The Importance Of Information Systems For Startup Companies

Overview of Information Systems in Business


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In order to help SIQ management, define what information systems are and briefly explain how information systems are important to future operations at SIQ. While answering this question, explore the different kinds of information systems that could be beneficial to any small business.Identify and discuss the problems faced by SIQ and list these problems in order of priority.Which types of information system/s can help SIQ manage its business issues and fulfil business requirements? Explain in detail, how each information system that you propose will assist SIQ’s efficiency and contribute to the firm’s competitive advantage.How can business decision making be improved as a result of the information systems / technologies that you are proposing?How can the proposed new locations for SIQ connect effectively to each other? Explain how SIQ may utilise technologies such as the intranet, extranet, internet and mobile applications to communicate with SIQ’s key stakeholders.What are the possible security, ethical and privacy issues that all stakeholders of SIQ need to be aware of? What systems could be implemented to address these issues?What change related issues is SIQ likely to encounter? How should SIQ manage this change process?


By the ameliorations of the technologies, the overview of the people has been changed and it is actively reflected in the business field of the international market. The business of the international market is the mirror of the world economy and by the shift of the overviews of the peoples the strategies of the companies have also changed. Information system is one of the important aspects of companies by the help of which the companies can monitor several aspects of the internal and the external environment that helps in their growth in the market. It is the main criteria of the report to determine the different aspects of the information’s systems and implementations of which in the company culture increase the efficiency of the companies work process. The report analyze the scopes of the company in increasing the competitive edge and along with that identifying the business problems of the organization by the help of accurate business information system that also helps the company in terms of security and maintaining the ethical issues (Deitterick, 2008). The “Study in Queensland” (SIQ) is one of the new startup companies in Brisbane’s Central Business District (CBD) under the guidance of Ms Hui Chia that recruits new individuals from the international levels for admissions in various universities. As a new company it follows simple business models and along with that the information’s systems is very weak and time consuming. An effective and accurate information’s systems will help the company in making their progress in the market and the by the help of it the company can monitor several aspects of the activities. The information system is the key figure for the company that helps them in communicating at a rapid pace of time.

Information system

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The information system is one of the important segments of the company which is composed of people and staff of company along with the technologies that are being used by the firms that interprets the information for the company (Analoui, 2013). Basically it is the combination of hardware and software that are being used by the company along with the infrastructure of the company and employees that help in planning, control and decision making in an organization.

The Importance of Information Systems for Startup Companies

The Advantages of using the information system in Study in Queensland (SIQ)

Being a startup company the use of information system in company’s work culture is immense. If company uses accurate information systems it will help in making accurate communications along with economic benefits. An effective information system will reduce the risk factors such as human errors in filling the documents that will increase the productivity of the company boosting the growth of the company in the coming days. As the data’s of the student are stored in one specific location the company can reduce the chance of data loss and the students documents can be used by the company in any time needed (Cadle et al., 2014).

There are several types of information system that are being used in accordance with the needs of officials that are present in the company work culture.

By the aspect of the knowledge and technologies along with activities that are being used by company work cultures the information systems can be off the following types;

List of problems faced by the SIQ firms

According to the case study, the boutique education recruitment firm has so many problems regarding the management system. Software is not properly up to date and vital point is that no computerized database system is implemented to store any kind of information or data. The problematic issues are not being perfectly looked by the management committee because proper system is not being maintained here in the organization for this particular matter (Halale, 2010).

Proper database management is always vital for any kind of organization. The management committee used only three types of computerized system like scanner, copier and printer. By those three systems, organization cannot control or monitor over several issues. Security system is also crucial aspect to this firm. Security system for maintaining confidentiality is always a basic needed criterion for these kinds of firms for their better business growth.

  • Meet student’s need: The organization is a kind of recruitment firm which recruit the students from boutique department. All the international students are recruited in SIQ from two colleges such as TAEF’s and a private college. SIQ cannot leave their notices by phone calls or any kind of cost effective messaging system. So here specific software is needed to handle this matter and a way must be developed to reach all the students by any kind of web management services.
  • Student and staff attendance: The number of students and staffs increases every month in this organization. Some how many of employees are left also. So they must know about their database system and keep all the record regarding this issue. Proper database system software will be able to keep all the data confidentially for each and every students and staffs in this organization. But here not a single implemented system for this issue. This is a kind of vital problem.
  • Accounting function: The firm has to know in order to enlarge the business there must be some proper taxing method to maintain profitability. Problem is also faced by the accounts department in SIQ because of back dated accounting system. Perfect auditory or some kind of management specification is not being used. There is no ERP system for better handling all the work.

