Workplace Conflict Due To Generational Differences: Causes And Solutions
Work Style Conflicts due to Generational Differences
Workplace conflicts are a burden not only on the affected employees but also on the management that deals with such challenge. Nevertheless, few organizations are capable to handle the situation while there are many that struggle to do the same. In such situation, they require an external consultation with a conflict resolution expert to resolve the issue that might also hamper the organizational performance in future (Astrauskaite et al., 2015). It may sound strange that how a conflict can also hamper the organizational performance, but this is true and will become clearer as the study progresses further.
This study is also purposefully based on one of the conflicting scenarios at the workplace. The selected scenario is ‘work style conflicts’ which is also very common and much more prevalent in organizational practices for ample of reasons. Such reasons include but are not limited to like the difference in mentality for work, gender differences, the individual potentiality for distinguished circumstances, generational differences and many others (Yeung, Fung & Chan, 2015). For this particular study, the research is being confined only to the conflicts due to generational differences at the workplaces. Such differences probably bring the differences in work styles and therefore, produce an environment where conflicts become a common affair (Yeung, Fung & Chan, 2015).
Provide an identification and description of the causes of the conflict situation
Generational differences can produce conflicts for various reasons as listed below:
The difference in potentials:
There exist commonly the three generations at the workplace namely the Millennials, the Boomers and the Baby Boomers. Millennials and Baby Boomers though different to each other in the work styles; however, there are not as much difference as it is between the Millennials and the Boomers (Lyons, Schweitzer & Ng, 2015).
The statements mentioned in the above section do validate a point that there are comparatively higher differences between the Millennials and the Boomers. However, differences between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials will also be considered. The first and foremost difference between the three different generations is in their potentiality for work (Mencl & Lester, 2014). Millennials are potential employees but above all, they love smart working. They are potential employees for their skills. On the other hand, Boomers and Baby Boomers are potentially known for hard works (Yi et al., 2015). Boomers, in particular, have the best work-related skills than both the Baby Boomers and Millennials. However, Boomers are close to the requirement and are left over with a very less energy for work. Baby Boomers though being slightly low in work-related skills than the Boomers but they are much more energetic than the Boomers. Millennials being the lowest in work-related skills due to ample reasons like the tenure status, they are far more energized than the other generations (Yi et al., 2015).
The Difference in Potentials
The differences cited above have helped to find the two factors that may contribute to different work styles in the workplace. Those two differences are the work-related experience and the potential to work. The work-related experience may test the patience level of Millennials. The Boomers and to a significant extent the Baby Boomers may have a different perspective on a particular project. On the other hand, Millennials will have an altogether different view on the same project. Millennial will try using the best possible technology to complete the project within the given deadline and with the less physical output. Boomers, in particular, may stick to the traditional form of doing the same project. The traditional form may or may not include the use of technology which according to Millennials is useful (Lyons et al., 2015).
The differences in work approach have been identified between the three generations. They will intend to stick with their choice of approach. Nevertheless, if a project has all the three generations in it, the project may probably be hampered from a distinguished perspective of the unlike generations (Kuron et al., 2015). The project manager will be either a Boomer or a Baby Boomer because of their tenure status. The project manager will apply its own beliefs of working while the Millennial might feel uncomfortable depending on the circumstances. Such a scenario is really threatening to the organization as conflict may occur at any point in time. Moreover, such conflicts will hamper the project by delaying it from its actual deadline. Such thing should never persist otherwise this may disrupt the market values of the concerned organization (Kuron et al., 2015).
Potential to work is another reason behind the work style difference at the workplace. Boomers and the Baby Boomers are known to have the maximum potential than the Millennials. This is another point of conflict as the differences will produce a different work-related approach of the different generations (Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015). Millennials are gadget and tech savvy which is why they have the tendency to integrate technology with their work. Baby Boomers take the middle way as they have both the potentials and are also tech-savvy. Boomers have the potentials; however, they are behind to other generations in regards to the technology (Costanza & Finkelstein, 2015).
The facts have made this much clearer that the work styles of three different generations are different to each other. Few things can be concluded from the above-mentioned facts that there are few valid reasons which contribute to the different work styles of the three distinguished generations. Those reasons are but not limited to like potentials to work, hard work and the use of technology. Millennials are behind to Boomers and the Baby Boomers with respect to the work potentials and the hard work. On the other hand, Millennials are much more ahead to the other two generations with respect to the use of technology.
