Different Types Of HRIS Functions, Suppliers, And Communication Processes

Types of HRIS Functions and Limitations

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Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions

  1. Describe monitoring, measuring and evaluation techniques for a range of human resource management functions.

Monitoring is the analysing of the information collected from a project or function that is ongoing. Measuring is considered as to ascertain the value of the undertaken project or function ongoing and lastly evaluation is the process of periodically or retrospective assessment of any organization or any function to make the necessary improvements. In any organization, monitoring, measuring and evaluation techniques are important for the undertaking human resource management functions (Joseph 2015).

  1. Outline procurement procedures, including preparation of a technical brief.

Human resource management information system is a need to every organization in order to manage the efficiency of the human resource department of the organization. This HRIS system collects the data to get accurate information about career development, employee relations and support, organizational development recruitment and workforce planning then after collecting information, it is necessary to identify the needs so that it can be communicated to the implementing staff and stakeholders. The communication process should be properly built to get appropriate feedbacks. After the collecting the feedback and making the necessary changes to plan which is to be implemented.

  1. List the various types of HRIS available and their respective capabilities and limitations.

 The various types of HRIS are:

  • Operational HRIS: it helps the user with all the required data and supportive routine and in the decision making off the human resource. These forms of HRIS usually consist of the information’s related to the organization’s employees and their position and about governmental regulations along with performance management systems.
  • Tactical HRIS: this system provides managers with decisions of allocation of resources. These also include recruitment process, job analysis, training and development and compensation plans.
  • Strategic HRIS: This system focuses on the supporting labour negotiations, planning on the workforce and specialized software for human resources. It measures the value of the project or function quantitatively and qualitatively.
  • Comprehensive HRIS: this system has its importance resulting from computerization of HRIS which integrates employee files, position, skills and other resource file in an organized manner using database management software.
  1. Summarise key organizational protocols and processes applicable to managing HRIS

Every HRIS needs a HR process re-engineering to get managed by the organization. Determining unique features and identifying the workflow process to the personnel in charge of the project or function along with senior management and stakeholders which will form as the steering group (Caldwell and Ndalamba 2017). The gradual improvements of the HRIS processes are to be monitored along with the sequential progress of implementation. However it is important to keep in mind the cost benefit analysis before integrating the security protocol aspect.

Task 2 – Knowledge Questions

Describe three monitoring, measuring and evaluation techniques for a range of human resources and management functions.

  1. Formal survey: this is a common method used by the HR in order to observe information, gather and compare then conclude it after attaining a certain result. It consists of questionnaire which the employee needs to fill according to their opinion and later on the basis of their answers the results are decided.
  1.  Management by Objective: it is a method where the management and employee discuss the goals that are needed to be achieved. It gives a motivation to the employees and improves the communication between the employee and the supervisors.
  1. 360 degree evaluation: this method is used to measure the performance of the employees by a view of all the people with whom he interacts (Cascio 2018). For example, peers, supervisors, clients and subordinates which will give a 360 degree view of the employee.

Identify five things that can be revealed by monitoring a HRIS.

By monitoring the following can be revealed:

  1. The efficiency of the system
  2. Data of the HRIS
  3. Security status
  4. Usage indicators
  5. Stakeholder Leadership group

Monitoring, Measuring, and Evaluation Techniques for HRIS

Task 3 – Application Question

Create a visual representation that outlines the procurement procedures of a HRIS. Your representation should include at least 10 Steps.

Hint: Visual representation might take the form, for example, of a flow chart or a process map.

Image 1: Procedure for Recruitment

Source: (Zhang et al.2017)

Task 4 – Knowledge Question

Different HRIS systems are made up of different modules and functions. List three various types of functions of HRIS available and their capabilities and/or limitations.

  1. Operational function: a human resource information system functions as a productivity tool in an HR process. Increased speed of transactions, attendance report, payroll tracking and time, employee headcount all much accurate as performed with computer software rather than performed manually. This enables the HR representatives to enjoy increase productivity and accomplish more when manual process take less time.
  1. Managerial function: an HRIS function acts as a managerial information system in order to gather and provide data about staffing, turnover, benefits and other issues. Providing reports on number of employees cost to hire, vacant positions, benefit costs, and other cost such as raises and bonuses. Adding to it, presenting of compensation, recruiting and accidents all can be provided with the help of HRIS function.
  1. Office automation function: An HRIS function allows designing employee management documents as like applications and job requisitions, shared resources and schedule and track employee training and recognition. HR reports can be use to share information to the people in real time need. It frees the time required by the staff to do the above activities manually and work on more planning for the corporate goals.

