Implementation Of Distributed Firewall In Managing Customers’ Information: A Study On Abbey Apartments In Brisbane, Australia
Background and Problem Statement
Describe about the implementation of distributed firewall for the handling of customers’ information was conducted on Abbey Apartments, Brisbane, Australia?
The study on the implementation of distributed firewall for the handling of customers’ information was conducted on Abbey Apartments, Brisbane, Australia. In order to answer the research questions, the researcher has collected data both from primary and secondary sources. The quantitative data have been gathered from 30 employees of Abbey Apartments and the qualitative data have been gathered from 3 managers from the same organisation.
The findings of the research reveal that distributed firewall is not very widely used in this organisation for the purpose of handling of customers’ data. It is mainly used in order to collect and verify the technical information of the firm. In addition, distributed firewall is used for the passing of the information among the employees of the organisation.
The purpose of this thesis is to concentrate on the implementation of distributed firewallin managing customers’ information effectively. In order to conduct the study on a specific organisation, the researcher focuses on the hotel industry in Australia, thereby stressing on Hotel Abbey. Abbey Apartments stands out as quite a popular hotel in Brisbane in Australia, thereby offering a wide adequate amount of services to its customers, such as proper accommodation facilities, spa and sauna, outdoor pools, proper parking areas and many more (, 2015).
It is to be noted that in the era of globalisation and introduction of open markets; organisations do get the opportunity of bagging in wide range of customers. However, it becomes necessary to maintain the details the customers appropriately not to maintain free flow of communication with them but even to maintain customer relationship management (Chris Adalikwu, 2012, p- 54). Hence, with the advancement in technology, organisations have come up with latest upgraded equipments to handle the customer information. Distributed firewall stands out as one of the newly developed and effective technique in managing the customers’ information as well as stay in constant contact with them.
The problem statement of the thesis is that, even though Abbey Apartments uses distributed firewall strategies for customer details handlings, there are certain issues related to it. It is found that the hotel uses adequate internet techniques in order to handle customer database via its computers and the secured software. Problems related to cross connections or inadequate flows of conversation over the phone are detected (Red’ko & Bui, p- 2004, p- 478). It is also found that the customer care department does face problems in communicating with the customers while verifying their identity proof or addresses over the mobile phones. They are unable to interact properly by sending SMS to the customers in order to make the verifications of customers’ details (Rasila, 2010, p- 91).
Thus, the research question of this thesis is: ‘What is the implementation of distributed firewall in hotel industry to evaluate direct impact while managing customers’ information in reference to Abbey Apartments in Brisbane in Australia.’ The researcher decides to present the problem statement, background of the research and organisation, and the research question in the beginning, following to which there is an extensive study of the existing theories and concepts in the literature review portion. Moving on, the research methodology is presented to conduct the study by using appropriate research methods, with the help of which ultimately data is collected. An analysis of data is done thereby detecting the loopholes based on which conclusions are made.
Literature Review on CRM and DBMS
As mentioned by Ahmed (2010, p- 16), CRM or Customer relationship Management refers to the system of managing the interactions of an organisation with the current and the future customers. In this era of advanced technology, for managing the relationship between the organisation and the customers, usage of technology is of utmost importance. Goldsmith (2010, p- 26) opines that in order to manage the interactions of the customers in an effective way, an organisation should be aware of the effective means of managing, recording and evaluating customer interactions. Effective CRM systems facilitate organisations to compile data on consumers across different channels. Thus, various communication channels such as mobile phone, social media, organisational website, email, live chat can be utilised for better interactions with the customers. Chris Adalikwu (2012, p- 97) comments that effective systems of CRM enable employees to access various customers’ information such as purchase history, purchasing preferences, personal data and concerns.
Hospitality and tourism organisation in Australia is highly competitive due to the existence of several powerful players. Therefore, in order to gain competitive advantage, organisations should take CRM into consideration. If organisations are not able to record and evaluate customers’ information in an effective way, the scope of offering poor services arises. Therefore, in order to minimise the scope, various data on customers should be recorded and handled in an effective way. Research carried out by Rasila (2010, p- 91), reveals that distributed firewall is getting popular in CRM. Though the personal data of the customers are recorded in various channels, mobile phone is the most popular tool that is preferred for recording of customers’ personal data (Ranjan, 2010, p- 408). The findings of the research revealed that mobile phone is preferred, as it can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere. The latest smart phones are widely used for this purpose, as it helps not only to record the phone numbers of the customers but also personal email ids, social media communication links and many more thing (Ahmed, 2010, p- 21).
