Bay Of Island Tourism In New Zealand – Attractions, History, And Growth
History of Bay of Island Tourism
Identify a tourist destination in New Zealand. Discuss the destination within the following scope:
• History of the destination
• The tourism growth
• Description of the nature of tourism in the destination
• Market segment (e.g. adventurers, backpackers)
Bay of Island in New Zeeland is the most popular and most attractive tourist destination which is renowned for the extreme beauty it has and for its traditional historical background. The region of the Bay of Island is a part of the subtropical area where the beauty of the region lies in the beaches and in the water of the island (Stumpf, 2015). The island attracts the people of New Zeeland and the people of international countries especially the people are attracted from the domestic and from the international countries due to the activities related to beaches and the water. From, the location point of view, the region is a great place to go to the visitors and the travellers as the place is nearby the place of Auckland. The Bay of Island consists of total 144 Islands and there is of boutique town named Opua is present in the Island. The Bay of Island is the place which is situated in the North region of New Zeeland (, 2015). The tourist destination is the place where the tourists can enjoy the adventures of sailing, fishing and other adventure activities.
The growth of the tourism industry throughout the world is immense. New Zeeland has taken a important place in the world’s tourism industry as the best tourist destination. The report is formulated for the purpose of determining the history of the tourist destination named Bay of Island. The report also highlights on the attributes of the tourist destinations and also the growth of the tourism industry. In this respect the trend of the tourism in the country and the growth of the tourism of the particular spot are also discussed. The nature of the tourism in this respect is also explained and the market segmentation in relation to the particular tourist destination of New Zeeland named, Bay of Island is discussed (, 2015). The tourism destinations or the marketers of the tourism industry do the segmentation strategy for the purpose of providing specialized treatment to each of the customers of the destination.
History of Bay of Island
The introduction of the Bay of Island happens 700 years ago when large canoes, a migration canoes were shipped from Hawaiki to New Zeeland. The Maroi of New Zeeland did settle down the disputes through the bays and they occupied many islands for the purpose of establishing their own tribe region. Many renowned names are found in the Islands who did start the flagstaff war in the Islands. The settlement among the Maori undertook a significant role for the purpose of the development of the New Zeeland. Captain Cook was the first person of Europe who visited to the Bay of Island of New Zeeland. The Bay of Island has observed huge amount of blood and tears. Today, it is situated with-in Bay of Island and the place has become a destination for fun and adventure but, the place itself once was there as a political base of the Maroi and it was a centre of the European culture. In the coast there are various towns present and all the towns are scattered around the coast (Russellnz, 2015). The towns which are scattered around the coast has its individuality and each of the town is renowned for its own speciality. The major holiday town of the coast is known as the Paihai and it is the most vibrant place among the entire Bay of Island. From, Paihai there is a town present which is known as Russell once it was a whaling town and recently it has become the tranquil oasis. Once the place and the entire town was known as the “hellhole” and the place was renowned as a most blood shedding place of Pacific but, now the scenario has been changed and the place is known as the most refined place of visit of the tourists.
Attractions of Bay of Island
One of the most significant industries of New Zeeland is the tourism industry and the industry contributes a huge part in the gross domestic product of the country. During the recession all the other industries of the country was being affected but, the tourism is the one industry which can deliver the highest growth in the gross domestic product of the country. According to the record till 2013, the tourism industry has contributed 7.3 billion $ in the gross domestic product of the country New Zeeland. The tourism industry of the country does not only support the gross domestic product of the country but, it has also a huge contribution in the employment scenario of the country. The country is able to deliver and promote the job opportunities account for 166,800 and this is the full time employment data in the market and almost it equivalent to the 8% of the total workforce of the country New Zeeland. The country is able to generate an indirect contribution of 5% in the gross domestic product of the country. The tourism especially, the tourism related to the place called Bay of Island attracts a heavy amount of the international tourists and the international tourists are the main source of export of that country. The 16% of the export amount comes from the expenditure of the tourists of that country. Together the domestic tourism and the international tourism account for 24billion $ of the New Zeeland currency in the economy which is considered as a major source of the inflow in the economy. The tourist destination named the Bay of Island is the major destination for the people who loves the adventure and the environmental beauty of the destination place. In the year 2014, the tourism industry of new Zeeland has contributed a huge amount of the export earnings in the economy which is equivalent to 15.3% of the total exchange earning of that country. In respect of the foreign exchange the tourism is able to deliver $28.2 million in the department of the foreign exchange every year in a particular year. Till March 2014, the total expenditure of the tourism industry accounts for $23.8 billion.
