Management Consulting: Challenges And Solutions For Organizational Development And Change

Task 1


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Scenario or vocational context

You have just been appointed as a Management Consultant in a corporate organization listed in the FTSE 200 which is well known and has a significant number of employees.

During the interview process leading to your subsequent appointment, you were briefed that the organization is facing some challenges in implementing development and changes that will be critical to the organic growth and sustainable growth of the organization.

You have been mandated to research into the organization and provide viable solutions in terms of the smooth management of the development and change process.

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You need to write clear, concise, and accurate notes on the following 5 tasks which will be the basis of your report to the Board of Directors. You must give definitions; critical analysis; identification of theories and practical examples where possible.

Task 1

1.1. Define vision, objective and core value of an organisation.

1.2. Critically evaluate global changes and mega trends in 21st century that effect organisation in development and planning.

1.3. Evaluate the impact of globalisation.

1.4. Critically examine different business ‘types’ in the business sectors that comprise most social market economies

1.5. Describe the nature and purpose of strategic planning and its importance to an organisational change and development

1.6. Critically evaluate the culture of an organisation and its impact to an organisational change.

Task 2

2.1. Critically describe elements of an organisational behaviour including types, social environment, quality of work life and motivation

2.2. Critically analyse McGregor’s paradigm of theory X and Y of organisational change and its impact on managerial role

2.3. Discuss five models of organisational behaviour and impact of these models on managerial orientation, employee orientation, psychological and performance result.

2.4. Evaluate value organisational theory as a tool for understanding behaviour in organisations

2.5. Describe the relationship between developments in organisational theory and organisational behaviour.

Task 3

3.1. Discuss the issues of entering and contracting process of organisational development

3.2. Differentiate diagnostic and open system models and their importance from individual level to organisational level for development process.

3.3. Critically evaluate the process of collecting and analysing diagnostic information that include diagnostic relationship, methods for collecting data, sampling, techniques for analysing data and feed-back.

Task 4

4.1. Explain emotional reactions to change, resistance and traumas experienced in the change process and psychological barriers to change

4.2. Critically analyse Kotter’s 8-Step model to implementing change within an organisation.

4.3. Analyse how a team evolves and how different expectations within teams can be managed.

4.4. Identify and describe the major learning-based and process-based perspective on motivation and how these theories play an important part in organisational change and development.

Task 5

5.1. Examine the concept of job satisfaction and its relationship to performance

5.2. Analyse stress and appreciate its links to personality for handling stressful situation

5.3. Evaluate the importance of planning, review and needs analysis framework in an organisational development.

5.4. Explain the importance of individual role relation-ships within the organisation/group and identify the individual’s role set and associated expectations.

The fast food industry is rapidly changing due to economic recession, commodity price rise, food cost and also the perception of people about their health. This situation creates pressure on the fast food industry to manage the change effectively. This report analyzes how Domino’s Pizza, one of the FTSE 200 listed well known organizations manages changes to reduce organizational cost and also employee resistance and increase its effectiveness in the market.

Task 2

1.1. Vision, objective and core value

The objective of an organization is the prime function to drive the success of the organization. These are nothing but the end points to drive the goal and make strategic planning of the organization. Therefore, the objective of the Domino’s Pizza is to sell more and more pizzas and also have fun.

Vision is the statement that reflects the perfect picture of the association later on. They make a point of convergence of vital planning and are time bound, with most vision statements anticipated for a time of 5 to 10 years. The vision statement imparts both the basis and estimations of the association. Similarly, the Domino’s Pizza Teams Vision is to be in first position in pizza industry and also among the people.

Core values characterize the basic philosophy of association, standards and goals. They likewise set the moral tone for the establishment. An association’s qualities are obvious in the announcements that characterize the association and the courses of action used to accomplish its main goal and vision. They speak to the center needs in the association’s way of life, including what drives individuals’ needs and how they really act in the association, and so forth. Values are progressively critical in vital arranging. They regularly drive the expectation and heading for “natural” organizers. Core Values of the organization are:

  • Treat people according to the way they want to be treated
  • Share, manage and measure the important information
  • Producing the best with less cost
  • Being exceptional not ordinary
  • Thinking big and growing
  • Setting high standards, training and promoting learning

Growth in economy has permitted the incredible development to be made in enhancing human welfare even in the poorest countries. Gender inequality stills remains an issue in numerous parts of the world. There are around seven global changes and mega trends that might affect Domino’s business: (Bond, 2015)

