Policy Formation, Higher Education, And Leadership Developments In Australia
Critical Discussion of Policy Formation
This case study provides an overview of higher education and leadership developments in Australia. The population of Australia is more than 20 million people. One-fifth of Australians are immigrants from Europe but mainly from Asia. More than 5 percent of Australian people are indigenous descent. Australia is an economic diverse society. Schools are the primary channels which need to contribute to economic and social diversity by meeting with the diverse range of scholars with varying socioeconomic needs. Australia is known to have the good track record of student performances when compared with international standards. However, there exist a strong pressure to life higher education quality and enhance access.
The Australian society has positively involved with education and finds the process challenging and critical. Higher education involves a major efforts and accountability to lift the quality. High school leadership has been recognized as a challenging role. The year 2012 has been remarkable in higher education of Australia with the commencement of undergraduate university places. The universities are free to enroll the number of students on their wish. This is based on the readiness of specific groups of study and student determination. Australia has seen a transition from policy environment with price regulation system.
For most of the people, ‘Universities’ and ‘Higher Education’ are synonym terms. University is a particular kind of educational institution that offers higher education. Besides, these universities providing higher education to students, there is a minority of education providers-45 out of 170 operating in 2016. There are 40 universities, 2 overseas universities, 1 specialist university and other providers are schools, institutes and colleges that provide high education qualification. These institutes need to be registered with Tertiary Standards and Education Quality Agency. This agency provides a report on whether the educational institutions are meeting the criteria set by the government. The educational institute will support intellectual inquiry and offer learning and teaching practices that is interactive with advanced knowledge. The power of issuing certain type of qualifications is defined through advanced learning providers.
Political, cultural and social backgrounds-The Australia comprises of 2 internal territory and 6 states. Australia is a parliament democratic country with three government levels. Education is the responsibility of state or territory and Australian Government is playing an active role with relevance to funding, reporting, accountability and policy development. Australia has been popularly known as the multicultural society. The improvisation of education for indigenous scholars is high priority for Australian government. Approximately 15 percent of people speak other than English as a language. Agencies need to support higher education and develop the English language as a proficient language among the immigrant groups which do not speak English. Most of the people are living in southeast of the nation. This is regarded as highly urbanized society with fifty percent of population living in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Three Questions on Policy Formation
The Australia as a country is populated through small communities and has been separated by large distances. The country has to face foremost challenges for attracting the researchers to rural areas and encouraging them to provide appropriate support (Shaw, 2018).
The Australia has been changing substantially from past two decades. The Australia has a diverse population and economy needs to strive for high levels of competition among the different educational institutes. Today, parents are very well educated and demands that educational institutes must perform well. High education institutes must plan programs and report on a continuous basis to territory and state education. Higher education leadership has been widely recognized as a challenging role.
The Australian as a nation has adopted the demand driven methodology and is majorly experimenting with overall system character. This is being done for the objective of higher education and determination of association between community and university. The unstoppable volume of higher education and its main outcome from the approval of Bradley Review has been given. This review provides the basis for major reform of higher education and to push scholars holding bachelors level and improve the access, finance requirements and regulation of code of conduct and standards and quality assurance. The Bradley review report has created the national push towards higher education system. This involves formulation of educational system which has offered the policy model for achieving the outcome (Hope, 2011).
The analysis of impact of higher education transformation by planning the demand side and supply side actions has been done. There are certain key issues which provide the initial evidence for major reform over the student numbers. Understanding the different patterns of growth, both for overall students and educational institutions results in impact of enhanced enrolments is required. The high level learning outcomes for the capable and education researchers in this miscellaneous system is provided. The new reforming policy is broad achievement of goals. Reforms from demand side and supply side have been very string. However, aggregate patterns and kinds of institution and its significant effects are required to be observed. This is in relation with different fields of study. The new method of enrolment through people receives positive response from low socio-economic groups and people living in regional and rural area.
