An Analysis Of Ethical Decision Making And SFIA6 Skills Framework
Ethical Decision Making in the Case Study
In the assignment, a case study has been provided. The ethical decision making approaches listed with every stakeholder have been provided in the following report. A couple of approaches and philosophies related to ethics have been used along with ACS code of professional conduct which has been applied in certain cases. The cognitive and practical methods in having a global and collaborative work environment for the employees have been assessed in the following report.
The stakeholders in the following case study are Mrs McDonald, Mr. McBright, the employees working in NewAge Pty Ltd, the employees working in XYZ Pty Ltd and Mayor Hon. Joseph Luck.
Mr. McBright applied the concept of ethical decision making properly in the mentioned case study. From a duty based ethical approach, he was quick enough to point out to Mrs McDonald, who was his immediate senior about the bug in the operating system of the tablet (DesJardins, 2014).
Mrs McDonald, on the other hand failed to properly react to the ethical situation and based on virtue ethical approach, passed on the bug to XYZ Pty Ltd as she did not want to miss the project schedule (Trevino & Nelson, 2016). She tried to hold on to her internal morals and values and acted along with it. Moreover, the creation of the bug was also a result of the casual approach of Mrs McDonald in properly recruiting the proper employees for the mentioned institution. Mrs McDonald could be stated as following the common good approach by sticking the right thing to do as per her thinking and not taking any risks. She based her assumptions and opinions on the decisions that was best for the employee as a whole and reacted according to it. Her casual approach in not recruiting competent employees and not making XYZ Pty Ltd aware about the bug directly reflects in this attitude.
The employees of NewAge Pty Ltd will be severely affected due to the damages that the company has to provide as compensation to XYZ Pty Ltd. Their action comes under the non-consequentialist ethical approach. Moreover, they failed to properly carry out their duty based approach in delivering the proper product for the company. Their intentions in properly carrying out their professional task should have been in the right direction that would have stopped the McDonald virus from ever scattering.
The employees of XYZ Pty Ltd were also affected due to the entire scenario. Without properly assessing the product given by NewAge Pty Ltd, they carried out their duty and put the operating system in 20000 tablet computers which was not professional enough (Crane & Matten, 2016).
Stakeholder Analysis
The ACS code of professional conduct provides six ethical values that are essential for acting responsibly and behaving ethically with other individuals. In the mentioned case study, Mrs McDonald failed to comply with the Value 1 of the code namely, the Primacy of the Public Interest. Without thinking twice and the harm it could cause to the public and the business, she ignored the warning and told him to proceed with the project which was very unprofessional for her. Moreover, she appointed anyone who was more competent than her (Romiszowski, 2016). Nor did she try for better designation. Her casual approach also reflected on the recruitment process for the company which resulted in a lot of inefficient employees. In short, she failed to comply with Value 4, Value 5 and Value 6 of the code namely, Competence, Professional Development and Professionalism. She failed to enhance her own professional development as well ignored the competence of the employees (Solomon et al., 2014).
The mayor of the state also failed to act professionally even after the losses that were caused by the mentioned company. He was only focused on his personal opinion and benefit and wanted to gain public support from the employment cause. In this way, he violated Value 3 (Honesty) and Value 6 (Professionalism) of the code. But he managed to comply with Value 1 (The Primacy of the Public Interest).
Mrs McDonald (virtue based) could have used the utilitarian ethical theory and could have acted in behalf of that. She should have thought about the total god that the product could have caused in the market and acted along with it (Shapiro & Stefkovich, 2016). As a professional employee, Mr. McBright (duty based) could have told his senior authorities about the seriousness of the issue which would have saved the company’s reputation.
To conclude the report, it can be stated that the case study has been widely assessed and evaluated as per the requirements. The ethical reasons for the failure of the operating system has been discussed and evaluated. The stakeholders and their actions have been analysed and their responses have been debated with the values mentioned in the ACS code of conduct. Both the actions of Mr. McBright and Mrs McDonald have been widely assessed with appropriate ethical philosophies.
Crane, A., & Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
Evaluation of ACS Code of Professional Conduct
DesJardins, J. R. (2014). An introduction to business ethics. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Romiszowski, A. J. (2016). Designing instructional systems: Decision making in course planning and curriculum design. Routledge.
Shapiro, J. P., & Stefkovich, J. A. (2016). Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. Routledge.
Solomon, M. R., Dahl, D. W., White, K., Zaichkowsky, J. L., & Polegato, R. (2014). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being (Vol. 10). London: Pearson.
