Impact Of Employee Job Satisfaction On Organizational Performance Of Tesco And Morrison

Research objective


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Research aim

The aim of this research is as follows:

The major aim of the research is to identify the impact of employee job satisfaction on organizational performance of Tesco and Morrison

To identify the determinants of employee job satisfaction

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Research objective

The main objectives of this research are as follows:

To critically identify the factors that influence organizational performance at Tesco and Morrison

To evaluate the key literature to learn the strategies helping to increase employee satisfaction

To develop a suitable strategy that helps to enhance organizational performance by increasing the level of employee job satisfaction

Research questions

What are the factors that influence organizational performance?

What are the key literatures related to employee job satisfaction?

What strategies can be developed to enhance organizational performance?


Research Rationale

Due to the changes in the external business environment and rising globalization, the strategies of running organization performance are changing but at the same time, the needs and demands of employees in each sector are changing. However, the term “job satisfaction” is a broad and vague one because it is unclear or difficult to understand the extent to which employees’ job satisfaction can affect the organization’s performance. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a research to learn how employee job satisfaction influences organizational performance or to learn the relation-hidden connection between job satisfaction and organizational performance. Thus, the proposed study will unveil the factors that have an intensive impact, employee performance, satisfaction and organizational performance.

Employee satisfaction 

According to Bushra, Ahmad and Naveed (2011), job satisfaction is usually treated as an attitude towards the job which has a direct impact on the overall organizational performance.  On the other side, Kehoe and Wright (2013) also mentioned that an employee having high level of job satisfaction carry a positive towards his job; on the contrary, when an employee is dissatisfied with the job certainly hold a negative attitude toward and the organization as well. Kim and Brymer (2011) mentioned that employee job satisfaction depends on the fact that how an employee is satisfied with the job. Hence, the employee performance is usually measured based on the variables such as compensation, workload, and perception of management, teamwork and resource. So, these elements or variables are certainly important to the organizations that wish to keep their employees happy and satisfied. In fact, these elements can reduce the rate of high staff turnover. On the other side, Van  et al. (2012) employee satisfaction and employee engagement remain as the similar concept on the surface.

Research questions

 Therefore, many scholars use this term interchangeably. Employee satisfaction may cover the fundamental concern and the needs of employees. Furthermore, a research performed on employee job satisfaction by Wood et al. (2012) reveals that motivated and talented employees tend to expect from their employers. For such employees, job satisfaction may include different set of criteria, as they want to be engaged as well as empowered.  The employees want to be pushed and challenged. Some employees work with the attitude that they want their input to be meaningful to the organization. Likewise, the employees also expect personal and professional development opportunities from the organizations; thereby, they can grow and enhance their career. Avey et al. (2011) argued that in order to deliver a meaningful work, the employees need proper guidance and support from their leaders. Leaders can motivate employees to perform effectively and leaders teach employees about how to achieve both individual and organizational goals. So, it can be mentioned that motivation can be a factor of job satisfaction where the role of leader remains as the driver of motivation.

Organizational performance: 

As put forward by Fu, and Deshpande (2014), organizational, performance cannot be reviewed as the normal sum or input of an individual employee performance. Even though the outcome of the studies recommends that the existence of positive relation between job satisfaction and individual performance but this relationship often proves to be more complex. Arguably Bushra, Ahmad and Naveed (2011) mentioned that the organizational performance is largely influenced by several factor both internal and external. With the internal factor, the organization can influence but internal factors usually go beyond organization’ influence. More specifically, attitudes generally and especially job satisfaction could rally influence organizational behavior in some particular cases but this is always not the case (Kehoeand Wright 2013). Such impact sometimes can be sometimes blocked by the impact of external conditions and environment. Thereby, it is in appropriate to say that impact of job satisfaction on company’ behavior could be as on organizational performance, are visible always.


Research Philosophy

Research philosophy helps to extract the authentic information from the real-world facts. In a more complete sense, Knobe and Nichols (2013) mentioned that a research philosophy creates or itself is belief about the process in which real-life data about a particular context can be gathered, analyzed and applied. There are three different types of research philosophies such as positivism, interpretivism, and realism. However, for the proposed study, positivism research philosophy will be selected because the present study is an empirical one, thereby, using positivism research philosophy would help to gather real-world facts and findings related to employee job satisfaction and organiztional performane of Tesco and Morrison.   