Almost all Australian educational institutes are comprehensive and have prepared the broad curriculum for the scholars. There are major initiatives taken for introducing the general curriculum. In past few years, vocational training and education programs have been launched into educational institutes. There are several states which have introduced specialist government educational institutes. The Australian government is providing funds to twenty technical colleges across the whole country. Few states have also introduced technical colleges for senior secondary scholars. All the educational institutes are coeducational. Students which have intellectual or physical disabilities receive additional educational resources like learning equipment and teaching aids for ensuring active participation. For few students, mainstream education is not possible and diverse range of special educational institutes has been evolving to cater with these students. One of the strongest features of these educational institutes is to offer students with independent living skills. Most of the educational institutes recruit international students.
Higher Education and Leadership Developments in Australia
The educational institutes do not follow any single curriculum and every state and territory has determined its specific curriculum. However, there are common elements. There are national initiatives taken for the achievement of enhanced consistency in curriculum followed across the nation.
Within States, authorities have specified curriculum guidelines and educational institutes have considered autonomy in determining curriculum detail and methodology of teaching. During the years eleven and twelve, curriculum must be specified elaborately and state authority is responsible for certifying the student achievement. In recent years, educational leaders are evaluated on the basis of how they achieve designated goals. There are number of assessments conducted at educational institutes for investigating the performance and each providing an indication of students’ knowledge and key areas must be identified. The assessments are conducted to provide the indication on number of scholars that have been part of international studies within an educational context.
The teaching labor force is more feminized. In year 2005, 60 percent of teachers had been female. School leaders and teachers in educational institutes are employed through a central education system. Working conditions and salaries are standardized within every system. The working conditions are result of compulsive bargaining system. In few states, local councils have been responsible for employing and selecting educational leaders. In non-governmental domain, educational institutes are autonomous and employment choices are exercised at individual level. The labor market for educational leaders is based from state and territory.
Australia is known for having large number of professional leaders and teachers at national and territory levels. Educational leaders are primarily focused at subject areas. The professional bodies play a vital role in supporting the professional learning and policy development. The major advancements have helped in raising the political profile of higher education. The yearly assessments are reported and individual educational institutes need to report the comparative performance. The main reference point is for educational leaders at the territory and state level. The primarily old research universities have plans to reduce or contain the undergraduate places. The financial concerns for development and growth have prohibited the colleges in accomplishing the aims. Growth has a negative connection with universities sizes. Small colleges have taken the chance for growing towards the magnitude which is reflected justifiable in the main context of Australia.
A systematic apprehension has been evolved with demand driven funds and this may cause few colleges to fail as there are important pattern for student choice and for different colleges. The particular concern has been expressed as for educational colleges and schools which are situated in rural areas and few in metro areas. The presumption is that students will select the possible colleges based in metropolitan cities.
Political, Cultural, and Social Backgrounds
However, growth has been recorded higher within which vulnerable opportunities tend to operate. There are competition signs among the different educational institutions for student market. This occurs in major cities such as Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne where multiple universities exist. As soon as the market leader educational institute plans to expand, there is direct proportional effect on other universities. In year 2012, Melbourne has supported the major expansion of educational institutes. These have successfully retained students with expanded qualifications. There is much evidence that educational institutes which are at lower status are struggling to achieve the benchmark. The growing universities needs to have a pool of potential enrolments and receives the direct competition from this pool and leads to pressure for few universities. There is also an association between domestic growth of students and overseas students. The shortage of international students has enhanced the potentials of Australian educational institutes for expansion of the place for national students.
Transition from institutional perspective, there are few changes to be considered in demographic arrangements for student admissions. College enlargement has been supported through major leaps in college admissions from past few years. Demand has been driven through knowledge which educational institutes are able to provide the places and aftermath of educational institute advertising and promotions drive. The modal category of enrolling students is who cannot attend schools, but generally these students will make up one third of new admissions in higher education.
