Leadership And Team Management – Tasks And Readings
Developing an effective team
1.See Quality Area 7 Leadership and Service Management: Element 7.2.2 – the performance of educators, co-ordinators and staff members is evaluated and individual development plans are in place to support performance improvement. Read BSBLED401 assessment answers of Develop Teams And Individuals.
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a) What does the NQS aim to achieve through Element 7.2.2?
The approved provider, nominated supervisor, educators, co-ordinators, staff members, families and children benefit when performance plans, under a regular cycle of review, are in place.
This planning and review ensures that knowledge, skills and practices are current and areas requiring further development are addressed.
b) Provide three examples of how an education and care service can demonstrate Element 7.2.2 to Assessors.
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How the service’s performance review cycle contributes to planning for learning and further development
How the effort, contribution and achievement of educators, co-ordinators and staff members is acknowledged and celebrated
Processes to ensure each educator, co-ordinator and staff member receives ongoing feedback about their performance
a) List the six steps to assist in identifying individual training needs.
- Reviewing team members’ job descriptions.
- Meeting with them.
- Observing them at work.
- Gathering additional data.
- Analysing and preparing data.
- Determining action steps.
b) What four questions can you ask the individual to get a better understanding of their training needs?
- What challenges do you face every day?
- What is most frustrating about your role?
- What areas of your role, or the organization, do you wish you knew more about?
- What skills or additional training would help you work more productively or effectively?
- Make sure that you don’t undermine the person’s dignity, and that you respect the context. For example, in some cultures, it may be acceptable to talk openly to co-workers. In others, you will have to do this with a lot of sensitivity, if you do it at all.
Avoid unfocused generalizations. Ask people to back up their comments with specific example.
3.Cole (2013: 430) as cited in your text, defines performance management as the ‘alignment of individual employee’s goals and measures of success with the organisation’s strategic and business plans’.
a) List six areas of performance management in an early education and care service.
- Recruitment
- System to manage employee’s wages, conditions and entitlements
- Job description, job roles and responsibilities
- Rosters all allocation of tasks/responsibilities
- Performance management
- Workplace learning
In education and care services, assessing workplace performance can be a challenging task given the enormity of the skills and knowledge requirements of educators; the complexities of meeting regulatory requirements and the diversity of educators themselves.
b) List eight factors that must be taken into account when assessing individual and team performance in an early education and care service?
- The objectives and philosophy of the organization.
- The legislative requirements that must be met by approved children’s services.
- The expectations of services users (that is, families).
- The job role and responsibilities of each educator.
- The standards or benchmarks that educators are expected to achieve in the execution of their role.
- The specific challenges of the service, for example: large service, infant/toddler care, children with additional needs, geographical isolation, challenging families.
- Individual educator differences – age – , culture background, qualifications, experience, skills and knowledge.
- The team structures.
a) Provide a definition of a children’s services team.
Children’s services team: a group of people who cooperate with each other to work towards achieving an agreed set of aims, objectives or goals while simultaneously considering the personal needs and interest of individual.
b) List the three types of teams and the position types within the team that you could manage within a children’s service.
- Educators and support staff- Example: administrative assistant, cook, cleaner, handy person/gardener- led by a director and a coordinator management.
- Room teams – led by a room or team leader.
- Senior educator teams – room leaders and manager
5.Before determining a performance assessment strategy it is essential to be clear about the objectives and desired outcomes. While the purpose of a performance review may seem obvious there are in fact a number of reasons to conduct a performance review.
Encouraging team spirit
List ten reasons a performance review would be conducted in an early childhood service.
- Ensure legislative compliance – in children’s services, evaluation of educator performance is a requirement of the NQS
- Ensure that employees are working toward the goals of the organization.
- Ensure that employees are reflecting the philosophy of the organization in their day to day practices
- Identify areas where work tasks, procedures or policies need to be adjusted to reflect current best practices or legislative compliance
- Improve relationships with and among employees
- Assess the organizational culture and morale of employees
- Benchmark performance
- Encourage employee feedback and innovation
- Identify the strength of team members
- Identify the training needs of individuals.
a) Developing an effective team requires an understanding of how groups function. Complete the table below using Adair’s Functional Approach. List at least five functions for each category.
i. Group/Team
Ø Setting standards
Ø Maintaining discipline
Ø Building team spirit
Ø Encouraging, motivating, giving sense of purpose
Ø Appointing roles
ii. Indivdual
Ø Attending to personal problems
Ø Praising individuals
Ø Giving status
Ø Recognising and using individual abilities
Ø Training the individuals
b) Team work is a collaboration of needs agreed to and implemented. As a leader what can be done to encourage team spirit?