Trevino, L. K., & Nelson, K. A. (2016). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley & Sons.
In the following assignment, an introduction has been provided for the report. In the analysis section of the report, the SFI6 has been interpreted in a reflective manner. The justification for each and every responsibility level of the SFI6 have been provided conclusively and discussed accordingly. For the main purpose of career development, the skills have been discussed and evaluated and the method by which the skillsets are acquired have been discussed. A conclusion has been provided in the conclusion section.
In the following assignment, a reflective summary of the SFI6 has been provided. The justification and selection of the responsibility level present in the Skills Framework for the Information Age have been assessed and evaluated accordingly. The method of acquiring these particular skills sets from the Skills Framework for the Information Age have been conclusively assessed and the ways the skills can be acquired for personal career development have been discussed.
SFIA 6 have been used to manage and describe competencies of the ICT professionals in the recent decade. As per my knowledge, it is used to match the skillset of the employees that an organization desires. It was made by over 30 organizations consisting of various governmental agencies as well as multinational companies and representative institutions (Asselin, 2016). I was amazed how the SFIA 6 manages to map each and every particular skills of an individual in a 2D table by managing to categorize them through responsibility and category level. After analysing a bit I came across six areas in which the categories are divided into namely engagement and relationships, quality and skills, operation and delivery, quality and skills, implementation and development and transformation and change and architecture and strategy (Fraillon et al. 2014). Upon reading further, I found out about a number of sub categories that have more than 100 professional sills separately. The skills are described with a description and general introduction with around seven levels of responsibility. I was intrigued with the levels of responsibility and upon researching came upon seven levels namely advise, ensure, enable, apply, assist and follow.
Introduction to the SFIA6 Skills Framework
The different levels of responsibility have been described in the following section. The first level is the most basic namely Follow. This includes the completion of tasks under the close supervision of the supervisors for acquiring the basic capabilities. The responsibility should be relatively organized.
The next level up the importance ladder is Assist. In this responsibility level, a little bit more discretion is needed. In the speciality segment, more interaction is needed that was required in level 1. It helps to manage personal development and works on a wide number of tasks (Borja & Castells, 2013).
The next level is apply. In this responsibility segment, milestone reviews are provided along with the total work package. It works most of the times with customers and suppliers and the issues can be escalated under their own discretion. I can apply my responsibility skills by learning the class notes and classroom lectures by providing my best to learn them.
The next level is enable. In the framework, this responsibility level works in a particular direction. It works on a wide number of complex activities and has an influence on the accounting level. It helps in good management of tasks at a business and operational level (Brabazon, 2016). I can enable the skills that I learned by slowly using them in real life to assess the responsibility that I exert.
The next level is advice and ensure. This level provides an individual with responsibilities related to objective setting, supervisory and provides them with broad direction. It comes in handy when the work is complicated and the challenging. The business skills are sufficient for the individual. By properly listening to my class adversaries and the lectures provided by my teachers, I can widely assess the real life IT scenario present in Australia right now.
The next level is influence and initiate. It can work in areas of work where certain amount of authority is required. This level is used to influence policy, suppliers, customers and a part of an organization at a higher level (Tyner, 2014). It makes students like us to become self-sufficient in business tasks. I need to find a person or something that can influence me in the future to continue with the stream I want to go in.
The next level is mobilize, inspire and make strategies. It includes the authoritative control in setting the policies. This level is utilized in making critical decisions for organizations and businesses which impacts the customers and key suppliers at the top most level (Griffin & Care, 2014). It is based in strategy and includes a number of leadership and management skills. By properly maintaining my strategies and vision for what I want to become, I will be able to make critical decisions in becoming a successful IT professional.
To conclude the report, it can be stated that an overview of the Skills Framework for the Information Age has been assessed and a career plan has been developed keeping in mind the mentioned framework. The responsibility levels of the Skills Framework for the Information Age have been identified and their usage in creating a proper career plan have been assessed and discussed in the above report.
Asselin, M. (2016). Teaching information skills in the information age: An examination of trends in the middle grades. Librarians and Educators Collaborating for Success: The International Perspective, 82.
Borja, J., & Castells, M. (2013). Local and global: the management of cities in the information age. Routledge.
Brabazon, T. (2016). The University of Google: Education in the (post) information age. Routledge.
Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., & Friedman, T. (2014). Preparing for life in a digital age: The IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study international report. Springer.
Griffin, P., & Care, E. (Eds.). (2014). Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills: Methods and approach. Springer.
Tyner, K. (2014). Literacy in a digital world: Teaching and learning in the age of information. Routledge.