Developing Critical Thinking And Professional Skills

Identifying and Evaluating Contestable Issues

Analysing self is critical for one’s professional success. No one can have multi-dimensional values or attributes, however analysis regarding the same can allow useful insights (Moon, 2013). With continuous efforts and development of skills that are absent an individual can easily acquire those skills. Through reflection of specific attributes regarding self-goals of short term and medium term can be well defined.   

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Self-reflection needs to be based on evidence gathered that one can write in their journal labels. For the process of self-reflection I had gathered various evidences for understanding regarding my own self in graduate capabilities (Paterson, 2013). Firstly, I collected evidence that I was easily able to write my assignments. While many of my friends stressed regarding ways and methods to write their assignments I was easily able to make use of disciplinary knowledge in an appropriate manner. As I was able to apply my knowledge into practice, it can be concluded that I have developed specific knowledge and skills well. It is integral that one picks up the key attributes in any discipline and be able to apply the same. For application of knowledge it is critical that relevant insights into understanding and knowledge is present. Often I had to cross reference for developing skills related to specific discipline, when I could not follow class notes and presentation. My professors immensely helped and guided me in acquiring such knowledge with their ways of application. Therefore, it can be concluded that there has been huge transfer of knowledge that has taken place. I had also been a good learner and patient reader. I always liked to go to depth and details of every knowledge, this is one of my best capabilities I feel. In case I am unable to understand one thing then I would repeatedly go over the knowledge and aspect over and over again. In order to write assignments, complete knowledge regarding a discipline or a portion of such discipline is required. Therefore, as I am able to write the same I feel I have successfully been able to gather correct evidence.

I was able to coordinate several group projects, which exhibits my leadership capabilities. There were several members present within my group but none of them possessed capabilities to make other attain goals of the group (Lanxiao, 2007). In professional capacity and context, I have capabilities to initiate a process of change and convince others to take up a role in the project. With my leadership capabilities, I was able to lead the team and motivate them towards specific goals for attainment. My team with group efforts was successful in achieving goals related to the project. I resolved conflicts many times and was also able to resolve them effectively. All these evidences act in favour of my evidence collected that I do possess leadership capabilities.       

Analyzing Complex Data and Applying Logic and Reasoning

Reflection provides a detailed insight into individual capabilities, analysis of the same can help reveal several facts. Self-assessment has been undertaken with collection of immense number of evidence for the same (Takano, 2009). The self-audit of capabilities conducted at the University had been in two phases as pre-activity self-rating and post-activity self-rating. There are a number of Graduate Capabilities that has been audited at the self-reflection analysis as Discipline specific knowledge and skills, Critical, analytical and integrative thinking, Problem solving and research capability, Creative and innovative, Effective communication, Engaged and ethical local and global citizens, Socially and environmentally active and responsible, Capable of professional and personal judgement and initiative and Commitment to continuous learning. In some cases proficiency has increased whereas in some instances proficiency level has decreased. All changes or contribution has been made specifically by engaging at the University and undertaking the course. As in case of specific knowledge and skill levels, it has overall remained similar pro and post rating of activity. However, increase in knowledge or competence has been developed by way of knowledge transfer that has happened at the University. I had developed immensely critical, analytical and integrative thinking skills with the course that I had taken up. Though I had rated myself highly pre such ratings however such analytical skills enhanced during the course (Stevenson, 2007). My professors guided and helped a lot in increasing critical thinking aspects and changed my views towards a whole lot of perspectives and theories. With reading and assessing a wide range of journals such thinking skills or critical analysis increased further.   

My research capabilities and problem solving skills had been increased highly with taking up the course. Prior to getting engaged in the course, I felt I possessed research capabilities but that was not true. In the course I realised what actually research capabilities meant. While writing assignments or developing any specific project, we had to go through several relevant sources including journals, books, internet sources from where we could find relevant information. In the course our professor taught us ways in which qualitative and quantitative research progressed. Data collection and analysis tools were also taught through which we could go one step further and conduct our own research activities. I always possessed innovative and creative spirits within me and applied the same in any task that I took. However, such dimensions changed a lot after in this course we were taught ways to analyse gaps in knowledge. We were asked to review several literature prior to arriving at innovative solution (Lyke, 2009). I am open to experience but specially to creative thinking patterns. The dimension of effective communication is extremely critical for success of any professional. As a professional I feel that I will be more successful if I am able to express myself in a more transparent manner. Analysing my skills and capabilities of verbal and non-verbal communications, I feel that I can efficiently apply communication technologies. I can present myself well and have good listening skills as well. However, I possessed presentation skills but such was enhanced greatly with this course. I saw several presentations being made by professors and class mates that further allowed me to develop skills pertaining to communications.