As defined by Red’ko & Bui (2004, p- 476), “A database is an organised, machine-readable collection of symbols, to be interpreted as a true account of some enterprise. A database is machine-updatable too and so must be a collection of variables. A database is typically available to a community of users, with possibly varying requirements.” On the other hand, a relational database refers to a kind of database the symbols of which are arranged into a set of relations. Kent (2011, p- 121) opines that the core concept of relational database theory is nothing but relation. In order to organise data into a collection of relations, there is a need of effective DBMS (database Management System). DBMS is nothing but a piece of software, which facilitates the users to manage database and access the database when needed. As put forward by Red’ko & Bui (2004, p- 477), a DBMS generally works as a server in order to facilitate several simultaneous users.
As commented by Lin (2011, p- 475), in hospitality and tourism industry, organisations must use effective DBMS for handling the information of the customers. In this context, the recording of the information is not the ultimate thing. The accessibility issues also must be taken into consideration. As a database can be accessed simultaneously by various users, organisations must restrict the access of any unwanted user to the database. As personal information of the customers such as contact numbers, email ids, addresses are recorded in the database, accessibility of unwanted users may hamper the privacy of the users, which may eventually lead to legal complications.
Research Methodology
In today’s highly advanced technological environment, mobile phone and internet has become synonymous due to the wide usage of smart phones. Study conducted by Lu, Chen & Wang (2010, p- 193), reveals that in hotel industry, most of the employees in superior designations are likely to use smart phones. The wide usage of smart phones has facilitated the users to access the internet anytime and from anywhere. Various customers’ information such as complaints lodged by the customers can be accessed and handled with the help of internet. Jiang (2008, p- 232) opines that as recently, the use of the internet has increased to a great extent throughout the world, instead of making offline complaints via mobile phone, customers post their review on social media sites and on the official websites of organisations. Thus, the complaint lodged by a customer can be visible to various other customers. However, in case of a serious problem, when customers want immediate solutions, they prefer distributed firewall. Therefore, the implementation of distributed firewall in this context cannot be denied.
This particular part of the thesis outlines the usage of suitable research methods in order to make sure that the research question is suitable answered and that the research problems are resolved.
In order to find out the effectiveness of distributed firewall as applied by Abbey Apartments in managing customer information, the researcher follows the positivism philosophy along with deductive approach while carrying out the study. Moreover, the researcher applies descriptive research design finding it to be appropriate. The researcher investigates on over the topic, thereby using mixed research methods, i.e. primary research and secondary research, based on descriptive design. Both the research methods are used in order to obtain in-depth as well as extensive amount of knowledge from the theoretical underpinnings as well as the empirical studies done. Even quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection are applied. It is to be noted that the researcher follows the suitable steps of research onion so that the work can proceed in a coherent manner.
Figure 1: Research Onion
(Source: Saunders et al. 2009, p. 52)
Exploratory, explanatory and descriptive are found to be the three major kinds of research designs used in different research works as per their convenience. It is to be noted that, descriptive design seems to be appropriate for this study because it helps in evaluating the effectiveness of distributed firewall in customer information handling in context to different paradigms. As Sachdeva (2009, p- 47) points out, while exploratory design is applicable only in those studies where the research question is not decided from the beginning and it is found to develop as the research progresses; on the contrary explanatory design focuses on merely building up connections between the two variables that the topic consists. Nonetheless, descriptive design contributes in investigating and understanding the research problems from different perspectives and paradigms. Moreover, the research question and the flow of the research are already decided (Saunders Lewis & Thornhill, 2009, p -447).
Data Analysis and Conclusions
It is to be noted that out of the two primary study types, i.e. Deductive Approach and Inductive Approach, the researcher chooses deductive type to be appropriate. As Harrison & Reilly (2011, p- 25) opine, deductive type focuses on maintaining the testing theory approach, thereby exploring through the theories, deciding on the hypothesis, collecting adequate data and determining the authentication of the theories in relevance to the topic. Nonetheless, inductive type emphasizes on theory building approach where the data is collected at the beginning, create hypothesis, refer to theoretical underpinnings, find the gaps and build a new theory (Truscott et al. 2010, p- 326).
