Types And Characteristics Of Health And Social Care Provisions

Different Health and Social Care Provisions

The primary aim of healthcare and social care profession is proving the individual in need with mental or physical treatment so that he or she is being able to attain overall wellbeing including physical wellness and mental peace (Reuben and Tinetti 2012). Therefore, it is important for the fresher healthcare and social care professional to understand the provisions related to health and social care and their characteristics. As per the data of United Nations (2015), increasing amount of co-morbidity and growing complication in the specialization of care enhanced the requirement of healthcare or social care workers to form teams to address their respective issues in the society. Therefore, this assignment will be providing explanation regarding different provision and their characteristics of social and healthcare to the new learners while complying with the criterions decided for the task.

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Every individual, from healthy to unhealthy undergoes social and healthcare services throughout their lives, as these services aim to provide the individual with best quality of life and help them to achieve success with their full potential. These services are divided into three provisions, statutory, private, and voluntary. The statutory service is paid and are provided by the government such as The National Health Service or NHS of the United Kingdom (Augustin et al. 2012). On the other hand, the private provisions are business companies that provide health and social care in return of revenues (Basu et al. 2012). However, the voluntary services are run by voluntary service providers such as Non-Governmental Organizations or NGOs, mental and aged care homes (Suphanchaimat et al. 2015). The three examples for the progression that has been chosen are general physicians (statutory), shelter home nurses (private) and aged care support (voluntary).

The own assessment for the three selected job roles that is general physicians, shelter home nurses, and aged care support belonging to statutory, private and voluntary provision respectively the self-assessment tool should be used (Boud 2013). All these professions has some positive as well as negative points, preparing questionnaire regarding those aspects will help to assess self-assessment without any biasness. The questions should be job specific and numerically quantified otherwise, the assessment will be wrongly interpreted. Furthermore by applying comprehensive eligibility assessment method with comprehensive suitability assessment, self-evaluation of the three selected job roles can be done (Ohland et al. 2012). Using peer reviews, colleague’s markings can further enhance the authenticity of the evaluation.

The job duties or responsibilities are a set of scope, responsibilities, and purposes that a certain employee needs to follow and fulfill while working any such provisions mentioned earlier in the assignment (Care Quality Commission 2012). The job role or general physician is to provide continuous care and support in the community he or she works. The job role can fall in any of the provisions but majority of the general physicians are under statutory provision that is they are being paid by the government to provide quality healthcare in the communities (Augustin et al. 2012). On the other hand, there are several private shelter homes, where healthcare professional provide care in several aspects such as occupational care, mental health support, disability care and so on, in the return of costs (Basu et al. 2012). Hence, these professionals belong to private provision. However, there is another section of healthcare and social care professionals that provide care to patient voluntarily without any cost. There are several community care centers in the United Kingdom that provides care to disabled, old and vagabond people without any cost (Suphanchaimat et al. 2015).

Own Suitability for Three Selected Job Roles

While working under the job roles and compliance with the provisions of these responsibilities, there are several ways adopting which can enable the employees to take care of the needs of service users (Griffin and Hu 2013). The employees should be informed of different techniques and should be able to develop new skills, should be aware of their rights and responsibilities so that ethical issue does not arise. Further they should collaborate with service users to understand their needs, let them express their views and promote their independence to secure the ethical and mental needs of the user. The worker should be aware of issues such as drug misuse and delay in medication, unethical behavior of employees towards the patients or service users, self-harm and suicide related thoughts, cases of falls, injury, abuse or exploitation and poor service management (Bennetts et al. 2013). Therefore, the employees or volunteers or all the three provisions should be able to balance the independence provided to the service user and safeguarding them by continuous observation. Hence, all these provisions should include these safeguard and management skills related to safety and security in the job role of the employees so that ethically they become involved in the process (Griffin and Hu 2013).

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As the current healthcare system progressing towards ultimate advancement, there is a major issue regarding confidentiality of patients has arisen. Increased usage of internet and electronic information has enhanced the risk of misuse of information (Grajales et al. 2014). Therefore, it is the duty of the healthcare and social care employees of all provision to maintain the confidentiality of service users. The employees follow several rules related to confidentiality such as by sharing users information for safe and effective care, for the benefit of the community, by respecting the individual’s right to object the sharing of his or her personal or health related information (Grajales et al. 2014). Further, the organizations also created several policies and regulations regarding the system and review them so that the confidentiality can be maintained. Therefore, by complying with these five rules reading user confidentiality, the healthcare and social care professional are able to protect the privacy of the service users (Ventola 2014).

The profession of health and social care is challenging as the employees related to such fields are constantly provide care to a population which is vulnerable to physical, mental and social aspects (Congress 2017). However, it is the right of employees as well as the service users to stay in a healthy and risk free environment. Therefore, the healthcare and social care organizations irrespective of their provisions, follow the regulation regarding the freedom, confidentiality and security. Further to achieve that management of typical hazards employees and the organizations follow several rules which helps to eliminate typical common hazards such as electrical equipment related issues, abuse and exploitations and confidentiality (Henderson and Dahnke 2015). Confidentiality bears huge importance as exposing the health or mental condition in the society can affect the service user and his or her family mentally, as according to the ethics, healthcare and social care organizations should not harm the users knowingly or unknowingly (Congress 2017).

Comparison of Three Selected Job Roles in Health and Social Care Sector

Further, the organizations also maintain the confidentiality of patients as due to extensive use of internet, it is quite easy for an information to travel to the society affecting the mental condition of the patient and associated family (Reamer 2015). Thereby, complying with the privacy and confidentiality policies, organization assures the user with the security of their personal as well as health related data. Furthermore, using this, the misuse of health related data such as cybercrime is decreased and the patient’s data is kept intact within the electronic data system of the organization (Henderson and Dahnke 2015).


As the human society is developing economically and politically, social and mental aspect of human life is being ignored and hence, leads to humongous amount of individuals suffering from mental and physical issues. To maintain the wellbeing, there are three type of provisions in health and social care such as statutory, private and voluntary services that provide health and social care to service users. This assignment mentioned three professionals from these each provision and discussed their characteristics by comparing and contrasting them. Further, the ways to determine the safety of service users was discussed. Further, the assignment discussed the importance of confidentiality and discussed the importance of it in health and social care aspect. Further, the five rules, complying with which, the employees are able to maintain the confidentiality of the service users were elaborated in the assignment. The importance of these rules in modern health and social care context was also mentioned. Finally the reason for organizations to maintain the confidentiality of the patients were mentioned and the prospect of it was discussed.


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