Impact Of Mobile And Executive Computing On Amazon Australia: A Study On Cloud-Based Technologies

Benefits of Mobile and Executive Computing

The report investigates about the impact of adopting mobile and executive computing along with the issues that may be faced by the business organization Amazon in Australia. The report will also focus on the various standards and concepts of mobile computing and management of technologies for mobile and distributed systems. The mobile business solutions are managed to create effective platforms for easing down the accessibility to products and services by the customers, furthermore make discussions about the various platforms, success factors and individuals responsible for the successful implementation of the executive and mobile computing at Amazon Australia ( 2018). With the introduction of smart phones and getting access to thousands of apps nowadays, the mobile and executive computing has performed various information intensive activities and allowed the businesses to present information about the products and services to the customers through digital channels and media. With the use of this mobile and executive computing, there has been establishment of close interactions between the businesses and its customers and thus a competitive advantage has been gained as well (Bresnahan and Greenstein 2014). The mobile computing has allowed the business to make wider reach to the customers and enhance the workforce efficiency to expand business with much ease and effectiveness.

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The purpose of writing the report is to evaluate the impact of mobile cloud computing and along with its impact on business performance. The success factors will be provided, which has enabled the organization to implement the mobile solution and ensured increased business efficiency too. The structure of the paper will include a brief understanding of the mobile cloud computing, the success factors and also the costs and other factors associated with the mobile solutions’ components and even the benefits that can be obtained from the implementation.

The business organizations like Amazon in Australia has accessed the business applications and used the business intelligence software with proper implementation of SaaS, i.e., Software as a service model to ensure that more data and information are present on the cloud. The Sass applications consist of the web services application program interfaces that enable the data present on the cloud to be consumed with the use of these web services. According to Bloomberg (2013), the cloud based data and mobile computing technologies with the use of various mobile platforms can help in managing information and data properly to improve the business functioning at the utmost level possible (Bloomberg 2013). The mobile computing has allowed the company to frequently interact with the clients through emails and chat messages conversation done on the social media platforms where the website of the organization is managed. The mobile computing is beneficial because of its extensive and appropriate utilization of hardware and software components along with the advanced technologies’ implementation. The mobile computing used by Amazon has helped in gaining several benefits including the lower radio and network congestion during the flow of messages and at the same time, open up new voice channels in case of critical situations or emergencies. Another benefit is the lighter workload during dispatch, furthermore manage the activities such as making entries of status on the computer aided dispatch system or CAD and send information and messages by using the mobile technologies (Gao et al. 2014). The resources will be managed and allocated quite conveniently, which can foster the mobile data communications and allow the individuals working at the organization to access the databases consisting of information about the clients and interact with them whenever necessary. The most important benefit of using mobile and executive computing is that paperwork are no longer managed and everything will be done electronically without need of any paper documents. This would not only save the costs incurred during the management of business operations, but could also ensure that the data transformation time is reduced and the quality of records is improved largely (Haris, Haddadi and Hui 2014).

Cloud Computing and its Impact on Business Performance

Amazon’s mobile cloud computing system will assist in delivering effective computer generated power and manage storage in databases along with the applications and information technology resources through the cloud services platform with the use of internet. Ularu et al. (2013) argued that while the applications will be running related to the sharing of information, photos and messages, it will be much more easier and convenient for Amazon to support the critical operations of the business and create better access to the low cost and flexible IT resources (Ularu et al. 2013). There is not much need to invest large amounts of money on the hardware and software components, rather the most appropriate kind and size of computing resources will be managed, which can foster the development of new ideas, concepts and theories required to make the IT department of the organization remain functional all throughout. With the cloud computing, the company can also pay for what has been only used and gain access to the relevant resources needed for maintaining a good organizational structure and for smooth business functioning too (Taleb et al. 2017).

The organization’s shift towards cloud computing has brought major transformation of business operations and processes as well as helped in utilizing the most effective mobile platforms to implement the web services properly. The cloud computing will create an astounding way of gaining access to the storage, databases, servers and various applications services all over the internet too, The cloud based platform, also known as the Amazon Web Services or AWS has maintained the right network connected hardware with the application services to deliver the best quality online services to the customers and remain connected with them to understand their needs and expectations, furthermore keep them satisfied as a whole too (Mao et al. 2017). Thus, the cloud based technologies have been mainly focused in this report considering the business organization Amazon in Australia, which has benefited the company in terms of cost savings, faster time to market the business components, optimizing the resources and managing cost flexibility too. 

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The successful implementation of these technologies could allow the organization to benefit through payments made only for the computing resources that are used and the ways it has been used, thus, there is no need to make higher investments. With the implementation of cloud computing technologies, Amazon, Australia could obtain a variable cost that is quite lower and due to the  use of services present in the cloud based platform, The Amazon Web services would further gain greater economy of scale, thereby reduce the costs incurred during the business processes (Yazti and Krishnaswamy 2014). The assumptions made to identity the needs for managing the infrastructure capacity are prevented and the company can access the resources with limited capacity within quick time as well. Other benefits include preventing the expenditures related to the maintenance of data centers, increasing the speed of business operations, maintaining agility and speed and also reach the clients both locally as well as globally at the minimum possible cost. The mobile services and management of websites or e-commerce business are possible solutions of cloud based technologies that have transformed the entire mobile and executive computing in business (Pattnaik and Mall 2015).