  • Demographic shifts: According to world population prospects the population of the world is likely to increase to 9.6 billion in 2050 and 10.9 billion in 2100. Further, it is also projected that by 2015, around 80% of the old age people will not have income on a daily basis. Similarly, lack of engagement and unemployment among the youth has created pressure among the choices.
  • Geopolitical Shifts: Poverty, its decrease and at last its annihilation, are right now focal distractions of worldwide advancement. Domino’s delivery might change due to more extensive geopolitical movements. Declining support from the international development towards medium nations is lessening resources accessible to “indigenous” society in those nations. New contributors are entering the scene and reshaping the geopolitical power.
  • Inequality: As per investigation by the Overseas Development Institute, by 2025 the locus of worldwide poverty will overwhelmingly be in delicate, fundamentally in low-wage states. By 2025 the number of destitute individuals in middle-income nations could be as low as 100 million out of a worldwide aggregate of 560 million individuals in poverty. Alongside these patterns in poverty, it’s essential to consider the effect of pay disparities which may stay static or keep on rising, creating new wellsprings of social contact.
  • Scarcity of resources: This factor can possibly both catalyze and oppose different megatrends, as demographic pressures are liable to build interest for limited resources. Natural interruptions may make water and food frailty, while geopolitical movements may mean supplies of non-renewable natural resources, including minerals and fossil fuels, get to be more confined. Thus, scarcity could push costs up further, resonating around the globe to make hardship for those officially most in need. Land, for a long time a spotlight for social turmoil and campaigning, is as of now a rare and challenged asset.
  • Technological shifts: Technological transformation progressions and the diffusion for majority of the information and communication technologies have also broken down a lot of old obstructions among the southern and northern publics. Currently all are living in a connected world which is hyper and this is re-shaping society, bringing everybody closer together and also opening different chances for innovation. Toward 2030, it is evaluated that half of the worldwide populace will have access to internet.
  • Climate: The death numbers due to change in the climate has been anticipated to ascend to near to 700,000 yearly by 2030, with over 98% of these deaths happening in developing nations. The expense for developing nations to adjust to environmental change somewhere around 2010 and 2050 has been evaluated at US$70 billion to US$100 billion a year at 2005 costs. This adds up to only 0.2% of the anticipated GDP of all developing nations from 2010-2020. The distribution of atmosphere effects crosswise over wellbeing, horticultural creation, common calamities and the economy will positively be uneven, however dangers are “by and large more noteworthy for hindered individuals and groups in nations at all levels of development

The fast food organizations like Domino’s Pizza, is facing pressure on their profit margins due to these changing trends in 21st century. They have to withstand themselves on various global changes that are causing challenges like health consciousness of customers, commodity prices, recession and also market saturation. The consumers have become too conscious about their health; they consider that pizza is increasing their BMI (Body Mass Index), which means that the organization need to adopt strategies that would help to improve the health of people (Burgoine et al., 2014). Further, the increasing commodity prices also shrunk the profit margins. Also, the economic recession have forced the consumers to purchase less fast food and focus on cheaper traditional restaurants. Market saturation is also another issue. As, there exists Domino’s Pizza franchise in almost every town, surrounded with many competitors with similar products, leading to rise in fast food restaurants and lose of market share (, 2015).

Thus, in order to manage all these global changes and mega trends, proper planning helps to shift the priorities and solidify the position of the organization in the market place. Therefore, planning helps to manage the changes and develop the organization by maintaining clear communication (Williams, 2002).

The term “new” in new economy implies a steadier and more development, with more occupations, lower growth and explosion of free markets around the world, the unparalleled access to information through the Internet and new sort of association which influences organization change. Organizational change is the selection of an organization position for the purpose of survival. In particular, the old standards no more work in the time of Globalization. Organizations are presently concerned about unpredictability and speed. There are a few sorts of organizational changes that can happen- strategic changes, social changes; include organizational structural change, a redesigning of work undertakings and mechanical changes. In accordance with these progressions, there is strong desire of worker to perpetual enhance their skills for effective business to react to the difficulties brought by the worldwide economy. It implies a solicitation for organizations, exchanging the information, and along these lines always changing the behaviour of the organization.

Task 3

This globalization has numerous profits and impairment on the execution of Domino’s Pizza. Positive globalists contend that the personal satisfaction has progressed. It likewise encourages understanding and sharing among individuals and in addition uniting individuals. Negative globalists contend that the world is radiating more homogeneous and less different. This is on account of major political and monetary investment commands the entire world and forces their individual agenda and interests (Woodward, 2003). Advances in technology and transportation, incorporating the development in the web have contributed much to globalization. The structure of this natural pecking order has been evolving quickly, and the connections among the parts have been shifting (Kaditi, 2012). These progressions have basically included focus, prompting the rise of some generally extensive firms like Domino’s. Undoubtedly, globalization has helped Domino’s Pizza to expand its business in different corners of different countries of world. It has facilitated the organization to expand its brand image, branded products and also establish outlets in different markets.

The different types that exist in social market economies are Partnership, Sole proprietor, Limited liability, Franchise and company (Job, 2013).