The Importance of Work-Related Experience
It is also interesting to know that hard work, work potentials and the use of technology are all very important for a business to prosper. This means that the organizational management needs to find an alternate way of dealing with the identified issues. This is nothing but an added burden on the human resource management. It is unpractical to lose the either of the employees as all the three generations have different skills in them which are all important for an organization.
Suggest consequences if nothing are done differently or no actions are taken to address the causes of this conflict. Recommend a more desirable state of affairs (behaviors); compare this state to what happens if no changes are made. Describe exactly what should be done and how it should be done, including by whom, with whom, and in what sequence
If no actions are done to address the identified issues then the following consequences might happen:
- There will be conflicts regarding the work potentials. Such conflict will delay the project as the project will not get a unified contribution from the distinguished group of employees. This further means that potential employees will also have to wait for those who have less potential to complete their part of work.
- Millennials are less hard workers which mean there will be conflict due to the fact. The style of work will differ and therefore, will delay the project because Millennials are not known for hard works.
- Millennials are far much ahead of the other generations in regards to the usage of the different technology. Consequently, there will be conflicts whenever a new technology will be planned for an implementation.
According to Ursiny (2003), Coward’s guide to Conflict can provide solutions to issues as identified in this study if few of the recommended strategies are applied to the workplace. As viewed from the Coward’s guide, ‘Avoid it’ can be a much better answer to all kind of workplace conflicts. If it is being applied to the workplace then there will not even be a place for the resolution. ‘Give in’ is another very important suggestions of the Coward’s guide as it encourages compromising with the personal needs and the desires. ‘Problem-solve together’ as opined by the Coward’s guide is even better than ‘Give in’. In this concept, all the members of the project will try to identify the issues surrounding their personal needs and desires. Moreover, they will try to find better ways where everyone is happy and feels satisfied with their needs and desires.
Coward’s guide to a conflict will produce a much different result than the state where no work is done to resolve the conflict. The results can even be compared. If nothing is done to resolve the workplace conflict then this will elongate the conflicts even further. Consequently, the project will get delayed and will also hamper the company’s reputation. The missing of a deadline will convey a negative image to the clients and hence, clients will probably consider approaching the different company if the same thing gets repeated (Pickering, 2000). However, on the other hand, the implementation of resolutions as suggested from the Coward’s guide to Conflict will yield an entirely different result. The conflicts will go towards the resolution and possibly will get resolved (Pickering, 2000).
Potential to Work
The study has helped me to understand the few of the causes behind the ‘work style conflicts’ at the workplace. In addition to this, it has also helped me to understand the probable solutions for the relevant issues. The study has made me understood that conflicts to some extent are being produced due to the different thought process of the distinguished generations at the workplace. As stated in the study, there exist the three different generations namely the Millennials, the Boomers and the Baby Boomers. The different generations as stated in this study have quite a list of differences in their work styles. I am being a Millennial will be highly benefitted from the discussions covered in this study. The study has preached me the few important things like I should not give preferences to my desires and the needs provided that if a conflict is suspected there.
Additionally, I should also be at the forefront while there is a conflicting environment in between the team members. This according to the Coward’s guide to Conflict will provide better results and probably help to move towards the resolution. I am being a Millennial and as mentioned in this study, I am also very fond of using tech gadgets. This is why I am prone to use technologies while conducting the project. According to me, technology can make things to happen faster which is much more important for a timely or probably a before the deadline completion of a project. However, I will try to adjust to the work environment in my team and will focus on accommodating to it. This will probably open up ways for others, so that; they could integrate their needs and desires with me. Moreover, I have understood that this is quite important to have a unified work environment where pressures are low and works are done with fewer interruptions.
This can be said that ‘wok style conflicts’ is a real burden on not only the members of the team but also on the management. They have the challenge to resolve such issues. Such issues may also damage the work spirit and hence, will become the causes behind the team to get dissolved. The Coward’s guide to Conflict is indeed a way out of the issues that arise in group work where different generations share the same space. Such work unites the different thought process in just one place. Different generations have the distinguished views of completing the project. This is where the problem arises. In such situation, the ‘Coward’s guide to Conflict’ may prove to be a vital resistance against the conflict. It recommends the few important strategies which may take the project towards the resolution stage. Indeed, few of the strategies like ‘Avoid it’, ‘Give in’ and ‘Problem-solve together’ are the few strategies of the ‘Coward’s guide to Conflict’ which may prove to be vital while resolving a workplace conflict.
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