H0: Distributed firewall is effective in handling customer information
H1: Distributed firewall is not effective in managing customer information
It is to be noted that the researcher focuses on the usage of fixed and non-fixed variables. The theories referred to in this thesis are fixed variables whereas the organisation (i.e. Hotel Apartments) and the respondents are the non-fixed variables.
The researcher uses mixed data collection procedures in this study with a motive to obtain augmented and extensive data so that the findings can help in detecting the problems clearly that occur within the organisation and attempt resolve them.
Method of Quantitative Data Collection: Quantitative data collection method proves to be beneficial in researches since it helps in obtaining first hand information. Moreover, it is a cost effective and time saving method for obtaining data from huge population (Toloie-Eshlaghy et al. 2011, p- 151). Hence, the researcher uses quantitative method, thereby applying Questionnaire Survey technique, where close ended questions are made. Online distribution of the survey questionnaire is done on a sample size of 30 employees of Abbey Apartments, who are chosen by probability and random sampling method. The researcher then analyses the data by making conversions of the data into percentages and representing them to tables and graphs and charts.
Method of Qualitative Data Collection: Qualitative data gathering method is undoubtedly helpful in obtaining augmented knowledge based on the real life experiences and perceptions of the respondents (Lu, Chen & Wang, 2010, p- 193). Thus, the researcher applies qualitative method by arranging telephonic interviews and asking open-ended questions to a sample size of 3 managers of Abbey Apartments, who are chosen by non-probability, convenient sampling technique. Eventually a thorough study of the prepared transcripts is done to assess the data.
Q 1) Do you use distributed firewall for receiving customer feedbacks and complaints?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Yes |
30 |
30 |
100% |
No |
0 |
30 |
0% |
Table 1: Use of distributed firewall for receiving customers’ information
Figure 2: Use of distributed firewall for receiving customers’ information
All the respondents (100%) have replied that distributed firewall is used in Abbey for the receiving of the information of the customers.
Q 2) Have any customer ever complained about the leakage/misuse of his/her personal information in this organisation?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Yes |
8 |
30 |
27% |
No |
22 |
30 |
73% |
Table 2: Occurrence of customers’ complaints regarding leakage/misuse of customers’ personal data
Figure 3: Occurrence of customers’ complaints regarding leakage/misuse of customers’ personal data
Most of the respondents (73%) informed the researcher that none of the customers have ever complained regarding the misuse or leakage of their personal information in Abbey. The rest of the participants (27%) opposed the view by opining that the issue of customer compliant regarding the misuse or leakage of personal information happened in the organisation.
Q 3) Do all the employees have an open access to the database that holds the personal information of the customers?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Yes |
9 |
30 |
30% |
No |
21 |
30 |
70% |
Table 3: Employees’ access to the database of the customer information
Figure 4: Employees’ access to the database of the customer information
Maximum number of the respondents (70%) informed the researcher that the all the employees have an open access to the database that is consists of the personal information of the customers. On the other hand, 30% of the respondents disagreed to this view by saying that all the employees can access the database of customers’ information.
Q 4) what are the other channels, apart from distributed firewall, for receiving the information of the customers?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Social media channels |
4 |
30 |
13% |
12 |
30 |
40% |
Official website of Abbey |
9 |
30 |
30% |
All of these |
5 |
30 |
17% |
None of these |
0 |
30 |
0% |
Table 4: Use of other channels apart from distributed firewall for the receiving of customers’ data
Figure 6: Use of other channels apart from distributed firewall for the receiving of customers’ data
Most of the participants of the quantitative research (40%) opined that email is used apart from distributed firewall in order to receive information from the customers. According to a significant number of the respondents (30%), official website of the organisation is prioritised for receiving customers’ information. 17% of the respondents have selected all of the options for this purpose. Social media channel is selected by 13% of the respondents. None of the respondents have selected the option ‘none of this’.