- Get to know each other
- Do something social together
- Carry out the task together
- Disclose personal information about yourself
- Express feelings about being in a team
- Identify your skills which may be useful to the team
- Identify your preferences about how you like to work with others
Do something creative together
7.Trust and confidence is essential to build relationships that support teamwork. Listed in the table below are key strategies for building a trusting workplace. For each strategy document how you would implement this strategy in practice.
Strategy for building a trusting relationship
How to implement strategy in practice
a. Dialogue
Focus on opening lines of communication. Get people talking and make it safe atmosphere for employees to share their honest opinion. Discuss the importance of open communication of all.
b. Acknowledge the unspeakable
Touch issues need to be resolved and openly discussed. Be sure not to point fingers and remember to always stick to the facts. Consider what’s been happening, why, and what you plan to do about it?
c. Secrecy breeds suspicion
When information or activity is kept secret, it is open to misinterpretation, so communication is essential. Any new discussion or planning should be shared with all those involved or effected as soon as possible. Develop tools that help communicate what’s going on. Regular email, meeting and newsletters help to keep people ‘in the know’.
d. Keep promises
Make fewer and better agreements, don’t commit to something you cannot follow through with. If you can’t make a promise due to an inability to follow through, then communicate this clearly and renegotiate.
e. Model trust
Be a role model of appropriate behavior.
8.For each of the stages in team development, list the key issues for leading in this stage.
Stage of Team Development
Key Issue for Leaders
Feelings: Team members are usually excited to be part of the team and eager about the work ahead.
Behaviours: may include lots of questions from team members, reflecting both their excitement about the new team and the uncertainty they might be feeling about their place on the team.
Team Tasks: to create a team with clear structures, goals, direction and roles so that the members begin to build trust.
Feelings: Members are trying to see how the team will respond to differences and how it will handle conflict.
Behaviours: Team members may argue or become critical of the team’s original mission or goals.
Team Tasks: May call the team to refocus on its goals, perhaps breaking larger goals down into smaller, achievable steps. The team may need to develop both tasks-related skills, and group process and conflict management skills. There will be frustration and confusion experience during this stage.
Feeling: Team members begin to resolve the discrepancy they felt between their individual expectations and the reality of the tam ‘s experience. Constructive criticism is both possible and welcomed. Team start to feel part of a team and can take pleasure from the increased group cohesion.
Behaviours: Members conscious effort to resolve problems and achieve group harmony. Team members. There might be more frequent and more meaningful communication among Teams may begin to develop their own language or inside jokes.
Team Tasks: Members shift their energy to the team’s goals and show an increase in productivity, in both individual and collective work. Team may find an appropriate time for an evaluation of team process and productivity.
Feelings: Members feel satisfaction in the team’s progress. They share insight into personal and group process and aware of their own strength and weakness. Members feel confident in their individual abilities and those of their teammates.
Behaviours: Able to prevent or solve problems in the team’s process or in the team’s progress. A “can do” attitude is visible as are offers to assist one another. Differences among members are appreciated and used to enhance the team’s performance.
Team Tasks: Makes significant progress towards its goals. Commitment to the team’s mission is high and the competence of team members is also high. Members continue to deepen their knowledge and skills, including working continuously to improve team development.
Feelings: May feel concerns about the team’s impending dissolution. They may feel some anxiety, sadness or sense of loss because of uncertainty about their individual role or future responsibilities and changes coming to their team relationship. Given these conflict feelings, individual and team morale may rise or fall throughout the ending stage. At any given moment individuals on the team will be experiencing emotions about the team ending.
Behaviours: Some team members may become less focussed on the team’s tasks and their productivity may drop. Alternatively, some team members may find focussing on the task at hand is an effective response to their sadness or sense of loss.
