How Technology And Cultural Diversity Impact Domino’s Organizational Structure?
Role of Technology in Enhancing Communication and Customer Service
In this part of the question, the discussion will be made that how technology can assist the structure of Dominos. The company is one of the largest pizza companies in the field of the food sector. It is seen that structure plays a great role to conduct the activities of the company. Structure of the company takes into consideration the communication process and customer service process. It is seen that with the help of technology like online services it can be easy for the customers to interact with the executives of Domino’s. Technology can also support the structure of the company by enhancing the overall satisfaction of the customers by taking into consideration drone services to deliver the product (Ryynänen et al., 2017).
It is seen that the company uses technology in each and every sector of the company. Like in producing the products the company can consider the latest technology so that activities can be conducted smoothly (Molinillo and Japutra, 2017). So, with the use of latest technology the company can also compete with the competitors prevailing in the market. Like for example: The Company supplies the product to the customers with the help of drone technology in New Zealand.
Domino’s is situated in many locations and the cultural difference is a language barrier. It is seen that in different places the people have different language and they communicate with each other in that way only. But the employee’s performance can be affected if they do not know every language (Ahammad et al., 2016). If a person understands Urdu and the employee is speaking English then the negative impact can be seen in the overall activities of the company. Customer will not be able to understand the language and face difficulty. Also, it is seen that if employees of the same department are from different background and do not understand the language then it can create a communication gap between them (Moran, Abramson and Moran, 2014).
For example: If one person knows Urdu and other person do not understand it then it can be difficult for both the employees to conduct the activities of the company. It also gives negative impact on the performance of both the employees by having communication gap (Selmer and Lauring, 2015). So, it is seen that one of the major cultural difference is a language barrier.
In domino’s corporate culture have been given a high preference where it is seen that the employees use of highly decent communication mechanism. They greet their customers in a well professional manner. Here they use the culture of the nation like they talk in various languages that include the language of the native state. They greet their consumers in the way it is done in that country (Shiraev and Levy, 2016).
Managing Cultural Diversity and Corporate Culture
For example, in the Asian countries, they do Namaste to welcome. It makes people happy and enhances the satisfaction level of the customers. Apart from this, they take care of the main thing in corporate culture i.e. the cleanliness and safety of the workplace. They do it as per the decided norms within the company. Along with this they also serve their clients as per their demands. On festive days they create the environment according to the local culture if that country or state. Like in domino’s the outlet are same everywhere, so by this, they maintain their corporate culture but if any festival is there like Christmas they decorate the outlet by considering the environment of the organization. So, it is seen that domino’s blend national and corporate culture in an effective manner. It also helps the company to maintain a good image in the market.
Global networks are managed through the headquarter of US. The decisions are taken and the decisions are taken by the top management. It is seen that from headquarter the information is given which is given and implemented in each and every outlet. The activities are conducted with the help of the directions that are given by top management. It helps to manage the activities of the organization (Woolley,2017). For example, Top management has given to reduce the price of chicken burger then it will be considered by each and every outlet. With the help of the top management, the global networks are managed in an effective manner. So, it is seen that each and every outlet of the company follow the rules given by the top management so that profits and growth can be achieved.
Diversity plays a great role in the company. Domino’s focuses on recruiting the people from all cultural backgrounds. To maintain the diversity in the organization it is seen that focus is given on offering training related to communication and also to conduct the activities smoothly. Training that is offered by the company helps to enhance the process of communication in a proper manner (Jehanzeb, Hamid, and Rasheed, 2015). Domino’s give a commitment to diversity by creating a unified and good environment that makes people happy. It is seen that the activities are conducted in the same manner at every outlet so it enhances the satisfaction level of the customers.
It is also seen that company set some objective standards so that workers can conduct the activities smoothly. The company also treats the individuals on the same level which help to manage the diversity of the workplace. For example, Domino’s give training to its employees which give a positive impact on the process of the communication and people can communicate in an effective manner. So, it is seen that the company focuses more on diversity which helps to enhance the profits and growth in the market in a proper manner.