  • Sole Proprietor: Sole proprietors incorporate the man-in-a-van sort of business, for example, an electrician or plumber. But, the term can likewise apply to individuals who run small electronic organizations from home. This is the least complex and the most well-known sort of business. The sole proprietor is in charge of everything the business does. Individual exchange under his/her own name, with no detachment of benefits and liabilities. This implies that the individual be held liable for any obligations that the business brings about.
  • Partnership: This is regularly established in professional service, for example, doctors, accountants, lawyers, dental practitioners and so forth, where the accomplices can impart ability and aptitudes. They can likewise impart the workload, sorting out work rotas to consider time off and occasions. Organizations include two or more individuals and any benefits, obligations and decisions identified with the business are imparted.
  • Limited Liability: This is mainly followed by profit proficient associations, for example, doctors, lawyers and so forth. They offer a manifestation of business security for organization shareholders and some restricted accomplices. For these people, the most extreme aggregate they can lose from a business is the total of cash that they put resources into the organization. Limited liability permits the individuals to cut off their own risk if something happens with the business.
  • Franchise: It is a licensing course of action whereby an individual or group can purchase the privilege to exchange and deliver under a remarkable brand name in a given area. An establishment includes utilizing another organization’s effective plan of action – and name – to build own business. The franchisee profits from working for them while having the benefit and reputation connected with a much bigger group of organization.
  • Company: It is claimed by shareholders who put a measure of cash into a focal pool. This pool of capital is then added to different types of account. Managers run the organization in the interest of shareholders, who get an offer of the benefits. Every shareholder gets a bit – or offer – of the organization that is identical to what they put in. A company is seen as a legitimate element that is totally separate from the shareholder.

According to the social economies, Domino’s Pizza is a company.  Being a company it is important to identify the key success factors in order to inherently manage the changes in the organization. In business sectors there are three different types of organizational changes that Domino’s Pizza have to manage; incremental, technological and business process re-engineering. Incremental change is all about introducing small changes in the organization gradually like some change in the structure of the organization, or the changing the skills, performance, behaviors of the organization. Technological changes are to implement new technologies for the better service through diffusion, innovation or invention. Finally, the business process re-engineering is about being process-oriented, where Domino’s pizza need to reengineer their process for achieving productivity by delivering better services and products to its customers.

Strategic planning is nothing but a systematic methodology of imagining a wanted future, and making an interpretation of this vision into extensively characterized objectives or destinations and a grouping of steps to attain to them (Dietz and Black, 2012). Strategic planning is expected to perform three imperative errands (Thomas, 2012):

  • to clear up the results that an association wishes to attain to;
  • to choose the wide methods that will empower the association to attain to those results;
  • to recognize approaches to gauge progress

Therefore, the purpose behind strategic planning is to help Domino’s Pizza in securing needs and to better serve the needs of its body electorate. A vital planning must be adaptable and commonsense but then serve as a manual for executing projects, assessing how these projects are getting along, and making changes whenever necessary. It is important to have a strategic plan with a specific end goal to add to a thorough planning for Domino’s which would incorporate both long term plans and also the key components. A strategic planning must reflect the contemplations, sentiments, thoughts, and needs of the designers and shape them according to association’s motivation, mission, and regulations. The planning development requires much testing, exchange, and research of the perspectives of the pioneers who are in charge of the planning. Implementation of a plan fundamentally diffuses it all through an association. Each department inside the Domino’s must then acknowledge the planning, consent to its course, and execute particular activities. So as to successfully and proficiently actualize a planning, all people included in its execution must have the ability or else it might face disappointment.

Task 4

Since associations are comprised of people with diverse identities, personalities and objectives, the association will have a distinctive culture. The life structures of an association are – how the business capacities unequivocally impact that association’s potential for achievement or disillusionment. Also, the capacity of an association and its pioneers to adapt to change and empower development additionally affects mission viability.

The sensational increment in products, technology, markets, and vigorous competition has prompted an element worldwide business environment. Evidence proposes that in Domino’s the workers are from diverse Culture and distinctive nations so its multicultural association. Dominos additionally instruct their workers about social morals, proficient morals, and individual morals (Latta, 2009).

The key achievement of the association is to take after a vital bearing that serves to attain to the distinguished plans and objectives appropriately and correspond legitimately with all the individuals to construct a scaffold among the subordinates and the managers. This organizational culture is making a living sensation that helps workers to collectively build up the association in a superior manner (Briody, Meerwarth Pester and Trotter, 2012). Subsequently, this organizational culture gives Domino’s a familiarity with the degree to which employees are ready to acknowledge change furthermore to focus the main cause of the issues that hinder stronger performance of the organization.

Domino’s can effectively measure the effectiveness of its business by analyzing the strength of culture in the organization. Culture is a key consider enhancing authoritative execution and viability of the association. It should be arranged by association’s corporate culture. Organizational culture that relies on upon numerous elements is the principle to calculate the change procedure, are prime supporters and holders of associations, despite the fact that it is more hard to change the society of the association however by taking circumstances, for example, industry focused, quickly developing and getting to be presented to the bigger association, the culture of the organization needs to be changed.

