Healthcare Related Loopholes In Global And American Healthcare Society

Global Healthcare Challenges

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2016), the definition of health is the state of physical and mental wellbeing that allows individuals live freely in their respective environment and maintain harmony among the community. This definition determines that health is not just a disease free body, but also a stress free mind that helps to achieve the long-term results of healthcare institutes. Besides the healthcare techniques and interventions, healthcare policies play pivotal role in disperse health interventions properly in the society (Katon & Unützer, 2013). However, in this era, where every disease is curable, the global healthcare is facing challenges such as quality crisis of America and lack of health professionals in Malaysia (Youbg & Kroth, 2017). However, the challenges faced by global healthcare society and local or state based healthcare societies are different. The global healthcare is concerned about the disease transportation whereas; the local healthcare is suffering from shortage of staffs and quality (Blumenthal & Dixon, 2012). The purpose of this assignment is to point out the healthcare related loopholes in global as well as American healthcare society.

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According to the World Health Organizational (2016) report, the current trends of global healthcare is facing challenges regarding these three priority issues, which are increasing mortality rate, survival of life in the first five years and widening gaps in the adult healthcare. the global report of WHO determines that the risk of mortality is not just affecting the healthcare of developing country where the mortality rate is 40% of total registered deaths but also in the developed countries where the mortality rate is around 60%. Further, as there are more than 10.5 million children die every year around the world (World Health Organization, 2016). Therefore, survival of children in the first 5 years is one of the main motives for the Global Healthcare society. Poverty, socioeconomic status and availability of good nutritious food and medicines are one of the social determinants of health in this region of the world where children are at higher risk of dying. Similarly adult mortality rates has decreased since 2002 however, 45 million deaths occurred in the year 2015 in which 70% of the deaths were due to violence war and traffic accidents (Baker, 2014).

There are plenty of reasons for the Healthcare crisis occurred in the United States of America.  The primary reason was elevated healthcare related costs. As the cost of healthcare started rising the federal budget disrupted and people having low socioeconomic status become enable to access quality Healthcare as the Healthcare system costs where doubled compared to any other developed country (World Health Organization, 2017). The cost of healthcare can be estimated from the fact that American Healthcare sector contributed 3.2 trillion dollar or 18% of the total US GDP. Secondly maximum of the people were unable to access primary healthcare, as they are not covered with health insurance. Furthermore, maximum of the researchers indicated that the Healthcare sector of USA spends billions of dollars on expensive care units, which can be eliminated to provide ordinary Americans standard quality Healthcare (World Health Organization, 2017). Researchers compared the overall mortality rate, infant mortality rate and life expectancy and capital spending of Canada and USA and found that the annual per capita spending of Canada is $3,000 less than that of the USA. Both the infant mortality rate and overall mortality rate are lower than that of the USA (Nicolaidis et al., 2013). However, the difference is between the single payer and multiple payer of Canada and USA respectively. According to some researchers due to this strategy individuals having no insurance will not be able to high quality Healthcare for any kind of health problem (World Health Organization, 2017).

USA’s Healthcare Crisis

The United States government to mend the gaps in the healthcare system has implemented several ways such as launching Medicare system for all Americans. This system is like single payers system of Canada according to which, the patient will be able to avail quality healthcare from primary healthcare systems (Sheikh, Sood & Bates, 2015). The Medicare system is useful in such crisis as the 98% of the premiums provided by the patient will be spend on the medical treatment and only 2% will be the administrative cost. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) 2012 is a similar Medicare facility in which the government aimed to reduce the number of people, who were not insured in any kind of health insurance policy and provided them with the ability to avail quality healthcare (Obama, 2016). Furthermore, there are several other aspect of the healthcare crisis of the USA, such as remuneration problems for healthcare experts, lab error victims and high rates of chronic conditions. These all are interrelated to the fact that 44 million people are still not covered with any health insurance leading to spread the infection in their respective communities. Furthermore, this led to the fact that more than 25 percent of Americans did not visited healthcare services due to the higher cost of healthcare and medicines (Lorenzoni, Belloni & Sassi, 2014).

Focusing on the abovementioned facts, it is properly determined that to reform the USA healthcare four aspects such as health insurance coverage, cost of healthcare, quality improvement and political sustainability is important (Obama, 2016). For the first aspect, the USA government has already started working on and through the implementation of Affordable Care Act or ACA (2014); the government has provided healthcare coverage to more than 30 million people. However, the major factors that should be noticed that the healthcare insurance premiums should be affordable and the government should clearly address the healthcare provider networks to the people who are insured under such scheme so that while availing healthcare, they do not have to face any inconvenience (Sommers et al., 2012). Furthermore, for the second determinant in this quality healthcare improvement plan, the government should focus on the cost cutting of the expensive healthcare system. However, the government should provide proper remuneration to the healthcare workers as they can provide quality healthcare to their patients and the shortage of healthcare professionals can be minimized. Furthermore, introduction of case mix based management in the healthcare system and Activity based Funding in the healthcare sector is important so that the hospital improves their healthcare quality to shorten the staying of patients in the healthcare setting and gain access to huge incentive and funding from the government (Anhang Price et al., 2014). On the other hand, the patient centered outcomes research institute was developed by the USA government to increase the number of researchers trying to introduce innovation and provided them with proper funding. However, in spite of the benefits of the ACA, the absence of a stable and sustainable government made the act face several oppositions. The common Americans were also not being able to trust the outcomes of this act, as after the presidency of Barack Obama, the future of this act was faded. However, these four aspects have the capability of reforming the state of the United States healthcare system (Katon & Unützer, 2013).

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Four Aspects for Healthcare Reforms in the USA

In this current context of healthcare, the global and regional healthcare crisis should be mentioned equally as the regional healthcare is a small section of the global healthcare concern. Starting from elevated healthcare related cost to introduction of new and different diseases, each nation is suffering from healthcare related issue and preparing plans to combat the concern. Increased healthcare costs, less exposure of individuals to quality healthcare, absence of a stable infrastructure and decreasing healthcare workers numbers are few of the healthcare related concerns that the USA healthcare system is suffering from. Hence, to combat the issue, the government of USA has introduced a healthcare insurance scheme under the Affordable Care Act, Medicare that helps the population to come under medical coverage and avail healthcare facilities without any hesitation. However, there are still few loopholes that has been mentioned in the assignment should be overcome to make the USA healthcare system free from flaws and operate smoothly.


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Lorenzoni, L., Belloni, A., & Sassi, F. (2014). Health-care expenditure and health policy in the USA versus other high-spending OECD countries. The Lancet, 384(9937), 83-92.

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