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Understanding Opposing Models and Identifying Relevant Variables and Factors

Being engaged in ethical local and global citizen requires immense amounts of capabilities. I was not able assess my indigenous perspectives from self-assessment or reflect regarding diversity mind-set or open-mindset. However, I do possess cultural literacy skills along with sense of social justice and an understanding pertaining to global citizenship. I am a socially and environmentally responsible person with skills of empathy, sensitiveness, leadership and teamwork. I do not however have much capabilities of personal and professional judgemental initiative. Though I can reflect regarding myself, I am an ethical person with risk management capabilities (Nesbit, 2012). I am not always committed to continuous learning efforts through reflections or personal and professional or social developments. I have a fair idea regarding myself and my capabilities that I possess and those that I developed hence pro and post ratings have remained almost similar apart from a few differences.      

Goals play an integral role in every person’s life, which can be short-term or medium-term or long-term in nature. Goals are integral part of everyone’s life as they struggle to fulfil them. While assessing my self-goals for a short-term period 12 months, I have jotted down a few in terms of career, studies, aspirations or personal goals. Over the next year I want to complete my course along with assignments with good grades. I want to develop my communication skills in areas that I lag. I will also gain knowledge regarding indigenous people along with essence of diversity. Diversity is applied across all global organizations hence it is pertinent to understand the concept and apply the same in practical world. I will try to make friends with indigenous people to understand details regarding their attitude, knowledge and skill levels. I also plan to undertake a professional course in professional development during this period such that I can industry ready. While undertaking such course I will try and learn the basics of the professional  world and try to understand their implications in practicality.

In the medium term which ranges from 2 to 3 years period, I have several plans in mind from professional context. I want to find myself a suitable job and become a team leader within a 3 year period. I will strive hard and try to establish myself as a successful professional. I also want to enrol myself for a part time Master’s program or any professional program that might add to my capabilities and help me land a better job. I aim at enhancing my leadership skills through which I can easily become a manager at some point of time. Personal I want to become a calm and composed person with lot of patience for which I intend to practice meditation. Meditation will help me handle stresses of professional life and emerge as a successful person who can handle personal and professional front well. Over 3 year period once I have a decent well-paying job, I plan to take my own house and get married. I will try and settle early in life when I have lot of energy to deal with various ups and downs. Once I am a bit settled, I plan to open up side wise business in management consultancy. I believe that in my work experience I will be able to gather immense amounts of experience which can be put into development of a management consultancy. The business I want to pursue will require hard work and my entrepreneurial skills. I will seek financiers at a later period but initially I will put some of my hard earned money into the business for establishing them. I will market my business amongst my friends and colleagues, who will then be employed at various multinational corporations and will be able to help me. Thus, my sheer determination, fate and grace of god will help attain my greater goals in life.                       

Reference Lists

Lanxiao, L. (2007). Reflection and Research. Publishing Journal, 001.

Lyke, J.A., 2009. Insight, but not self-reflection, is related to subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 46(1), pp.66-70.

Moon, J.A., 2013. Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge.

Nesbit, P.L., 2012. The role of self-reflection, emotional management of feedback, and self-regulation processes in self-directed leadership development. Human Resource Development Review, 11(2), pp.203-226.

Paterson, C. and Chapman, J., 2013. Enhancing skills of critical reflection to evidence learning in professional practice. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14(3), pp.133-138.

Stevenson, K. M. (2007). The IASB: Some personal reflections. . Globalisation of accounting standards, hrsg. von Jayne M. Godfrey and Keryn Chalmers, Cheltenham (UK), Northampton (USA), 34-45.

Takano, K. and Tanno, Y., 2009. Self-rumination, self-reflection, and depression: Self-rumination counteracts the adaptive effect of self-reflection. Behaviour research and therapy, 47(3), pp.260-264.

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