Gender Inequality And Discrimination In Full-Time Earnings

Literature Review

Over, the past 60 years, the ratio of female to male in full time earning has drastically changed. The issue of gender equality is one of the key factors that have positively contributed to the change of ration of female to male in fulltime earning to change. In the past, women used to be considered as housewife sources of cheap labor back in homes. Men were allowed to go out, and as regarded as headmen’s in the families, they had an obligation to cater for family needs. This therefore attributed to un-proportionality in the ration of female to male in full-time earnings with the female being lesser than male. Discrimination is the key factor that has attributed to a few women in full-time earnings than men, this report is an explanation from research basis on the current ratio of female to male in fulltime earning, how discrimination has contributed to such ratios, what causes discrimination In workplace, how it can affect women’s performance in workplace and possible solutions to end women discrimination in workplace.

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The number of women in full-time jobs has reduced and is lower compared to the number of full-time payroll schemes. This Is due to gender inequality and discrimination in the workplace and during job selection. Men are mostly preferred than women and therefore making some women in these workplaces very few.

One of the major reasons why women are few in workplaces is due to the notion of the existing biological differences between male and female. Its true male and female differ regarding biological makeup, responsibilities, and structure. However, this is not a justification that their capabilities differ. The belief that women are to some handicapped by obligated biological responsibilities makes them less represented in the workplace. Women tend to have more responsibilities ranging from childbearing, breastfeeding, and upbringing children which require close attention. This makes their availability for job responsibilities very wanting, and in most cases, they are always multitasking and therefore can’t offer the best while at their jobs due to the many maternity leaves and breaks requested. This, therefore, makes men more preferable in fulltime job opportunities than women thus causing a sense of discrimination. (Sharma, 2016)

They state that knowledge is power. Many cultures in the world for the past have been practicing some social cultures that do not favor the girl child access to education. This, therefore, exposes women risk of lacking enough knowledge and literacy which is a key requirement for job recruitment. (Quain, 2018) Men are better placed in respect to this factor and thereby makes men more represented since they are given a chance to learn and get enough knowledge and skills.


Regarding economics, it was believed that women are weak economically and have to depend on men for their upkeep. Women were considered as persons responsible for home chores and this greatly contributed to gender discrimination in the workplace since women did not get chances to get educated and given room to showcase their potentials. (Kenan, 2010)

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It may seem a minor issue to practice gender discrimination in the workplace and fulltime jobs. However, this may negatively affect one’s organization due to the negative effects that women discrimination can have on job performance. The following are some of the effects.

Women tend to be low tempered and rarely withstand discrimination. When they notice that their contribution in the workplace is not being appreciated compared to others, they tend to raise conflicts which causes tension. Instead of performing daily assigned responsibilities, the relevant parties will be coming in resolution with these conflicts and these negatively affect the organizational productivity. (Quain, 2018)

Women discrimination leads to low motivation. If they are less motivated to work, this means poor performance and can end up resigning or withdrawing their services in full-time jobs. This, therefore, explains why the ratio of the female is less than that of a male in full-time earnings. (Agadoni, 2018)

Women’s bodies are generally not able to withstand some emotional issues. One of the issues that can attribute to emotional discomfort in a case of workplace discrimination In the case of women. Emotional challenges can lead to stress and depression for women undergoing discrimination in the workplace. With physical and mental workplace, women end up being sick with a disease such as hypertension and depression which do not allow them being on the job fulltime. (MacGill & Stephens, 2017)

It’s important to educate women and senior leadership on the effect of women discrimination. They should be made aware of all benefits of gender equality in the workplace including diversification in ideas and connection with access to customers. Actually, women play a good role in attracting customers and therefore discriminating against them is a start of an organizational downfall. (Segal, 2015)

This method is a solution to any reason related to discrimination that can prevent women from getting hired or being promoted to fulltime income jobs. Labor movements and human resourced department should come up with such policies, and candidate selection should be based on qualification and not gender biasness to favor male.

The law speculates that it’s very unlawful to practice gender discrimination in workplace and job selection. Actually, due to the many issues relating to women discrimination, most laws require that out 100% work representation regarding male and female, a third of these workers should be female workers. This step will help prevent women discrimination in the workplace. (Root III & George, 2017)


Job segmentation encourages diversification in all perspectives. This includes appreciating gender diversification. It’s important for managers to know that all employees are very important and serve a good purpose towards the achievement of organizational goals. (Ramanathan, 2016)

(Institute for womens policy research, 2015)

 The following results could be recorded from a study conducted on the gender earnings ratio between the year 1955 and year 2014.

  • 3 % of women workers fulltime all year compared to 73.9 of men
  • There is the difference in hourly wages and number of hours worked in each year in both earning rations for weekly a fulltime workers and year-round, full-time workers
  • Women if all major racial groups and different ethnic groups are less than men of the same group
  • Asian American workers as a group have the highest median annual earnings


In respect to the above results and findings, it’s evident that women representation in full-time jobs is lesser than men’s representation. Moreover, in comparison with studies that may have been conducted as evidenced in the literature review, these data portray some similarities within the last 60 years regarding female to male ratio of representation in fulltime income jobs. However, there are some differences according to the study leading to the results above. When considering the Asian American worker’s income graph readings, it’s noted that both women and male showcase the highest median annual earnings. This is an indication that education and training is a tool to solve the issue of women discrimination. Both Asian American men and women group are having an 81.9 % earning in the year 2014. (Blau & Kahn, 2017) These findings are very important since they help manager and human resource to determine the need for each gender in workplace productivity.


Agadoni, L., 2018. How Does Gender Discrimination Affect the Workplace? AZcentral journal of your business, 16(3), pp.14-17.

Blau, F.D. & Kahn, L.M., 2017. The gender wage gap, extends, trends and explanations. Journal of economic literature, 55(3), pp.789-865.

Institute for women’s policy research, 2015. Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2014 (Fulltime. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 August 2018].

Kenan, 2010. Discrimination against Women: Possible Reasons. Gender equality management journal, 54(4), pp.17-19.

MacGill, M. & Stephens, C., 2017. Everything you need to know about hypertension. Medical news today journal, 4(2), pp.1-11.

Quain, S., 2018. The Causes, Effects & Remedies for Gender Discrimination. Small business journal, 5(1), p.2.

Ramanathan, R., 2016. A bit of segmentation is what the workplace needs: it is the best way to seek out candidate best suited for the business critical role. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 August 2018].

Root III & George, N., 2017. Solutions for Gender Discrimination. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 August 2018].

Segal, J.A., 2015. Gender discrimination is alive and well: Tips to Fight Gender Discrimination. Human resource today, 4(1), pp.1-9. [Accessed 2018].

Sharma, T., 2016. Gender Discrimination: Causes and Reduction. Psychology, 6(2), pp.2-27.

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