Organizational Change Management: Strategies And Approaches

Approach to the Organizational Change

All organizations seek to commence management strategies and systems that will prove to be more helpful for the organization and strengthen the overall operation. An effective and efficient management system boost organizational capability and competitiveness largely.  Hence, it is also very important for the management of an organization to be open to future changes and incorporate new policies along with the passing time (Jekiel, 2016). As derived from the case study, Lakeland Wonders is a company that manufactures high quality of wooden toys. The CEO of the organization has put forward the necessity of incorporating changes in order to strengthen the organizational production. In accordance with the case study, it is understood that the organizations and the management should be more cooperating in order to cope up with the changes that has been done due to the implementation of new management strategies. In addition to this, it can be said that any organization must keep up with the changes that are happening outside the organizational environment. A detailed evaluation of the organizational change that has been taken up by the Lakeland Wonders is done in this report. The company has taken up the strategies in order to restrain the tough competition within the existing market and make further progress while opting for a new market base.

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Lakeland Wonders is one of the most prominent producers of high-end wooden toys in Minnesota. The company has a huge workforce and it is operating in multiple locations. Along with the changing time, the company has realized the need to upgrade themselves and implement new strategies. The company is looking forward to having a better offshore manufacturing. Hence, by applying an extensive research upon the labor issues, manufacturing qualities and the available facilities. In this context the role of Cheryl Hailstorm, the CEO of the organization has to consider as of highest importance. She understood that the company needed to employ major and effective changes in order to facilitate the offshore business that the company is aiming at. The company has identified multiple problems in the sector of target growth and management policies (Al-Haddad & Kotnour, 2015). Hence, the CEO was keen on implementing changes in the management policies so that the problems regarding the maintenance, manufacturing and facilities. Moreover, Cheryl has stressed upon the factor of effective human resource policies. However, the primary focus has been given to the change management process so that the company can take up effective marketing strategies for the offshore clients. This in turn will help the organization to achieve client satisfaction. The CEO was keener on the process of adopting changes that will be effective in implementing immediate changes in the organizational front.

Change Management Strategies

However, as opined by Cameron  & Green, (2015), the management and the governing body of an organization must be aware about the organizational culture and the outside environment. Similarly, Cheryl should have been aware of the working environment and the culture of the organization. As she was, keen in implementing the strategies and wanted drastic change in the organizational front. However, as studies have pointed out that the organizations, especially the employees are resilient to any sudden change (Anderson, 2016). Hence, the CEO of Lakeland has taken up a hasty step in implementing the changes. In addition to this, Cheryl wished her employees to follow the rules and regulations in a stringent manner and this has restricted them to participate in the change program. In this respect, the communication plan that the CEO of the company has taken up, has be analyzed.

In order to set up a new manufacturing plan in the offshore market, the organization needed to take up certain changes in the policy. Different aspects of the management policy must be taken into consideration in this regard. The primary motto of the CEO was to make the employees more efficient and productive (Hornstein, 2015). Moreover, in order to take up offshore business planning, the company needs to take up more planned approach. In addition to this, the company must have a high level of work force. In respect to this the primary aspects and strategies of taking up the change management is to be discussed.

Change management strategies are highly effective in an organizational set up where the organization is looking forward to implementing effective and vast changes in their operation and management. The change management system is often mistaken as to be the communication process only (Al-Haddad & Kotnour, 2015). However, the organization needs to analyze the management methodology and effective tools that will be helpful in the implementation of changes. In this context, the five levers plan is to be discussed as well. The five levers tools are communication plan, sponsorship plan, coaching plan, training plan and resistance plan.

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 The communication plan is a tool that needs to take up at the very onset of the change management. It is very important for the management to properly inform and make the employees aware of the changes that the organization is going to take up (Jekiel, 2016). By employing the tool, the management can build awareness of the importance and need for the change. In addition to this, the tool also informs the employees about the proper sequence of the changes so that they can understand and adopt the changes easily.

Communication Plan

In the respect of the given case study, it can be seen that the CEO has to make the top management involved in the process. Hence, highest priority must have given in order to win their support. Moreover, the views and the ideas of the management is to be taken into consideration as well. Hence, Cheryl should have been more frank, have direct and one to one conversation with the senior managers before having an open discussion. By applying the strategy, the CEO would have been more able to involve the management as well as the employees in the change process (Zott, Amit & Massa, 2011). Moreover, she should have also acknowledge the fact that the senior managers have comparatively greater experience in this organization. Hence, assessing the culture and the employee reaction would have been easier for them. Proper acknowledgement is to be given to the unions and their cultures. Involving the teams in the change process would have given more respect and power to the teams (Shilton, & Koepfler, 2013, June). This in turn encourages the employees to work more efficiently and taking up more responsibilities.

The next step towards achieving a perfect and successful communication planning, the CEO of the company must take up the issues that might arise along with the process of offshore marketing. Cheryl should acknowledge the fact that as they company proceed to make offshore set ups, it will eventually witness situations where the culture may pose as a problem. As opined by Tourish, (2014), culture differs along with the changing landscape and it has a significant effect on the organizational functioning. Hence, in order to have communication with the offshore employees Cheryl must be aware about the difference in their culture and should be respectful towards them (Lozano, Ceulemans & Seatter, 2015). In addition to this, it has been noticed that along with the changing demographic scenario, various situations arise that might hamper the organizational effectiveness and its process of functioning. Arjaliès & Mundy, (2013) have argued that, an organization should have to be supporting and encouraging to the employees and their respective cultures. This can lead the company to the path of achieving a strong organizational culture. Having a strong organizational culture encourages the employees in being motivated about their work and responsibilities. All these factors play influential role in increasing the production of the company.