Employee satisfaction

Research Approach

Research approaches can be divided into two different types such as inductive and deductive. The deductive research approach is used when a set of hypotheses are built based on the existing theories and research strategy is designed to verify the hypothesis (Barrett and Bolt 2014). On the other side, the inductive research approach is used when the observation and theories are formed towards the end of the research prices. However, for the proposed study, deductive research approach will be used because no new theory will be formed and the analysis will be done based on the existing theories of employee job satisfaction and orgnaizational peformacne. Theoeritical underpinning related to these two variables will be compared to the acctual organinzational performance scenario and level of employee job satisfaction of Tesco and Morrison.

Research Strategy

Research strategy consists of some particular methods based on which the finding of the research is derived. The research strategy may include survey, interview, case study but in the proposes study, to analyze the level of job satisfaction of employees of Tesco and Morrison and to learn the current organziational performance, survey and interview method will be applied among the employees of these two organizations.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods are usually divided into two categories such as primary data collection and secondary data collection. Secondary data is a sort of data that has already been published in journals, newspaper articles, online portal etc. It is certain that there is an abundance of data for the analyses of the chosen context on the impact of employee job satisfaction on organizational performance (Neuman 2013). On the other side, primary data collection is divided into two categories such as quantitative and qualitative. However, for the proposed study, quantitative data collection method will be applied, where a number of employees of Tesco and Morrison –Supermarket chains will be surveyed to learn about the level of their employee Satisfaction


Questionnaires will be given to the employees of Tesco and Morrison
The questionnaires will be conducted by performing survey and interview with the employees of Tesco and Morrison
A total of 100 questionnaires will be utilized.
Female : 50
Male: 50
Age: Above 18 years of age
Gender: Equal distribution between male and female.


Analysis of the impact of job satisfaction on organizational performance of Tesco and Morrison

Employee Questionnaire:


Access to University library, online research databases such as Proquest, Emerald, EBSCO, books, newspapers, trade journals.

Organizational performance

Access to computer and internet.



Many studies have been conducted on employee job satisfaction and organizational performance. Due to globalization and rapid changes in the business environment, the marketers have become more concerned about theories internal and external business strategies. Some organizations invested on their workforce to lead operation towards, while some invested on the supply network to cut cost and create competitive edge. However, due to changing life style, growing expenses and increased number of businesses , the demands of employees are increasing, which even can shut down the businesses, if the business does not keep its workforce in place. Thereby, this review of literature will help to observe, to what level the employees are satisfied with today’s employers’ human resource strategies and what inputs they are providing to their employers in return.  To establish the review, all secondary literature is review to know about existing studies on the chosen topic as well as to know about the outcome of existing research studies.


Avey, J.B., Reichard, R.J., Luthans, F. and Mhatre, K.H., 2011. Meta?analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Human resource development quarterly, 22(2), pp.127-152.

Barrett, E. and Bolt, B. eds., 2014. Practice as research: Approaches to creative arts enquiry. Ib Tauris.

Bushra, F., Ahmad, U. and Naveed, A., 2011. Effect of transformational leadership on employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment in banking sector of Lahore (Pakistan). International journal of Business and Social science, 2(18).

Fu, W. and Deshpande, S.P., 2014. The impact of caring climate, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on job performance of employees in a China’s insurance company. Journal of Business Ethics, 124(2), pp.339-349.

Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Journal of management, 39(2), pp.366-391.

Kim, W.G. and Brymer, R.A., 2011. The effects of ethical leadership on manager job satisfaction, commitment, behavioral outcomes, and firm performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), pp.1020-1026.

Knobe, J. and Nichols, S. eds., 2013. Experimental philosophy(Vol. 2). Oxford University Press.

Kratochwill, T.R. ed., 2013. Single subject research: Strategies for evaluating change. Academic Press.

Neuman, W.L., 2013. Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson education.

Palinkas, L.A., Horwitz, S.M., Green, C.A., Wisdom, J.P., Duan, N. and Hoagwood, K., 2015. Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), pp.533-544.

Van De Voorde, K., Paauwe, J. and Van Veldhoven, M., 2012. Employee well?being and the HRM–organizational performance relationship: a review of quantitative studies. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14(4), pp.391-407.

Wood, S., Van Veldhoven, M., Croon, M. and de Menezes, L.M., 2012. Enriched job design, high involvement management and organizational performance: The mediating roles of job satisfaction and well-being. Human relations, 65(4), pp.419-445.

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