Effective Employee Management System: Research Findings And Approaches
Significance of the Research
The study identifies how HRIS contribute to effective strategic human resource management and its strategic importance at the workplace Originality of the Approach Uses a correlation analysis between HRIS (Independent variable) and other dependent variables, namely Decision Making Contribution, Quality Information Effects, Cost and Time Savings.
It is important that the effectiveness of HRIS in effective HRM is investigated and understood; the authors used a primary survey research with participants from various companies and found that HRIS enhanced HRM through reduced costs, time savings, and better decision making with regard to HRM. HRIS enables efficient planning HRM
It acknowledges the value of HRIS in effective HRM but fails to define how such a system should be designed and what its components should be Aim of Research The proposed system will have an integrated system for automatic employee management starting from recruitment, attendance, performance appraisal, to promotion and employer retention using big data analytics and cloud based systems with mobile
Keywords: Human resource management, Recruitment, Selection, Data mining, Personality, Social networking sites, E?recruitment, Recommendation systems, Personality mining, Analytic hierarchy process
Bias in recruitment hampers effective talent recruitment; further, pre-screening of applicants can be time consuming. The proposed system solves these problems through automated Pre-screening of applicants. Candidates apply online and automatically ranked for effective decision making during recruitment. The system performance was tested and results showed its comparable to human recruitment, with the exception of senior management positions
Delves only on recruitment using an online portal and ineffective for senior positions Pre screening and automatic ranking Proposed system to incorporate all aspects of employee management
Significance of the Research
The research proposes a new and unique method for employee attendance management that does not require any input and is highly accurate. It utilizes a very highly personal biometric identification system
Originality of the Approach
The use of an automated iris scanner that does not need input from users and captures real time data accurately.
The researchers propose and test a wireless system that recognizes the biometric feature of the human iris. The system was tested to be highly accurate, affordable, and practical; it avoids the need for setting up attendant networks for biometric identification and solves the spurious attendance problem
The developed system is novel; however, it is only one aspect of employee management and does not provide a way for managing other employee data, such as productivity for use in decision making
Literature Review
The proposed research aims at having a system that captures productivity data in order to help make decisions on such matters as employee training and promotion
Interviews are aimed at getting the best suited persons for a job; however, this is not usually achieved because judgment of ability can sometimes be too subjective. The researchers propose a method for predicting job performance based on in-interview factors and features of the would be employee
Originality of the Approach
The approach is highly original in using algorithms that decode facial features and expressions during interviews; it takes into consideration both verbal and non verbal behaviors and helps in decision support systems.
The researchers sought to develop a novel system for HR to make accurate decisions of staff to be employed using a computerized system that evaluates language, body expressions, and prosody during interviews. Using an experimental set up, the researchers analyzed recorded videos from 138 interview sessions of 69 persons seeking internship positions. The authors established that their system can accurately predict interview ratings using several metrics, with correlation coefficients 0.75 or higher
This proposed research aims at developing an integrated system that manages employee information through the employee life cycle, from recruitment to attendance and performance
The research introduces a novel method for programming the scheduling of employees for the retail sector where demand for services, and therefore, the demand for employees is unpredictable. The proposed method is an integrated system for effective planning of the workforce in the retail market and enables employers to adjust recruitment based on demand forecast deviations
The researchers employ an original and novel method using stochastic programming to help retailers better plan for employee management (hiring) based on their demands. It takes into consideration deviations in demand forecasts and helps make employee management efficient. Approach solves tractable mixed integer stochastic program scenario by simulating store data from Swiss retailer. Approach compared to existing deterministic packages currently in use and showed better outcomes based on experimental results using simulation
The researchers propose an automated system that organizations can use for recruiting employees; the system harnesses the power of the Internet. It gives Human Resource Practitioners and Organizations a new way of quickly getting the right staff, cost effectively, using the Internet
The system is designed by the authors from scratch with PHP used for the logic design, Apache for the server, and a back-end developed with My SQL database and tested, as an improvement to existing systems such as Oracle Human Resource management System and the OARS (Online Automated Recruitment System)
The researchers propose a system that harnesses the power of the Internet for recruitment and develop a system that overcomes limitations of other existing recruitment systems and removes the need for face to face interviews. The system was designed from scratch with a front end, a web server, and a back end database; it was developed and tested. It enabled jobs to be uploaded and allow prospective employees to apply and upload their Cvs with an e-mail notification
system and have results stored
The proposed system will be a complete end to end employee management system from recruitment to promotion and performance measurement with an option for data mining
The authors evaluate how effective existing systems for electronic selection systems are in the context of their use by job seekers and organizations and HRM teams. It is useful in helping determine factors to consider in designing an automated employee management system
There are many electronic selection systems but their effectiveness has not been evaluated. The research is important in that it provides insights, from a review of existing systems at various levels that include job analysis, job application, Pre-employment testing, interviewing, selection decision making, and evaluation and validation. Based on their findings, the authors discuss implications for the design and implementation of future systems
The paper is a review of existing electronic recruitment systems; it fails to go beyond recruitment to the entire employee management cycle that includes employee performance evaluation, promotion, and retention
This research will develop and implement a system that manages the entire employee cycle and will use the findings from the evaluated work during design of the recruitment system
