A Social Capital Approach To Improving Public Relations’ Efficacy

BAPR2 Investigating Contemporary Communication For Potential Problems

Importance of Social Capital in Public Relations

The research has been conducted for ascertaining the usage of social capital approach in determining the effectiveness of public relations. Relationship between the potential problems for establishing external relationship with the public and social capital of internal organization has been illustrated by using a network analysis of government agency in Jordan. This particular paper intends to contribute to the process of social capital formation using public relations. In addition to this, research also made methodological contributions to researchers of public scholars for measuring internal relationships. Conducting of research intends to development of investment strategies for maintaining public relationship and application of resources within and outside the organization. Relationship have been identified between public relations and social and internal capital. Creation of social capital is dependent upon various factors of public relations of organizations such as lack of communication and structural network (Aldrich and Meyer 2015). The difficulties of public relation department in affecting collective social capital have also been highlighted in the research.

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The importance of this particular research is that it helps in explaining how the relationship and status of public relation function within the organization helps them in serving external publics. Importance of social capital in establishing effective public relations is depicted in the provided article. Public relations played a very crucial role in recreation of community in society. This will help in facilitation of social capital, allowing a society to function fully and sustaining of civic society as advocated by researchers in this article. The achievement of social capital in public relations organization requires acquisition of social capital in the first instance and it should be made accessible in the form of personal networks to individual actors. Social capital is regarded as cultural values, norms and trust that is intrinsic to organizations, any particular group and communities (Bourdieu 1984). High level of social capital contributes to organizational benefits such as promoting free enterprises, managing uncertainties and enhancing the capacity of organization for action (Davidson 2015). The dependent variable of effectiveness of organization is affected by independent social capital variable. Exchange of resources between environment and organization is facilitated by practitioners of public relations mentioned as boundary spanners in the article. As discussed in the article, an organization will be able to build social capital within its external environment with the help of public relations that benefits them through resources network available to community at large. As per Fukuyama theory, one of the most prevalent factors that are employed in the discussion of social capital research is trust (Fukuyama 1999). In organization for promoting social capital, it is the primary relational feature. Social capital is the capacity that directly arises due to prevalence of trust in organization. Researcher has identified relation between social capital and public relations by taking evidence from Jordan government. Low level of trust and social capital in Jordan was responsible for overall poor conditions of politics and economy in terms of high unemployment, poverty and high level of foreign debt. The lack of social capital prevents public relation practitioners to serve their public effectively (Dunleavy 2014).

The Relationship Between Social Capital and Public Relations in Jordan Government Agency

The question that researcher is intending to answer in this particular article is about how communities and group maintain and develop their social networks (Dodd et al. 2015). They have also indulged in questions of how communities enhance their identities and collective interests. Research is guide by these questions:

Research Question 1: How the government authorities’ boundary spanning units is positioned in the organizational hierarchical network?

Research Question 2: What level of trust is existing between other units and spanning boundary units in the authority?

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Research Question 3: What level of support is existing between other units and spanning boundary units in the authority?

Researcher has established the relationship between social capital and public relation in this article has been by explaining role and importance of social capital. Overview of social capital and public relations are discussed in the first part of article. In the second part, research has proceeded by depicting a case of network analysis of a decade old government agency in Aqaba of Jordan that is charged with community social, economic and cultural development. Analysis of case disclosed that government agency struggled in providing basic services to communities (Bryson 2018). It has been ascertained from analysis of case that prior to using public relations as a tool for enabling organization to participate in full functioning society, organization must forge internal relationships. Later on, researcher has used techniques for measuring social capital.

Public relationship of organization have been studies and measured by using methods such as focus groups, surveys and conducting in depth interviews. Public perceptions of organization can be properly understood using these methods and the examples of negative and positive aspects can be provided easily (Morales and Giugni 2016). However, these methods have their respective shortcomings, as they cannot derive information by going inside the organization. Therefore, researcher has used the method of network analysis. 

Analysis of proximity data is done by using technique of multi dimensional scaling that helps in revealing hidden structure underlying data and identifying structure between relationship structures between entities. This technique is an alternative to factor analysis that helps in detecting dimensions that will allow researcher for explaining observed dissimilarities and similarities between the objects that are investigated. The relationship between Media and public relations directorate and local community development directorate as provided in case is explained using measures of network. . Position of boundary spanning units in the authority is assessed and a poor relationship of other units to Media and public relations directorate and local community development directorate has been identified using such metrics.

Measuring Public Relations

Analysis of article provides with the conclusion that for pubic department and practitioners to successfully maintain and build relationships requires creating an influence within the organization along with access to resources. Knowledge of social capital within an organization provides them with several benefits by providing them better access of resources. Findings generated from the analysis of article would benefit public practitioners and public scholars. Public relations help in effective functioning of organization and therefore, within the organizational network, a stable position must be secured by public relations (Kent and Saffer 2014). This should come with the access to providers of resources within a network along with dominant coalition.