Task 5 – Knowledge Question

Summarise why it is necessary for users to understand the process applicable to using and managing HRIS. How can this be achieved? (1 Page)

Initially the organizations or the users of HRIS must understand and recognize the need and the view that HR has changed from being traditional to being technological dependant to increase its efficiency (Rao and Dhillon 2017). Most importantly, that the perspective of operating must be global because it is the result of the transforming world where each countries are becoming independent. Users must always with small when selecting for softwares. Each HRIS system has its own unique and new strategic initiative. An HRIS system has various of its benefits and along with there are many technology functions performed by it which needs proper use and maintenance and customization in its way to achieving the company goal (Franco et al. 2016). An HRIS system affects the company workplace and its workforce by involving them to compete for performance appraisal and promoting better communication and workflow within the organization.

HRIS practitioners need technology that will help the work to move smoothly with emerging trends, coaching is a way which is very useful and training the managers while in the employee development stage, rewriting the policies to identify the issues of the employees and then with severe required changes and meeting the expectations will help to achieve the goals. In some cases, to assist the implementation and get professional assistance is necessary for the initials (Kavanagh and Johnson 2017)

Task 6 – Project

There are 3 parts to this project

Choose an organisation you are familiar with or contact the relevant people in an organisation and outline:

What the information needs of users of a HRIS are

HRI users can be split into two groups namely the employees and the non employees. Each user will need different information (Masum et al. 2018).  The employee users consist of managers, analyst and technician while the non employee users are potential, suppliers and business partners. The information about people such as skills, knowledge and abilities then information about the organization such as job positions, job design, compensation, organizational structure and documentations of legal records and labour employee relations. Then lastly the data created for interaction like individual job history and performance appraisals.

Communication Processes for HRIS Users

What the communication processes of users are

In an HRIS system, communication becomes important because it is a crucial part for any of the group or function to operate smoothly. At first it will be easy to segment the groups of different individuals. It will enable to identify and target the audiences and making effective to figure out the relevant of each group. Then setting clear objectives will allow indicating the HRIS strategy. Then reviewing the medium of the channels which will enable to know the maximum reach and enagegment of the rate of the interest through a particular channel. There can be many channels used to communicate one of which is flow diagrams and system design (Pandey, Singh and Pathak 2016). The use of most accurate information type will lead to the establishment of successful HRIS communication.

Task 6 – Part 2

Locate two Australian Suppliers of HRIS software, products or applications. Use information from the Suppliers website, product literature and brochures or contact the suppliers to complete the table. Answers should be brief and to the point.

Product Information

Supplier 1

Supplier 2

What is the supplier’s name

Zoho People

Employment hero

What is the supplier’s web address



Where is the supplier located



What is the supplier’s contact number

Australia :+61 2 80662898

Phone: 1300 084 847

What functions does the supplier product offer?

Briefly describe each function.

The supplier offers, CRM software which help to store customer information like the details of the customer’s name, addresses and numbers.

Accounting software which records and processes all the accounting transactions within the functional activities such as general ledger, trial balance, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll.

Project management software manages, estimates and schedules, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, decision making or administration systems.

Help desk software is a function in accompany that solves the customer grievances.

A payroll system is software designed to organize the task of employee payment and employee taxes.

HR software is a solution which enables some of the basic functions such as maintaining an employee database and organizational charts.

Basic employment benefit programme includes program for health insurance, life insurance, paid and sick leave programs.

What benefits does the supplier’s product provide?

The suppliers provide all in one business solution for HR.

It provides same as the other one.

Does the supplier offer technical support? If yes, briefly describe the technical support offered.

Yes the supplier offer technical support by managing the computers located anywhere of the remote customers. In addition, offers best in class IT support on the cloud and website monitoring from a global perspective.


Does the supplier offer training in their product? If yes, briefly describe the training offered.

Yes the supplier offers demo presentation of the products.

The supplier arranges web conferencing to give demo of its products.

How easy is it to improve or upgrade the product?

It is easy to upgrade the product as the necessary assistance is given by the supplier itself.

Similar to the other.

What security features does the product have?

The mobile app of the ZOHO people offers IP restrictions to control the allowance of the employees to clock in.

The product does not disclose any information and provides proper security of the data.