It provides a model that HR practitioners can use to monitor how satisfied employees are with self service portals where they can rate their job experiences and performances
The approach proposes and develops a model that can gauge how satisfied employees are with self service HR portals in giving a true account of their perceptions of performance and work conditions
The researchers acknowledge the existence of several systems, including self service business-2-employee portals integrated into existing IT and IS systems. The researchers reviewed existing literature and established a gap in their area of research and developed a system that considers several factors in determining employee satisfaction with business-2-employee self service portal
The system was not tested experimentally and it forms a part or portion of employee management systems; there is no explicit use of cloud based systems/ services
It introduces a new and novel way of tracking and logging employee attendance accurately and in real time by using the employee smart phone and GPS technologies to automatically log employee attendance
While the existing technologies are not new, their application is new and novel that uses smart time and location principles and does not significantly increase costs (of its implementation). The system is also accurate and solves a major problem for organizations in accurate and smart logging of employee attendances
The researchers do an excellent job by proposing a system that makes use of mobile operating systems and web services that then uses the office coordinates and smart phones used by the employee to automatically enter and update employee attendance. The system not only logs attendance, but the time spent at the work premises and any times the employee leaves, in real time. The system showed that the system is highly accurate and autonomous
First, the system only tracks attendance for employees while an ideal situation would be a complete and integrated employee management system. Secondly, the system requires employee cooperation and having their mobile devices with them whenever they come to work; it makes too many assumptions; such as the employee will always have their GPS turned on and that the device itself will always be on
To develop a system that automatically tracks all aspects of employee management, from attendance to time spent doing actual work as well as being able to generate useful insights from the logged/ collected employee data and information
The research helps increase knowledge and understanding of advice networks in evaluating employee performance, particularly in the context of information systems such as ERP and how employee performance measures when such systems are used
Originality of the Approach
The approach is highly novel and ingenuous in that it employs the social network theory and combines it with scientific approaches on how work-flow and software advices affect job performance
Acknowledging a dearth of research on how IT systems changes in an organization affect employee performance. Using the social networks theory and focusing on job performance, the authors used a sample of 87 employees and conducted a study after an ERP had been implemented in the organization. The research established that software advice and work flow advice systems enhanced employee performance.
The research create the case for how to measure employee performance post implementation of an information system such as an ERP; it fails to give a way for employee management that is integrated and focuses on just one area
The proposed research will use this as a background to further refine the system so that employee performance post information system implementation can be measured and evaluated through integrating of systems such as software-give-advice and software-get-and-give-advice
The research proposes a novel way that uses a purpose built system to evaluate the risk of employee turnover and help organizations make better decisions using the system for decision support
The system obtains data from the organizations internal information systems and analyzes factors that affect employee turnover risk and uses system integration, software combination technology, and mechanisms for processing messages to help organizations make decisions of employee turnover risks
Employee turnover is a major problem in organizations and their stability; the authors do an excellent job in designing a system that integrates into existing information systems in an organization to evaluate risks of employee flight and help in decision making
The proposed system will have a simple yet powerful decision support system for evaluating employee turnover risk that uses deep learning for prediction The article does a good job of evaluating how electronic Human Resource Management systems have impacted human resource management and employee performance
The paper fills an important gap of evaluating the impact that eHRM systems have had on employees, organizations, and HR practitioners; have they been effective? What other areas of research can be advanced?
The researcher review and evaluate how HRM and eHRM in the context of technology have grown and evolved over the years. They then discuss benefits of eHRM systems such as enhancing HR efficiency, decrease costs and administrative burdens. They then evaluate existing research and theories on eHRM provide a background for how these systems can be enhanced
The research evaluates eHRM systems, their benefits, their attendant theories, and provides bases for further research. This research does not explicitly discuss how employee management systems can be implemented in a practical sense
The methods should be adequately explained, how the research was conducted.
What are you going to propose to solve the problem that is existing in the current/existing solutions; (Mention the initial solution here). You can use a diagram to clarify that with writing text.
How you are going to do your research (step by step methodology is needed).
A.Data Collection
Events of large flood information collected ……….
B. Data Inclusion Criteria
Certain attributes such as reference number…….
All analyses were carried out using MATLAB (MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) R2015b on a computer with an Intel Core i7 CPU.
Results (this section must be completed students who are planning to get DI/HD)
Obvious questions for this section are:
Are the results clearly explained? Has an appropriate analysis has been conducted? Is the statistics correct? Is the number of significant figures used in numerical values appropriate? Are SI units used?
* You include the “Results” section, ONLY, if you have obtained your own results.
* You cannot include someone else’ figures or tables in this section. This is only your own analysis.
* Comprehensive Figure captions are needed.
* Then, include your reasoning about the figure. You should be able deliver useful information to reader from each figure.
A.Statistical Analysis
The calculated probability values (p-values) are shown in Tables 3 and 4 using Wilcoxon signed-rank…..
The discussion is the productive, creative and innovative part of writing a paper. It is the thinking about the implications of the results that you got, and the literature search for a comparable or contradictive paper that you learn something.
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