2.1. Elements of an organizational behaviour

There are seven key elements of organizational behaviour (Lashley and Lee-Ross, 2003):

  • People- People are the internal social system of Domino’s. In Domino’s manager deal with external people like government officials and customers, Teams who work in a team, dyadic relationship that is interaction between subordinate and superior and individual employ who perform the task.
  • Structure- The structure is the relationship among the people in Domino’s. The organization’s main structure relates to the duties and power. The organization follows a matrix structure with flexible systems.
  • Environment- The organization is mainly influenced by the external environment. The external interaction permit the association to secure crude material, employ workers, secure capital, acquire information, and assemble, rent or purchase offices and supplies.
  • Jobs and Tasks- Jobs allude to the entirety of assignment to a single person in the working environment. Task alludes to the different exercises that need to be performed to take care of business. In domino’s it is managed based on the capability of a person.
  • Technology- The use of advance technology in Domino’s has significant influence on the employee and customer relation.
  • Organic Form- In Domino’s the system is described by decentralized choice making which permits individuals straightforwardly included with the occupation to settle on their own choices, not very many levels in the progression with adaptable power and reporting patters
  • Mechanics form- work is separated and subdivided into numerous very particular assignments (high many-sided quality), laborers are allowed constrained caution in performing their tasks and procedures and rules are precisely characterized (high formalization)

Further, motivation and quality of work-life also plays vital role in Domino’s Pizza.

Motivation: It alludes to objective coordinated conduct. It can be portray as course and tireless of activity. There are two noteworthy classes of inspiration substance Theory and procedure Theory. Content theory examines the components which serve as inspiration for a single person at work and accentuation upon individuals’ necessities and objectives and push to attain to their objectives. Process theory deals with specific set of conduct, its heading and dependability, includes anticipation based model, value Theory, objective Theory and attribution theory (Miner, 2006). According to Maslow’s to accomplish self activity the fundamental needs of an individual needs to be satisfied first. The second step is safety. When the individual feel secure, he and she look for adoration and create regard. When these needs are satisfied, self activity is the high need to be satisfied.

Quality of Work life: Quality develops trust and profit expands benefit for the association. The objective of Domino’s keeping in mind the end goal to keep up quality is to recognize botches and right them at the earliest opportunity. Thus to meet this objective, it mainly develops excellent job environment for workers (Pinder, 2008).

Task 5

Theory X and Theory Y are hypotheses of human inspiration made and grew by Douglas McGregor that depicts two altogether different standards for workforce motivation. Theory X expects workers are inalienably languid and will evade work on the off chance that they can. In light of this, specialists need to be nearly directed and thorough frameworks of controls created. This helps managers to supervisors utilize a more authoritarian style taking into account the danger of discipline. Theory Y permits a business to grow while making more benefit on the grounds that manufacturing plant floor laborers have their own particular obligation. In this Theory administration expect workers are eager, self-persuaded, and restless to acknowledge more prominent obligation, and activity poise and direction. Thus toward oneself, here manager will attempt to uproot the boundaries that keep specialists from completely realizing themselves (Rothwell, 2010).

Comparing both the theories it can be indicated that Theory X expect that individuals dislike towards work; they need to move away from it and would prefer not to think of taking any responsibility. Theory Y expects that individuals are self-persuaded, and flourish with responsibility. In a Theory X association, management is dictator, and brings together control is hold, where as in Theory Y, the management style is participative: Management includes workers in making decisions, however holds power to actualize decisions. Theory X associations execute evaluation as a piece of the general tool of control and compensation. In Theory Y associations additionally give workers regular development and career advancement opportunities.

In spite of the fact that Theory X management style is broadly acknowledged as mediocre compared to others and untalented creation line work. A large number of the standards of Theory Y are broadly embraced by sorts of association that esteem and support cooperation. Theory Y-style management is suited to skilled managements. Skilled management associations characteristically move ahead using Theory Y-type practices by the way of their work. Even exceptionally structure learning work, for example, focus on operations, can develop from its standards to empower information contribution and consistent change.

Organizational Behaviour is the study and use of information about how individuals as people act inside associations. It can be characterized as the comprehension, expectation and administration of human conduct in organizations. There are contrasts and additionally textures that can be seen in individuals’ conduct. A general model of organization behaviour can be created on the premise of three hypothetical systems. They are the behavioristic, cognitive and social learning systems. The cognitive methodology gives more credit to individuals than alternate methodologies and emphasizes on interest and impetus concepts. Behavioristic system concentrates on discernible practices. Ivan Pavlov and John B.Watson were the pioneers of the behavioristic theories. The social learning methodology fuses the ideas and standards of both the cognitive and behavioristic systems. In this methodology, behaviour is clarified as a constant proportional association between cognitive, behavioural and ecological determinants. Thus to deal with these consequences OB model was developed that would help the managers of Domino’s to face the challenges with proper actions (Drummond, 2000).

The five major frameworks that Domino’s need to operate out for effective organizational behavior include; System, Collegial, Supportive, Custodial, and Autocratic (Chadha, 2007).

System: This model focuses on performance, self-motivation and trust as the employees are mainly committed towards their task to meet organizational goals.

Collegial: This model emphasizes on team work and collaboration.