Can the product be customised? If yes, briefly describe customisation options.

Yes the product can be customised according to the users need.

The product gives its customers to customize its system.

What quality assurance standards doe the supplier offer?

It provides basic and supreme quality as per the pricing.


What warranties/guarantees does the supplier offer?

As per the pricing its warranty period exist for one year.

As per month and employee it exists.

Does the supplier provide references/testimonials from past clients? If yes, summaries the content of the references/testimonials.


Yes, one of its past user says by using its purchase power she saved $95000 on her mortgage.

How long does the product take to install/implement?

The installation can be done on the mobile or ios.


How much does the product

There are different packages with each offering. Starting from $9 to $199 with yearly purchase plans.

It’s pricing starts from $5 per employee each month to $8 per employee per month.

Using the information gathered, write a report outlining:

The advantages and disadvantages of each supplier’s product

Briefly describe how you would

Implement, monitor and review the performance of the HRIS

The product of both supplier claims to provide with all in one solution for the HR department of an organization.  Both the suppliers are situated in Australia. The first supplier named Zoho people and the other supplier named Employment Hero.

The supplier offers CRM software helps to store all the information of the customers and manage them at one place in a database but any how it brings a risk of getting the stored data hacked, project management software, help desk software and accounting software increases the performance of the processes saving the time but also increasing the implementation price and to support the package purchase of yearly maintenance is required.

The supplier offers payroll software is advantageous to the users as it makes it easier for the user to perform the function accurately and consuming less time but on the other hand, there are chances of error and in addition it requires trained staff to operate (Wilson et al. 2016). Basic employer benefit and HR software are too useful tools for the user provided by the supplier but it adds to the cost of hiring a new technology specialist who would maintain this functions.

Suppliers of HRIS Products and Applications

  It is important to measure the performance of an HRIS to keep a track on the efficiency and effectiveness of the investment made on the HRIS (Al-Dmour, Love and Al-Debei 2015). Monitoring and evaluation on a continuous basis is a vital process to review the function in order to improve and obtain better results. Initially selecting software which is easy to implement will help the company to reach the objective. To monitor a help desk will be supportive in an internal level of the user’s computer system. By obtaining reports on software and hardware performance will help the user to get accurate information. To review the performance there are many tools available such as self evaluating and monitoring tools which help to measure the performance of the employees or the functions of the HRIS. In this case, training should be provided to the managers and departmental heads which will enable exactly how to review the performance of the software. In the manner other results on the basis of the staff satisfaction level.


Al-Dmour, R.H., Love, S. and Al-Debei, M.M., 2015. Measuring the effectiveness of HRIS practice in business organisations: a study in the context of a developing country. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 9(5), pp.507-525.

Caldwell, C. and Ndalamba, K.K., 2017. Human Resource Professionals as Strategic Leaders—A Behavioral Opportunity for Improving Information Management. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 10(1), p.4.

Cascio, W., 2018. Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education.

Franco, M., Tursunbayeva, A., Bunduchi, R. and Pagliari, C., 2016. Do we expect too much from new technologies? A comparison of Expected versus Realized Benefits for a national Human Resource Information System (HRIS). In 6th International e-HRM Conference, From digital to smart human resource management. (pp. 239-261). University of Twente.

Joseph, R.M., 2015. Ethics in Human Resource Measurement and Reporting. Ethical Competence inHR Management Practice,, South African Board for People Practices, pp.285-293.

Kavanagh, M.J. and Johnson, R.D. eds., 2017. Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.

Masum, A.K., Beh, L.S., Azad, A.K. and Hoque, K., 2018. Intelligent Human Resource Information System (i-HRIS): A Holistic Decision Support Framework for HR Excellence. International Arab journal of Information Technology, 15(1), pp.121-130.

Pandey, P., Singh, S. and Pathak, P., 2016, March. Achieving retention through human resource information system: Developing a framework. In Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), 2016 3rd International Conference on (pp. 700-704). IEEE.

Rao, M. and Dhillon, M., 2017. HRIS: An evolution with HR functions. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, 7(6), pp.98-100.

Wilson, R.L., Anderson, R.J., Bartram, G.R., Patel, S.J. and Liu, T.S.K., ADP LLC, 2016. Payroll data entry and management. U.S. Patent 9,442,628.

Zhang, W., Ma, G.G., Liao, Y., Marshall, C. and Zhu, P., Brilent, Inc., 2017. System for recruitment. U.S. Patent Application 15/224,354.

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