Privacy Concerns In Healthcare Management: Analyzing Challenges And Solutions

Real Ethical Problem in Management

The Human Resource Management has been adopted by different companies, because it has its own benefits. Along with it, there are different challenges and issues which are seen to emerge in front of managers of human resource department at the time of performing the duties. The capability of HR manager to work on the issues and challenges are mainly to prevent organizational activities from any obstruction. The companies need to recruit the new talent for different reasons like the increase in project scope and the operations. HRM is based on selecting the candidates who are not only expert in technology but also productivity of the company. With workforce diversity, there are certain issues like the privacy of data in management, which is considered to be a major challenge for the organizations, in a present time.

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Privacy is considered to be the pervasive issue for the companies, where the laws vary in different locations (Elisabeth & Livingstone, 2016). The real issue is about the technology and privacy concern where the employers need to monitor the worker’s use of technology like the website and the emails. Considering a particular sector of management, it has been seen that the privacy of data in healthcare organizations need to be handled effectively. The patients must be completely confident of the privacy rights and the confidentiality of their information. There is a need to maintain the high standards that would lead to safeguard of the information privacy and security that is considered to be an essential aspect for the asset management. The information technology requires to focus on managing information and then mitigating the risks of privacy which might be developed and implemented (Patil & Seshadri, 2014). The health privacy is considered to be important with rapid increase in technology like the mobile applications and devices where it is easy to track the larger information about the patient than ever before. With the emerging technologies, there are staff members who also need to focus on information privacy with control of personal health information which is collected, used and disclosed. With the changing times, the data governance needs to work towards value-based business models which leverages the healthcare analytics, data governance to regulate and manage the healthcare data. The goal is to focus on encompassing the industry standards and local standards. The real time security analytics is for predicting the threat sources with healthcare focusing on the ranges from Distributed Denial of Service to the stealthy malware. The social engineering attacks are considered to be risks associated with attacks that are difficult to predict without considering the human cognitive behavior (Agrawal, 2015). The healthcare industry leverages the big data technologies to make the informed decisions, where the security analytics is considered to be at the core of design for the different cloud SaaS solutions. The Privacy preserving analytics help in focusing on data anonymization which is set prior to the analytics to protect the patient identity and then focusing on running prediction algorithms on encrypted data with protecting the identity of patient. Considering the problems of the data breach, there are organizations which needs to compartmentalize the personal information with restricting the access and encrypting the data at the time of transmitting it from the public networks. There are approaches which require to focus on identity of the stakeholders for the personal information and then gather requirements from them. The plan is about handling the regulatory changes which should not distract the privacy officers from pursuing strategies. Apart from this, there are privacy policies, data sharing and the working with vendors etc.

Privacy Concerns in Healthcare Management

With the ever-increasing cost of healthcare, it is important to focus over the power of big data, security and privacy issues (Kumar & Patel, 2014). The information of patient is stored in the data centers which have HIPAA certifications, but it focuses more on ensuring security policies and procedures than on implementing them. Due to the risks, there is a need to focus on healthcare entity with accessing or transacting Electronic Health Records (EHR).

  1. User Authentication: The user is working on accessing the health records where the authorized user will only be able to access the records. The smart card-based solutions have been proposed where the biometric based system is also to ensure about the authorized access of different records.
  2. Confidentiality and Integrity: The accuracy is mapped with healthcare that includes the records and integrity with physical computer and network systems. The hacking incidents could lead to the alteration of the patient data or lead to the destruction of the systems.
  3. Access Control: The control is based on shared computing with the medical records that are stored in the database through different file systems. The roles and the privileges are depending upon controlling the rights of the user with granting or rejecting access to resources (Zhang et al., 2015). The electronic systems need to enable the core security factors with role based, passwords and the auditing trials. There are major issues of privacy when it relates to the genetic testing where the individuals are facing the fear of loss of employment and life insurance.
  4. Data Ownership: There is a need to focus on the power to access the patient records with considering about the delegation of authority over the data. The duties and responsibilities of the data ownership needs to be handled in a transparent manner.
  5. Data Protection Policies: They are related to involvement of healthcare diagnosis system where the consistent protection is needed. Hence, the organization requires to focus on strict policies and procedures which are for governing the use of physical media and portable devices in order to prevent the theft or loss (Sen, 2014). The EHR systems require a continued development for managing security and adding level of security with blocking access to specific lab results.
  6. User Profiles & Misuse of Health Records: It is important to focus on the healthcare systems with the handling of security problems related to incompatibility of patent identification in healthcare facilities. There are difficulties related to identifying the patients and then focusing on interoperability to occur. EHR helps in offering the storage space for free which is not relevant to privacy. Hence, the multi-specialty environment, helps in maintaining the security of health records that can be challenging as well.

The information privacy is considered important for the health information as it helps in collecting, using and then disclosing the data (Handler, Hauge, Spognardi & Dragoni, 2017). It ensures that there is a Personal Health Information (PHI) which is protected when transmitted, processed and stored. The healthcare organizations focus on secured and timely access of the data to the patient which is important for the proper functioning of the different healthcare practices. The patients need to be confident about the rights to the privacy and the confidentiality. The importance is to focus on providing digital solutions and storing information with additional emphasis on integrity, privacy and availability. The health information is considered to be an important asset for the providers who focus on safeguarding the information and ensuring the availability of authorized individuals, as and when needed. There is a need to focus on ensuring the conformance with the applicability of the legal, regulatory and the policy requirements for the privacy. It requires to evaluate the protections and alternative processes to mitigate the risks of privacy. Along with this, the information privacy contributes mianly to the intrinsic motivation of the people on job with enhancement of the psychological empowerment. This helps in increasing the likelihood where one engages in different discretionary behaviors. The information privacy and motivation is likely to engage the people with the desire to perform a task for one own sake rather than performing it externally or through associated extrinsic rewards. The performance is mainly to benefit and ensure the motivate at the workplace (Baig, GholamHosseini, H., & Connolly, 2017) . The creative work performance can be related to the empowerment which could be a supporting factor for the employees. The productivity and improvement in decision making is mainly through improving the customer intelligence and controlling the operating costs. The employees also have a right to privacy on the personal records and separate social security numbers are given to them which needs to be protected through proper monitoring and use of statutory laws.

