The Dimensions And Antecedents Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Literature Review

Describe the literature review on ‘the Dimensions and Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)?

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This paper described the literature review on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).  The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the relevant information about the organization behavior. This research is able to collect relevant information and data in the perspective of dimension of organization behavior. Indeed, organizational citizenship behavior is the term that compilation of individual behavior in a team setting. In the other words, Organizational citizenship behavior is attached to employee effectiveness, work productivity and other elements that can affect a business in the short term and long term basis. The main objective of OCB is to protect firm against undesirable behaviors that prevent the firms abilities, healthy operations and improve incumbents. (Zellars, Tepper & Duffy 2002) Altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, conscientiousness and civic virtue are the various types of organizational citizenship behavior. Indeed, literature review is known as scholarly paper that includes the current knowledge such as theoretical and methodological contribution as well as substantive finding to a specific topic. Literature review is a depth evaluation of past research and it is a summary and synopsis of specific field of research, allowing everybody to read the paper that why you are doing this specific research program. (Dawidowicz 2010) This chapter enables to evaluate the significance of brand image of organization employees. Through the support of literature review in depth understanding of the organizational citizenship behavior concept is developed that supports to increase research validity and credibility to fulfill research objective.

Dennis Organ was the father of OCB.  Organ elaborated from Katz’s original work. OCB has been studies from late 1970s. In the 1988, organization citizenship behavior was first defined by Dennis Organ as individual behavior that is no rewarded by normal reward method.

The concept of OCB developed by Dennis Organ’s into explanations for the clear non-relationship between job performance and job satisfaction. OCB was selected as alternative form of performance; create difference from past performance on the portion of its situational and ability restriction. The upper boundary of task performance is limited by people knowledge, ability and skills while lower boundary of performance is limited by threat of losing job. It means the single performing job doesn’t have a great deal of room to differ in performance based on their appeasement. (Borman & Motowidlo 2014) Nowadays, OCB is conceptualized as substitutable with the concept of useful performance, defined as performance that helps the social and psychological atmosphere in that task performance takes place. In spite of this, it reflects the complex nature of workers roles in the modern acknowledges and workplace that employees do get rewarded for securing in OCB. OCB covers organizational concerned act as working overtime without taking any remuneration. OCB is offering support to a newcomer in the office who is struggling with deadline and change shifts. Finally, OCB must promote the functioning of the firm.

In addition, Brief and Motowidlo is closely concerned with concept of organization behavior. This behavior defined as performed by a team of the firm. Directed towards team or firm with who communicate while carrying out self firm’s role. Performed with the force of promoting the welfare of team or firm toward which it is directed. OBC provides warranty on discussion because of the present versus past viewpoint. The present view focuses on the general citizenship that affect the OCB while past view focuses voluntary behavior gained attention from political science. (Bonaparte 2008)

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Dimension of OCB

In the regard of business, the five behaviors will lead to productivity and effective work. However, psychologists realize dozen of positive organization citizenship behavior. The five major behaviors as determined by Organ’s are altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, conscientiousness and civic virtue that are described below:

Altruism: Altruism means desire to help or otherwise help another individual and not expecting any benefit for help. For example: drives a neighbor to work when their car broken down but it is not expecting any money in compensation. It is raise the productivity and effectiveness because it forces inter-employee relations. It can decrease the stress from organization employees those are overwhelmed without a little bit of support that will move in raise productivity. (Mayfield 2008)

Courtesy: Courtesy means behavior that is polite and considerate towards other person. Sportsmanship means no negative behavior when person doesn’t go with proper plan. It is about inquiring about personal topic that colleague has brought up. Colleague is facing any trouble with related project. Then, they should reduce their workload or absent from work. (Solan 2008) Courtesy not only promote social communication between employees that improve the work atmosphere, but also they can decrease any potential stress that happen from staff who don’t have courtesy to announce their colleague about matter such as absent from work. This dimension helps to improve human behavior through adopt politeness in nature. If staff will be polite and humble then organization conflict will be reduce and organization will grow day to day.

Sportsmanship: This dimension evaluates discretionary behavior that shows the willingness of staff to attitude less than ideal condition without extra charges. it is not presenting negative behavior when doesn’t go planned. It is linked with sports and game. For example: a staff who submit their proposal to their senior, but they rejected them. Instead the staff shows good sportsmanship through not complaining about the condition to other colleague who reports their behavior to other working for the business.

Conscientiousness: This dimensions of discretionary that outside the lower limit function requirement of the firm. Conscientiousness means behavior that advice a reasonable level of discipline that expands beyond the minimum requirement in that condition. (Solan 2008) It provides suggestion to their colleague and subordinates. So, it is helpful in organization success.

Civic virtue: This dimension shows the staff participates with full responsibility. Staffs are willing to work with company in any kind of environment that provided by company management. Staff contributes in the company’s growth and development so we can’t ignore them. This dimension determines the staff value in the organization and how to motivate them. Civic virtue means a behavior that shows how a person represents an organization with they are attached and how person supports their firms outside official potential. It is speaking positively about the business to friends, family and events such as charity. (Mayfield 2008)

OCB is good for every firm. It is significant to consider the elements that affect engagement in OCB in the job. The antecedents of OCB have been categorized into three fields such as personality/traits, leadership/group elements and attitudinal.  The shape of personality on tendency to present OCB is minimum. (Somech & Oplatka 2014) Although, it does not mean that employee will be decreased towards engaging in OCB as compare to others. Rest two kinds of categories are more promising in that attitude concern.

Antecedents of OCB

Personality: The big five personality traits such as conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion and agreeableness are connected with OCB. If personality will be not good then it will harm the organizational behavior. (Solan 2008) However, personality improves the organization behavior. A trait helps to organizational growth and success. Personality indicates the individual character of the organization related people.

Attitude: The traditional evaluations used as valid forecaster of OCB that includes job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation, employee engagement and level of trust between staff and their colleague.  In the term of umbrella attitude has been coined to cover perceived fairness, leader consideration, job satisfaction and affective commitment. Further, individual disposition, fairness perception, motivational factors and role perception are the job-related constructs that will affect OCB. (Somech & Oplatka 2014)  Attitude represent the organizational behavior, if attitude will be complicated then it will bad impact on organization culture. Organization culture affects the organization workplace that raises their sales volume and profit margin. However, attitude represents the human behavior that can be positive or negative.

Leadership factors: Leadership model can motive OCB in several ways if spread effectively. Leadership plays a significant role in the OCB Antecedents. If leadership will be good in the organization then it will help in the organization growth and development that affect organization behavior. However, leadership is the symbol of organization behavior and success. Leadership model can be different as per organization needs or desires. If leadership factors are appropriate then it would be helpful to organization growth and development. (Solan 2008)


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that organizational citizenship and job satisfaction are multidimensional. A staff may be satisfied with features of job satisfaction and may not be satisfied. An individual can present the organizational citizenship such as altruism and they should avoid sportsmanship. The main purpose is to identify the impacts of features of job satisfaction on each dimension of organization behavior. Finally, it can be concluded that staffs are satisfaction forecast each dimension of OCB. Further, the limitation of this paper is to comprised of a team of organizations. Second limitation is to the low reliabilities for various dimensions such as courtesy that turned out from little number of items. In spite of some limitation, it helps to increase the organization growth and development.


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