Managing Global Networks through Headquarter
The staffing approach which is seen in India considers the Polycentric approach in which the company focuses on customizing the marketing mix so that needs and wants can be satisfied. It is seen that in Australia the company focuses more on ethnocentric approach in which the product is marketed in the same way it is done on the domestic level. So, it is seen that the approaches of two countries are polycentric in India and ethnocentric in Australia. So, it is important to consider the approaches as it is useful in conducting and analyzing the condition of the market. It also helps the organization to accomplish goals and objectives in an effective manner.
The organizational structure of Domino’s is divided into two parts. One is related to managerial categories and second is non-managerial categories. In the managerial categories, it is seen that there are workers who play a great role to conduct the activities of the company. The managerial categories take into consideration officer, senior executive, deputy manager and assistant manager. The non-managerial categories focus on the employees who assist the workers who are conducting the activities in the managerial categories. In this category, the employees who are a part of this section are floor staff, interns, salespeople, and sales trainee. Headquarter of the company is in Noida and all the decisions of the company are taken by the top management. The decisions are related to the policies of the company. The decisions which are taken are conveyed to all the regional offices.
For example: when the message is received by the regional office it is seen that every department coordinates with each other like the people who belong from marketing field take care of marketing the product in the area, salesperson take care of promoting the products to the distributors and retailers. The people who are from finance department take care of the financial part of the company. So, it is seen that structure of Domino’s is made in such a manner that each and every department supports each other.
Workforce planning is a continuous process which is used to align the requirement and priorities of the company. It helps to analyze the need for organization in terms of the size, quality of the workers to accomplish the objectives. It is seen that workforce planning is a basic function of human resource management and it helps to generate the overall business intelligence to give information to the organization (Cascio, 2018). Also, the impact is analyzed of the external and internal environment on the business. It is seen that three or five-year forecast are done so that proper identification can be done of the workforce implications and future business strategic objects. The process of workforce planning is one of the strategies which are taken into consideration by the employers so that need of the labor can be analyzed properly in an effective manner (Jain and Kaur, 2014).
Workforce Planning: Essential for Achieving Goals and Objectives
For example, Domino’s also focuses on workforce planning at the time of conducting the activities. It is seen that if there is no planning in the company then it cannot be possible for the company to survive in the market. Workforce planning also helps to achieve goals and objectives in an effective manner (De Bruecker et al., 2015). So, it is seen that workforce planning is important for every organization so that goals and objectives can be accomplished effectively.
Cultural shock is one of the situations that take place in the organization just because of the different background of the people in the same organization. It is a type of conflict that is seen between the employees of the organization. It is seen that there are many people who work in the company and belongs from different culture and background (Naeem et al., 2015). For example: in domino’s conflicts and frustration is created and it creates a gap in communication. It is just because of a different language used by different people who belong from a different background.
It is seen that the managers or top management consider the effective strategies so that growth can be achieved effectively. Effective strategies adopted by the company will help to maintain harmony in the organization (D’Souza et al., 2016). So, it is seen that cultural shock should be minimized for conducting overall goals and objectives in a proper way.
Cultural Shock gives direct impact on the expatriate performance in MNC’s. It is seen that an expatriate is a person who lives outside of its native country. When a person who is new in the organization and is not from that state or country then it is seen that it can be difficult to adjust for them. Due to culture shock, they are demotivated and it gives a negative impact. Like for Example: if a person is new in a finance department and only knows Urdu then it can be difficult to make friends.
So, it creates difficulties for him to conduct the task in a proper manner, as he is not able to ask his colleagues due to the culture difference. It sometimes also creates conflicts and misunderstanding between the people which give negative impact on the overall activities. Due to conflict the efficiency and confidence level of the employee get affected and it directly impacts on the given assigned task (Dasí et al., 2017). So, it is stated that cultural shock should be minimized in the organization so that performance can be maintained and also activities can be conducted smoothly in an effective manner.
Minimizing Cultural Shock for Maintaining Harmony
It is seen that there are many factors that affect the performance and motivation level of the employee in MNC’s. It is seen that one of the factors is training. Training plays a great role to enhance the knowledge and skill of the employees (Stone and Deadrick, 2015). For example: If proper training is given to the employees of the organization then it enhances the performance and also the motivation level. The second factor is related to the working environment. Positive working environment boosts the morale of the employees and motivate them to conduct the activities in the organization (Caligiuri, 2014). So, these are the two factors which affect the employee performance and motivation.
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