However, in this context it can be said that the CEO of the company was known to the organizational culture of Lakeland. Even before joining the company and taking up the responsibilities of the CEO, she was accustomed with the nature of work and organizational culture of Lakeland to some extent (Huczynski, Buchanan & Huczynski, 2013). This has helped her in the process of having quick observations and understanding about the organization and the necessary changes that need to be implemented. As a result of her prior association with the organization, Cheryl thinks that there is no need to create a sense of awareness and association on her part. However, Anderson, (2016) pointed out that the higher managements need to earn the support of the employees as well as of the board repeatedly. Along with every planning of changes, it is very important that the management and the employees come to a point of unison. Hence, it is important that Cheryl put effort in building up a harmonious relationship with the organization and the employees, instead of merely asking them to follow. As opined by Cummings & Worley, (2014), asking the employees to follow without letting them to get involved, discourages them largely. Moreover, this causes unrest and fuel anger within an organizational scenario. Hence, the method of communicating and engaging the workforce is to be applied by the CEO of Lakeland. In addition to this, Cheryl must keep on encouraging the management as well as the employees in order to make them enthusiastic about the change plan. 

Another important aspect in the change management policy is to employ the tool of sponsorship roadmap. As the company is aiming to go offshore, it is very important to opt for finding effective sponsorship. As pointed out by Carter, Armenakis, Feild & Mossholder, (2013), an effective sponsorship tool involves three high level roles. The sponsors should take up active participation in the change process. In addition to this, the sponsors should be included in building a coalition with the senior management and the leaders (Hornstein, 2015). Moreover, the sponsors need to be directly in conversation with the employees regarding the nature of changes that the organization.

However, in this respect, it is to be mentioned that the CEO of Lakeland is not showing proper and effective sponsorship. In contrast to that, Cheryl focuses on the process of outsourcing the products rather than building a company in the new location. This will be a hasty step to take and can prove to be more costly option to opt for (Doppelt, 2017). As a consequence of her decision, it has been monitored that an environment of unrest has risen amongst the senior level managers. In order to take any vital decision regarding the new expansion plan, the company must incorporate or at least consider the views of the higher managements. It has been noticed that the role of sponsorship is very important in order to make the employees aware about the change process. As indicated by West & Gallagher, (2006), the sponsors preferably send out the message regarding the implication of certain changes and the reason behind taking up such initiatives. Hence, the effective significance of sponsorship is to be taken seriously. In addition to this, sponsorship is important in order to build the participation amongst the employees and accelerate the process of changing. 

The supervisors and the management need to instruct and make the employees aware about the changes and the consequent changes. In this regard, it is easily understandable that the role of the managers are very important in the process of planning for the coaching. According to Hackman & Johnson, (2013), the leaders need to communicate the messages about the changes and the way the changes can create impacts upon them. By giving out the messages regarding the future changes, the leaders can also understand the immediate reaction of the employees (Ceptureanu, 2015). This will be helpful in filtering their future actions in regard to the change plans.  Moreover, it is an effective process of accessing and identifying the early signs of management resistance (Mulligan  & Olsson, 2013). It helps in recognizing and reinforcing the process of implementations. However, Cheryl did not take up proper action in order to train and coach the employees.

Another important aspect in the change process is to train the employees in order to enhance their skills Tannenbaum, Weschler & Massarik, (2013). Hence, to achieve better outcome, Lakeland Wonders should employ the strategy of training the employees regarding the methods of better production. It will enhance the skills and capabilities of the employees that will in turn enhance the production of the company.

Resistance management is one of the most effective tools in the process of change management. As opined by Goetsch & Davis, (2014), it is very natural for the employees to resist any change that has been implemented suddenly. It can easily be understood that the resistance management is to be considered with the same amount of importance as the communication planning. Moreover, it can be linked with the communication planning tool as well. Resistance on part of the employees is a direct response of lack of awareness regarding the change. In consideration to the organizational scenario of Lakeland Wonders, the importance of his tool can also be understood. The CEO of the organization needs to identify and address the organizational needs and the employee resistance regarding the organizational change. 

By analyzing the scenario, it can be said that CEO of the company needs to take up more patience. The employees and the senior management of the organization have been monitored as to be not willing to cooperate with the CEO, as they are not agreeing with the views and ideas of Cheryl. Moreover, in order to achieve highest success in the frontier of management change and offshore expansion, the most important thing that the CEO need to take up is communicating with the senior level management and the employees. Cheryl should also be considerate about the fact that most of the senior management employees are associated with the organization for a long period. Hence, their views and ideas are to be considered in this respect. A structured and well designed plan. Having patience and more accepting outlook will be helpful in this regard. 


 Implementation of change management does not affect the organizational culture if the management can take up more mature approach towards it. Moreover, it can be said that the implementation of change management can enhance the organizational environment and strengthen the skills of the employees. By applying a method of thorough investigation and analysis, change management can be implemented. The necessary changes are found to be more effective if all the possible factors can be logically analysed. It has to be understood that the procedure of change management is very critical. Hence, a careful and tolerant attitude is to be taken up. In the context of Lakeland Wonders, the similar approaches are needed to be taken up by the CEO of the organization.


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