The article provided involves the application of full functioning society theory that argues that social capital in communities can be obtained using a force of public relations. On other hand, lecture topics involve discussion on liberal theory of mass media and Critical self-theory. in addition to this, lecture also incorporates discussion on reflective communication management theory that are derived from social sciences. Moreover, Media and social theory have been applied to public practice and public related research. The liberal theory views that pluralist states within society are assumed by media coverage. As per critical theory, human beings are regarded as self-creating producers and they can contribute to society transformation by controlling all conditions of social life (Osborne et al. 2015).  It can be said that public relations can be built not only by internal social capital but can also be built by external social capital. The role of public relations as discussed in the lecture has been highlighted using propaganda model by Herman and Chomsky. The dependency of individual upon society cannot be eliminated by purest form of society and human cannot escape the process of socialization.  If the public sphere do not exist, them there is no integration of society with the organization (Sallnow et al. 2016).

Public relations can also orient from consensus that requires communication on subjective, objective and social dimension of reality. This will help in creating a process of understanding about truthfulness, truth and legitimacy that leads to arriving at an agreement on joint basis. One of the lecture also illustrates the relationship between public relationship and cultural of organization. Practitioners of public relations are reimagined as cultural intermediaries. The shares meaning system of society is dependent upon the form of culture. In organizational and social situations, culture is regarded as an abstraction and the networking of organization with public is derived from culture. Role of public relations as mentioned in the lecture slide is establishing and maintaining identity of organization. On other hand, article discusses about public relation role in creating social contacts with communities and creation of level of trust between public and organization.


The researchers of the given particular paper about public relations review of topic “A social capital approach to improving public relations’ efficacy” are Maureen Taylor and Erich J. Sommerfeldt. Melissa D. Dodd undertook a similar research work on validation and development of social capital model. The public relation director at South Australia University named Joy Chia researched a paper on prospective of social capital investment and response of public relation. Another research paper by Tom Watson conducted research on most vital topic on public relations. The topic that ranked highest was public relations role in strategic operations of organization and value creation through relationship between public relations and social capital (Dunleavy 2014). Melissa Dawn Dodd researched a paper that intends to conceptualize social capital at a meso level using theoretical approach to public relations. It was argued in the research paper that intangible resources that are managers of public relations serve social capital of organization. Donnalyn Pompper has developed theory of internal public relations. This particular paper involved the concept of diversity of social capital in a feminized industry.

In the research paper of development of social capital model for public relations, demonstrate public practitioners to make inferences of outcome desirability can use that model. It has been ascertained that social resources are valued by organization existing within specific public. Social capital theory of public relations would be beneficial if the assumptions used in the paper is explored. Various social capital capacities as the primary function of public relations in making comparison between organizations would be valuable (Kasemsap 2017). Some research paper have depicted that the concept of public relations offers inadequate ontology. Generation of capital and public relation maintenance role for organizational advantage receives support from model of social capital of public relations (Brownson et al. 2017). Moreover, the understanding of social capital of organization is promoted by conducting research through observation from participants.  It is required by practitioners of public relations to understand the context and concept of social capital if it intends to be of value to organization and society as a whole. Network analysis used by researcher in some research helps in providing qualitative and quantitative measures of social capital and helps in diagnosing of missing relationship between public relations and social capital. Measurement of public relationship in organization is provided with another dimension using network analysis (Inkpen and Tsang 2016).

Findings generated from given research paper will help in providing theoretical and methodological directions for future research work related to public relations. The future research on public relation and social capital should focus on validations and revision of scale and the application of social capital model in specific organizations (Stacks 2016). Approach for further research of public relations can be done from point that additional support is gained for social capital theory application in public relation.  One of the exciting areas for future research into social capital is offered by the concept of social media. There is a clear connection between social capital and methods of analysis of social networking (Fox 2015). Therefore, examination of individuals and network of social media of organization is done in future research. Future research work in this area can be extended to prediction of social resources and this would make financial capital an interesting area leading to a valuable avenue of future research. This would help in creating fit between theoretical approaches of social capital to public relations. Analysis of such individual variables might give rise to some additional variables scales and variables that could be expanded in future research and proposing a better fitting model. Further research can be conducted by creating a relationship and link between financials and social capital of company. The discipline of public relations often struggles for demonstrating return on investment of organization (Siciliano 2016). For ascertain the relationship between social capital and public relations, researcher should mostly make use of primary data as secondary analysis comes with inherent disadvantages and such analysis is limited to existing variables as there is no way of going to acquire some additional information. 

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