Time Management And Professional Development Project

Effective Time Management and Work Prioritization

a) Defining clear cut work goals, objectives and Key performance indicator is pivotal to growth of the organization as well the employee. Goals and objectives help to understand the direction the employee has to follow to meet his as well as the objectives of the organization. The sources of information explaining the same can be:

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  • A weekly work plan
  • Professional development plan
  • Job description
  • Performance management plan

If unsure, all the goals, objectives and the KPI have to be clarified with the line manager.

  1. b)  Goals and objectives are the measure which helps to track all the activities of an employee, hence it helps to keep track of the work progress of the employee (Robbins, 2015). The goals in the organization are set in accordance to SMART goals framework
  • S-Specific- Clearly defined goals
  • M-Measurable-Establishing the criteria for measuring the progress of the employee towards the goals
  • A-Attainable-Figure out the attitude, abilities, skills and the financial capacity needed to reach the goals(Bjerke & Renger, 2017)
  • R-Realistic- The goals must have objective defined for which all the employees are willing to work.
  • T-Timely-Goals should be set out within a given timeframe(Economy, 2015)

In order to ensure the achievement of the work goals, objectives and the KPI, excellent time management skills are required. Assessment and prioritizing the workload is important to ensure that the tasks are completed within the stipulated timeframe. The factors need to consider while working out the priorities for the workload are:

  • Importance: The meaning of the importance factor is that if the task is not done it will have certain negative consequences. These kind of tasks in some way are related to the individual’s KPI/ Objectives/Goals(Merrill, Merrill & Covey, 2015)
  • Urgency: The meaning of urgency lies in that fact that there is a deadline assigned to the task, certain task are marked as urgent while others move into the urgent stage due to poor planning and neglect(Huggins & Lee, 2016)

It is often seen that many activity one perform in the course of his day at job are essential, but at the same time if the impact of these activities are not managed they have a tendency of becoming huge time wasters (Heaton, 2016). Some of the time waster activities are which can be dropped, delegated or done more effectively are:

  • Interruption by phone or in person- This is one of the biggest time waster activity and it should be dropped, until and unless there is an emergency.
  • Procrastination- Delaying the work for future time, one of the biggest time wasters, should be dropped(Certo, 2015)
  • Socializing/Gossips/Breaks/Call to friends- Monotonous work nature bores a person, hence this activities should be controlled but not dropped entirely
  • Poor planning- Planning has to be done effectively else it leads to a lot of time waste while doing a job
  • Paperwork/Administrative task: This can be delegated to some trainee or an intern, it leads to a win win, time is managed and the intern gets to learn(Drucker, 2017)

5 types of business technology that can be used manage the time more effectively at work are:

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  • Outlook calendar/ reminder/Task List
  • Personal organizers/schedulers
  • Internet/Extranet/intranet
  • Email
  • Mobile application(Slawinski & Bansal,2015)

Answer 5: a) Self-assessment is very essential at the workplace; it helps to track and monitor one’s own performance and thus helps in creating self-awareness. It is strength of the individual if he is in a habit of conducting a self-assessment (Cash, 2015). A self-assessment checklist can be created for the purpose of self-assessment, some of the pointers in the checklist can be:

Am I performing my job effectively              Yes      No     Unsure

Are my goals getting achieved                       Yes      No     Unsure

Is my manager giving me feedback               Yes      No      Unsure

The self-evaluation checklist is a great way of understanding what one should do to effectively evaluate the personal motivation, needs, behaviour and performance at the workplace.

  1. b) Self-assessment helps in achieving daily priorities by the use of self-evaluation checklist. The checklist must have questions in it regarding the day to day job function. A to do list, everyday while starting for work will go a long way in achieving the daily tasks.  It also helps in achieving personal competency because the self-assessment is a very strong framework to determine strength of the individual and thus helps in development of personal competencies.
  2. c) In order to perform effectively in the job role, one must understand the structure and the function of the position and the key requirement to do the job, hence one need to conduct a training need analysis (Phillips & Phillips, 2016) TNA is a tool which helps to determine what has to be the focus for the personal development, it basically has three steps:
  • Identifying the competencies required for the job
  • Determine the training gaps
  • Using self-assessment and advice to find the current competencies(Cascio, 2017)

Seeking feedback is very important on the journey of learning; it helps to gauge one’s own performance. Feedback helps in identifying the areas of improvement in the performance of an individual (Serret, 2017). The people who can give feedback are:

  • Peers
  • Supervisors
  • Trainers/Mentors
  • Customer/Clients
  • Suppliers
  • Friends & Family

When seeking feedback, following guidelines must be used:

  • Ask for positive suggestions
  • Do not deny the success
  • Being open to change
  • Do not be defensive
  • Value other comments and point of view
  • Acknowledge what’s been said (Hattie, 2016)
  • Asking questions and clarify the understanding of the feedback

Quality is all about excellence, consistence, uniformity and dependability in any product or service which is produced by a business. Hence it is absolutely important to identify and report on the variation in the quality of the products and services according to the requirement of the organization. A variation is anything where a standard of quality is not met. Hence it becomes really important to notify the manager or superior about the quality variation because:

  • If the variations are left for too long without being address, it will impact negatively on the customer’s satisfaction, which will lead to revenue and business losses.
  • The seniors or superiors will ensure that the variation in quality is minimized and the quality of the product remains same throughout.

Self-Assessment and Seeking Feedback

Answer 8: Work Health and Safety legislation-It is a principle that states that each and every person affected by the actions of the business must and should have their personal health, safety and well-being protected while being at work or work related duty or in the vicinity on the workplace. Australia has a very strong legal framework which aims to protect the rights and the safety of the workers. Under the act, even the worker has to take care of the following points:

  • Taking reasonable care of one’s own health and safety
  • Taking reasonable care that their acts don’t cause harm to others.
  • Cooperate with all the reasonable policies and practices

Privacy Legislation- It was formed in the year 1988 and is Australia’s national law governing the collection, use and disclosure of personal and sensitive information. Under the legislation, Personal information is defined as any information which can identify an individual or ascertain his identity. Sensitive information is defined any information or opinion about a person’s:

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Political opinion
  • Membership of a political association
  • Philosophical belief
  • Criminal record
  • Sexual preferences or practices.

The act also describes 13 Australian privacy principles which govern how personal and sensitive information is collected, used, disclosed, managed and maintained.

Anti-Discrimination Legislation: Discrimination occurs if a person is treated less favourably than another person on the basis of prohibited ground of discrimination (Sex, age, race, etc.). Anti-discrimination at Commonwealth level includes:

Racial discrimination act 1975: The act prohibits discrimination based on race, colour, nationality, ethical origin and immigration.

Disability discrimination Act 1992: This act prohibits discrimination based on mental or physical impairment.

Sex discrimination Act 1984:  This act prohibits sexual harassment and discrimination based on gender, marital status and pregnancy.

Human rights and equal opportunity commission act 1986: The commission was formed in the year 1986 to monitor legislation for breaches of human rights by the Commonwealth.

Covey’s time management matrix is one of the popular time management tools which is used all over the world by people in all levels of business and life.  Every task in the workload has to be placed into the category according to its importance and urgency.

Importance: Task has to be done else it will have negative consequences, task basically linked to KPI/Objectives.

Urgency: It means that there is a deadline attached to the task.

Post assigning the task according to the urgency and importance, they have to be assigned in a quadrant

  • Quadrant 1-Urgent/Important
  • Quadrant 2-Not urgent/Important
  • Quadrant 3-Urgent/Not Important
  • Quadrant 4-Not urgent/Not important


· Responding to an urgent customer complaint

· Logging into phone system

· Confirming tomorrows set of client appointments

· Attend an urgent review meeting

· Organize file for today’s appointments

Not Urgent/Important

· Follow up on customer complaint

· Writing feedback for one on one

· Planning one on one with the supervisor

· Complete online learning activities

· Having right information before taking a call

· Calling client to schedule meeting in the next two days

· Fire evacuation

· Reporting an error in company’s website

· Planning the day ahead

· Logging system error with IT

Urgent/Not Important

· Adjusting workstation correctly

· Report WHS incident

· A co-worker asks for your inputs about a sensitive internal issue

· Writing a non-important report

· Email customer feedback to the TL

· Think of ideas for the next team building event tomorrow.

