Undertaking A Hazard Analysis For Safe Food Production

What is Hazard Analysis and Why is it Important?

Hazard analysis is a preventive measure for checking the food production from biological, chemical and physical damage perspective so that food is safe to consume. Hazard analysis designs modules to avoids risks and maintain food safety. On the other hand there are some critical control points which helps  in avoiding the hazards to happen rather than inspecting the effects later on. In the whole analysis strategy food safety is addressed as the concern.

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Hazard analysis is used at every phase from food preparation to food production. Public health is a key concern and checking the quality of food is a necessity. This analysis is applied to every food industry for assuring that quality food is delivered in the market. It is implemented from initial segments at time of growing followed by harvesting, dispensation, manufacturing of product also checking the quality at time of distributing and merchandising food for consumption (Hughes, P. and Ferrett, E., 2015).

Firstly, determining the hazard analysis plan and then listing all the preventive measures that need to be taken at time of hazard to control the risk. Then identifying the procedure used in manufacturing the product in this case taking in consideration to chicken wings, accordingly deciding the critical control points to eliminate or reduce the risk factor. After deciding the major critical control points it is necessary to set the maximum and minimum range to which the hazards must be controlled. Further, monitoring the activities at each stage to ensure that product is under control and it is not injurious to health (Pierson, M.D., 2012).

The hazard analysis team accomplishes that following objectives are meet. All hazards and their respective control measures are identified; the needed modification in the plan is identified so that safety of a product is increased. Sometimes the hazards are not evaluated before the occurrence which increases the severity of the exposure. Understanding the seriousness of the impact can help in knowing the magnitude and illness of injury (U.S. FOOD & DRUG, 2017).


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HACCP system is accepted worldwide for food safety (Food Standard Agency, 2018). Therefore it provides a complete way to identify the hazards and making sure that they are controlled before causing any damage (Nada et. al., 2012).

The steps that need to be followed to develop an efficient strategy are:

BBQ chicken wings are served in high street providing the take away service to assure it doesn’t cause any illness to the consumer and product is quality assured (Clifton A. Ericson, 2015).

Identifying Critical Control Points for Safe Food Production


 To make sure safety of food product is met. It is done by diminishing the chances of food poisoning contaminating chicken. Proper concerns are taken on the sanitation process used in preparation of chicken which can affect the people eating this. Therefore, roasted chicken as well as finally served chicken is determined by microbiological quality (FoodProtection, 2018).

BBQ chicken is analysed in the course cooking process from thawing and cutting of chicken that it is not cooked in poor utensils and equipment. To checking the composition of nutrition’s of chicken to prevent foodborne diseases. This step is used to plan good hygiene in food preparation to check pest control, cleaning management to wrapping and transporting the chicken to the take away


Preventing injuries and accidents to happen and maintain a safe production for free hazards. Identifying hazards and effectively eliminating or controlling them, will significantly reduce exposure which may lead to injuries and illnesses. If hazard occurs there are various techniques like using function failure Analysis or using event tree analysis.


The outcome of the hazard analysis is documented in the report which provides the summary of the process and methods used to check the safety measures (Garayoa, et. al., 2011). If in any case hazard occurs the hazard list is checked and risk assessment steps are taken, based on the assumption made during the analysis activity


In this phase, steps are taken to overcome the hazard and return to the normal condition. By checking the generated safety requirements further, taking actions how the hazards will be avoided or mitigated (CA Software, 2018). Working on the management plans, operational instruction so that safe food is served in the market.

For identifying the control points following principals are used:

Principle 1 : Conduct a hazard analysis

Hazard analysis is the process of knowing the hazards that may ascend from a system or the environment then documenting the unwanted consequences and examining their potential causes.

Checking biological containment that is sometimes illness is caused by the invisible organisms such as bacteria or viruses. Even some chemicals that are not naturally fund can cause severe illness so hazard analysis is done to take proper control actions to prevent food hazards.

Principle 2: Determine critical control points (CCPs)

The basis critical points are made of each food product, sometimes deviation from these critical points may cause failure. Therefore a process is made to analysis information associated with the food safety. The critical point can be termed as a step taken to control and eliminate food hazard or reduce the risk to some acceptable level (Hughes, P. and Ferrett, E., 2012). Critical point is set the thermal process of product like at what temperature the BBQ chicken should be deep fried, what should be the minimum and maximum temperature foe heating the chicken in the cabinet after it is cooked. All the ingredients of BBQ chicken are checked at the initial stage. A typically temperature is decided for freezing the wings of chicken.

Preventing Hazards and Maintaining Safe Production

Principle 3: Establish critical limits

Critical points are established by setting their maximum and minimum range. If the processing of a product is diverted from these critical points hazards can occur. Therefore, critical limits assure that hazards are prevented to acceptable level. Limits are based on several factors such as time, physical dimensions, temperature level, moisture concentration, amount of salt, chlorine, acidity, viscosity.

For preparation of BBQ chicken the process is identified for healthy production. It identifies the pathogens such as salmonellae, enteric pathogens. Future, control measure is taken to reduce the enteric pathogens to avoid biological hazard. Checking on the heat resistance as chicken is heated before it is served. Critical point limits are also checked for chicken thickness and composition of the ingredients. Establishing the freezer temperature, speed of deep frying and oven temperature is monitored.

