Leadership And Change Management In Healthcare Organizations

Impact of Leadership on Healthcare Organizations

Leadership and change management are two of the most important factors that dictate the success of an organisation. To be successful as a business unit it is necessary for every organisation to develop leaders that can help it to gain success in the business market (Bolman and Deal 2017). Change needs to be implemented keeping in mind the benefits of the organisation as well as that of the employees.  The essay focuses on the leadership and change management tactics obtained by a health care organisation. The current issues that exist in health care such as obesity is taken into focus and the concepts of leadership along with change management are discussed in the essay. The impact of leadership in providing proper health care services within communities is discussed in the essay by the application of theories related to leadership and change management.

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Reports have shown that since 1993, the obesity among men and women have increased at an alarming rate. The rate of growth in obesity is more for girls than for the boys. Since it is necessary for the society to step up and ensure that such social evils are eradicated so that a healthy society can be maintained. In this regard, it is the duty of a particular health care organisation or the local physician to step up and take up the mantle of leadership. As stated by Komives (2016) leadership within a society is difficult to obtain as the chosen person may find it difficult to adopt in the role due to the changing nature of the people. However, despite the existence of such challenges it is the duty of the society to promote leadership that is based on the manner in which it can reduce social evils. Hence, the approach for such a step needs to be taken by the health care organisations.

According to Goleman (2017), leadership is an ability of a person to guide a group of members. Leaders help themselves as well as others to perform efficiently so that the organisation can gain a competitive advantage. The duty of the leaders is to provide a proper sense of direction to the employees so that they can be effective for the success of an organisation. As stated by Northouse (2018) an efficient leader finds out ways by which employees can be motivated. They find out the possible methods by which an organisation tends to win and gain a competitive advantage in the market. However, in order to ensure such effective leadership and results are obtained it is necessary to select the type of leadership that best suits the approach. Some of the most prominent types of leadership styles adopted in organisations include:

Different Leadership Styles

Democratic leadership style: This is considered as the most famous leadership style that most people adopt. According to Antonakis and Day (2017), democratic style of leadership provides opportunities to the employees to be involved with the activities of the company. This provides motivation for the employees as the ideas of the employees are taken into consideration. The uniqueness of this leadership style is the effective manner in which communication takes place. Thus, most organisations prefer this type of leadership for improving the standard of the organisation.

Autocratic leadership style: Autocratic leadership style centres around the commands and decisions made by the leader (Ward 2016). The authority and responsibility of the leader is the final decision that needs to be followed by the employees. The decisions made by the leaders are taken without the consultation with the subordinates.  This type of leadership is a de-motivating factor for the employees. This is because the engagement of the employees in the organisational matters is less and they are forced to obey the decisions of the leaders without providing any ideas about the ways to execute a particular task.

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Transactional leadership style: It can be considered as another form of leadership that provides excess motivation to the employees (Johnston and Marshall 2016). It involves an exchange of benefits between leaders and employees. Employees are provided with rewards once the task imposed on them by the leaders is carried out in a proper manner. This form of leadership has often been considered as a basic form owing to the manner in which exchange of benefits take place. The employees use the feedback provided by the leaders extensively for further improvement.

Transformational leadership style: This is a different type of leadership style as it initiates changes. Leaders opting to implement transformational leadership style tends to bring about changes within the organisation, group and within the self. They perform more for the team than the original intention. The expectations set up by the leaders are more than they usually think and this proves to be a motivating factor for most employees. According to Fairhurst and Connaughton (2014), transformational leadership style usually brings about more followers due to its ability to analyse the current situation of an organisation. The dynamic nature of the leadership style provides for it to be a success in the organisations.

Laissez-faire: According to Renko et al. (2015), this type of leadership provides authority to the employees. The employees are given freedom to work according to the manner they want and they apply self-understanding to a particular problem. However, this approach is criticised as it does not provide enough opportunities for the leaders to display their skills. Moreover, excess trust on the employees can have a negative impact on the organisation.

Transformational Leadership for Healthcare Organizations

Strategic leadership style: As stated by Lewis, Passmore and Cantore (2016) strategic leadership style promotes leaders to be the head of an organisation. The superiority of a strategic leader is limited to the overall top position in an organisation. Rather, it is essential for strategic leaders to be the essential part for all departments in an organisation. The gap between new possibilities and continuing with the old ways of working are bridged by the adoption of this type of leadership in an organisation.

Team leadership: This involves painting a picture of the future that a team can be directed at. The leader involved in a team provides a sense of direction as well as a purpose for the team to work with. It develops a feeling of working mutually and creating an atmosphere that involves the support of every member present in a team (Altamony et al. 2016). However, the leader has to be exceptionally good to ensure that team leadership attends a high level of success.

Cross-cultural leadership style: This type of leadership is necessary when various cultures exist in a society. This involves bringing together people of different cultures and pursuing them to work together to attain a common goal (Ceptureanu 2015). This type of leadership is effective in organisations that have international business. Health care sectors do not require such leadership practice as the business does not have an international connection.