The famous cruise destinations of the country New Zeeland are getting more popularity and the popularity of those tourist destinations have taken the full attention from the tourists as the behaviour of the tourists have positively changed towards the tourist destinations. The passengers in the cruise sector have increased to a significant level from last five years and the amount of the tourists have been enhanced by 80 percent in the last few years which is a positive indicator for this industry. Bay of Island comes under the cruise sector and it has gained a huge popularity among the consumers from last few years. The growth of the cruise sector is there because of the rising tourists from the countries including Australia, UK and also from other international countries. There are other cruise areas which include the region named the Auckland, Picton, Tauranga and others. The tourism industry has become so renowned in the last few years because, the tourism has positioned itself in the way so that, it has established the image of the clean, green and playground for adventure in front of the international visitors which has become successful in the market of tourism. The growth of the tourist destination, Bay of Island depends on the tourist occurrence from the airport of Auckland. In a nutshell, it can be stated that the tourism industry is the backbone of the economy of the country, New Zeeland. The basic foundation and the contribution of the industry come from the domestic and as well as international tourists and the indirect effect of tourism are also there in the labour market of the economy. On an average the one of out of the nine people are getting assistance through the tourism industry of the country New Zeeland (Weed and Bull, 2012). The recession could not hit the tourism industry of New Zeeland and it has established itself as the second largest contributor in respect of the foreign exchange. The power of the industry lies in the economic contribution and in the indirect social benefit of the industry.
Growth of Tourism Industry in New Zealand
Fig: The contribution of the tourism industry
Source: (, 2015)
The dollars come from the tourism industry helps to gain the growth of the industry in respect of earning of the wages, salaries, taxes and also the profits from the international and as well as the domestic tourists.
The tourist destination named, Bay of Island covers a huge area consisting of Cape Brett and the Purerua Peninsula and it focuses on both the areas including the coastal areas and also the areas of Island. The island towns in the tourist destinations are Rawhiti, Russell, Opua, Kerikeri and Waitangi etc. The natural beauty of the place is extraordinary and the beaches are extremely beautiful in nature. The Bay of Island is the carrier of both the culture including the culture of Europe and the culture of Maori. It is especially known as the bi-cultural nation where the tourists can feel themselves safe in terms of cultural aspect. The tourist destination is especially, renowned for carrying the culture of both of the groups and it also renowned to keep the cultural diversity of different cultural background. The place is the evidence of conversion of the Maroi culture into the modern lifestyle of the people. The place has established itself as the most important and popular destination of the tourists within New Zeeland and the people comes to take the advantage of the extremely beautiful environment of the destination (Beard, et al, 2012). All the Islands has its own culture and the self-identity and special in some aspects. The tourist destination also covers the various bays and the sandy beaches. The sandy beaches are the favourite attractions of the international tourists. The bays which are situated in the tourist destination are full of marine lives which include the penguins, whales and penguins (Buckley, et al, 2014).. The destination is a mixture of the beauty of the nature and the beauty of the wild life. The tourist destination has gained the popularity through sailing yachts and it is also a part of the famous cruise sector of the country. The international sport Fishermans are also getting popularity in the tourist destination.
The segmentation in the tourist destination is happened because; the marketers want to satisfy each and every group of the tourists in the market. The famous holiday destinations of the New Zeeland have segmented their tourist place into several segments which helps to understand the needs and the requirement of the tourists in the market. The ultimate goal of the tourist destination is to create and form a strong base of the tourists and for so the market is segmented in two different parts mainly, the teenage group who actually loves the adventure of the tourist destination. For this segment 15-30, the tourist destination has planned various adventures including, the bike riding, the sky hiking, sailing yachts, The overnight trips are present in the tourist destinations, the fishing charters and the guided walks all are the guided adventures initiated by the authority of the tourist destination of the Bay of Island. For the household members or for the family members also the adventures are popular as the adventures are provided in a guided manner and the segment of 30-45 would also like to prefer the tourism adventures (Wilks, et al, 2013).
Market Segmentation in Bay of Island Tourism
The famous tourism destination named the Bay of Island is the most favourite spot for the domestic and as well as the international tourists of the country New Zeeland. The famous cruise facilities have made the place more attractive for the tourists. The tourism is the largest contributor in the economy of the country and the contribution of the destination Bay of Island itself is significant in nature. The place is known for its designing of the adventures in the destination and it is a mixture of the culture and the environment. The famous tourist destinations of the New Zeeland like the Bay of Island contribute a significant amount in the employment of the country.
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