly and physical strength is also good. Lilu needs a proper guidance to culture some more brain storming situations which could help to mature her brain.

She should start to count some tasks quickly, has a sense of good and bad. Also needs to start some practice to read and write from pictures and books.

What happened and who was involved:

Lilu, a three year old is involved and she is a very active child who participates very well in the surroundings. Lilu knows that to build a tower she has to increase the height of the blocks and after every box added she express her cheerfulness which shows her activeness in her task. When Lilu draw puppets her concentration was not breaking while talking with her partner also shows the cognitive property of Lilu. The emotional part of Lilu is find out when she wants to wave her hands to her parents when they dropped her in her friend’s house. Lilu also get emotional when her dad leaves her in their house and she says him good bye and expecting that her father will pick her up at the same time like as before. Lilu shows her Physical strength when she plays in the park and every time she is so active which clearly indicates her physical ability.

Analysis (interpretation) of learning:

 Lilu started her learning of numbers when she makes a tower and same time pronounce the exact number written in the blocks. She also learns the social formalities by asking permission from her friend’s parents to wave her hands when her parents leaving. In the process, it is analyzed how Lilu learns to communicate well with her surroundings and also mental and physical growth of Lilu has been analyzed when she used to play in the park and convey her mother what are the different task she wants to do one after another. Learning of Lilu by playing in the field is also a good sign of her level of development.

Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links: Emotional, Social, Physical, and Cognitive.

Extension of learning: Lilu’s learning extends from learning about numbers, learning about creativeness such as painting to socially interacting with friends and classmates.



Child’s name: Lilu



Interpretation, including developmental skills, concepts and dispositions/links to theory:

Lilu shows anxiety. She is very social and energetic and is under the operational stage of cognitive development.

Lilu shows socio-cultural maturity. She loves to play with her friends shows her gentleness and asking permission shows how well-mannered she is

Lilu shows her Physical ability. Lilu is very happy to play all types of games and also after playing one attempt the next one to play. It will show the function of his brain amplified especially cerebral cortex get improves day by day.

Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links:

Emotional, Social, Physical and cognitive.

Social, Cognitive, Matured, Well-mannered

Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Physical


Entry 1:

Lilu builds a tower. She becomes anxious.

Entry 2:

Lilu talks with her dad while talking. She is happy meeting her friends. Ask permission to her friends mom to say good bye

Entry 3:

Lilu plays in the park and seems happy. She works hard and try to play different games in a very small time period

Possible future planning:

 Lilu’s social side needs to be enhanced through better opportunities for playing and communicating. She should play some different mind games which ultimately helps her to upgrade knowledge as well as develop the brain.

Using the observations on ‘Lilu’ for Task 1 complete a Learning and Development Summary. 

The Learning and Development summary must describe the progress that the child is making towards each EYLF Outcome (or approved Learning Framework) and cover all developmental domains

EYLF Outcomes are:

  • Children have a strong sense of identity (Emotional development)
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world (Social development)
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (Physical – gross and fine motor and Emotional development)
  • Children are confident and involved learners (Cognitive development)
  • Children are effective communicators (Communication development)

The Learning and Development Summary must identify the child’s:

  • Interests
  • Strengths
  • Emerging skills
  • Relationships

The Learning and Developmental Summary must identify the child’s:

  • Interests
  • Strengths
  • Emerging skills
  • Future planning

Learning and Development Summary

Child’s Name:    LILU                                                                                            Date: 7.02.2015

EYLF Learning Outcomes

Strengths, Interests and Emerging Skills, Relationships

Children have a strong sense of identity

Include Emotional development – self regulation, independence and autonomy, confidence, empathy 

Children are connected with and contribute to their world  Include Social development- participation in groups, sharing, turn taking; respect for the environment, diversity and social justice

 • Strengths: openly expresses her feeling by interacting with others
 • Interest : Numerical ability
 • Emerging Skills: approach new situation with confidence
 • Relationship: Confidently explores and engages with physical environment

Children have a strong sense of

wellbeing  Include Physical development (fine /gross), self-care skills; Emotional development: recognizing and expressing emotions appropriately

 • Enjoy moments
 • Accept challenges
 • Recognize individual achievement
 • Increasingly cooperative

Children are confident and involved learners Include Cognitive and Creative development: dispositions for learning, play and learning styles, sharing knowledge with others, persistence and concentration, initiating experiences and exploring their ideas.