Charismatic leadership style: According to Ramon and Gilchrist (2017), charismatic leadership style is another common leadership style that demonstrates the revolutionary power that exists in the hands of the leaders. It transformers the values and beliefs of the followers and creates a sense of purpose among the employees. The biggest advantage of this type of leadership is the fact that it does not force employees to change their attitudes. Instead, the transformation of the underlying normative approach is taken into account for executing changes.

Visionary leadership style: Lavoie-Tremblay et al. (2018) stated that the leaders following this style can predict the future and can create a sense of vision about the ways to guide a team. Visionary leadership style is said to have inspired many great leaders that have managed to lead organisations to success. The key is to transform the visions into realities so that a competitive advantage can be gained by forming a team. Visionary leadership often paves the way for improvement and empowerment in organisations.

Coaching: This form of leadership is usually found among sportsmen and it involves providing guidance and teaching people about the ways to conduct oneself in a team. This involves the supervision of the followers so that performance can be improved for the betterment of the team and the organisation. In the case of health care organisations, such a practise can be conducted on the newly appointed people so that they can understand the methods of working in the organisation. It also provides motivation to the employees.

Importance of Change Management in Healthcare Organizations

Facilitative leadership style: This type of leadership is dependent upon the outcomes and measurement. The ability of the group is related to the manner by which a group functions. A facilitative leader does not have to work hard for bringing out the skills within a group. The role of a facilitative leader is to vary its leadership style depending upon the performance of the group that it is leading. They provide suggestions and intervention as per requirement.

It can be said that for health care organisations, the adoption of transformational leadership can suit the approach of the sector. This is mainly because of the fact that transformational leadership inspires changes in not only the organisation but also in the lives of other people (Daft 2014). This is an important aspect of every health care organisation as the focus need to be on the improvement of the society through its improvement.  Thus, the application of transformational leadership needs to be adopted by the health care sectors so that the society can benefit from it. In this regard, it can be said the change initiated needs to be based on the reports have been stated for the increased obesity in the society. The start of such leadership tactics leading to the application of a change in the organisations needs to come from applying necessary changes in the medical field. As stated by Worley and Mohrman (2014) the employees need to be convinced about the importance of change in the organisation.

Change management is another important aspect that can be inspired by the proper application of leadership styles (Al-Haddad and Kotnour 2015). One of the characteristics of transformational leadership is the fact that it initiates massive changes within the organisation that may at times bring about the dissatisfaction of the employees. The duty of the leaders is to maintain the satisfaction of the employees and ensure that such satisfaction is done by adopting motivational means. Without proper motivation, leaders cannot instigate changes within an organisation. Hence, it is necessary to make the changes that best suit the addressing of obesity in the society. The changes need to be done in a systematic manner and proper need to be given to the employees that highlight the impact of changes made in the organisation (Belias and Koustelios 2014). This can provide the desired impetus to the leadership style as the adopted style of leadership can be considered to provide a positive result for the organisation and the society.

The effect of the leadership style on the people of the society had a positive effect as it helped in spreading awareness among the people about the ill outcomes of obesity. According to Cummings, Bridgman and Brown (2016), obesity can cause a malfunction in the working of a human body and it can sometimes be fatal particular to people that have a heart condition. The transformational leadership method that was adopted to devote faith, respect loyalty and administration among the people of a society. However, the initial challenge is to ensure that the employees within the organisation were motivated for adopting the changes in the health care sector (Lussier and Achua 2015). The motivation that is provided to the employees needs to be based on the fact that it allows for the acceptance of change within the organisation. Some of the changes that are required for instigating the campaign of removing obesity are to find people confident enough to promote the ill effects of obesity. For this reason, it is necessary for leaders to make the other employees believe the practice of change that needs to take place (Klenke 2016).

In this regard, the importance of leadership for health care institutions can be scrutinised. According to Sanders (2017), leadership in health practice puts emphasis on the safety and high-quality care of the service users and the society. The voice of the patients is considered as the most important factor for the leaders as the care is dedicated towards the life of the people in the society. It is the major duty of a leader to ensure that support is provided to the care users and the decisions and suggestions provided by the employees are taken into consideration. This is an important motivating factor as the voice of the employees is an important factor that needs to be considered while improving the condition of a society (Cashman 2017). Clarity among team members is also required that ensures so that positive feedback can be obtained which includes serious incidents, problems as well as provides opportunities for learning. Promotion of continuous knowledge development is considered as an essential factor for leadership within an organisation.

According to Frohlich and Oppenheimer (2015), one of the major characteristics of transformational leadership is the originality with which the leaders inspire the followers. The encouragement of innovating new things is provided that helps in attending challenging expectations. As a result of this, higher performance can be achieved that can help in making the employees more creative. The constant encouragement and motivation that are provided to the employees help them to be motivated and improve the ways by which new ideas can be formed. Beck and Cowan (2014) observed that health care leaders possess the ability to spearhead new ideas that can be implemented to bring about innovation within the health care sector. It is also considered as the duty of the team leaders to create a sense of team identity that can help in ensuring the clear goal of a team. In this manner, commitment and cross-culture within the team may be developed.