Not Urgent/Not Important

· Moving set of record to archives

· Socializing

· Reading junk mails

· Calling friends

· Catching for coffee with mentor

· Multiple coffee/smoke breaks

Answer 2: As explained the covey’s matrix, quadrant 3 is supposed to be dealt with a lot of caution. These are in a way the interruptions that people put on an individual, which does not contribute towards the KPI. These are short term tasks and are not important. Quadrant 3 tasks are done because they are simple and quick tasks, but at the same time these tasks can impact the time of an individual significantly and hence these should be done when the quadrant two tasks are finished. One of the following strategies can be adopted to do the quadrant 3 tasks, either to delegate it, drop it or do it immediately. In the purview of the above tasks in the Quadrant 3, the following can be done in order to save on some precious time:

Time Management Techniques to Avoid Quadrant One Tasks

Adjusting workstation correctly- Right away

Reporting WHS Incident-Right away

Co-worker asking help on some sensitive issue-Can be done during the lunch break or other breaks

Writing a non-important report- Should be delegated to an assistant

E-mail customer feedback to TL-Right away as it will take less than 5 seconds

Think for ideas for the team meeting tomorrow-Can be brainstormed while on a break with other individuals

The tasks in quadrant 4 are often referred to as time bandits and they can be left for later. These are the biggest time waster in the time management framework and affect the productivity at work immensely. It is often said that if a person gets rid of tasks of 4 quadrants, he can get an additional 10% time in a day to work on quadrant one task. The following can be done for quadrant 4 tasks:

Moving set of records to archives-2 minute task at maximum and hence can be done while performing any of the quadrant three task

Socializing can be done during team building exercises, lunch breaks or any other breaks.

Reading junk mails- This can be done while performing any other non-important work.

Catching for coffee with mentor- To be done after quadrant 1& 2 tasks are over

Smoke/Coffee breaks-To be cut down significantly.

Hence it can be said that tasks in quadrant 3& 4 should be given least importance and only to be done once the tasks in quadrant 1& 2 are over.

Answer 3:  Over the course of the week, a self-assessment checklist will be of great help to ascertain the performance and monitor the completion of the goals. Hence monitoring and adjusting the work performance is required, monitoring helps to:

  • Set in place the goals. KPI and objectives to be achieved
  • Regularly gather about how the goals are being tackled
  • Identify the shortfalls in the performance, where the goals are not getting achieved
  • Make changes in the approach to ensure that the shortfalls are addressed.

Hence, a self-assessment checklist for the entire week has to be created, and has to be marked alongside the columns of yes, no and Work in process in order to understand the achievement of the goals.

Answer 4: Quadrant 2 tasks are the tasks which are important but not urgent, but they do have a high probability of falling into quadrant 1 easily if the tasks are not given enough attention. Some of the time management techniques which can be used to not let tasks of quadrant two to fall into one are:

  • Plan the day according to the priorities- The day should be planned according to the quadrant one tasks so that they do not fall into quadrant two after the deadline has passed.
  • Conquering the emails- Email should be mastered, junk mails should not be given any attention, neither do the promotional mails. A quick gaze at the inbox will help in saving a lot of time
  • Setting aside time for key tasks- Key tasks are the ones which affect the KPI adversely and hence, time has to be kept aside for such tasks.
  • Doing it right the first time- it is often seen that people at times do the tasks for the sake of it, without thinking it might come back on their table. Hence it is advised to do the task right the first time itself
  • Pass on procrastination- Procrastination is one of the biggest drawbacks amongst the individuals; they keep on saving it up until the nth hour of its completion and the tasks reaches to the quadrant one, thus procrastination has to be avoided on highest priority.

Answer 5:  The quadrant 2 tasks are not urgent/important and the quadrant 3 tasks are urgent/not important, the prime difference is that quadrant three tasks should be avoided as they do not contribute to the KPI of an individual. Hence, in case, when a manager wants an employee to do quadrant three task before than quadrant two, the following can be done in order to negotiate a positive outcome:

  • Goals discussion- Discuss the goals with the manager and make him understand if at the point in time he gets into quadrant three task, it would affect his KPI adversely, which will be bad for his professional growth and development.
  • Trade off- If the manager and the employee are in good terms, he could ask him to trade off quadrant three tasks with some task in quadrant two, thus reaching a win-win scenario for both.

Legislation in the Business Services Sector

The importance of training need analysis arises when an individual wants to perform well in the job role and in order to do that he needs to understand the structure and function of the position he is aiming for in the organization. Training need analysis comprises of three tasks:

  • Identify the competencies needed for the job
  • Use sell assessment and advice to identify the current competencies
  • Determine the training gaps

Required competencies- These are the set of skills one requires to perform his job effectively. These are the skill sets a candidate does not have, but requires it for the job position. In the similar manner, the job competencies identified are:

  • Product Knowledge- GSE is Australia’s leading manufacturer, designer and distributer of commercial and residential doors, windows and shower screens. Need to acquire more knowledge on how the company is positioned and the USP of its products over others, understanding of the better functionalities and usage of the product in order to sell it to the customers.
  • Customer centric approach- Sales is all about thinking the customer as the king, and hence all sales strategy should revolve around the customer and how to make him feel special delighted and made to understand that his needs are the prime focus of the sales person. This requires training on understanding the customer needs and how to convert it into a sale.
  • Rapport building skills- I was working in the Administration department earlier, where my job role did not require me to build a rapport with the outside people or customers. Sales though require building a rapport with the customers in order to build customer loyalty and a long term association.
  • Negotiation handling- Negotiation is an important part of the sales role, a negotiation is required to handle the objections of the clients and close the deal with the client
  • Buyer seller agreement- Acquiring knowledge on the T&C while selling doors, windows etc., the warrantee and the guarantee to be extended to the customer, refund policy etc. are some of the things which have to be learnt.

These are the competencies that are required in order to excel in the sales position role at the firm.

Current competencies- These are the competencies candidate already has or have developed in due course of his work. The competencies which are already present are:

  • High on confidence
  • Adhering to timeline & Discipline
  • Good communication skills
  • Mail etiquette
  • Active listening
  • Empathy

The template file is attached.

 A professional development plan can be seen as a formal document which outlines everything one needs to know and do in order to improve the competencies for the job. A performance development plan includes the following:

  • Learning/Career objectives- SMART goals aims to understand the learning and career objectives.
  • Focus areas-These are the areas which needs improvement in terms of skill, knowledge and attitudes.
  • Actions to improve the competencies- The learning opportunities required to participate in the areas of focus
  • Indicators for success-These are the performance measures which will indicate the achievement of the goals.


· Achieve 75% of the organizational target

· Getting the customer feedback rating between (4-5).

· Increase the client satisfaction score

· Increase the number of clients


Revenue is the measure to track the target performance.

Number of customer added during the tenure is the measure of tracking the customers.

Checking the feedback score on the survey is the measure of checking customer satisfaction.


The goals need to be achieved by having capability in the sales process, sales skills and product knowledge


The targets are set historically in sync with the last year target plus a 10% increase on the target which is based on the growth in market.


12 months

Focus Area

The areas which need to be focused in order to bridge the gap between the current competency and intended competency are:

Enhanced communication skills

Active listening

Strategies to grow the business

Understanding the customer behavior

Understand the current market, its growth and its differentiating features in our business.

Actions to improve the competencies: The specific action required to improve the competencies are:

  • On the job and class room training
  • Meeting with line/ store managers to have better understanding of the sales process
  • Spend as much time on the store as possible.
  • Ask for recommendation and performance feedback from the seniors.
  • More and more customer interaction on a daily basis.

All the above action and steps will ensure a formal development of a performance plan which will help the individual to monitor his performance and excel at his career. Performance development plan has to be developed in close coordination with the manager, the employee and the HR manager. A feedback from the supervisor will help in further working on the performance development plan.

The template file of performance development plan is attached.

Stress is something which is difficult to understand as it differs from person to person, but still it is one of the biggest disruptive forces at a workforce. In the era of growing competitiveness stress is increasing amongst the individuals in the organizations. In psychological perspective, stress is classified in good and bad:

Good Stress (Eustress) – This type of stress can be fun, exciting and energizing in a short term.  A small amount of good stress is good as it keeps an individual pumped up, but more stress would lead to alienating conditions.

Conducting a Training Needs Analysis

Bad Stress (Distress)-This is the worst kind of stress which individual fear, it may be fear of losing their loved one after an accident, loosing job, promotion etc.

A framework represent 4 quadrants of stress to better understand if it is a good, bad, chronic or an acute stress.

Chronic stress:  This is the first quadrant of stress in the framework and it should be in every person’s life. In order to achieve total and permanent health and wellness, people should work as hard as possible to stay in this quadrant. Being aggressive, creative and consistent is the way to survive in an organization.

Acute Eustress:  This is a rapid onset, short and intense good stress. It is the resultant of Dopamine & Oxytocin.

Acute Distress: It is one of the terrible and dangerous stresses; it appears suddenly and does a lot of damage to an individual.

Chronic Distress: This is a long lasting and a recurring bad stress.

Personal stress management plan

The first step towards developing a personal stress management plan is identifying the source of stress. The stress can be found out by having a closer look at the attitude, habits and excuses.  Source of the stress is called stressor; stressor can be either occupational or personal.

Personal stressor:

· Financial pressure/ Loan and mortgage.

· Marital problems.