 • Experience and persevere the achievement satisfaction
 • Contribute fruitfully to mathematical discussions
 • Extend and follow own energy, enthusiasm and concentration
 • Express interest and wonder in the environment she is in

Children are effective communicators  Include Communication development; verbal and non-verbal, receptive and expressive language; language background and use of languages other than English, literacy  

 • Try different strategies to solve the problems as shown when Lilu was playing with the numbers.
 • Takes role in numeracy
 • She is an independent communicator, where she effectively communicates with the outer world
 • Listen and respond to the different sounds like she was responding to the educator through exchange of feelings, ideas and her understandings openly

Where to next and strategies to get there (include suggestions and feedback )

It is suggested that the tutor should help her by providing literacy –enriched languages so that she can communicate more effectively in future and also engage her in discussion so that she can express her feelings and ideas properly.

Apply the knowledge you have gained from the observations and developmental summary completed on ‘Lilu’ to:

a) Write up two (2) experience plans to support ‘Lilu’s’ development, you may choose to implement an experience or set up a learning centre based on the information collected about the child
One (1) experience plan must be for the indoor environment.

One (1) experience must be for the outdoor environment.

One plan must aim

• to promote children’s creative expression,
• to provide an opportunity for you to share an example of creative expression in art, architecture, inventions, music or dance.
• to provide an opportunity for you to teach children techniques when using materials and equipment

Both plans must include a creative transition to and from the experience or learning centre.

Please note for each of these two (2) experiences you will NOT be implementing them so you will NOT need to complete the ‘evaluation/ reflection’ section or the ‘follow up ideas’ section of your Experience Plans, these have been ‘greyed out’ in the experience plan template below.  All other sections must be completed.

Experience Plan

Learner’s name:

Plan number: 1- Indoor environment

Name of experience: Decorating a Christmas tree using beads and pipe cleaners

Date/s presented: 9/2/2015

Number of children: 5

Name/s and age/s of children: Sushi (5years)

Adam (4 years)

Jones (3 years)

Sally (3.5 years)

Lilu (3years)

Reason/s you have chosen to present this experience:

Since, during Christmas, children are too fascinated about the Santa Clause, Christmas trees. They generally love planting Christmas tree at their home. This activity would help to develop their skills and also give them the opportunity to show their abilities to other friends in the group. Further, working in a small team would help them to improve their sharing skills and knowledge. Based on LiLu’s development, this would help her more to improve interaction with other children and also improve her creative activity which is of her interest.

Identify developmental priorities/learning opportunities:

This is the activity where they understand how to play a team game and also this activity would help the children to share knowledge among them and also enjoy properly among themselves.

Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links (e.g. EYLF): Early Years Learning Framework

Give the children a chance to make their own decisions when they play and involve them in more activities to enhance the physical and mental control (Hedges and Cullen, 2012).

Describe how you will set up the learning environment

a)       detail the physical learning environment – indoor/ outdoor plan, equipment/materials (for one plan include example of creative expression in art, architecture, inventions, music or dance to share with children)

Since they are young kids, they need hands on activities and also require lot of different practices and integration towards new experiences. Thus it is to be made sure that the environment should offer the children with the developmental experience through the physical activities provided.

b)       detail safety considerations

For safety measure, all the step by step activities will be conducted in group and also will be given proper support and assistance whenever they are need. No inflammable products will be used and also the use of scissors and cutters will be handed by the tutor.

How will you transition the children to and from the experience and involve them in it?

By making them understand about the importance of making Christmas tree and how they can implant this three at the time of Christmas festival. This is a team game and everybody can share their ideas for proper making of the Christmas tree. Learning a new experience encourage them to do more new things in future.

Describe how you will teach children techniques when using materials and equipment.(one plan)  

Children are very active when they have in front of any new materials or equipments so the first technique is to give them a small awareness about the material. Children will be responded in a soft way and also flexible items will be used so that they are not harmed by the dangerous or risky equipments. The program will include lot of creativity and also control. Hand to hand training to the children helps a lot to learn new things and develop their mental capacity of learning.

How will you communicate effectively with the child/ children? How will you promote positive behaviour throughout this experience?

Children will be communicated through intonations, facial cues and also will be provided with fun and helpful experiences. Deliver some really helpful thoughts like wash your hands properly after playing; wash your mouth properly after eating will talk about Santa Clause and also raising the interest through talking about the gifts that will be placed near the Christmas tree will be fascinating towards completing the task.

These behaviors will help them to communicate, enhance moral considerations and develop social responsibilities.

How will you collaborate with the child/ children throughout this experience?

They will have the opportunity to socialize and also extend their social development. They will also have the opportunity to arrange different beads and also improve their creativity. Children will also have the opportunity to encourage others towards different behaviors. The learning of safety will also helpful for them in future.