Team task: The team needs to acknowledge the upcoming transition and the variety of ways that individuals and the team maybe feeling about the team’s impending dissolution.
9.Like children, all adults learn in different ways and it is important for leaders to understand the theories, principles and styles of adult learning so that they can effectively develop the individuals within their teams. For each adult learning principle in the table below, list the ways in which you can facilitate this learning.
Adult Learning Principle
Strategies for facilitating this learning.
a. Adults are internally motivated and self-directed
· Set up a graded learning program that moves from more to less structure, from less to more responsibility and from more to less direct supervision, at an appropriate pace that is challenging yet not overloading for the student.
· Develop rapport with the student to optimise your approachability and encourage askingof questions and exploration of concepts.
· Show interest in the student’s thoughts and opinions. Actively and carefully listen to any questions asked.
· Lead the student toward inquiry before supplying them with too many facts.
· Provide regular constructive and specific feedback (both positive and negative),
· Review goals and acknowledge goal completion
· Encourage use of resources such as library, journals, internet and other department resources.
· Set projects or tasks for the student that reflect their interests and which they must complete and “tick off” over the course of the placement. For example: to provide an inservice on topic of choice; to present a case-study based on one of their clients; to design a client educational handout; or to lead a client group activity session. · Acknowledge the preferred learning style of the student. A questionnaire is provided below that will assist your student to identify their preferred learning style and to discuss this with you.
b. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences
· adults like to be given opportunity to use their existing foundation of knowledge and experience gained from life experience, and apply it to their new learning experiences. As a clinical educator you can:
· Find out about your student – their interests and past experiences (personal, work and study related)
· Assist them to draw on those experiences when problem-solving, reflecting and applying clinical reasoning processes.
· Facilitate reflective learning opportunities which Fidishun (2000) suggests can also assist the student to examine existing biases or habits based on life experiences and “move them toward a new understanding of information presented”
c. Adults are goal oriented
· Provide meaningful learning experiences that are clearly linked to personal, client and fieldwork goals as well as assessment and future life goals.
· Provide real case-studies (through client contact and reporting) as a basis from which to learn about the theory, OT methods, functional issues implications of relevance.
· Ask questions that motivate reflection, inquiry and further research.
d. Adults are relevancy oriented
· Ask the student to do some reflection on for example, what they expect to learn prior to the experience, on what they learnt after the experience, and how they might apply what they learnt in the future, or how it will help them to meet their learning goals.
· Provide some choice of fieldwork project by providing two or more options, so that learning is more likely to reflect the student’s interests.
e. Adults are practical
· Clearly explain your clinical reasoning when making choices about assessments, interventions and when prioritising client’s clinical needs.
· Be explicit about how what the student is learning is useful and applicable to the job and client group you are working with.
· Promote active participation by allowing students to try things rather than observe. Provide plenty of practice opportunity in assessment, interviewing, and intervention processes with ample repetition in order to promote development of skill, confidence and competence.
f. Adult learners like to be respected
· Taking interest
· Acknowledging the wealth of experiences that the student brings to the placement;
· Regarding them as a colleague who is equal in life experience
· Encouraging expression of ideas, reasoning and feedback at every opportunity.
a) Define the four areas of the SWOT analysis.
To help you understand your strengths, picture yourself as a competitive product in the marketplace. A personal strength is an asset to you as a product and can be used as a way to differentiate yourself from others when interviewing or trying to obtain your next promotion
A personal weakness is a liability or an area of opportunity for growth. These are characteristics you could improve upon to increase future job opportunities.
When thinking about your opportunities and threats, I always find it easier to begin with the “threats.” Try comparing yourself to people you’ll likely compete against for that next job or promotion.
As objectively as possible, judge your threats and determine possible ways to overcome them.
- Undertake a SWOT analysis to identify your personal training needs.
· What advantages do you have that others don’t have (for example, skills, certifications, education, or connections)?
· What do you do better than anyone else?
· What personal resources can you access?
· What do other people (and your boss, in particular) see as your strengths?
· Which of your achievements are you most proud of?
· What values do you believe in that others fail to exhibit?
· Are you part of a network that no one else is involved in? If so, what connections do you have with influential people?