Supportive: The model depends on support and leadership. Managers support and encourage their employees for performing better and also help them to develop their skills.

Custodial: This model relies mainly on the economic resources like money. Managers have the right to simulate the performance of the employees by giving benefits and facilities.

Autocratic: This model relies on power. Here, the managers have the capability to control their subordinates and also assess their performance at any stage.







Managerial Orientation





Compassion and Caring

Employee Orientation


Benefits and Securities

Performance based on job

Responsible behavior

Psychological ownership

Employee psychological result

reliance on boss

hope on organization



Self motivation

Performance result


Passive cooperation

Awakened drive

Reasonable enthusiasm

Commitment and Passion to goals of organization

Value theory characterizes values as alluring, trans-situational objectives that serves as directing standards in individuals’ lives. This theory recognizes among qualities and the motivational objective they express. Keeping in mind the end goal to organize with others in the quest for the objectives that are essential to them, groups and people speak to these necessities cognitively (semantically) about particular values. Ten motivationally particular, wide and essential qualities exist from three widespread necessities of the human condition: requirements of people as organic living beings, essentials of composed social association, and survival and welfare needs of groups. The ten fundamental qualities are planned to incorporate all the center qualities perceived in societies around the world. These ten qualities cover the matter found from diverse societies, and in religious and philosophical exchanges of qualities. These ten values include Universalism, Benevolence, Tradition, Conformity, Security, Power, Achievement, Hedonism, Stimulation and self-direction (Schwartz, n.d.). An organizational value is “a conviction that a particular mode of behaviour is best to an inverse or opposite mode of behaviour”. They do identify with how Domino’s manage their convictions about individuals and work. They characterize nonnegotiable practices. More studies demonstrate that fruitful organizations place a lot of accentuation on their qualities. For effective change in a Domino’s, it is important to follow three different values Group, individual and community values as shown below:

Source: (, 2015)

Organization Behaviour is characterized as the study and use of learning about how individuals, groups and employees and people act in associations. That is, it deciphers people-organization as far as the entire individual, entire group, entire association, and entire social framework. Its reason for existing is to manufacture better connections by attaining to human targets, organizational objectives and social objectives. The focal thought of the investigation of OB is that an exploratory methodology can be connected to the management of labourers. These hypotheses are utilized for human asset reason to expand the yield from individual group of members. Organizational Development is the endeavour to impact the individuals from Domino’ to extend their sincerity with one another about their perspectives of the association and their involvement in it, and to assume more prominent liability for their own particular activities as association individuals. The presumption behind OD is that when individuals seek these goals at the same time, they are prone to find better approaches for cooperating that they encounter as more compelling for accomplishing their own particular and their imparted objectives, and that when this does not happen, such movement helps them to comprehend why and to settle on significant decisions about what to do in light of this comprehension. Organizational development is a procedure of constant judgment, activity arranging, usage and assessment, with the objective of exchanging information and abilities to Domino’s to enhance their ability for tackling issues and overseeing future change. It serves to grow the information and adequacy of individuals to perform more effective hierarchical change and execution by raising responsibility furthermore serves to keep away from risk to others and self. In spite of the fact that concerned with enhancing hierarchical execution, its strategies and speculations, grasp qualities like strengthening, cooperation commercial trust, thus, leading to change in the organizational behavior (Beer, n.d.).

3.1. Issues of entering and contracting process

Entering and contracting are truly diverse for an outer consultant who is totally new to the association than for an advisor who is inside or has a past history with the association. They include characterizing in a preparatory way the association’s issues or open doors for improvement and building a shared relationship between the OD expert and individuals from the customer framework about how to deal with those issues. Entering and contracting set the starting parameters for completing the resulting periods of OD: diagnosing the association, arranging and actualizing changes, and assessing and regulating them. They help to characterize what issues will be tended to by those exercises, which will complete them, and how they will be fulfilled.

Entering and contracting can change in multifaceted nature and convention relying upon the circumstance. In those cases where the director of a work group or division serves as his or her own OD specialist, entering and contracting normally include the supervisor and group individuals meeting to examine what issues to work on and how they will mutually finish that. Here, entering and contracting are generally basic and informal. They include all pertinent individuals specifically in the process without formal strategies. In situations where managers and executives are considering the utilization of expert OD practitioners, either from inside or from outside the association, entering and contracting have a tendency to be more mind boggling and formal. OD professionals may need to gather preparatory data to help characterize the risky or development issues. They may need to meet with delegates of the customer association; they may need to formalize their particular roles and how the change process will spread out.

Some of the issues amid this stage may incorporate

  • Inadequate or vague level of responsibility to change
  • Safety or resistance by real stakeholders
  • Real customers need force to impact change or deal with the limits to permit change inside their association
  • Desire of customer to control the expert or utilize the specialist as a part of ways that damage the last’s moral framework

For effective operation, every organization has some interacting units termed as systems. There are in general two types of system models; Diagnostic and open system models. The Diagnostic system model permits distinguishing solid information to help customers better comprehend their organization’s qualities, inadequacies, and open doors for development, to later eloquent a focused on mediation and estimation methodology, where as the open systems sees an organization as an element that takes inputs from different environments, changes them, and discharges them as yields in pair with complementary consequences for the association itself alongside nature in which the association works.