Requirements are basically a vital part to enlarge the business as well as better growth. There are several business requirements for SIQ because they are facing problems in managing their clients’ information and locating their documents. If they have to expand then there should be some proper mechanism to manage their day to day transactions. If they maintain Information systems then they will not have time issues and embarrassment in front of clients and they can easily grasp and dig information out and they can easily transfer files among SIQ employees if some other department within SIQ needs in case of expansion and by Information System they have plenty of options to save data and secure and also maintain backups if there is a risk involve. The manual processes have limited scalability (Hädrich, 2011). For example, a staff member in one of the office can handle and read only limited applications in a day. SIQ wants to expand in new geographies but this scalability cannot be achieved with human processes.

  • Human resource information system: This is a type of intranet management system which will basically provide all the staff to access individual collaboration and also they can assess and monitor all issues regarding this organization.
  • Financial management system: Requirement of this system is so important. This system will help in the cash management, budgeting capital and also financial planning. Decision making process is so vital and that can be assessable by this FM system.
  • Marketing information system: This system will provide latest hardware and software packages for any kind of marketing activities. This organization firm need to check all the marketing issue regarding their recruitment and planning procedure. A website must be developed for proper connecting people and also that will be vital for advertising and marketing procedure. Students can find their recruitment pages in the blog and they can see the business pages for the organization.
  • Customer Relationship Management: One of the most important business processes that should be computerized would be Customer Relationship Management (Norton, 2008). This is an important business requirement that needs the incorporation of Information Technology at work place. The company cannot lose focus on customer during its expansion program.

If the requirements of information system or any kinds of software issue will be fulfilled by the organization, then SIQ will enlarge their business better. MIS, HRIS are those kinds of information system discussed over here which can effect so much regarding decision making and executing of planning. Staff and students are more benefited if proper ERP will be maintained in the firm. They can communicate with each other regarding several issues and the security system will keep their confidential data perfectly (Sheldon, 2012).

Types of Information Systems for Startup Companies

Information system is basically two types. One is “operational support system” and other is “management support system”. “Operational support system” helps to maintain the daily routine of business. It includes the activities like collect and receive orders, process of the orders and deliver the order to the customers and then collect payments and pay wages. If SIQ uses information system for the management of daily routine, then it helps to maintain the work culture in the organisation and also helps to increase the growth. The other “management support system” helps to take proper business decisions. This information system includes targeting proper customer, pricing and human resource management. This kind of information system also helps to take decision about capital and profits expenditures. It also helps to monitor the whole business process to satisfy the customers. Data mining tools can help manager to discover the hidden relationships, patterns, correlations and interdependencies in large databases that traditional information gathering methods cannot explored (Gargano and Raggad, 2009, pp. 81-90). SIQ should use “management support system” to increase the business of the company. To survive in this competitive industry, SIQ should introduce various type of information systems like “Marketing information system”, ”Manufacturing information system”, “Human resource information system” ,”Financial management system”, ”Accounting information system” etc (Morris, Tarassenko and Kenward, 2006).

;Marketing information system” takes care about the marketing activities of SIQ. It helps to make aware the customers about the product of SIQ that increases the business of SIQ. ” Human resource information system” helps to control the human power of the organisation. SIQ should introduce this information system to recruit new employees for their boutique as well as to make the employees efficient towards their organisation. It basically controls various factors about employees like remuneration, evaluation of the work of employees; maintain the safety for the employees etc.”Financial management system” helps SIQ to improve the finance of the organisation as well as it helps to control the economical factor of the organisation. It consists of investment management, cash management, budgeting, financial planning etc. SIQ should introduce accounting software which helps the organisation to maintain order processing, pay and receive accounts, payroll, ledger functions etc. it helps SIQ to enhance their business. Internet is an integral part of today’s lifestyle. It reduces the distance between two and also helps to reduce the complexity of business. SIQ should introduce internet, intranet and extranet to enhance their business (Paramasivan and Subramanian, 2009).

Decision making is a very important aspect for an organisation. Proper decision making is very important to run the organisation smoothly. Decision making is dependent on various information systems whose main motive is to improve and modify the business model as well as to analyse and prognosis the business model. Decision making is also dependent on the time to time change of business strategies. Decision making basically depends on daily purchasing and ordering. The need of the customer is changing day by day. To satisfy the customers the organisation should modify their decisions according to the customer desire and need. MIS provides a basic idea to the managers about the profit and loss of the organisation, about the demand of the customers as well as about the pricing of the products. So managers take help from MIS to know all the details about SIQ and then take their decision which helps to increase the profit of the organisation.”Human resource management system” maintains the human power of SIQ. It helps to get idea about recruitment. It controls the whole recruitment process as well as it helps to make the employees efficient to their work by proper training. So decision making about recruitment of SIQ is dependent on HRIS.”Financial management system” controls the finance of SIQ, so the decision making about finance is fully dependent on this information system. The economical background of the organisation as well as the global economical condition creates an immense effect to the financial decisions of any organisation.”Accounting information system” controls the account department of SIQ. It helps to arrange financial reports of the organisation. The financial reports are made on daily, monthly, weekly, quarterly or yearly basis. This information system helps SIQ to take decisions about the account department of the organisation. The executive information system (EIS) is designed to provide real time representative information to the management level of the company (Taleghani, 2011, pp. 1037-1039). The EIS can access both historical data and current data according to the requirement of the management level. SIQ can apply EIS to find proper information for management level in order to track current corporation performance, future long term goal setting, forecasting and planning next stage of the company. The decision making of SIQ is fully depended on various information systems which helps the organisation to take proper decision for the betterment of the organisation.