· What tasks do you usually avoid because you don’t feel confident doing them?
· What will the people around you see as your weaknesses?
· Are you completely confident in your education and skills training? If not, where are your weakest?
· What are your negative work habits (for example, are you often late, are you
· Do you have personality traits that hold you back in your field? For instance, if you have to conduct meetings on a regular basis, a fear of public speaking would be a major weakness.
· What new technology can help you? Or can you get help from others or from people via the Internet?
· Is your industry growing? If so, how can you take advantage of the current market?
· Do you have a network of strategic contacts to help you, or offer good advice?
· What trends (management or otherwise) do you see in your company, and how can you take advantage of them?
· Are any of your competitors failing to do something important? If so, can you take advantage of their mistakes?
· Is there a need in your company or industry that no one is filling?
· Do your customers or vendors complain about something in your company? If so, could you create an opportunity by offering a solution?
· What obstacles do you currently face at work?
· Are any of your colleagues competing with you for projects or roles?
· Is your job (or the demand for the things you do) changing?
· Does changing technology threaten your position? · Could any of your weaknesses lead to threats?
c) Using your SWOT analysis, complete the individual development plan below.
Learning goal
Achieving my goals
Measuring success
What do I want to learn or do better?
· First you create “big picture” of what you want to do with your life (or over, say, the next 10 years), and identify the large-scale goals that you want to achieve.
· Then, break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit to reach your lifetime goals.
· Finally, once you have the plan, start working on it to achieve these goals.
What do I need to do? What information do I need? What resources may be required? Outline the steps.
By keeping such a list, make sure that the tasks are written down all in one place, so you don’t forget anything important. And by prioritizing tasks, the plan will be in order, so that you can tell what need immediate attention, and leave until later:
Step 1:Write down all of the tasks that needed to complete.
Step 2: Run through these tasks allocating priorities from A (very important, or very urgent) to F using software (unimportant, or not at all urgent).
What is the timing of each step? What time do you set to achieve your goal?
It has been realised by me that there are certain barriers in my approaching style that may act as hindrance while teaching or mentoring a group of students. Listed below are the barriers according to me which may act as hurdles while executing a training and development program.
Lack of confidence: It has been felt by me that in order to take up a training program for the students, it is imperative to build up confidence and make an eye contact with each student while training. The best possible way to do that is to speak before mirrors, that is, practice mirror reflection. It may take around 45 days to build up that confidence.
Public speech anxiety: Another issue that crops up is that while addressing to a number of students, is my fear to address a group of students publicly. While making one to one conversation I don’t face such kind of fear. However, I lack confidence and stumble while I speak to a group of students. In order to overcome this fear, I would pay special attention towards my speech. I would wish to ensure that the topics that are addressed by me are well known to me. Having a proper insight about the topic that is being addressed would build up confidence while speaking and thus would reduce stumble speaking. This process would take a minimum of 40 days.
How will I know when I have achieved my gaol? How will others know when I have achieved my goal? What evidence can I gather to demonstrate I have achieved my goal?
In order to understand that I have successfully been able to overcome my shortcomings, I need to move out of my comfort zone and arrange different group of students. While addressing the new students I will be able to understand if I have been able to rectify my shortcomings. I will keep a close check on my language and communication techniques. Apart from that while speaking I will also be able to understand if I have enough vocabulary or I am running out of words. If I find that my communication has improved and I have a good stock of vocabulary, it reflects that the techniques that I adopted for overcoming my deficiencies.
11. Identifying learning and development goals can be achieved by using an effective measurement system such as the SMART principle.
In the table below, define each of the elements of the SMART principle.
Your goal must be clear and well defined.
Include precise amount, date, etc. in your goal so you can measure your degree of success.
Make sure it’s possible to achieve the goals you set.
Goals should be relevantto the direction you want your life and career you take
Your goals must have a deadline.
12.Once data has been gathered on the individuals or the team’s performance the manager will then facilitate training for development.
Define the training options that can be utilised.
Training type
On-the-Job Training.
This is when team members shadow more experienced team members to learn a new skill.
Instructor-Led Training.
This is similar to a “class,” where an experienced consultant, expert, or trainer teaches a group.
Online Training and E-Learning
This can be particularly convenient and cost-effective.