Studies made by Miner (2015) have shown that transformational leadership can link the satisfaction of the employees with the organisational culture, climate and the maintain work-life balance within the sector. This is particularly useful in the case of dealing with a serious issue such as obesity. This is because the primary cure for obesity is the creation of awareness among the people about the negative nature of obesity. According to Booth (2015), changes in the society need to be made by identifying the forces in the society that drive the existence of obesity. Clear objectives need to be provided and people management along with staff engagement need to be maintained so that the society can be motivated in accepting the changes. It has been seen that the challenges faced by the health care institutions over the years are to gain the trust of the people regarding the quality of service provided by the health care institutions. Most of the times it has been seen that the people in the society do not attend the campaigns set up by the health care institutions (Hornstein 2015).

This can act as a negative impact on the society as the campaigns set up by the health care organisations are normally directed at making the society a better place. Hence, it is important for the people of the society to attend such campaigns. To ensure that the people show interest it is necessary that the health care organisations act as leaders in the society (Hayes 2014). This is mainly because of the fact that with the transformation leadership style, the members of the health care institutions need to instigate changes within the society. For this reason, it is necessary to become the leading institute that can contribute to the reduction of obesity that has been plaguing the society. Kuipers et al. (2014) considered that teamwork is an important part of leadership. Hence, it is important that the health care organisations, as well as the society, work as a team to get make the world a better place without the existence of major health issue.

 Thus, it can be said that to ensure that the awareness about obesity is spread across the society, it is necessary for the health care organisations to adopt an active transformational leadership style along with dynamic changes (Steigenberger 2015). This can help the leaders to promote the awareness of obesity and many other diseases that may be a cause of concern for the society. A clear objective needs to be kept in mind that can highlight the manner in which the particular leadership style can be used. It has been seen that the effective way to implement transformational leadership in a society is to lead from the front by enforcing changes. According to Matos and Esposito (2014), changes in society can be brought about with the active participation of the members of the society. Hence, the health care institutions need to promote the idea of leadership in a manner that can involve the people of the society in participating in the cause of reducing obesity.

Hence, it can be said that demonstration of leadership in health care institutions warrants teamwork and clear objectives. The convincing part needs to be made for the employees as well as the people in the society. Changes brought about in the society by using the appropriate leadership style is one of the assets that need to be undertaken by the health care institutions (Donnelly and Kirk 2015). However, it needs to be kept in mind that obesity is not the only social evil that needs to be mitigated. It is important for health care institutions to be involved in people-centred service so that it can understand the mentality of the people. The responsible person, in this case, needs to be the leaders that have the capability of motivating the employees (Buick et al. 2015). In this regard, it can be said that detection and diagnosis of the issues related to health of an individual is to be done by the professionals, however, it is the duty of the leaders to motivate the people working in the institution and the society to come forward with problems and work together for a healthy future.

After having analysed the different types of leadership style, it can be said that leaders inspire changes in an organisation. Without a proper leader to guide the employees, changes implemented in the organisations may not be influenced. According to Doppelt (2017), leading organisational change is one of the important characteristics of a leader. Thus, change management needs to be considered so that the resistance to change carried on by the employees are mitigated. Change management is a term used for denoting the organisational changes that take place, which involves the participation of individuals and teams (Cameron and Green 2015). Leaders need to identify the changes that need to take place within an organisation. In the case of health care sectors, such changes can be brought about by the application of proper leadership style that motivates the employees to embrace the change. In this regard analysis of a situation can be done that can highlight the impact of leadership in health care sectors, particularly while working in a community.

According to Priest and Gass (2017), leadership is one of the important factors that need to exist in a competitive business environment. In the recent years, leadership has increased vehemently in the health care sector. New leadership approaches need to be considered that can address the questions related to quality improvement, operational outcome and outcome of health. The health care sector is said to see a certain shift in the choices made by the consumers. The primary objective of health care organisation is to serve the people and ensure that a proper lifestyle is provided in the society. Hence, the demand for people having the ability to lead the organisation has increased at an alarming rate. One of the most important health care issues in the modern world is the increased obesity of an individual. According to Tourish (2014), it is the duty of the citizens to lead them so that such issue can be avoided.


From the analysis of the scenario, it can be concluded that leadership is important in every field of business. Without proper leadership, style and technique business organisations cannot function properly. In the case of health care institutions, leadership is important as it provides a sense of direction to the employees about the ways by which management needs to take place. Changes in an organisation need to be done in a subtle manner so that resistance from the employees can be mitigated. The health care institutions normally operate in the communities where a proper and effective leader can help in bringing together the interests of the people. The patient-centred service that normally provides a critical issue in health care institutes can be mitigated by identifying the interests of the patients. It is for this reason that leadership is essential so that coordination can be maintained between the care seekers and care providers.


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