Solutions to Privacy Concerns

There are different programs which are needed to collect the information, store and then manage the personal information which is considered to be a part of offered service. The privacy officer requires to work on the reviewing of operational policies with reviewing sensitive information along with handling the non-disclosure agreements. The privacy and the security management is important for the organizations with use of security management programs and appointing the privacy officer. The education of the employees for different security practices and roles or responsibilities is the key to this endeavor. Hence, the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is working on developing apps which help in identifying the real hotspots where privacy or the other security countermeasures are needed (Al-Janabi, Al-Shourbaji, Shojafar, & Shamshirband, 2017). The technologies are mainly to ensure the security and privacy of the organization where the authentication is through establishing the claims which are made when there are true subjects which are authenticated as well. The information authentication tend to pose different problems with man-in-the-middle attacks with cryptographic protocols.

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With the growing technology the analytical model that could be used is the encryption of data which means that there is a prevention of the unauthorized access to the data which is sensitive. It requires to protect and maintain the ownership of the data with maintaining the lifecycle standards. It requires to ensure that the scheme is efficiency with ease to use by patients and healthcare professionals. The data masking helps in replacing the sensitive data elements with the unidentified value. The strategy is determined with de-identifying the data sets or the personal identifiers like the name and the social security numbers. The monitoring and auditing is for the security monitoring with gathering and investigating the network events to catch the intrusions. The optional security metrics are mainly to measure and ensure the safety of the healthcare system. The intrusion detection and the prevention procedures on the network traffic requires to address the problems with architecture setup through analyzing the different DNS records. There are likelihood metrics which are for identifying the domain name, packets or the flow of data which is malicious. The privacy in the organizations are important where the focus is on the experiences and the issues that are encountered when there are combined anonymization, privacy protection and the big data techniques to analyses the use of data (Adhikari, Richards & Scott, 2014). There is a need to focus on significant research efforts which are mainly to address the unique privacy issues. The methods depends on the challenges where the work is related to discuss on the encryption and the methods which are effectively used for the healthcare data protection as well as protecting their limitations.

Analyzing Analytical Methods

The smart card enabled privacy preserving e-prescription systems: They are effective for portable repositories to carry the data of the personal medical records and the other insurance information. Here, a number of parties will be involved for the healthcare provisions like the hospitals and the General Practitioners business associates. The solution concentrates mainly on the smart card based portable personal information for simplified process of the prescriptions of drug that will enable the doctor to bypass the bureaucratic procedures. The smart car is effective for the digital signature signing for the electronic pads and patient authorization. The delegation of prescription requires to focus on the designated person who makes use of the smart card to sign the prescription on behalf of the patients to collect medicine (Alrawais, Alhothaily, Hu & Cheng, 2017). It also provide the flexibility to focus on the entities which are involved with authentication of the patients which is ensured by holding the cards.

A Secured Architecture for the medical data: This is for the healthcare providers to access the defined data of EHR based on the level of encryption. The backup mechanism allows a complete recovery to access healthcare records, when the security token carrying the keys is lost. Hence, a backup is needed with gaining unobservability in data with eliminating data profiling through using different pseudonyms (Yang, Wu, Yin & Zhao, 2017).

Trivial Disclosure Attack and Statistical Analysis of Metadata: This is important for the statistical analysis with traditional security properties of EHR. It requires to focus on e-health portable to determine the relevant information which might have a negative impact on the patient. There are EHR architectures need to focus on the violation of privacy of users with improvement as needed. The transmission encryption protocols like SSL/TSL requires to ensure the transmission data confidentiality, where the attacks can easily be prevented. The e-health portal is classified with personalization of offered services where public portables does not require explicit authentication procedure where the privacy is important.

The architecture are for the linkage of electronic medical records in a way where patients will control on the information through indirect pseudonym identifiers. The EHR systems require to focus on linkage of information that is accumulated with possible relative and isolated databases. There is a need to create privacy issues where the records belonging are for the same patient and it is important to allow them to keep a certain linkage private (Li, Wu, Gao & Shi, 2016). The architecture is important for maintain the patient identifiers that will be able to satisfy the different needs and ensure the privacy of data as well. There is a need to consider about the federal identity management techniques to allow the users to make a link in between the local identifiers. The healthcare providers need to focus on different results with identity and access control linkage. The best component of EHR system is to focus on providing authentication and then evaluate the access requests as per the access control policies which are set by the different patients and the medical authorities.


The patient data could at the distributed site in hospitals where the access is through generating challenges issues related to the privacy and the security. There is a need to preserve the privacy rights with allowing the authorized access to the data. The different groups have different access rights for accessing patient EPR which could be stored in a single or a multiple service level for the hospital providers. The linkable access is to ensure that the multiple data objects of the patient can be linked with patient’s identity (Ali, Shreshtha, Soar & Wamba, 2018).


With the transformation of health, security and patient privacy is considered to be a paramount to drive different technologies. Here, the informed consent is important from the patients to perform analytics on patient data and the new laws need to be drafted for the different processes on patient data. The envisioning of the distributed processes in and across the disparate clouds require centralized processing. The secured patient data management is inevitable as healthcare records aggregate and link larger amount of data from the disparate networks.


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