This teaches team members how to perform the tasks of their colleague.
Active Training
This involves games, group learning, and practical exercises. This type of training is often effective, because it pushes people to get involved and be engaged.
Mentoring or Coaching
These can be effective for helping your team members develop professionally and learn new skills.
13.For each step in the coaching process, provide a description of the key points Greg will need to communicate and/or demonstrate to Adam.
Key Points
Gather materials
It has been proposed that in order to carry on the training process regarding handling and correct use of dishwasher. For this materials like White board, marker pen, projector lights, computer system, some video clips would be required. Before handing a dishwasher, Greg will need to make sure that he addresses all the key points in the context of using a dishwasher. In order to demarcate all the parts of dishwasher and name them, a white board and a marker pen is required. Apart from that, it is also imperative to know the functioning of the switches and buttons of the dishwasher machine and what are the switches called. Once Adam learns the technical specifications, the next course would be easier for him. Due to risks involved in performing tasks through dishwasher, Greg needs to make a proper training program regarding the types of dish that can be put together in the dishwasher, and the maximum and the minimum number of dishes and other utensils that can be put together. The other requirements like video clips and projectors will be required as it is important to watch the mode of operation of dishwashers before actually operating it. The video clips are regarding the safety measures that must be taken while operating the dishwasher. The videos will be showing what safety measures must be adopted while operating the dishwasher. After the showing and explanation of the videos, Adam will be ready to use the actual dishwasher machine, though under the mentoring of Greg.
It is necessary to provide training and development program to Greg before actually handling the dishwasher machine. Dishwasher, though it may sound like an ordinary daily appliance yet it may be harmful in case it is mishandled. It is to be noted that Adam will be trained by Greg to use a dishwasher, which indicates that the dishwasher machine would not be used for private needs, but for professional needs. The dishwasher machine is that of some hotel or restaurant that has some different technical specifications than that of regular dishwasher machine. In order to understand those technical specifications and handle the dishwasher machine properly, an extensive training is required, since Adam would be using it for washing a huge number of utensils at once.
Greg needs to explain Adam the correct ways of handling a dishwasher machine. Greg’s explanation should state all the points regarding the need of innovating a dishwasher machine and its usefulness. After Adam is well known about the services that are provided by the dishwasher machine, Adam needs to be informed about the technical specifications of different dishwasher machines used in different hotels and restaurants. Apart from that, a proper training is also imperative since Greg needs to consider the factors of risk management associated with handling of dishwashers. In order to execute the operation of dishwasher, Greg needs to ensure that Adam is capable enough to use the dishwasher machine properly.
Can they do it?
Greg must ensure that the training program provided by him fulfils all the criterions that would enable Adam to use the dishwasher machine properly. Greg Mus ensure that he takes all the steps of the training. Apart from that, Greg should also take tests to understand id Adam and other members have properly understood the process and the mode of operation is clear to Adam and all the other members. Greg must also ensure that the different other stages of training like cleaning of the dishwasher machine, maintenance of the dishwasher machine and its proper sage are well understood by all the trainees. Greg for Adam and all the trainees regarding the evaluation of the theory portion and the practical portion that are taught to the trainees by Greg should arrange a separate test.
On the other hand, in order to ensure that the training is properly conducted and hence forth there would not be any problem in using the dishwasher machine, Adam needs to follow all the points addressed by Greg minutely. If all the classes are attended by Adam and the training is taken seriously, Adam and the other trainees will be able to perform the operation of the dishwasher machine in a proper manner.
Since using a dishwasher is at the same time tiring and dangerous, it is likely that all the trainees including Adam might lose interest in the training process. In this case, it is the duty of Greg to ensure that the motivation and inspiration of all the trainees including Greg are withheld till the end of the training. It is therefore crucial for Greg for constantly keep on motivating the trainees in order to retain their interest towards he training and development program organised. Greg can do these in a number of ways. Firstly, Greg needs to ensure that the trainees are enough motivated before starting of the training and development process. Only then, Greg would be able to start of a training program for Adam and other trainees. However, it must be maintained that in order to keep the all the trainees motivated till the end of the training and development process Greg must take a break after each week. In that break that is taken by Greg, he must try to delve deep into the personal details of all the trainees and make small recreational programs that would motivate the trainees. The recreational programs may include events like singing, participating in fun activities and a lot more. It enhances the strength of the team and also makes the trainer’s relation with the trainees better.
