Requirements Document For Printing Incorporated EBook Publishing And Sales Management System
Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Business
Printing Incorporated Book Publishing is currently facing numerous issues regarding data and business process management. The system analysis and design can be the solution to current issues of the organizations by adding value to their Technical Services Department. The system analysis and design is developed to collect the business and user requirements and converting those into system requirements.
The report is mainly created to catch the current issues in the system of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing. The report is proposed for collecting requirements of the organization and converting them into data models.
The report states the rationale of the work following by the background of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing. The report is completely based on the current situation of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing. The report contains the requirements of the system and consist of data dictionary. The top-level processes and one low level processes are described.
The information for completing this report was mainly collected from the academic sources and books. Few websites provide tutorials for creating DFD models, ERD and event tables. The basic knowledge was gathered from the authentic websites. The in-depth knowledge grew after reading the journals and best practices.
Portrayal discussion of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Business: Printing Incorporated Book Publishing has taken publishing of books in digital platform as the role project functioning. The books that are generally published in the digital platform ensures the fact that the books that are published by individual publishers are taken into consideration. The origin of the e book publishing company was concerned with the writings that influenced feminist state pf mind. The headquarters of the e book publishing company is situated in Melbourne and the entire processing is controlled from the main branch. Despite the fact that the number of employees that were present during the initiation of the company was very less, the expansion rate of the organization was very high and Printing Incorporated Book Publishing soon became a leading e book publishing organization. Soon the organization was capable enough to publish online catalogues of their organization and this organization was one of the first five companies of launch their catalogue as a digital business making organization.
The technology that is implemented in the processing of data management is that the authors who do not have enough capability or source to launch their book, the author can approach the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company for publishing their writings in the digital platform. In that case the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing company goes through the content that are present in the functioning of the project and in case the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing company likes the content that is prepared by the author, it gets published in the digital platform and this leads to te fact that the author whose writings were published in the digital platform gets paid in the initial stage, leading to the terminology that the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing company makes the entire profit from the sales of the book and in case the author wants to publish the book himself, that facility is also present and in that case the author gets a share of the profit that is earned by the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing company.
Issues with the Current System
Since the introduction of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company, revolution in the processing if the printing if digitalized platform based books has taken place and this leads to the fact that Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company has been highly benefitted from this evolution of e book reading terminologies. With passing time, Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company has evolved as an institution and technological advancement is seen in the functioning of the technology in the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company. This incurs the fact that Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company has been collaborating with the Amazon and other e book trading organization for increasing the popularity of the process. This is the sole reason that the expansion of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company is maintained in a constant and exponential rate.
With this growth rate Printing Incorporated Book Publishing company is aiming to hire more employees and complete the working process with highest efficiency. This is the main reason that the data procurement is managed with better accuracy. In current time there are 2 branches present in the course of the locality of Melbourne, out of which both the offices are allocated with different function ensuring that the efficiency of the functioning is maintained. One of the branch deals with the sales operation if the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company and the other organization deals with the operational management of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company.
Issues present in the completion of the project: Major issue that is present in the completion of the project is that the monitoring of the project initiation is not present in Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company. This leads to the fact that the data management of te Printing Incorporated Book Publishing company is not maintained with utmost efficiency. This is the sole reason that the expansion of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company has not been at its highest point. Probation if author management during the publication of the boo in the digital platform acts as the main problem
Uncontrollable operational process also acts as the major problem in the course of data management of the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company. Loyalty issue is also present in the course of operational process harms the organization to the highest level. Loyalty issue of the authors has also been an issue for Printing Incorporated Book Publishing Company.
Centralized database has also been acting as the major problem in the course of data management. This is because access to the data that are present in the database can be accessed by imposters and the authenticity of the entire process is affected in a negative node.
Objectives and Constraints of the Current System
Current System’s Objectives and Constraints: The current system has the following objectives.
- Catching the sales data for individual sales person and store in the access database
- Store author data
- Store book data
- Sell e-books online
- Promote e-books
The constraints of the system are as following.
- No centralized database
- No existence of information system
- Not able to store the sales data into a centralized location
- Not able to track the manuscripts
- Not able to show several combined artists
Functional Requirement:
- Login:The customer may want to login to the website for purchasing the book and access purchase history.
- Registration:In order to login, the customer must have an account. The customer can create an account after registration.
- Purchase:The customer can purchase an e-book from the website of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing website.
- Payment:The customer can make payment using the cheque, through bank or credit card. The organization allows the customer to have the product once the payment is successful.
- Send Manuscript:The author sends the manuscript to Printing Incorporated Book Publishing. Printing Incorporated Book Publishing stores the manuscripts in plastic bins.
Non-Functional Requirements:
- Security:The website and access database of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing must be secured properly. The data security is a crucial part of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing’s business.
- Availability: The website of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing should be available to the customer 24*7 as a customer can buy a book whenever he/she wants.
- Usability:The website is easy to use. The navigation of the website is properly implemented.
Techniques of Identifying the Use Cases:
- User Goal Technique:this process helps in understanding the demands of the global audience and the data processing can be done with the help of discussing with the client that are present in the course of data management. This leads to the fact that the stock that is stored is of high quality
- CRUD Technique: this system considers the processing of data that are generated by the machine itself
Data dictionary:
Logical data dictionaries:
- Customer Registration:Customer Email + Name + Address + Contact Number + Address + Date of Birth + SSN
- Order:Customer ID + Book ID + Book Cost + Order Date Time
- Payment:Order ID + Payment ID + Customer ID + Cost + Discount ID + Total Amount
Physical data dictionaries:
Attribute Name |
Format |
Type |
Size |
Description |
bookID |
000 |
Number |
8 |
Primary key |
name |
Varchar |
40 |
Name of the book |
genre |
Varchar |
30 |
The category of the book |
pages |
000 |
Number |
8 |
Number of pages available in the book |
volume |
00 |
Number |
10 |
The volume of the book |
publishYear |
Date |
The year in which the book was published |
summary |
Text |
The summary of the book in brief |
price |
Decimal |
10,2 |
The cost of the book |
Top Level Processes:
- Register:The customer of Printing Incorporated Book Publishing registers into website.
- Login:The customer login to the website using email and password provided during registration
- Purchase:The customer purchase book from the website
- Make payment:The customer makes payment for every purchase
Lower Level Processes:
- Verify Email:The customer verifies email when registering to the website
The report concludes that there were several issues that is responsible for the current problems that is being is faced by the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing. The issues were identified when a thorough review was made through the system. The issues as identified in the review was related to the data and business process management. The solution has been identified with adding value to the technical service department. One of the main issue that the system was facing is the inability of the system to keep track of the sales record of the books, especially when the sales are made through various channel as. The current system that is designed has taken this fact into the design and proper improvement has been made so that system address these issue perfectly. There were also some problem regarding to the payment for the books, these feature has also been improved as well. The system is now more efficient for recording the payment details along with recording details regarding the nonpayment details. The process for keeping the customer record has also been improved so that the system becomes robust and secure, thus making the system more successful than before. Things that have been improved too after recording of the author details, process for storing and checking report regarding the plagiarism checking and other related aspects of the system for making an overall improvement to the system.
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