Leadership Styles And Team Building In Project Management

Leadership Styles in Project Management

Project management can be stated as growing practices which is being used for increasing the facilities (Hornstein 2015).  Project manager is generally considered as the leader of the project. It plays a key role in addressing both the aspect that is project and team members of the project. Project manager mainly emphasizes on the success of any project. With the help of proper analysis of the critical qualities of leadership can easily help in understanding on the positive impact. It can provide a large number of plus point to project managers of any project. Some of the styles in leadership are team building, clear roles and relations in between various project members and defining the success of project (Heldman 2018). The above-mentioned leadership styles and traits are researched in details to understand its contribution to different phases like beginning and ending of the project. By analyzing these particular qualities stakeholders of a project like investor, client and patient are easily feel positive which respect to impact of project. Various project can easily move in smooth and efficient way in minimum time. It not only provides benefits to stakeholders but to various members of the firm like project manager and outsourced files (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The overall success any project is totally influenced by various project team which is associated in delivering the project. In some of the cases, it is addressed that even planned project can easily fail to meet the objectives if the project team does not perform to carrying best of ability.  

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In the coming pages of a proper research has been done on three major parameters of the project like project success, project leadership and lastly various kinds of practices related to team building activity. After that, a research has been done on transformational leadership and success of project. The next section of the report deals with an analysis of different transformational leadership and its team building. The last section of the report mainly deals with mediating role which is required for team building.

Taking a proper leadership position and being a leader are two different things (Schwalbe 2015). Various kinds of parameters like Time, mentorship and success are equally contributed for development of great leaders. Quality of Leadership is not generally measured or calculated by certain aspects like authority, roles, titles and. Management of any project generally deals with two important aspects like process and system (Marchewka 2014). Leadership is generally involved in providing guidance and direction to various groups. Leadership is considered to be an important parameter which is not only involved in achieving better results but also aims in building culture which different people are inspired by common goal and objectives. Leaders play a vital role in building effective team members (de Carvalho et al. 2015). They aim in creating a framework which is used for steering the activities and along with providing motivation them and stay them focused. Activity of Team building in which various managers to tackle the prime responsibilities. It should be designed or incorporated in different day to day activities. Leaders are generally responsible for establishing connection between mission of organization and goals with various frontline of teamwork.

Situational Leadership

Situational leadership focuses on the fact that leader should change his or her style as per situation of team leaders (Rad et al. 2016).  A proper analysis on the competence of team and skills is required for checking the situation which is needed by leader for providing leadership. Based on proper analysis of the current situation leaders can easily analyze the proper style which is required for developing team or any organization (Verzuh 2015). This particular approach is considered to be different from another kind of leadership style as it creates stress on leader to change his or her style. The motivation of situation leader is not totally based on serving but rather it is based on development and effectiveness of its team and other organization (Helmreich and Merritt 2017).

There are generally three key concepts which are involved in situational leadership like behavior of task, value of direction and lastly social support. It helps in analyzing the maturity and lastly skill level of various followers (Moffatt-Bruce et al. 2017). Situational leadership generally enables a leader for analyzing different kinds of aspect like setting goals, identification of involved task and maturity of individual or group. Situational leadership comes up with potential benefits to various leaders to easily deal with range of situation and people (Pournader, Tabassi and Baloh 2015). It ultimately leads to creation of more individual and innovative kind of approach.

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Transactional leadership style between the various leaders and subordinates is totally based on exchange or any kind of transaction (Heagney 2016). The ultimate goal of this tactic is to provide rewards and punishment which is based on condition of performance on its subordinates. Different follow can easily receive praise and other kinds of recognition if they can easily comply with direction to leader for meeting its objectives. In many cases, leader receives negative when the performance of the project does not meet objectives (Ferraris, Erhardt and Bresciani, 2017). The main objective of follower is to follow various instruction the instruction and direction from different leaders. In most cases it is seen that decision is derived from hard data which emphasizes on short interval (McKinley et al. 2017). Different kind of policies along with standard rules are all focusing on relationship between leader and followers. The main drawback of this particular style is all about stifling about innovation and creativity. Different parameters like results, profit on short-term are on high priority. Transactional leadership can easily have positive impact which is needed for attaining goals and objectives. But in major cases it is seen that it can have negative impact on the moral of people and its motivation.