Other motivational practices that can be incorporated by Greg to avoid boredom during the training process is that Greg can incorporate light discussions regarding the personal life of the trainees apart from work. A short break of five to ten minutes during the course of the class would help to rejuvenate trainees to concentrate better on the training program.
Greg can also award and recognize trainees doing best in the training process. Intermittently, Greg can applause the trainees making remarkably good performance. Such activities would not only enhance the relationship of the trainees with Greg but would also act as an excellent motivational therapy for all the trainees.
Ensure correct position
It can be assumed that if Adam takes the training and development program designed by Greg in a proper manner, then Adam can also benefit the future employees of the hotel and restaurant industry sharing the knowledge that he has acquired. That is, after receiving the training and development program from Greg, Adam would be enough capable of operating the functioning of the dishwasher machine singe handed. After some passage of time Adam would be a pro operator of the dishwasher machine and would be able to educate other employees regarding the course and mode of operation of the dishwasher machine. Adam too, in that case can be a trainer of dishwasher machine used for commercial purposes like in hotel industries and in restaurants.
14.Providing and receiving feedback is an integral part of working with teams and individuals.
Handling and reacting to a negative feedback is tougher. Perhaps it is tougher to give out a negative feedback. Giving out negative feedback s tougher since the trainer or the management has no idea about how the employees or the trainees would be reacting after the feedback is given out to them. In many cases, it has been observed that the employees or the trainees react in a negative manner and turn defensive after hearing a negative feedback. In such cases, it turns difficult for the management or the trainer to handle the employees or trainees. Due to these reasons, it is imperative to follow some strategies regarding negative feedback so that whatever the situations are, that can be taken in control. The first strategy that a manager or a trainer needs to develop is while giving a negative opinion, the trainer or the manager must only give out the opinion in possible affirmative way. There should not be any negative words included like “dissatisfied, failure, unproductive etc”. The manager or the trainer must ensure that the utterance or negative or pessimistic words are prohibited. Such action if taken then it would also, at the same time ensure that the negative words do not hurt the feelings or sentiments of the employees or the trainees. The management can also focus on listening than just speaking out the negative feedback. The managers must also let the employees or the trainees speak for themselves and let know the reason for their underperformance. It must be a two way process or a conversational process. The trainees or the employees must take an equal participation in the whole process. The managers must make the employees feel wanted to the company. Otherwise, negative feedback would discourage the employees to the extreme. Following these strategies would help to cope up with the pressure of negative feedback on the part of both the managers and the employees.
a) According to the case study, it shows that Maxine is avoiding the situation of confronting the other two educators of the nursery, Michelle and Elizabeth. However, to make sure that the situation does not move beyond the boundaries she has to confront the tutors. At the very first hand, Maxine needs to analyse the depth of the situation. She needs to have a close look on the art and craft activities and the way it is intended to be introduced to the children. At the very first hand, Maxine needs to enquire what the disagreement is about. After ensuing the disagreement and the cause of it< Maxine can take charge of the same likewise. The disagreement if is seen between the modes of conducting art and craft class between the two educators then in that case Maxine should stick to the mode that would be easy to accept by the student. On the very first hand, Maxine should call Michelle and Elizabeth individually and must make a discursive conversation about the subject and take their individual opinion about how the course needs to be conducted. Maxine should then proceed onto the reason of disagreement between the two educators. After having a clear insight of the situation and the tension between educators, Maxine should call both the educators and must have a open discussion so that the misunderstanding that have cropped up can be solved and at the same time the ego clash can be taken care of. Maxine must take a counselling session with the educators so that both the educators can think of the larger benefit of the students keeping personal ego aside.