These two models draw from the activity research practice, where customers are included and take a dynamic part in the distinctive phases of the determination methodology, including the meaning of destinations, partners, exercises, and time period to accumulate and break down information. Utilizing these models OD experts likewise build the application and value of the analytic mediation, since customers will better comprehend the recognized gaps. Domino’s employees must utilize a considerable effort that permits the communication of results in a non undermining way. These models give a methodical approach to gather information about Domino’s and to comprehend that information.

Organization development is crucially hooked in to organization diagnosis: the method of collection data that may be shared with the consumer in together assessing how the business is functioning and deciding the most effective amendment intervention. Collecting data involves group data on specific structure options, like the inputs, design elements, and outputs as mentioned earlier. Data analysis organizes and examines the knowledge to make clear the underlying causes of a structure downside or to spot areas for future development. The method of information assortment, analysis, and feedback is shown below (Cummings and Worley, 2014):

Making the diagnostic relationship between the expert and Domino’s individuals can shape an agreement. It is intended to clarity desires and to indicate the states of the relationship. In those situations where individuals have been specifically included in the entering and contracting process depicted prior, the demonstrative contract will regularly be a part of the starting contracting step. In situations where information will be gathered from individuals who have not been included in entering and contracting, on the other hand, OD specialists will need to create an analytic contract as a prelude to diagnosis through the diagnosis process.

Methods of data collection: There are four different methods of collecting data: observation, interview, questionnaires and unobtrusive measures. Observation is the way of collecting the data by observing the behaviours. The OD specialist may do this by looking around or by essentially numbering the events of particular conduct. This technique is free of the predispositions intrinsic toward self. They put the employees in contact with the practices being referred to, without needing to depend on others’ perceptions. Observation additionally include ongoing information, portraying conduct happening in the present rather than the past. On the other way Interviews are personal, direct and flexible. It is the only method where two way communications exists. It gives information that is basically unobtainable through other techniques. Questionnaires contain altered reaction questions about different highlights of an association, these paper-and-pencil measures can be regulated to huge quantities of individuals. Unobtrusive data are not gathered specifically from respondents however from secondary sources, for example, company records and files. This information are accessible in Domino’s and incorporate records of absenteeism or lateness; grievances;; money related issues; meeting minutes; and correspondence with key clients, suppliers, or legislative agencies. Unobtrusive measures are particularly useful in diagnosing the association, group, and individual yields.

Similar, Domino’s can use two different ways of analyzing the diagnosed data one is content analysis and another one is forced-field analysis. Content analysis is a strategy for abridging any manifestation by tallying different about different content roles. This empowers a more target assessment than contrasting content in light of the impressions of an audience. On the other way forced field analysis is a helpful method for observing the strengths for and against a decision. Basically, it is a specific strategy for measuring upsides and downsides. It can plan to fortify the strengths supporting a decision, and diminish the effect of resistance to it.

4.1. Emotional reactions to change, resistance and traumas

The impacts of worldwide recession and the Millennium move include changes of obscure scale and multifaceted nature. All these progressions can create stress both for people and social orders. Strategies of Change can either block or upgrade the common mental procedure of move that empowers people to adjust to change and change their lives. The depth and extent of trauma on the workforce is significantly more genuine than numerous individuals figure it out. Trauma affects each role of an individual’s adequacy in the working environment. Traumatized personnel are traded off in their capacity to learn, think, oversee change, and identify with others. They are more inclined to have mental and physical wellbeing issues, including discouragement and substance misuse, two of the costliest wellbeing issues in the working environment today. The emotional reactions occur in four different stages denial, anger, mourn and adapt. The initial stage of emotional reaction is denying that the organizational change is important. Then the second stage is to show anger and blame the association. In this stage some stubborn personnel may not resist to change. Thirdly, personnel stop denying and getting angry over the change situation instead they mourn on it. Finally, they accept the change and start getting adapted with the changed situation. Thus it is important for the managers to know four stages to help the employees come out of the trauma due to change. By articulating and understanding how association is influenced by trauma, work environment health specialists can make a major financial and empathetic effect on the work environment. By helping Domino’s both counteracted and react to trauma, work environment wellbeing advisors can help them cut costs and enhance profit. The most evident effect on what really matters would originate from expanded benefit and diminished medicinal services costs. Domino’s would likewise spare preparing and authoritative advancement dollars which are regularly squandered in light of the fact that damaged specialists’ can’t viably incorporate and actualize these activities.