Transactional Leadership

Project management is generally associated with certain field or domain of construction and engineering (Todorovi? et al. 2015). Project success comes with some of criteria like objectives which are well accepted and measurable quantity. It is done with the help of conventional triangle criteria which focus on certain domains like time and compliance with terms of client or its quality. In the recent times, project management has gained popularity in different service sectors like building of capacity and projects related to social work (Heravi, Coffey and Trigunarsyah, 2015). Project management institute (PMI) states that project success a proper method of balancing the growing demand for understanding the quality of project, time and scope along with meeting the various outputs and expectation of various stakeholders of project. During 1960s, iron triangle dominated the idea of success of project. It is inclusive of different kinds of benefits to organization, end user satisfaction, strategic objective of the organization and lastly success of business (Heravi, Coffey and Trigunarsyah, 2015).  The given criteria are set forth by author is mainly inclusive of efficiency, effect and lastly sustainability. Relevance are defined to certain extent to which different project can easily suit to the priorities of group and the donors. Efficiency can be stated as the extent the project makes use of minimum cost resources. It is generally used for achieving the desired output. While effective can be stated as the extent to which the given project can easily meet its objectives (DuBois et al. 2015). Impact can be stated as both positive and negative effect which is given by a project in direct or indirect way. Sustainability can be stated as the advantages of project which are focused to continue even after donating the funding which needs to be withdrawn.

The theory of full leadership emphasizes on certain recognized theories which are based on leadership (Fung, 2015). It emphasizes certain other domains like encompassing, transactional models. The organization mainly emphasizes on transforming leadership which provides high relevance for project-oriented organization. Its emphasis on four dimensions which focuses on intellect simulation and individual consideration. Idealized influence is focused on a certain number of behavior which arises a strong sense of follower emotions along with identification with various leaders (Walker, 2015). Inspiration motivation comes into action when the leader provides a proper vision which is known to be appealing and inspiring to its subordinates. It ultimately creates challenging assignments and along with increasing expectation. Intellectual stimulation is a well-known behavior which increases the problem of awareness problem. It emphasizes them to easily develop initiative and creating certain approaches or method for solving (Shepherd et al. 2014). Individual consideration is taken for providing support and encouragement and providing coaching to followers.

Transformational Leadership

Human Resource Management (HRM) is known to be based on project-based organization. Apart from this, team building is taken to be an important part of HRM (Aga, Noorderhaven and Vallejo 2016). In other words, team building is considered to be formal and informal team-based intervention which emphasizes on enhancing social relation. Team building aims in clarifying roles along with solving task and problems which can affect the overall functioning of the team. It comes up with four distinct approaches like goal setting, development of interpersonal relationships and lastly clarifying roles (Schwalbe 2015). Apart from this, it aims in employment of different problem-solving practices.  

Goal-Setting: It generally involves proper clarification for the various team members which requires certain goals and specifying the different objectives of the project. In some of the cases, it is done by defining subtask and lastly establishment of timetables (Marchewka 2014). Team members who are exposed to different kind of goal setting, which are expected to be totally involved there in action planning for identification of ways for achieving the desired goals and objectives. Different studies have provided evidence of the fact of intervention that goal setting when combined establishes with performance measurement and can be easily applied to organization.

Clarification of roles: Intervention details can easily clarify the individual with certain roles expectation, norm groups and lastly sharing responsibilities with various team members (de Carvalho et al. 2015). It generally focuses on increasing different kind of communication among the team members of project which is all about defining roles of team members. Different kinds of team members are exposed to provide idea regarding clarification of role which deals with achieving better understanding of the project and kinds of roles and responsibilities within the team.

Interpersonal processes: This particular kind of intervention highlights discussion of relationship and conflict among various members of team. It is generally aim to direct for clearing any kind of hidden issues and overcoming different conflicts (Rad et al. 2016).  It aims in increasing the skills of team works like mutual support and communication. It generally assumes that the given team can easily operate best with the help of proper trust, communication which is open and lastly confidence.

Problem-solving: It is considered to be fourth kind of team building practice which aims in identifying various problems in the team task (Verzuh 2015). It is generally done for improving skills for completing the task in more efficient way. It can be defined as an intervention of team members can easily generation proper information and engaging in both aspects that is problem-solving and phases of action planning.

Team Building in Project Management

Transformational leadership can easily have significant impact on the outcomes which can affect the outcomes at various workplace which is inclusive of project success (Helmreich and Merritt 2017). Transformational leadership can easily work in project setting in different which is all about permanent organization. Transformational leaders generally emphasis on followers to easily perform beyond the expectation. It can also foster healthy work relationship. This type of project managers aims at enhancing team cohesion and proper understanding. It emphasizes on easy exchange of idea on easy basis and analytics perspective in different project teams. It focuses on developing followers which are on self-management or skills for self-leadership (Moffatt-Bruce et al. 2017). It can easily create a platform where team members to give effort for analyzing the success for success of project.