Benefits of an Effective Information System for Startup Companies

In order to work more efficient and effective, sharing information and communication with other stakeholders has become particularly important. With the expansion of Internet and technology the mobile phones have penetrated deep into the market. It is important that the website of SIQ should be compatible in all the mobile phones. SIQ should develop specific mobile applications for android phones and I phone. The way Internet, Intranet and Mobile communication can be used by SIQ can be discussed as:

Internet: With Internet, the employees of SIQ would be able to communicate with other members. It would help SIQ to reduce the cycle time of delivery to customers. It would also help to use and establish formal and informal channel of communication. The breaking news and newsletters can be gathered and share through a web publishing within the intranet portal (Galligan, 2009).

Intranet: Intranet refers to the local network inside a company. With the help of these tool staff members at one office will be able to run the messenger service systems of the staff members at other office location without wasting time in moving from one place to the other or using other non- digital devices for communication.

Mobile communication: Today, one of the objectives of organizations is to remain close with customers. Therefore organizations should have mobile applications. With mobile applications, customers would be able to place orders anywhere any time. With mobile communication, customers can remain connected with employee 24X7 (Nachmias, 2008).

Hui can manage two offices at a same time by using mobile communication or internet system or internet system which is processed safely and securely. Thus these modern technologies are best to develop this educational organization in worldwide (Walton, 2011).

Security issues: It is important that the website of SIQ should be protected by firewall. It is important that any hacker or external entity should not be able to access the website of SIQ. Users would be able to create the account on the website of SIQ and only authorized people should be able to access this information.

Legal issues: It is important that the website and Information System of SIQ must comply with all the legal guidelines. SIQ must focus on the legal issues of all states where company wants to operate. The cyber issues are very important for any firm to enter online domain (Leidner, 2013).

Ethical issues: With the online system, the personal information of users would be stored in the database of company. It is important that the data of customers should be kept confidential. In any case, the data of the customers should not be shared. Protecting the information of customers is the biggest ethical issues for SIQ.

Privacy issues: The privacy of users should be the prime concern of management of SIQ. It is important that the privacy of users, which would include both customers and employees, should not be shared with any third part.

The company always has resistance to change to the new management technology and new concept of management. Before the determination and introduction of changed technology within the organization, SIQ should be assessing the threats involved in this change. This is an extremely important step in the process of change (Adebanjo, 2010). For being successful, a change in technology must be introduced and incorporated within the entire system of SIQ. In addition to this, there will be an increased need for having a structure of management that should be created for supporting the business processes.

Case Study: Study in Queensland (SIQ)

Management support system and operational support system are that kind of information system which can help over several issues to help management and staffs in their business processes. For growth of the business according to profitability, efficiency and effectiveness is always handled by all types of upgraded software. Hard copy of any system information cannot be used to keep information or data (DelCampo, 2011). Web development process via internet is so important regarding this matter; it will help to promote their business. Through proper training and communication system, SIQ will able to do more development of the firm and also their recruitment process will be done lot more easily. All the records of students and staffs are very crucial and regarding those, a proper database must be maintained. The company along with those proper management systems, some of few strategies will be take into consideration about their large business growth. Effective decision making and proper communication will be managed by updated information system. Some software’s are very crucial like an ERP system and web management system which will help SIQ to do better business strategy. This will also affect over the work culture of the company.


From the overall Project it is analyzed that the information system of the company is one of the major aspect of the company by the practice of which the company can experience growth in the market. By the use of the information systems the company can make effective communications with the students in the international levels through the internet and along with that the company can make effective decisions and strategies that create the opportunities of company to pave its path in the market. The information system helps the company in monitoring all the key aspects and along with that the company can save the documents of the students properly and access to their data’s as per their needs. The information system also helps the company in making the proper decisions thus it can be concluded that the use of this advanced technology helps immensely to this small firm to grow rapidly and it cemented its growth in this competitive market.


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