16.Addressing poor performance is not an easy task. Communication is required to report on feedback and to maintain effective relationships. Read the scenario and answer the related questions
According to the case study, it has been seen that Julie is a trained and an efficient employee. She has been able to manage the children, assess the expectation of the parents and manage her responsibilities sincerely. It has been some time that she is out of focus and is not performing as she used to. Taking into concern her previous works and her contribution towards the educational institute, it would not be a fair option to terminate Julie or to replace her position some other alternative. Instead, Brooke should consider giving Julie some time to deal with her private affairs. It is imperative to maintain a balance between work and private life and that is what Brooke must insist upon Julie. On the very first hand, Brook must consider Julie for a short vacation so that she can focus completely on her personal affairs and get it solved. Brook must be patient with Julie and give her enough time and space so that she can completely resolve the tangles of her personal life. However, Brook must also follow up Julie’s change in behaviour if any. Brook must also look into the fact that, if Julie remains stressed out in the same manner as before, or if there has been any noticeable change in her behaviour. The other option that brook can focus upon in order to reorganise Julie is that he can spend some time with Julie and talk about things apart from work. Julie must rely upon Brook as a colleague and a good friend. If the breach can be shortened between Brook and Julie then perhaps Julie would be more open to Brook regarding the turmoils going on in her private life. As such, it would be easier for Brook to analyse the situation and take requisite actions in accord
Understanding the stages of team formation
After a vacation given to Julie, Brook must, at the very first hand make follow up strategies that would make Julie feel important for the organisation. Julie should not feel left out or unimportant for the organisation. Brook being the director of the organisation must take Julie’s responsibility regarding her professional outcome. Brook must ensure that he adopts enough professional motivational and inspirational methods to motivate Julie regarding her work. Brook must also take sessions about work place actions with all the staff members including Julie. Doing such, Julie would not feel targeted and at the same time, Brook would get his work done. Apart from all these practices, Brook can also arrange training and development programs for all the staff members of his educational institution. It is necessary that in order to get rid over personal turmoils and to regulate Julie’s attitude towards her colleague, all the staffs are in a bond. That is, the distance between Julie and the other staffs must be lessened so that Julie feels comfortable to share her bitter personal issues with her staffs as well. Ensuring workplace coordination and bond, Brook will be able to help Julie come back to her previous performance scale. Brook must take Julie and all the other staff members for a team lunch to further enhance the binding between the staff members and Julie. Taking all these steps it can be assumed that Brook will be able to bridge Julie’s gap with all the staff members and himself.
Since Julie had always been an efficient staff of the school and had a lot of contributions for the same, Brook overlooked the fall in her performance. Situations turned adverse when the same were reported by some of the parents and as well as the staff members. Brooke’s affection for Julie that refrained her from confronting Julie. However, according to the case study, it is evident that there are certain grounds that explicitly demonstrate that Brook should have been more careful at the obvious signs of underperformance on Julie’s part. The first error that has been made by Brooke is that she overlooked the mess of Julie’s room. Julie’s room was disorganised and messy, something very different from her character. Brooke at that very moment should have taken some initiation on her part to approach Julie, which he did not. The un-organised condition of her room was well reflective of the turmoils that were going on in her life. Brook should have assessed the emergency of the situation and should have talked to Julie regarding the matter. Since the conditions were less delicate then, Brook and Julie could have worked together on it to get hold of the circumstances. It is needless to assert that Brooke made the second error when she noticed considerable changes in the professional attitude of Julie and yet chose to stay quiet regarding the matter. Brook’s negligence added fuel to the existing issues. After noticing, the change in her code of conduct if Brook would have warned or alerted Julie, situations could have been taken in control. The third error that was made by Brook was the way he approached Julie. Brooke should have understood that personal liking towards a particular staff should have been kept at a bay while dealing with professional matters. Brook in this context should have presented the matter to Julie in a different way. However, the lines “I like you but…” does not comply with the professional parameters and hence, could have been avoided by Brook.
a) A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a process that defines the training required for an individual, for a position, group, team, department, organisation or industry sector
- Job role level
- Individual level
- Organisation level
18.The following table is a training needs analysis designed to review educator’s supervision of outdoor play.
Answer the questions defined in each step in the process
STEP 1: Defining the task: Supervision of outdoor play (3 – 5 year olds)
What is the task?
Assessing educator knowledge and skill in the use of appropriate supervision of children 3-5 years engaged in outdoor play.
What are the legislative standards required?
Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
What skills and/or knowledge are necessary for the educator to adequately perform outdoor supervision?
o complying with
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