Shift Towards Cloud Computing Technologies

All these advantages could arise when the success factors had been considered while implementing the mobile and cloud based technologies such as the requirement for a new due diligence process, focusing more the security aspects, changing the dynamics of the provider’s relations, adopting new technologies and finally implementing an integration plan (Asrani 2013). There is need for a new due diligence process that can provide the organization with more time and additional effort required to find the most suitable partner with whom the business will be easy to manage. As stated by Dinh et al. (2013), more options should be searched for and explored much beyond the marketing concepts for the development of contingency plans and getting client references to increase the customer base at large. Within the cloud based systems and applications, the success factor also depends on the ecosystem from which the organization will be able to learn, furthermore make the internal stakeholders informed about the mobile and executive computing system implementation along with obtaining technical help or support in case of skills gaps (Dinh et al. 2013). One of the major success factors could be the focus on security and authorization, which could be considered as major concern for the stakeholders. This would allow the cloud vendor of the Amazon web services to mitigate the risks and meet the business requirements responsibly.

The change of dynamics of the provider’s relations at present should improve the business flexibility and also ensure that the organizational rules, regulations and guidelines are followed through strategic support, prioritization of workload and development of business cases to analyze the current scenario. The business performance should be boosted with the adoption of newer and advanced technologies through proper corporate governance approach along with the procurement of processes for increasing the level of engagement of leaders and staffs altogether. Meeting the expectations and preferences of the stakeholders could also be beneficial and critical for managing transparency and openness (Fernando, Loke and Rahayu 2013). The implementation of a successful integration plan is critical to the success of a mobile business solution and cloud based technologies in business not only for managing a hybrid IT environment, but also for ensuring that the networks are managed properly and cloud services’ efficiency is improved. According to Fernando, Loke and Rahayu (2013), there could also be security hindrance and lack of authorization, which could enable unauthorized people to gain access to the database and obtain important information. The success factors and its impacts on the mobile and executive computing has been represented in the diagram below.

Success Factors for Mobile and Cloud-Based Technologies Implementation


Figure: Success factors contributing to the management of cloud based services

(Loke and Rahayu 2013)

The mobile cloud computing has helped in integrating the business processes with the remote workers with the development of a mobile system within the organization. Few major components of the mobile cloud computing solution include a user interface, wireless network, wireless application gateway and enterprise applications. The user interface needs to be checked properly, which can affect the sales and services delivered to the customers (Goyal and Singh 2014). The user interface should be intuitive and it could ensure that the entire online website managed by Amazon could fir entirely within the cell phone screen and at the same time, large amounts of data are present in it to make the clients knowledgeable about the products and services delivered. The wireless networks are to be designed for allowing the customers easily access the website while allowing the company to determine the location of the subscriber through the cellular network operators (Suo et al. 2013). The Enterprise applications include various components that are tailored to meet the mobile workforce at Amazon such as the Supply chain management or SCM, Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP, email, CRM or customer relationship management (Yang et al. 2013). The Enterprise Application Integration should mobilize the organization through integration of various middleware; furthermore extract relevant data and information needed by the mobile workers.


Figure: Mobile cloud computing

(Yang et al. 2013)

In case of various instances for Amazon mobile cloud computing, the machine-compute power, also known as the numbers of hours needed to use the machine before shutting it down along with the amount of persistent storage. There are other cost factors associated with the monitoring services along with the direct costs incurred while managing the compute resources and costs incurred while accessing the databases and management of storage facilities. The cost factors are also related to the requirements of bandwidth, i.e., flow of data both in and out of the network involving the cloud provider. The mobile cloud data centers are developed for the management of construction of various data centers to handle the entire workload and maintain economies of cloud data with the involvement of minimum costs (Bresnahan and Greenstein 2014). There are labor costs that constitute more than 6 percent of the total expenditures made by the organization while operating a mobile cloud computing data centre or system. The costs of computing account for more than 48 percent because there are needs for managing the resources and installing various equipments needed for successful mobile and executive computing management. The costs are also incurred while distributing power and it holds more than 20 percent of the total expenditures ( 2018).  

Impacts of Success Factors on Mobile and Executive Computing


The report provided explanation about the adopting of mobile and executive computing with the use of cloud based technologies or improving the ability of customers to access the website of Amazon, Australia. This had been helpful for the business to make a wider reach and ensured that the customers were attracted in large number and higher revenue could be generated along with competitive advantage in business. The mobile cloud computing enhanced the speed of business processes and maintained flexibility of structure to manage the databases and kept the databases secured containing information about clients, which were later used to communicate with them and making them informed about the products and service delivered. The mobile cloud computing not only enhanced the business performance, but also had benefited the stakeholders who had invested on the company to manage the cloud services properly. Thus, the mobile business solution was successfully implemented and this had allowed the company to generate higher revenue and gained competitive advantage in business as well. 

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