Projects, Participants, Negotiation And Outcome – Analysis And Recommendations
1. The Projects
1 The Projects
(a) Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
The project characteristics of project 1 are dependent on Diamond perspective as the project “Forward strategy for payroll system” depends largely on the innovation technology along with various modifications within the operations. The entire deployment of payroll system is generally dependent on the forward strategy as well as on the inclusion of the operations, which are generally aligned with the successive development.
The justifications for these characteristics are that this perspective generally helps in context to complexity, technology as well as pace of operations. The payroll’s system forward strategy depends on diamond perspective however, it generally align with the NCTP strategy. The implication on the forward strategy generally assists in forming proper successive development of information for the entire payroll system.
(b) Project 2: Governance and decision-making
The project characteristics of project 2 are dependent on the perspective of organizational learning procedure. The perspective of organizational learning process generally used for developing project governance and for making proper as well as effective decision within the project.
The justifications for these characteristics are dependent on the various activities that are generally aligned with the project. It is found that the governance of operations generally align with the information of various development projects. It is found that the improved project governance is mainly dependent on the operations of operation formation and its alignment with the project development model inclusion. The project governance as well as decision making process must be successfully aligned with the organizational learning process concept.
(c) Project 3: People and change
The project characteristics of project 3 are dependent on the people management as well as on the change implementation. The utilization of organizational learning procedure is also helpful for the deployment of various successive development operations in order to form proper operational deployment that can be generally aligned with the development of project in context to people and change management implementation.
The justifications of these characteristics are mainly aligned with the development of project alignment model and for improving the organizational operations. The alignment of the entire project activities totally depends on development of learning about the project among the people.
(d) Project 4: Funding
The project characteristics of project 4 are… are dependent on the implication of effective alignment with the development model. The project-funding requirement must be aligned with the project development. In addition to this, it is found that the project funding is mainly supported by utilizing the perspective of identity.
2. The Participants.
The justifications for these characteristics are generally aligned with the procedure of change implementation within the project. The deployment process of the organization must align with the major sensitive procedure. The funding within the project is considered very much important as it generally allows various individuals to engage in funding. The deployment of various operations would be helpful in forming proper analysis of the identity that is generally needed for the development of project funding development.
2.The Participants
2.1 (a) Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
2.1 (b) Owner
The negotiating position of the owner will be mainly based on the role that would be quite helpful in creating proper implication on the process of Queensland Health and payroll.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are due to change request as well as because of rejection of project deliverables. The project owner has the proper right to declare success or failure within a specific project.
2.1 (c) Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be dependent on the role that is played by the designers in the forward strategy payroll process. The designer have high negotiation position in context to forward strategy payroll process.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are due to design change request, operational issues as well as due to inappropriate payment. The issues as well challenges that are faced by the designers creates hindrances in project progress.
2.1. (d) Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be dependent on the role that is played by the contractor in the project. The contractors of the project are generally responsible of managing the external suppliers of the project.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are due to project delay or because of various types of quality related challenges. If the contractors are not able to deliver the project on time then the chances of conflict within relationship can occur.
2.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
For Project 2 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
2.2 (a) Owner
The negotiating position of the owner will be dependent of the ole that is played by the project owner within decision-making process. Proper alignment of project governance as well as decision making process helps in supporting the implementation of the entire payroll system.
3. The Negotiation Interaction Process.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are due to issues in decision making as well as project governance. The owner of the project also faces challenges that are associated with denial of request.
2.2 (b) Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be dependent on the role that is played by the designer in decision-making process. It is identified that proper decision making process as well as effective governance would be helpful in creating positive impact within the project.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are due to incompatibility of created design. The designers faces issues related with incompatible design and it would also cause hindrance in progress of the project.
2.2 (c) Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be based on the role that is played in proper decision-making. The contractor’s generally holds medium position within the project.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are mainly aligned with the implementation of decision-making process as well as project governance. They generally faces number of challenges that are related with contract obligations as well as payment issues.