There are generally four arguments which gives influence role of the project managers for providing leadership style which is based on team building practices (Pournader, Tabassi and Baloh 2015). Firstly, effective project leadership style is generally required for providing task boundaries for the various team members which creates the members to easily perform in the given boundaries. Secondly thing which should be taken into account that leaders should have transformational model of leadership in which various members are provided with freedom of exploring (Ferraris, Erhardt and Bresciani, 2017). It emphasizes on the fact that team members are provided with freedom for exploration, discussion making a decision related to technology which is involved in employing, problem to solve along with task to be performed in much easy way. The third kind of leadership style is all about sharing of information and knowledge within the team members of project. It is generally done so that proper kind of decision can be easily made (Heagney 2016). It is all about designing a proper communication mechanism for sharing information about the project. Fourthly, Effective leadership is needed in project because it can easily be improving commitment of the team which is done by providing positive effect or attitude and environment which helps in achieving the success of the project.

A project leader should create an environment for workers which is conductive to team members which are working beyond the expectation (McKinley et al. 2017). It is mainly done with the help of classical team building intervention like goal setting, classification of roles and lastly problem-solving techniques. The ultimate result is a continuous power which is needed for empowering the motivated team members for accomplishing goals and objectives. The biggest negative side of team building is all about its tendency to easily highlight on outcomes rather than performance (Todorovi? et al. 2015). Along with this conceptualization of team building can be clearly defined in many cases. Team building comes up with certain number of effects on HRM function like rewards, coordination and lastly employment.


If the different issues in team building can be avoided them team building intervention can be easily avoided (Heravi, Coffey and Trigunarsyah, 2015). Team building can be easily certain number of positive effect on the success of project. It generally put emphasis on different practices which can be helpful for project success by establishing environment where team members need to provide an overview with respect to the success of the project. Transformational leadership can easily provide an overview with respect to the performance standard along with decreasing the role in ambiguity in project. Transformational leadership gives an idea regarding the performance standard along with decreasing the role of ambiguity in the given project (Heravi, Coffey and Trigunarsyah, 2015). Professional leaders can easily have clear idea regarding various which are ongoing in the project. Vision of leader should provide team members an idea by which they can easily believe in the given thing. Team building intervention aims to project setting goals, role classification and solving the issues or problems which plays a vital role in establishing proper communication between team members and project managers.

Transformational leadership is helpful in building formal mechanism which aims to provide two-types of communication and easy exchange of information in between the team members (DuBois et al. 2015). Transformational leadership can be considered to be helpful for achieving the success of the project which is considered to be beneficial for practices related to team building. Different parts of team building like setting of goal, interpersonal skills which are implemented for various practices related to problem-solving which are implemented for improving performance of project team. It can have positive or plus effect on the success of the given project (Aga, Noorderhaven and Vallejo 2016). Extent to which various members of team can perceive the working environment for providing support in analyzing the level or value of motivation along with efforts which comes in project documentation. Leadership can easily play a key role in building an environment in which project team members can easily give contribution towards the success of the project. Transformational leadership can provide proper clarity about different performance model and decreasing issues in project (Fung, 2015). Transformational leaders can provide idea regarding the performance standards along with decreasing the role of ambiguity in various project which can provide huge success.


The above discussion relates us to the fact that this report is all about various ways for effectively leading project team. It is clear that currently, project leader needs to have depth technical knowledge.  Apart from this, they should possess different positive values which are needed for understanding the positive values, highest values of ethics and lastly personal capabilities and lastly interpersonal skills. Increasing the knowledge can be a well-known factor which is required for the success of the project. Transformational leadership can easily create direct and indirect success effect on the success of the project. Apart from this, an idea has been provided regarding team building which is an important factor for the project success. It plays a key role in understanding relationship between the success of project and its transformational leadership style. Thus project-based organization emphasizes on transformational style of leadership among project managers. It is generally done with the help of selection and various development programs. It will ultimately create a proper working environment which is needed for team building things like role classification, project setting goals. Leadership style is considered to be vital in 21st century. In addition to this leadership style tends to share an important part of the organization for sharing and gaining knowledge and providing sustainability for the organization. For being an effective project leader it generally need combination of skill along with ability to invoke behavior competencies. It also need proper vision, ethics and morality for leading with overall change. Upcoming projects will be served in such a way that it serves to easily select project managers along with sustainability for overall organization. Combination of both leadership skills and style are designed for fitting into the need of the project manager. In most of cases it is seen that it can easily provide a sense of community and along with establishing the goal of the project.

Interpersonal Relationships


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