An analysis has been performed which shows there have been significant growth in notable educational institutes. Australian Tertiary rank for enrolments has been growing in double digits. This account for quarterly growth and expansion cannot be posed as simply a question. High achievers wish to pursue top most education. However, the number of applicants is more and looking for university places. The effect for the appropriate educational outcomes has been considered. The code of Australian system has measured the social groups balance that access higher education groups.
Quartiles are defined through geographical measure, based on home location and post code. Though, data is supplemented through additional information for student’s access and support by government income. In the present period, the questions for policy against the overall educational growth will show a faster increase. There has been clear evidence from university efforts and recruit the students from low quartile. This is responsive to additional funding. The loading needs to have a social balance of interest for encouraging the academic unit of universities. The loading has been provided as additional funding source for different programs which assist the students in higher education. In particularly, addressing of gaps must be made in earning skills from childhood learning to education experiences. The present period provides the question for policy making whether the growth and development is in pace and access to the lower quartile can increase when compared with other quartiles. There is a clear report from colleges which recruit more number of students from lower quartile range and this is in response to the additional funds. There is a social balance in the academic institutions and it is not limited to the central units. There is also excess of funds being provided for assisting the students and making the big transition to high education and particularly addressing the gaps which emerge from learning skills from schools and also past experiences.
Challenges and Opportunities in Policy Formation
The previous financial arrangements have permitted the enrollment degree and universities must be able to retain the additional school and college enrollments. The authorities have created incentive scheme objective to increase the demand. The distribution of students places in higher education institutes move to newer arrangements which will show the extreme range of educational disciplines. This can be specifically observed in engineering, technology and other related disciplines which have shown regular observations. Australia has been producing fewer numbers of graduates. This receives interest from prospective scholars economic capacity throughout the course plan for development. For Australian authorities, there are concerns that growth and development can be predicted earlier causing increased spending in early years. However, from past few years, the growth has been eased.
The demonstration of student context with relevance to student demand and places supply must work together to permit the expansion of Australian higher education patterns. The government expansion is certainly achievable and balance target is not guaranteed much. The prime concern is where colleges can offer education at a average required with context of low level of student preparedness and rapid expansion. The concern has been 2 particular subthemes-how the student’s category can easily learn which will justify the bachelor degree conferment. Colleges can achieve results for all scholars with relevance to framework of financial resources. The formal category ensures code of conduct and TEQSA ensures the cyclical assessment and external monitoring of different education providers. In order to lead the assessment of education providers resemble with national standards which will cover the organization operations and aspect of learning and teaching in research universities. Initially, it has been proposed higher education framework comprises of following domains-Qualification standards, research standards, provider standards, learning standards and information standards. A provider and qualification standard forms threshold necessities for whether a higher education institute provider can operate or not. The higher education review board is providing the threshold code of conduct and overall category of framework.
The debate is whether maximum number of people is capable of pursuing the higher education. People who favor the higher education expansion and secondary education training argue on employment a nature and education level that is attained within a particular society. Most of the world economies have reached to a point where tribunal qualification is required for effective working life. This implies, a higher proportion of people will be requiring the higher education. The employment is continued at a high peak amongst who have degrees when compared with unemployed who have not completed the secondary education. This is more visible in women. Australian Universities are continuously proving that people from different cultural backgrounds are gaining maximum from the university education. This is achievable in educational outcomes those match with or exceed for a degree. The expansion plans pushes the students balance towards greater support in education. The challenge is providing the requisite support and ensures all the ability levels and provide plethora of opportunity for attainment of potentials. The funding system will generate greater difference between universities and how they are capable of meeting with the needs of students. Diversity can extend the greater utility of non-academic institutions providers which do not receive public support.
Hope, S. (2011). A Letter to Arts Education Policy Review Readers. Arts Education Policy Review, 112(4), pp.214-214.
Shaw, R. (2018). Examining arts education policy development through policy frameworks. Arts Education Policy Review, pp.1-13.