2.3 Project 3: People and change
For Project 3 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
2.3 (a) Owner
The negotiating position of the owner will be dependent on the role that is played by the owner in the project. They generally holds high position in the project for managing people and change management project.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are due to change management issues, alteration of various operations as well as due to attrition among the various employees.
2.3 (b) Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be depend on the role played in the project of people and change. They generally holds low negotiation opposition in managing the people as well as change management.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are due to development of complex design of the project or due to different operations alignment.
2.3 (c) Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be dependent on the role that is played by the contractor in the project of people and change. They generally hold low negotiation position within the project.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are due to number of communication gaps, rejection of project activities and more. All this issues generally creates potential conflict inn context to relationship.
4. The Negotiation Methods.
sues generally creates potential conflict inn context to relationship.
4. Project 4: Funding
For Project 4 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
2.4 (a) Owner
The negotiating position of the owner will be high as owner are the individuals who are generally involved with the project funding process. The project owner mainly approves the funding of the project and they play an important role in improving operational as well as functional development of project activities.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are….
2.4 (b) Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be low for the funding of the project, as they does not play an important role in project funding. Their main work is to create design for the project and thus they are not involved with the funding related decisions.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are mainly due to the payment issues or due to medication issues. This type of challenges would create negative impact on the project and as a result, it would damage the completion of the project.
2.4 (c) Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be medium as the contractors generally engages in managing the external suppliers as well as the cost of funding that is dependent on the contractors.
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are because of hike in the prices of materials that are utilized by the contractors in order to develop the project. In addition to this, quality is one of the major factor, which can arise potential conflict in relationship.
3.The Negotiation Interaction Process
3.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 the negotiating position recommended should be dependent on the structural approach as the forward strategy generally involves development of project initiation for the development of payroll system. Therefore, the utilization of structural approach is very much helpful in easing the interaction procedure in context to project negotiation.
3.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
For Project 2 the negotiating position recommended should be strategic approach as governance as well as decision making within the project generally involves development of project governance operations as well as alignment of the governance operations with the decision making procedure. Hence, the utilization of strategic approach is very much helpful in easing the interaction procedure in context to project negotiation.
5. The Outcome.
3.3 Project 3: People and change
For Project 3 the negotiating position recommended should be based on behavioural approach as both people as well as change management within the organization generally requires the implication of appropriate behavioural management. Therefore, the utilization of proper behavioural approach is quite helpful in easing the interaction procedure of negotiation for the entire project.
3.4 Project 4: Funding
For Project 4 the negotiating position recommended should be integrative approach as funding is considered as one of the sensitive operation for making the project successful. Therefore, the utilization of interactive approach is quite helpful in making the interactive negotiation procedure easy for project 4.
4. The Negotiation Methods
4.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 the negotiating method recommended should be integrated negotiation because it would be quite helpful in supporting as well as forming proper forward strategy for the payroll system. The outcomes of the forward strategy is mainly assisted with the help of integrated negotiation.
4.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
For Project 2 the negotiating method recommended should be staged negotiation as it would generally help in creating step by step modifications within the project governance as well as decision making process.
4.3 Project 3: People and change
For Project 3 the negotiating method recommended should be fixed Pie negotiation because it would be quite helpful in forming proper as well as successful deployment on the people management as well as on the change implementation. Both change management as well as people management would be mainly supported by the utilization of fixed pie negotiation.
4.4 Project 4: Funding
For Project 4 the negotiating method recommended should be integrated negotiation because the procedure would be helpful in aligning with the development of various operations of the project. The funding that is needed in the project is generally supported by the delivery of various improved project operations. The utilization of integrated negotiation generally creates appropriate implications on the project funding.
5.The Outcome
5.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 1 is based on design as well as construct.
5.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 2 is mainly dependent on the framework agreements. This generally assist in governing as well as making proper decisions for the project success.
5.3 Project 3: People and change
The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 3 is based on the consortia and Joint venture so that the people as well as change management with the project will be done effectively for creating positive outcome within the project.
5.4 Project 4: Funding
The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 4 is management contracting. This generally helps in arranging all the funds that are needed in order to successfully complete the project as per the needs.
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