Role And Responsibilities Of Engineers In Sustainable Development

Applying Ethical Principles at the Workplace


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As an engineer, the role and responsibilities of sustainable development is that the health and safety measures should be taken to perform their work with efficiency, competency should be followed for providing quality services at work place, solving the issues of public interest and conflict, unfair means of completing work should not followed, and others. The engineers should work hard to enhance their honour and dignity (Dutta and Sengupta, 2014). The ethical principles should be followed by the engineers to examine obligations in the professional practice at the working environment. The cultural feelings of the subordinate should not be hurt.

Positive Impact

The positive impact of ethical principle is to manage good and healthy relationship between clients and contractors, resolution to the legal issues with the client, zero tolerance to the bribery, managing confidentiality of the information, and others (Darwish, Agnello, and Burgess, 2010). The innovative methods can be developed by applying knowledge and experience in specific area to gain advantage in managing smooth flow of working plans. The political issues can be effectively resolved by taking the consideration from different stakeholders.

Negative Impact

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The engineers feel pressure of completing responsibility in completing their jobs and the performance of the engineer and conductivity of the job get negatively affected. The overloading of the employees with work load and improper division of work due to partiality and unfair attitude of the engineer can affect the overall productivity of the organization.

The responsibility of the engineer is to provide new ideas, thoughts, vision, and opinion on the complex issues which exist with the working environment. The cost effective methods should be suggested by the engineers to complete the task within minimum period of time and budget. It is the duty of the engineer to undertake the consideration placed by the stakeholder on the given project for developing a work plan to achieve the goal of the organization (Czujko and Anderson, 2015).  The smooth flow operational plan can be effectively managed by resolving social, ethical, political, and legal issues. The risk associated with the project should be proactively resolved.

I have learned that the complexities of the project can be resolved with the completion of work in time. The proper management of work and resources for completing the business activities helps in achieving the goal with excellence. The moral support should be given to the subordinates if they are facing hard times of their life. As an Engineer, It is our duty to develop a framework of policies which is efficient for providing healthy and safe environment to the working employees. The undertaking of ethical principles at work place helps in gaining honour, dignity, and respect at the work place (Chakraborty,  Baowaly, Arefin, and Bahar, 2012). The proper management of the workload helps in improving the performance of the subordinates. The innovative methods can be developed by applying knowledge and experience in specific area to gain advantage in managing smooth flow of working plans.

Effective Management of Information and Documentation


As an engineer, it is required for him to develop skills for the effective management of information and documentation to handle the processes and work efficiency effectively. The documentation procedures are the functions of the manager to develop log and track file of the process completed for achieving the business objective. The client can effectively retrieve information for the log file according to their requirement. The proper management of agenda and minutes of meeting are the core responsibility of the engineer. The document control policies should be undertaken for the approval of the project requirement and its associated drawings. The backup support of information should be managed by the engineer to cope up with the disaster recovery program. The new policies and procedures should be developed by the engineer for organizing a training program for their subordinate according to the project requirement, managing audits, and setting key performance indicators.

Positive Impact

The positive impact of managing information and documentation helps in satisfying the request for information of the client. The effectiveness of the task completion can be measured by auditing the reports generated by the different department of the work completion done by them (Pellingtons and Steiner, 2013). The accuracy of completing the task within time and cost can be measured. The complexity of the sensitive document can be handled by applying security measures so that no data leakages take place within the enterprise.

Negative Impact

The inefficiency of the engineer in managing the task and prioritizing the processes may affect the operational efficiency of the product development life cycle (Missingham, 2015). Extra training and development program is required for expertizing the engineer in document control policies which increased the overall cost of the project

The engineer should develop skills and expertise for verifying and validating information stored in the log file. The conflicts with the contractor and client should be resolved by signing the agreement of completing the work within time by managing the resources on site (Kucza, 2010). The requirement of the project should be documented in the project specification plan. The knowledge of information system for storing and managing information is the pre-requisite of engineers.

The digitization should be included in enhancing the work performance of the engineer in the management of the documents, log file, content file, role and responsibility record, and others. The training and development program should be arranged for the engineer to enhance their creativity and learning aspect with regards to information system. The operational efficiency of the engineer can be enhanced by providing effective training program to handle the request of information generated by the client with efficiency. The accuracy of completing the task within time and cost should be maintained by the engineer for completing the project goal within the approved budget and time.

Communication Skills at the Workplace


As an engineer, it is the responsibility of deploying effective and efficient communication plan in different department to gather effective information. The gathering of information from different sources helps in managing smooth work flow of operation in the business units. The engineer should take a step forward to sharpen his linguistic skills in handling verbal communication with the participating units. The ability of the engineer to satisfy the requirement of the client helps in developing healthy environment at work place (Reimer, 2017). The effective communication can be established between the engineer and the other if both are able to understand each other’s language. The periodic meetings should be arranged with the subordinates in knowing their demand and requirement to resolve the issues of chaos and conflicts.

Positive Impact

The positive communication with various units such as clients, contractor, government agencies, and sub-ordinates helps in managing good and healthy relationship with the participating units. The feeling of motivation can be raised with the verbal communication with the sub-ordinates who are facing their hard times (The Royal Academy of engineering, 2015). The employees are free to put their opinion, thoughts, and views which make them to feel a part of the enterprise. The engineer is responsible for handling grievances of the people in against to the company. The proper handling of grievances, chaos, and conflicts fill the environment with openness and feeling of confidence with one another. A team spirit is developed with the team members.

Negative Impact

The informal communication at work place results in wasting of crucial and productive time of the engineer which they can utilize for the benefit of the enterprise. The friendly behaviour of the engineer can be taken as granted by his sub-ordinates. A difference in behaviour and response can restrict the sub-ordinate to put their grievances freely.

The engineer should enhance his communication skills in different languages which are frequently used in their daily curriculum activities. The deep knowledge of international language helps in smoothen the flow of communication. The new opportunities should be provided to the engineers to develop his skills in performing linguistic interaction with the third party. The confidence and the body language makes the communication effective. The engineer should have an ability to express his views in front of other people and understand their views accordingly. The negativity in thought can affect the verbal communication of the engineer.

The training and development program should be arranged for the engineer to develop his personality, body language, gestures support, and linguistic fluency for the deployment of effective communication. It is the responsibility of the engineer to develop a communication plan to handle information, issues, and documentation of different departments of the undertaken projects. The effective communication plan focuses on the roles and responsibilities and periodic arrangement of meeting with the employees. The feeling of motivation can be raised with the verbal communication with the sub-ordinates who are facing their hard times by deploying effective communication in handling chaos, conflict, distraction and grievances of the working employees. 


Chakraborty, A., Baowaly, M., Arefin, U., and Bahar, A.  (2012). The role of requirement engineering in software development life cycle. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Czujko, R., and Anderson, G.  (2015). Briefly describe your duties and responsibilities in current job. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Darwish, M., Agnello, M., and Burgess  (2010). Incorporating sustainable development and environmental ethics into construction engineering education. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Dutta, A., and Sengupta, I.  (2014). Engineering and sustainable environment. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Kucza, T.  (2010). Knowledge management process model. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Missingham, D.  (2015). The integration of professional communication skills into engineering education. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Pellingtons, R., and Steiner, S.  (2013). An Introduction to sustainable development in the engineering curriculum. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Pikosz, P., and Malmqvist, J.  (2015). A comparative study of engineering change management in three sedish engineering companies. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

Reimer, M.  (2017). Communication skills for the 21st century engineer. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

The Royal Academy of engineering.  (2015). Engineering for sustainable development: Guiding principles. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2018].

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