Reflection/evaluation of the experience (not required to be completed for this assignment)

Follow up ideas (not required to be completed for this assignment)

Experience Plan

Learner’s name:

Plan number: Outdoor Environment

Name of experience: Playing in the park with other children.

Date/s presented: Sep 1, 2014

Number of children: 2

Name/s and age/s of children:

Lilu – 3yrs

Arlo – 4.5 yrs

Jack – 4 yrs

Reason/s you have chosen to present this experience: The reason being that all children love to play. And this helps in developing the physical skills, communication skills. This will help Lilu interact well with other children. This will also help Lilu and the Others to learn team game. This also helps to build the concept of harmony in her mind. It’s the right time for Lilu to learn the behavior towards other and as analyzed she behaved really well with her other friends and let them involved to play with her. Lilu is also Emotionally connected with her friends because every time she isolated to play alone immediately change her mind and ask another friend to join.

Identify developmental priorities/learning opportunities:

The activities like early education in institution and mental developmental skills through numeric problem solving ability are the priorities. This activity will help the children develop better interacting skills and also better communicative skills, improved their knowledge level and also help them to mature and develop their capacity of brain. At this stage the child needs special care of attention of their parents which leads them to their better future opportunities. If someone having capability to run well then the parents should guide him and prepare his mind to make him runner in future.

Relevant Approved Learning Framework Links (e.g. EYLF):

Early Years Learning Framework like Develop indoor – outdoor facilities to enhance the physical as well as mental abilities. Gift them Pre School-kit and story books having pictures and morals are helpful to enhance their communication, mental maturity and power of invention (Hedges and Cullen, 2012).

Describe how you will set up the learning environment

a)       detail the physical learning environment – indoor/ outdoor plan, equipment/materials (for one plan include example of creative expression in art, architecture, inventions, music or dance to share with children)

Children’s are loved to run from one point to another so giving them chance to move from one room to another is a good indoor activity. Also dancing with the help of music and moving their body with the sounds help them to increase their physical ability. Equipments like blocks, puzzles are helpful for indoor activity also giving water to the plants in the garden area painting in the walls of the house all leads to help them to grow their psychological as well as physical activities. The environment is a basic factor to improve the mental as well as physical ability of a child. Parents should try to involve more to develop the thinking ability by giving them a chance to narrate a story or ask them a particular question and give them a chance to share their own point of view. Learning through play is the easiest way to develop a child’s brain.

b)       detail safety considerations

a) While setting up the learning environment it is essential that the plays that the children indulge in are a way to gain knowledge such as playing the game of color man.

b) For safety measures, it is necessary that elder people are there to guard the children and non inflammable things should not be there near them. 

c) Another important aspects for children that they should be fearless. They should climb high in a ladder and also take care of themselves. This is a very important part of learning that how you treat with any kind of fear in your daily lives.

d) The children are having a property that they touch every unknown materials or equipments without knowing the side effects of that particular. So give them an idea that what they should touch and what should not is also a very important aspect while safety has been concerned.

How will you transition the children to and from the experience and involve them in it?

This experience will help the children to understand their surroundings. They will get the opportunity to connect with the nature and know about the different trees, flowers etc. More the child plays with the nature, more he learns about the environment. Maximum involvement in plays with any playing materials or equipments will increase their mental configuration and transition from undeveloped to maturity has seen clearly when they make their own decisions what to do and what not to do.

Describe how you will teach children techniques when using materials and equipment.(one plan)  

The outdoor learning will help children improve their creative skills by inventing new ways to play and hence interact. Parents should bring the children into the play grounds and parks which attract children’s and help them to improve health as well as physical environment. Bring them into garden and exposal in nature will enhance their emotional level also increase the invention power.

How will you communicate effectively with the child/ children? How will you promote positive behaviour throughout this experience?

To communicate with the children it is important to be childlike and play along with them in their games. It is also important to let them speak about particular game or topic. The simple and the logical communication with some stories which having a strong moral could also effective for the children’s.

The experience will help children’s to develop their mental abilities as well as social responsibilities.

How will you collaborate with the child/ children throughout this experience?

Playing will be a physical exercise for the children and also will help in social developmental skills. Lilu is a very intelligent child. She loves to learn new things so help her to develop the inter and intra personal skills is the first priority.

Reflection/evaluation of the experience (not required to be completed for this assignment)

Follow up ideas (not required to be completed for this assignment)


Hedges, H. and Cullen, J. (2012). Participatory learning theories: a framework for early childhood pedagogy. Early Child Development and Care, 182(7), pp.921-940.

Riddall-Leech, S. (2009). Observation techniques: Written. Child Care, 6(3).

Wakelyn, J. (2011). Therapeutic observation of an infant in foster care. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 37(3), pp.280-310.

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