Principle 4: Establish monitoring procedures

After setting and establishing all the critical points at each processing step, there comes a time for monitoring the planned sequence. Checking weather all steps are going as per the plan. While tracking the process if any deviation occurs which can lead towards loss of control, proper actions are taken to bring the process back.

Principle 5: Establish corrective actions

For safe production of product it’s necessary to apply strategies to prevent or reduce the occurrence of risk. Proper arrangements are taken are taken so that spoiled food doesn’t reach to consumers (Washington University, 2018). This includes determining the correct reason of non-compliance and also determining the nature of non-compliant product to record the corrective movements that have been used.

Like in production of BBQ chicken proper plans are pre decided to be taken whenever some deviations occur like when chicken is heated for a longer time, excess of some ingredients, misbalance of biological and chemical factors.

Principle 6: Establish verification procedures

Additional to monitoring of the process it’s important to regulate the validity of the plan. Maintaining the system on timely basis depends on the verification activities as it should be revised periodically.

Chicken samples are examined on the basis of counts of aerobic bacteria, microorganism forming bacteria, yeast and moulds. Swab samples are also taken to check the hygienic conditions; these samples are taken from kitchen surfaces, utensils, and equipment’s for microbiological analysis (Yasmine Motarjemi, 2013). 

While manufacturing the roasted chicken or frozen chicken, it is generally thawed at room temperature (32 °C) and then chopped and mixed with flavour of sauces and other ingredients. The pH value of chicken is kept between 4.81–4.98. The temperature for keeping the BBQ wings in the freezer is kept between 4–6 °C in the refrigerator. After that frozen wings are deep fried and then refrigerated chicken is roasted on the oven at 130 °C.

Monitoring and Inspecting the Process

As the process stated in the assignment, the raw chicken wings before delivering to the take away store are already frozen and coated with sauce. After that they are putted in the freezer and cooked every morning. So, various measures are kept in concern to maintain the quality of chicken before it is served to the consumers (Elsevier, 2018).

Inspection consists of two parts- the first phase involves gathering of information about the hygienic state of utensils and equipment’s, checking the chef’s hygienic state and going thoroughly through the procedure of food production and storage.

By setting control points we can prevent, reduce or eliminate hazard to an appropriate limit. There is a difference between control point and critical control point. Control point is a stage in which the flow of product can be controlled at any physical, chemical or biological hazard. On the other hand critical control point is the last step where to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard to a tolerable limit. Critical point is basically the last step after which the hazard can cause severe damage (Rossvoll, et. al., 2012.).

Prerequisite plans go hand in hand with HACCP system. Prerequisite program provides basis conditions required to protect food (Ericson, C.A., 2015). They provide the pre some environmental conditions for safe production and also lay down some guidelines so that a hygienic food is served in the market. The effectiveness of the plan is checked at each step.


Food requires proper attention and care in order to keep it safe for consumption. The consumption or flow of a product will increase when the product is purchased in the market.

So, maintaining the quality of food at time of purchasing, storing, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling or re-heating is must before finally serving the product in the market. That means all the necessary laws are met before the final delivery to enhance the reliability of product. It is also concluded that checking and setting the critical control points of product is vital. If any deviation occurs from these CCP, the item I rejected and is not floated for future steps.


CA Software, 2018, Hazard Analysis, viewed 1 February, <https://www.chambers.com.au/glossary/hazard_analysis.php>.

Clifton A. Ericson, 2015, Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety, John Wiley & Sons

Elsevier, 2018, Critical control points for preparing chicken meals, viewed 2 February, <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0570178313000262>.

Ericson, C.A., 2015. Hazard analysis techniques for system safety. John Wiley & Sons.

Food Protection, 2018, HACCP Steps: Principles, Content, and Industry Gaps, viewed 1 February, <https://www.foodprotection.org/upl/downloads/get-involved/committee-pdg/resources/haccp-back-to-basics-rev-1.0-fruit-and-vegetable-safety-and-quality-professional-development-group.pdf>.

Food Standard Agency, 2018, Food Hygiene for business, viewed 2 February, <https://www.food.gov.uk/business-industry>.

Garayoa, R., Vitas, A.I., Díez-Leturia, M. and García-Jalón, I., 2011. Food safety and the contract catering companies: Food handlers, facilities and HACCP evaluation. Food Control, 22(12), pp.2006-2012.

Hughes, P. and Ferrett, E., 2012. Introduction to health and safety in construction. Routledge.

Hughes, P. and Ferrett, E., 2015. Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction: For the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety. Routledge.

Nada, S., Ilija, D., Igor, T., Jelena, M. and Ruzica, G., 2012. Implication of food safety measures on microbiological quality of raw and pasteurized milk. Food Control, 25(2), pp.728-731.

Pierson, M.D., 2012. HACCP: principles and applications. Springer Science & Business Media.

Rossvoll, E.H., Ueland,  Hagtvedt, T., Jacobsen, E., Lavik, R. and Langsrud, S., 2012. Application of hazard analysis and critical control point methodology and risk-based grading to consumer food safety surveys. 

 U.S. FOOD & DRUG, 2017, HACCP Principles & Application Guidelines, viewed 2 February, <https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/HACCP/ucm2006801.htm>.

Washington University, 2018 ,Food safety Extension & Research, viewed 1 February, < https://foodsafety.wsu.edu/haccp/>.

Yasmine Motarjemi, 2013, Food Safety Management: Chapter 31. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System, Elsevier Inc.

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