Q 5) Do the employees, responsible for interactions with the customers use Smart phones?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Yes, all the employees |
7 |
30 |
23% |
No, no employee |
0 |
30 |
0% |
Some employees |
19 |
30 |
63% |
Most of the employees |
4 |
30 |
13% |
Table 5: Use of smart phones among the employees
Figure 7: Use of smart phones among the employees
The substantial part of the respondents (63%) opined that some of the employees, who are responsible for interacting with the customers, use smart phones. In accordance with 23% of the participants, all the employees use smart phones. The option, ‘most of the employees’ was selected by 13% of the respondents.
Q 1) How do you ensure effective CRM in Abbey with the help of customers’ data handling?
Combined answer from 3 managers-
As informed by the managers, they understand the value of CRM in retaining the customers. They admitted that customers’ data handing has a great role in CRM. For ensuring effective data handling of the customers, data are received from reliable sources. In case of the personal data of the customers, it is only the customers from which, the required data are sourced. Limited number of employees, who are responsible for customers’ data handling, can only access the personal data of the customers.
Q 2) Do you think that distributed firewall is important for handling of customers’ information?
Combined answer from 3 managers-
All the managers have agreed that distributed firewall plays a significant role in the handling of customers’ information. In case of receiving information from the customers, distributed firewall is widely used in Abbey. Sometimes, the customers are communicated via phone calls for the verification of data. They informed the researcher that distributed firewall is also used for the communication among the employees for the purpose of data handling.
Q 3) How do you ensure safe handling of customers’ personal information?
Combined answer from 3 managers-
The managers commented that for the safe handling of data, the access to the database that contains the personal information of the customers has been restricted. Only employees with the responsibility of customer database management are permitted to access the database. Information such as complaints of the customers, purchase history, preferences and this kind of other data can be viewed by most of the employees of Abbey.
As per the quantitative study, distributed firewall is widely used in Abbey, especially for the purpose of receiving information from the customers. As not all the employees, who are responsible for handling the information of the customers, use smart phones, the data, received by them via mobile cannot be stored in the mobile phones. In other words, information can easily be received with the help of distributed firewall, but in order to store or record those data temporarily, mobile is hardly used in the organisation. However, for passing the received information among the employees, mobile phone is used. It can be assumed that the personal data of the customers are effectively handled to some extent.
As some off the employees opined that complaints regarding the misuse/leakage of information were experienced in Abbey, the researcher’s assumption is that in past, the database management system in Abbey was of poor quality and in the recent years, this limitation was resolved. For this reason, some of the employees are not aware of the complaint issues. As there was a difference among the respondents regarding the access to the database, it can be assumed that not all of the employees are aware of the accessibility issues. They might believe that the customers; database can be accessed by all of the employees. After analysing the quantitative findings, the researcher has found out that though distributed firewall plays a great role in handling of customers’ data, in Abbey customers’ data handling with the help of distributed firewall is only restricted to the receiving of customers’ data.
The response of the managers shows that they are well aware of the implementation of distributed firewall in handling of the customers’ information. By the response of the managers, the researcher has analysed that in Abbey, distributed firewall is mainly used for the receiving and verification of the customers’ data. Communication among the employees for the passing of information is also done via distributed firewall, but data are not stored in mobile phones. Though the managers have informed the researcher that not all the employees can access the database that contains the personal information of the customers, the quantitative findings have disclosed access of all the employees to the database. Therefore, the researcher can assume that though not all the employees are permitted to access the customers’ database, the system for monitoring the access of the employees is not very strong in Abbey. This may lead to misuse of data or leakage of customers’ personal information.
Budget and time constraints are the two major issues that affect the quality of the research. Due to the limitation of word count, the researcher has not been able to conduct a full-fledged research on the research topic. If the researcher was allowed to conduct a full-fledged research project, more literary sources could have reviewed and more questions could have been asked to both the respondents of the quantitative and qualitative findings.
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations:
From the entire research, it can be concluded that in Abbey, the employees with the help of distributed firewall gather customers’ data. As the personal data of the customers are sourced only from the customers, distributed firewall is preferred for receiving of data over the other ways of data collection. Within the organisation, the data are passed from one employee to the other with the help of distributed firewall. As the entire employee, responsible for customers’ data handling do not use Smartphone, data cannot be stored in their mobile phones.
Based on the findings of the quantitative and qualitative research, the researcher recommends the increase of distributed firewall for the handling of data of the customers. Use of Smartphone is sure to increase the scope of distributed firewall for the effective handling of customers’ information.
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