· Ill health of mother.

· Pressure of taking care of Younger brother.

· A bitter property dispute since a long time

These are some of the personal stressors which are affecting my productivity and efficiency.

Occupational Stressor- These are the stressor due to the problems and uncertainty at workplace.

· Job uncertainty

· At loggerheads with the manager

· Conflict with a team member

· Monotonous work

· Too much work responsibilities.

 Signs of Stress




· Nervous sweat and sweaty palms.

· Taking a long time to get relaxed

· Severe or chronic back pain

· Chronic headaches

· Stomach upset

· Frequent urination

· Mouth ulcers

· Shortness in breath

· Very small or large appetite

· Lack in physical energy

· Unusual weight gain or loss

· Skin rashes or itching

· Bowel problems

· Stuttering or tongue tied

· Working while having lunch

· Too many hours at work

· Going to work even if sick

· Anger problems

· Being more clumsy that usual

· Sexual problems

· Gambling addiction

· Abuse of alcohol or substance abuse

· Avoiding dealing with issues

· Trouble remembering things

· Feeling anxious of frightened about problems

· Withholding emotions

· Difficulty in relaxing

· Lack of Joy and excitement

· Internal anger problem

· Feeling overtly sensitive and irritating.

· Taking offense easily

· Increased distrust

Above are the signs of stress human experience at Physical, Behavioral and emotional level.

An effective stress management plan include a combination of short and long term strategies in handling stress. One strategy takes care of the environment surrounding a person and the other handles the person-The cumulative result is effective management of stress.

Short term Strategy

This type of strategy will deliver short term gains, they basically focus on operating environment and the stressor they are exposed to, some of the strategy includes:

  • Eliminate time waster: One should use the Do, delegate or Drop it strategy to eliminate the time wasters.
  • Avoiding people who stress you out: The people who pulls others down and a consistent source of negative energy, should be avoided on the highest priority.
  • Avoiding hot button topics: Different people get upset over different topics, hence it is very important to know what topic presses the wrong button of an individual and hence such topics should be avoided.
  • Managing the time better: Poor time management can cause a lot of stress, and hence it is advised to people to plan their day in advance and manage the time in a better manner.
  • Changing workstation: Making any necessary changes in the workstation for adjustment of the posture is a short term strategy of stress removal.
  • Taking regular time out of work: The tendency of work is to get monotonous, and it distracts the individual and it hampers his productivity, thus it is advised that people should take regular break from work to reenergize them.
  • Starting the day well: One has to ensure that he starts his day well organized, prioritizes the tasks that need immediate attention so that they do not reach crisis stage.
  • Sticking to biological prime time: It is advised to do difficult tasks when a person is fresh, which is in the morning.

Long term strategies: Stamina and resilience play an important role while handling stress, and hence it can be said that long term strategies are focused on building stamina and resilience

  • Developing the ability and the confidence to speak up
  • Find out what you enjoy
  • Prioritizing work life balance
  • Give priorities to self-renewal activities
  • Relaxation and recreation
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Eating right
  • Become active
  • Developing assertive behavioral plan
  • Setting of healthy boundaries
  • Reframe problems


Bjerke, M.B. and Renger, R., 2017. Being smart about writing SMART objectives. Evaluation and program planning, 61, pp.125-127.

Cascio, W., 2017. Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education.

Cash, T.F., 2015. Multidimensional Body–Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). In Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Disorders (pp. 1-4). Springer Singapore.

Certo, S., 2015. Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Drucker, P.F., 2017. What Makes an Effective Executive (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Review Press.

Economy, P., 2015. Forget SMART Goals–Try CLEAR Goals Instead. INC. com. Retrieved June, 26.

Hattie, J., 2016. Know thy impact. On Formative assessment: Readings from educational leadership (EL Essentials), 36.

Heaton, T.L., 2016. Personal Organization.

Huggins, M. and Lee, T., 2016. Time Management Techniques for Professional Office Staff: Repurposing Project Report, Routledge

Merrill, R.R., Merrill, A.R. and Covey, S.R., 2015. First Things First; The interactive edition., McGrwa Hill

Phillips, J.J. and Phillips, P.P., 2016. Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge.

Robins, E., 2015. An Instructional Approach to Writing SMART Goal, Routledge

Serrat, O., 2017. Building a learning organization. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 57-67). Springer, Singapore.

Slawinski, N. and Bansal, P., 2015. Short on time: Intertemporal tensions in business sustainability. Organization Science, 26(2), pp.531-549

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