Organizational change is a state about move the existing state and future one, towards which the association is heading for. Change is imperative in associations to permit workers to learn new abilities, investigate new opportunities and activity their innovativeness in ways that at last advantage the association through new thoughts and expanded commitment. Further helps the association adapt to globalization, which can be a danger or opportunity. Globalization has made it workable for organizations to deliver services and products at lower expenses. Due to globalization, Domino’s need to comprehend the social and provincial contrasts in different markets. The top administration of the association is in charge of driving the way of life change and needs to fuse the labourers in actualizing these progressions. Domino’s Pizza needs to hold the dedication of their employees, along with the changing procedures.

To help the organization Kotter also identified 8 elements of change that drives the organizational development. This was known as 8 step process for transforming organization.

Source: (Kotter International, 2015)

1. analyzing the substances; distinguishing and talking about emergencies, potential emergencies, or significant open doors

2. assembling a group with enough power to lead the change; getting the group to cooperate like a group

3. making a dream to help coordinate the change exertion; creating systems for accomplishing that vision

4. utilizing each vehicle conceivable to continually convey the new vision and methods; having the managing coalition good example the conduct anticipated

5. disposing of deterrents; changing frameworks or structures undermining the change vision; empowering danger taking and nontraditional thoughts, exercises and activities

6. anticipating noticeable enhancements in execution; making those “wins”; unmistakably perceiving and compensating individuals who make the “wins” conceivable

7. utilizing expanded believability to change all frameworks, structures, and plannings that don’t fit together and don’t fit the change vision; employing, advancing and creating individuals who can execute the change vision; reinvigorating the procedure with new tasks, subjects, and change operators

8. making better execution through client and benefit arranged conduct, more and better administration and more compelling administration; articulating the Domino’s between new conduct and hierarchical achievement; creating intends to guarantee authority advancement and progression

Teams have the capability of exponentially enabling an association to finish the task collaboratively and meet the objectives. There are three unique sorts of Teams:

  1. Organic Teams – Teams which are strengthen by an organization structure.
  2. Non-organic Teams – Teams which are combined in an association for a particular process or task or multi-disciplinary Teams.
  3. Project Teams – Teams which are grouped for a particular task.

In every team, the manager plays a vital role. There are four different stages of team evolution first forming where members learn their roles and responsibilities, storming where they experience various opinion, third is norming where the members focus on rules and regulation and then they set up, pursue and adapt the agreements. The last stage is the performing stage where the team members are delighted and motivated with the agreement and avoid letting conflict into confrontation.

To make a team effectively the following characteristics need to be followed:

  • Utilize the differential learning of group individuals – The entirety of learning in a group is clearly more prominent then of any single person. Additionally, it is the process of cooperative energy that will help Domino’s to meet the objectives easily.
  • Empower differences of belief and attitude – Distinctive colleagues have amassed distinctive experience and to taking care of issues. Utilize that resource would help to address issues in variety of ways.
  • Offer colleagues a stage to show intelligent capacities – Team individuals will prosper if given the opportunity to express themselves.
  • Don’t be perplexed about debate – Disputes lead to development

Learning based theory of motivation mainly emphasizes on helping the employees to learn the quickly the changes happening in the organization and develop their skills based on that. Based on such development in their behaviour organization emphasizes on reward system for motivating that behaviour (Moorhead and Griffin, 2013). Learning is “a moderately lasting change in conduct or behavioural potential, taking into account immediate or backhanded experience”. In this sense, individuals can be shaped by immediate and circuitous encounters which happen in their lives. Learning is a cognitive procedure which expects workers are cognizant by the way they learn. According to the reinforcement theory, reinforcement may be utilized to modify the probability of event of specific activities. Through a learning procedure, support is an outcome which will increase the recurrence of the conduct and future conduct decisions are influenced by the results of prior practices. In this way, learning has critical impact of towards motivating the employees of Domino’s to get the actual outcome of the organization.

Process based motivation is where the employees select their actions to determine choice and also meet the needs. These theories play a vital role organizational change and development. These theories help the managers to manage their subordinates by making them analyze the environment, develop their skills and thoughts and react in specific ways to the situation. This process based theory of motivation mainly involved three different theories: goals setting, expectancy and equity theory.

  • Goal Setting theory: This theory accept that individuals’ activities are coordinated by cognizant objectives and plans, and that these objectives impact what individuals will do and how well they will perform an assignment. Consequently, this theory determines the components that influence objectives and their relationship to activity and execution.
  • Expectancy theory: This theory is taking into account the presumption that employees settle on decisions for their conduct. This recommends that motivation is a process of achieving a certain result. Vroom perceives that individuals assess different practices objectively and after that pick what they perceive. This will prompt the rewards that they expect most. So the expectancy theory value lies in its capacity to gauge how individuals see their circumstances on the premise of subjective forms.
  • Equity theory: This theory is based on the idea of potential, or future, seen fair payment. Equity theory is basically an appraisal of individuals’ mental contract with the association which is for the most part based on rewards for others in the association. Equity theory offers a valuable way to deal with mixed social connections and interpersonal collaborations in associations.

Job Satisfaction is portrayed as the emotions of workers coming about because of the evaluation of their employment. It can be negative, positive, or moderate. It is an evaluative judgment about the level of delight a worker determines from his or her employment that comprises of both the emotional and cognitive parts. According to two factor theory of Herzberg, there are two separate factors satisfier and dis-satisfier that determine the performance of an employee. He named it as motivators and hygiene factors. The intrinsic factors were generally termed as motivators which were the job satisfier that mainly included job responsibility, work itself, achievement and recognition. The extrinsic factor are the hygiene factors that mainly involved the working conditions, interpersonal relations, administration, company policies, salary and supervision. Job satisfaction is all about link between the individual expectations of work along with actual result. According to the theory of reasoned action, behaviour is driven by three components, subjective norms, intentions and attitude. This theory states that actions are predicted through intentions which are in turn result of subjective norms and attitude. This attitude is mainly adjusted with the behaviour. Job satisfaction is just the attitude of an employee towards her or his job.  Therefore, job satisfaction has a strong influence towards an employee’s performance (ZIEGLER, HAGEN and DIEHL, 2012).

Stress in the Domino’s is overseen at two levels: at hierarchical level by organizational course of action, and at individual’s level by their own plan. Domino’s plan inspects the structure of the connections between stressors and strains, without taking thought on single person contrasts. This implies that employment outline and control or choice interface to impact wellbeing. Individual course of action spotlights on the cognitive techniques and enthusiastic responses taking into account people’s communications with their surroundings, so that things can’t be conceptualized as stressors on the grounds that what is unpleasant for one individual may not be unpleasant for another. There are two different types of stressors one is positive that helps to improve the performance and also motivate the energy of the employee. Another one is the negative stress that decreases the performance and cause anxiety.

Workplace stress can be caused due to unsafe environment, unsatisfied job, bully etc. It is very important to reduce stress in the workplace. This helps to reduce the cost related to stress like litigation, grievances, reduced productivity, turnover, absenteeism. Thus, three different strategies need to be followed to reduce stress one is the primary level strategies that helps to reduce work related stress, secondary level strategies helps to reduce personal factors stress for better performance and tertiary level strategies helps to decrease mental health issues due to work (, 2005).

Planning, review and need analysis is significant to Domino’s Pizza since it gives an ability to read a compass and layouts measurable goals. It is an apparatus that is helpful for directing normal choices furthermore for assessing advance and changing methodologies when moving forward. Managing risk is fundamental to an association’s prosperity. Indeed Domino’s can’t control the financial and aggressive environment around them. Unforeseen occasions happen that must be managed rapidly, before money related issues outcomes from these occasions get to be serious. Planning, review and need analysis energizes the advancement of organizational situations, where managers endeavour to imagine conceivable risk elements and create emergency planning to manage them. The pace of progress in business is fast, and Domino’s must have the capacity to quickly change their techniques to these changing conditions. It helps Domino’s get a sensible perspective of their current qualities and shortcomings in respect to their competitors in the market. Watching activities of the competitors can likewise help to recognize opportunities they may have ignored, for example, rising international markets or chances to market products to totally distinctive client groups. In current business environment, the managers of Domino’s Pizza cannot afford to make any kind of mistake that can affect the performance of the organization. Thus, every department of the organization needs to be more competitive, effective and efficient in its own expertise. Thus, this planning, review and need analysis framework actually helps the managers to ensure that all the purchases, processes and new programs are beneficial to the company. This framework actually helps to design, improve and execute better system for better outcomes.

Individual role is very crucial in Domino’s Pizza. Individual role relationships have a strong effect on the culture of Domino’s Pizza. The individuals from Domino’s must be incited, forced or compelled to partake in it. Individuals have a tendency to distinguish themselves in which they take part. There is partiality between individuals’ intentions from one viewpoint and their distinguishing proof with the Domino’s Pizza on the other. The level of their distinguishing proof with the association relies on upon the nature and power of the thought processes in taking an interest in them. The individual’s interpersonal role with the association is stronger if various individual needs are fulfilled in it, the association objectives are seen as imparted, the eminence of the association is seen to be the more noteworthy, there is recurrence of communication in the association and there is less rivalry inside the Domino’s Pizza. The individual role plays a vital role in the satisfaction of association goals. People can’t work in association with no thought processes, purposes or considering. They don’t work in a consequently or mechanically or in hasty way. Confusions and misunderstandings leads to negativity in the working environment. Thus, to avoid such conflicts, it is important individuals in an organization should care for others and should collaborate at the time of crisis. This helps to decrease overburden of work and can brainstorm to solve any issue.


In conclusion, this report effectively discusses the significance of change in one of the FTSE 200 listed well known organizations, Dominos Pizza. This organizational change developed highlighted in the report have distinguished various types of internal and external triggers for change in Dominos, have effective examined the ethical issues, values, assumptions and philosophies associated with the Dominos and the implications of change in the organization. The report also critically describes the organizational development process taking place in Dominos and analyzes the importance of this change in people of the organization. The report also highlights the link between job performance and job satisfaction and the necessary actions that the management should take in order to overcome any frustration that the employees of Dominos face.


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